Exclude date via .exclude - django

I have been looking everywhere for documentation on excluding time and before and after. Ie My app for school is for appointments. They want me to make sure no one can sign up earlier than the current day. If someone could give me a format I have it so i can strip it down to just the day. But not only an solution to the problem but a link to some great detailed documentation as I need date and time for a lot on this project would be good.
'other' : Item.objects.exclude(time |date:"M d, Y"),
that is the current code it does not work. I get invalid syntax. If I take out the () of it my page loads so the () is the issue. Any help would be greatly appropriated.

Maybe try filtering a date range instead of excluding before and after
Item.objects.filter(date__range=["2017-01-01", "2017-01-31"])
To exclude before and after something like this should work with __lt for less than and __gt for greater than:
Item.objects.exclude(date__lt=datetime.date(2017, 1, 1)).exclude(date__gt=datetime.date(2017, 1, 31))


Google Sheets Data Validation not rejecting invalid input

I have a sheet where I control provided services with columns filled with execution and conclusion dates.
These columns have data validation for invalid dates and also, for the user not to input weekend days or holidays (which is listed on another page of the same spreadsheet). So it has to be custom formula validation.
Validation formula:
also tried
and also tried using INDIRECT("Holidays!$A:$A") on both options
***Column K has the data validation and Conclusion date is the input. Column J has execution dates. And row 1 has titles.
The problem:
data validation input rejection seems to work fine for the first couple of hours, sometimes a full day, but after this random period of time, it stops working. Actually it does work, but with the red flag, even though "Reject input" option is still checked.
My guess is that the problem resides on the reference being in another sheet, but I don't see any other way to do this, as including the holiday list to the main sheet would pollute it and hiding columns wouldn't be as practical since users update the list constantly.
Is there a way to make it work?
P.S. Conditional Formatting used to return error even when using INDIRECT for external reference but now Google seems to have fixed it.
Hope someone can help me.
custom formula for data validation:
(WEEKDAY(A1, 2)<>6)*
(WEEKDAY(A1, 2)<>7)*
custom formula for conditional formatting (valid green):
(WEEKDAY(A1, 2)<>6)*
(WEEKDAY(A1, 2)<>7)*
custom formula for conditional formatting (invalid red):
(WEEKDAY(A1, 2)<>6)*
(WEEKDAY(A1, 2)<>7)*
spreadsheet demo
I find the issue happens when the user is copying and pasting into the cell, instead of typing in, as part of a larger section of information. This breaks up the data validation into "pieces" because the copy and paste doesn't come with the data validation. I'm not sure if this is the case with you, but it may mean training users to copy and paste values only or only hard keying the information.

How can I resolve INDEX MATCH errors caused by discrepancies in the spelling of names across multiple data sources?

I've set up a Google Sheets workbook that synthesizes data from a few different sources via manual input, IMPORTHTML and IMPORTRANGE. Once the data is populated, I'm using INDEX MATCH to filter and compare the information and to RANK each data set.
Since I have multiple data inputs, I'm running into a persistent issue of names not being written exactly the same between sources, even though they're the same person. First names are the primary culprit (i.e. Mary Lou vs Marylou vs Mary-Lou vs Mary Louise) but some last names with special symbols (umlauts, accents, tildes) are also causing errors. When Sheets can't recognize a match, the INDEX MATCH and RANK functions both break down.
I'm wondering how to better unify the data automatically so my Sheet understands that each occurrence is actually the same person (or "value").
Since you can't edit the results of an IMPORTHTML directly, I've set up "helper columns" and used functions like TRIM and SPLIT to try and fix instances as I go, but it seems like there must be a simpler path.
It feels like IFS could work but I can't figure how to integrate it. Also thinking this may require a script, which I'm just beginning to study.
Here's a simplified example of what I'm trying to achieve and the corresponding errors: Sample Spreadsheet
The first tab is attempting to pull and RANK data from tabs 2 and 3. Sample formulas from the Summary tab, row 3 (Amelia Rose):
Cell B3: =INDEX('Q1 Sales'!B:B, MATCH(A3,'Q1 Sales'!A:A,0))
Cell C3: =RANK(B3,$B$2:B,1)
Cell D3: =INDEX('Q2 Sales'!B:B, MATCH(A3,'Q2 Sales'!A:A,0))
Cell E3: =RANK(D3,$D$2:D,1)
I'd be grateful for any insight on how to best index 'Q2Sales'!B3 as the correct value for 'Summary'!D3. Thanks in advance - the thoughtful answers on Stack Overflow have gotten me this far!
to counter every possible scenario do it like this:
TEXTJOIN("|", 1, LOWER(REGEXREPLACE(A2:A, "-|\s", )))), 'Q2 Sales'!B2:B}, 2, 0)))

Get goal conversion rate by Time on Page by Page group?

