SQLITE3 increase Max Columns - c++

I am thinking about using SQLlite3 so I started some performance tests.
Because I've got an table with many Columns I want to increase the MAX Column Limit from SQLite3.
As I read on the SQLite website the limit was set to 2000 columns and now I want to increase it.
I wanted to use sqlite3_limit() but, because I use SQLAPI, I cannot use this function.
I've read on some website I need to change something "inside" SQLite and then have to recompile it but I haven't really understood this part and so I wanted to ask:
Is there was another way to increase Max columns?
My programm is running on Win10 in c++

There is no other way but by setting the number of columns you want at compile time.
Luckily, it is not hard.
Download amalgamation source code here. It is named sqlite-amalgamation-*.zip
Unzip and change directory inside the unzippped folder. You will see sqlite3.c and sqlite3.h among other files.
Issue this statement to create an object file and setting the desired number of columns: gcc -I. -O3 -DSQLITE_MAX_COLUMN=5000 -c sqlite3.c -o sqlite3.o Change 5000 to the number you desire. Note that, according to the comments in sqlite3.c, you shouldn't use a number greater than 32676.
create a static library to link against: ar crsf libsqlite3.a sqlite3.o
Now you can link against the library when compiling your program using -lsqlite3, after having placed the library in a location that your linker is aware of (or use -L/path/to/library).
Alternative to steps 3) and 4).
If you don't want to actually create the static library but you just want to drop the sqlite3.h and sqlite3.c in your source code (something that SQLite itself suggests doing with their amalgamation files), then open sqlite3.c with your favourite editor, look for SQLITE_MAX_COLUMN and modify the value in there.
I used gcc via MinGW to do this. The same steps apply to the tools offered by MSVC, just changing the commands for compilation and library creation as appropriate.


How can I compile c++ to multiple files?

I have a program (cpp) with many classes. Every class is in separate source file (.h + .cpp).
How can I split the compiled program into multiple files (instead of one big executable file)?
Let's say, one file for every class (same as the code structure).
So that every time there is change in a specific class, I compile only that class, and replace the specific compiled file related to that class.
(Something similar to .DLL files in Windows.)
Example from real life:
I am making TUI interface for managing mysql.
I would like to create mysql text editor (TUI) with ncurses.
the code (class) for creating and managing single window object is in
'textWin.cpp' + 'textWin.h'
the code (class) for managing multiple windows, by creating windows objects from previous class is in winMan.cpp winMan.h
the code (class) for managing mysql database is in :
mysql.cpp mysql.h
and so on...
so, I have the following files:
- winMan.cpp + winMan.h
- textWin.cpp + textWin.h
- mysql.cpp + mysql.h
- ..
- ..
After g++ compilation, I get one executable file, './MyProgram' (size about 15Mb.) which I deliver to all my customers (1000's of them).
I Just found a typo in textWin.cpp, I fixed it, and I told to all customers that there is an update... all of them need to download one big 15Mb file, this consumes allot of bandwidth and server resources, for just a small update.
Is there a way to send to all my customers smaller file, that contains only the compiled code for textWin class ?
I use g++ on Centos7
The gcc compiler will happily take a list of cpp files to compile together to make one executable. You don't need to write a "containing" cpp file. However, you still have the issue that each time it rebuilds them all.
The alternative is to build each sourcefile separately to an object file, then link those all together. Hopefully each of those invocations of the compiler will add up to less time than the single command-line. But how to keep track of which cpp files actually need to be rebuilt?
The usual approach is to use a makefile and a make utility which will check the dates of all the mentioned files. There are a variety of flavours of makefile, and helper makefile engines. Download a simple package like gzip and you can quickly get an idea of how the Makefile is structured. Then there is lots of help online, or you may decide that this is just too much trouble for a project with 5 files in it.
As suggested in the comments by #RSahu
Shared Libraries (.so files) is the way to split your compiled code.
here is a small example:
Of course, you could put your texts into separate text-files and only deploy those in the an error is there. For your special use case, where binary differences must be deployed, this question might be helpful: How do I create binary patches?
Another option, do proper versioning. That way, your customers might be able to decide for themselves. That is, if they need this update.

Set project root?

How can I setup my project root so that, when I include my files I want it to search for, the file will start from the root, similarly to Java. Example dir:
-project root
From foo.h, I want to be able to write #include "dir2/boo.h". I do not want to use ../. Should I use some sort of compilation flags? I am not using an IDE, I am on a Mac and I am currently using the g++ compiler.
Usually you'd achieve this by adding an include path into your compilation command.
For GCC, this is -I<path> (e.g. g++ myCode.cpp -I"project root" -o executable).
In all cases, read your compiler's documentation, which lots of people lovingly spent hours and hours writing just for you to find this sort of information without having to ask about it.