I want to answer this question:
Does the average time on page A (or more accurately page group A) affect the conversion rate of goal B?
So far in the GUI I have:
A) Created an advanced segment of Time on Page >= 120 ("per hit" option):
B) Modified the segment to also add a filter for Page = regex matching my group:
...But I don't know if this gives me the results I'm after; that is, if they are accurate
I have some other ideas, including assigning the page group as a funnel step and then segmenting by the Time on Page; still waiting on data to come in for that one
Wanting to know if there was a better solution or if I'm on the right track
Your approach is quite smart and correct, I would say, however keep in mind that in this context, you are mixing different scopes:
Time on Page is page-level metric
Page seen is visit-level dimension
What you would get in your report is the average time on page calculated from all the pages there were seen during visits which met the regex condition set in the filter (that's what segment does, it included all the pages, not just those that you want to filter). I know this can be confusing, but see this article that gives more examples and goes into greater detail.
To achieve what you are after, remove the segment filter and simply use the advanced filtering above the report table (and choose exactly the same regex you mentioned in your question).
Hope this helps!

Library to discover dates from text?

I need to pull a date out of a string. Since not everyone uses the official ISO format when printing their dates, it is impractical to write a date parser for every possible date format that could be used, and I need to handle as many date formats as possible - I don't control the data and can't expect it to come in a specific format.
This seems like a problem that has probably already been solved ages ago, but my Google-fu is too weak to find the solution. :(
Does there already exist a C++ library that, given a string, will return the month, day, year, hour, minute, second, etc that is referenced in that string, if any?
string s1 = "There is an expected meteor shower this Thursday,"
"August 15th 2013 at 4:39 AM.";
string s2 = "20130815T04:39:00";
date d1 = magicConverter(s1);
date d2 = magicConverter(s2);
assert(d1 == d2);
You might use the code from here, but you need to configure a mask, that tells the code which time format is used. If you write a class routine, that takes a mask and a string and gets you out the time and is able to print in any format you like, you should be well prepared. You have to look in more detail, if it also supports Daynames and Monthnames. I got it to work in python with a module providing a function that seems pretty much the same.
For more detail:
Please look at the example 2013-08-03 again. Nobody and as follows no computer is able to tell you if this date belongs to August or April, except of having a mask telling JJJJ-MM-DD or JJJJ-DD-MM. Also this library may tell you only standard masked times. So it might lead you to August in this case. But as you said it can be any date declaration, thus it does not need to follow standards, thus it can also mean March. An other possibility is to tell you about the date from the context (e.g. a table with a column of all te same time formats by looking for the increase (which would also fail if you just look at one day per month for just one year).
Another example... if I ask you 2013-05-04... to which month does it belong? You might tell me... April. I would reply "no, to the 4th of May" and vice versa for May and 5th of April. If you tell me how to solve this puzzle with two possible solutions I would understand your downvote... please think before downvoting someone trying to help you.

Simple query working for years, then suddenly very slow

I've had a query that has been running fine for about 2 years. The database table has about 50 million rows, and is growing slowly. This last week one of my queries went from returning almost instantly to taking hours to run.
Rank.objects.filter(site=Site.objects.get(profile__client=client, profile__is_active=False)).latest('id')
I have narrowed the slow query down to the Rank model. It seems to have something to do with using the latest() method. If I just ask for a queryset, it returns an empty queryset right away.
#count returns 0 and is fast
Rank.objects.filter(site=Site.objects.get(profile__client=client, profile__is_active=False)).count() == 0
Rank.objects.filter(site=Site.objects.get(profile__client=client, profile__is_active=False)) == [] #also very fast
Here are the results of running EXPLAIN. http://explain.depesz.com/s/wPh
And EXPLAIN ANALYZE: http://explain.depesz.com/s/ggi
I tried vacuuming the table, no change. There is already an index on the "site" field (ForeignKey).
Strangely, if I run this same query for another client that already has Rank objects associated with her account, then the query returns very quickly once again. So it seems that this is only a problem when their are no Rank objects for that client.
Any ideas?
Postgres 9.1,
Django 1.4 svn trunk rev 17047
Well, you've not shown the actual SQL, so that makes it difficult to be sure. But, the explain output suggests it thinks the quickest way to find a match is by scanning an index on "id" backwards until it finds the client in question.
Since you said it has been fast until recently, this is probably not a silly choice. However, there is always the chance that a particular client's record will be right at the far end of this search.
So - try two things first:
Run an analyze on the table in question, see if that gives the planner enough info.
If not, increase the stats (ALTER TABLE ... SET STATISTICS) on the columns in question and re-analyze. See if that does it.
If that's still not helping, then consider an index on (client,id), and drop the index on id (if not needed elsewhere). That should give you lightning fast answers.
latests is normally used for date comparison, maybe you should try to order by id desc and then limit to one.