C++ binary identification (manifest)

We have a large set of C++ projects (GCC, Linux, mostly static libraries) with many dependencies between them. Then we compile an executable using these libraries and deploy the binary on the front-end. It would be extremely useful to be able to identify that binary. Ideally what we would like to have is a small script that would retrieve the following information directly from the binary:
$ident binary
$binary : Product=PRODUCT_NAME;Version=0.0.1;Build=xxx;User=xxx...
$ dependency: Product=PRODUCT_NAME1;Version=0.1.1;Build=xxx;User=xxx...
$ dependency: Product=PRODUCT_NAME2;Version=1.0.1;Build=xxx;User=xxx...
So it should display all the information for the binary itself and for all of its dependencies.
Currently our approach is:
During compilation for each product we generate Manifest.h and Manifest.cpp and then inject Manifest.o into binary
ident script parses target binary, finds generated stuff there and prints this information
However this approach is not always reliable for different versions of gcc..
I would like to ask SO community - is there better approach to solve this problem?
Thanks for any advice
One of the catches with storing data in source code (your Manifest.h and .cpp) is the size limit for literal data, which is dependent on the compiler.
My suggestion is to use ld. It allows you to store arbitrary binary data in your ELF file (so does objcopy). If you prefer to write your own solution, have a look at libbfd.
Let us say we have a hello.cpp containing the usual C++ "Hello world" example. Now we have the following make file (GNUmakefile):
hello: hello.o hello.om
$(LINK.cpp) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $#
%.om: %.manifest
ld -b binary -o $# $<
echo "$#" > $#
What I'm doing here is to separate out the linking stage, because I want the manifest (after conversion to ELF object format) linked into the binary as well. Since I am using suffix rules this is one way to go, others are certainly possible, including a better naming scheme for the manifests where they also end up as .o files and GNU make can figure out how to create those. Here I'm being explicit about the recipe. So we have .om files, which are the manifests (arbitrary binary data), created from .manifest files. The recipe states to convert the binary input into an ELF object. The recipe for creating the .manifest itself simply pipes a string into the file.
Obviously the tricky part in your case isn't storing the manifest data, but rather generating it. And frankly I know too little about your build system to even attempt to suggest a recipe for the .manifest generation.
Whatever you throw into your .manifest file should probably be some structured text that can be interpreted by the script you mention or that can even be output by the binary itself if you implement a command line switch (and disregard .so files and .so files hacked into behaving like ordinary executables when run from the shell).
The above make file doesn't take into account the dependencies - or rather it doesn't help you create the dependency list in any way. You can probably coerce GNU make into helping you with that if you express your dependencies clearly for each goal (i.e. the static libraries etc). But it may not be worth it to take that route ...
Also look at:
C/C++ with GCC: Statically add resource files to executable/library and
Is there a Linux equivalent of Windows' "resource files"?
If you want particular names for the symbols generated from the data (in your case the manifest), you need to use a slightly different route and use the method described by John Ripley here.
How to access the symbols? Easy. Declare them as external (C linkage!) data and then use them:
#include <cstdio>
extern "C" char _binary_hello_manifest_start;
extern "C" char _binary_hello_manifest_end;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
const ptrdiff_t len = &_binary_hello_manifest_end - &_binary_hello_manifest_start;
printf("Hello world: %*s\n", (int)len, &_binary_hello_manifest_start);
The symbols are the exact characters/bytes. You could also declare them as char[], but it would result in problems down the road. E.g. for the printf call.
The reason I am calculating the size myself is because a.) I don't know whether the buffer is guaranteed to be zero-terminated and b.) I didn't find any documentation on interfacing with the *_size variable.
Side-note: the * in the format string tells printf that it should read the length of the string from the argument and then pick the next argument as the string to print out.
You can insert any data you like into a .comment section in your output binary. You can do this with the linker after the fact, but it's probably easier to place it in your C++ code like this:
asm (".section .comment.manifest\n\t"
".string \"hello, this is a comment\"\n\t"
".section .text");
int main() {
The asm statement should go outside any function, in this instance. This should work as long as your compiler puts normal functions in the .text section. If it doesn't then you should make the obvious substitution.
The linker should gather all the .comment.manifest sections into one blob in the final binary. You can extract them from any .o or executable with this:
objdump -j .comment.manfest -s example.o
Have you thought about using standard packaging system of your distro? In our company we have thousands of packages and hundreds of them are automatically deployed every day.
We are using debian packages that contain all the neccessary information:
Full changelog that includes:
short descriptions and timestamps of changes.
Dependency information:
a list of all packages that must be installed for the current one to work correctly.
Installation scripts that set up environment for a package.
I think you may not need to create manifests in your own way as soon as ready solution already exists. You can have a look at debian package HowTo here.

How could I query binary's source code version

My environment is Linux CentOS 6.2. And I've a source control system like svn/hg/git etc. My source code is C/C++.
I want to check in the build binary to keep which binary is release to customer.
And I assume build binary's checksum will different when source code changed.
So, I could reverse trace which binary is build from which version.
Is it possible, what's the tricks I must follow?
I've seen some executable display the revision when execute with -version option.
But I'm wonder how to prevent write wrong -version string into the executable.
If I keep a md5.txt and check-in it instead of check in binary.
How could I make sure I can build the same md5 executable again?
Sorry, for clearing my question and preventing another unexpected answer, I prefer a answer like:
Keep a md5sum.txt in scm when release a new version to user.
Keep binary separate from your SCM.
To rebuild the same md5sum binary you should make sure
write symbol into binary when make(eg. by -DVERSION="1.x")
show the VERSION string to user
remove all $Id, that let your SCM run slower.
keep same CPU & OS & compiler & library environment
Create strings within a .cpp file as thus:
static const char version[] = "#(#) $Id$";
where $Id$ is obtained from SVN
Use the what command (see the manual page). It will obtain these strings from the binary so you can check.
Is this an executable or a shared library? If the latter, you could export a function that would return the version (number, string, your choice). Then dlopen(), dlsym(), and execute the function.
For executable ELF binaries, you might be able to implant some data in the binary that can be queried using the 'nm' utility.
If you'll use Subversion, SvnRev will do most work for you (no md5 in repos, repo hold sources, binary - resource with revision-id)
For Mercurial, you can get idea for version sting from VersioningWithMake wiki, and in order to get string like result of git describe, instead of simple template {node|short} for HGVERSION you can use something as {latesttag}+{latesttagdistance}:{node|short}, showing (example) 1.3+11:8a226f0f99aa

Determining what object files have caused .dll size increase [C++]

I'm working on a large c++ built library that has grown by a significant amount recently. Due to it's size, it is not obvious what has caused this size increase.
Do you have any suggestions of tools (msvc or gcc) that could help determine where the growth has come from.
Things i've tried: Dumpbin the final dll, the obj files, creating a map file and ripping through it.
edit again
So objdump along with a python script seems to have done what I want.
If gcc, objdump. If visual studio, dumpbin.
I'd suggest doing a diff of the output of the tool for the old (small) library, vs. the new (large) library.
keysersoze's answer (compare the output of objdump or dumpbin) is correct. Another approach is to tell the linker to produce a map file, and compare the map files for the old and new versions of the DLL.
MSVC: link.exe /MAP
GCC and binutils: ld -M (or gcc -Wl,-M)
On Linux it should be quite easy to see if new files have been added with a recursive diff. They would certainly create an increase in the library size. You can then go an use the size command line tool on Linux to get the sizes of each of the new object files and sum them up. Then compare that sum to your library increase and check how much it differs.
If you have any previous versions of the object file laying around can you run the size command to see which segment has grown?
Couple of questions:
Are you on a *nix platform or a Windows platform?
Which compiler are you using?
Was the compiler recently changed?
Was the -g flag added recently? (obvious question 1)
Was the object previously stripped? (obvious question 2)
Was the object dynamically linked previously? (obvious question 3)
Edit: If the code is under SCM, can you check out a version of the source that gave you the smaller object. Then compare:
the size of the source trees by doing a du -sk on the old source tree and then the new source tree without having built anything.
the number of files by doing something like find ./tree_top ( -name *.h -o -name *.cpp ) | wc -l
the location of an increased number of files by doing a find ./tree_top ( -name *.h -o -name *.cpp ) -print | sort > treelist and then do the same for the new larger tree. Doing a simple sdiff will show any large number of new files.
the size of code base, even a simple count of trailing semi-colons will give you a good basic mechanism for comparison between the two.
the Makefiles or build env. for the project to see if different options or settings have crept in to the build itself.
BTW Please post your findings here as I'm sure many people are interested in what you find out.