Adding something to a dynamic array - c++

I want to add X to the end of my Array if the array is full I double the size but i'm having trouble inserting it into newArray after I get it into newArray I use pointers to switch dynamicArray to newArray.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class IntegerDynamicArray {
int add(int x);
int * dynamicArray;
int currentSize=maxSize;
int maxSize=4;
dynamicArray = new int [maxSize];
delete [] dynamicArray;
int IntegerDynamicArray::add(int x)
int * newArray;
newArray= new int[currentSize*2];
for(int i =0;i<currentSize;i++)
dynamicArray = newArray;
int * newArray;
newArray= new int[currentSize];
for(int i =0;i<currentSize;i++)
dynamicArray = newArray;
return *dynamicArray;
int main() {
IntegerDynamicArray intDynArray;
while (1) {
char input;
cout << "Enter A for add or anything else to quit: ";
cin >> input;
if (input == 'A') {
cout << "Enter number to add: ";
int x;
cin >> x;
cout << intDynArray.add(x) << endl;
} else {

There are several problems with your code. Because you didn't asked a dedicated question these are the main ones:
Your class lacks a variable containing the index of the last written (or next free) index of the array. Instead you (mis)use currentSize as such index variable.
On each call of add() you allocate a new array although it might not be full already.
As already mentioned in the comments you do not delete [] your old arrays after copying into the new one.
You use 0 as indicator that a slot in your array is empty, but you do not prevent adding 0 as regular element and you do not initialize your array to zero.

As Thomas Matthews pointed out:
You are leaking memory while calling add(int x). For each use of new, there should be a call for delete
Consider the following:
int n=10;
int* x= new int[n];
//assign some values
int* temp=new int[n*2]; //create new array
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
temp[i]=x[i]; //assign values from x
delete[] x; //free memory
x=temp; //assign to x address of new array
Manual memory managment can be risky, so consider using std::vector in future


Code exiting when Dynamic Array of class allocated

I am trying to dynamically allocate an array and whenever it gets to the part where it dynamically allocates the program exits. I would rather not use vectors as I am trying to learn how to do this using dynamic arrays.
This is the simplified code:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Student
double calcAverage(double* testArray);
char calcGrade(double average);
int nTests, sameTests, idNum;
string name;
double average, *testArray;
char grade;
int i;
Student fillStudentArray(int nStudents);
int main()
*studentArray = fillStudentArray(nStudents);
return 0;
Student fillStudentArray(int nStudents)
Student *newStudentArray = new Student[nStudents];
cout << "If you can see this I worked. ";
delete[] studentArray;
return *newStudentArray;
I have tried the solution posted here Creation of Dynamic Array of Dynamic Objects in C++ but it also exits in a similar way. The main for the code looks like this.
int main()
int nStudents = 3; //this number is just for testing, in actual code it has user input
Student** studentArray = new Student*[nStudents];
cout << "1 ";
for(i = 0; i < nStudents; i++)
cout << "2 ";
studentArray[i] = new Student[25];
cout << "3 ";
return 0;
close (heres a cigar anyway)
Student* fillStudentArray(int nStudents); <<== function must return pointer to students
int main()
int nStudents = 3; <<<=== declared nstudents
Student *studentArray = fillStudentArray(nStudents); <<< declare studentArray
return 0;
Student *fillStudentArray(int nStudents) <<<== return pointer
Student* newStudentArray = new Student[nStudents];
cout << "If you can see this I worked. ";
// delete[] studentArray; <<<== what were you trying to delete?
return newStudentArray; <<<=== return pointer
the second code you showed is not relevant, its creating a 2d array

Unlimited Object Creation in C++

While learning the dynamic object creation in C++ i have encountered a doubt . Here is my code.
And my question is , when the limiting condition in the loop is same as that of the no of objects created it works fine. But what happens when the loop works for more than the size given , it seems printing the values entered , but we have created only 4 objects and changed the condition of loop to more than 4
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class item{
int number;
void get_num(int num){
number = num
void show_num(){
cout<<"Number is "<<number<<endl;
const int size=4;
int main() {
item *itemObj = new item[size];
item *d = itemObj; //copy the address of itemObj inorder to access its member functions later
int tempNum;
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
cout<<"Enter the Number"<<endl;
//to print the numbers entered
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
delete itemObj;
return 0;
Your code isn't working fine at all. Because you change the value of the pointer that you requested from the new operator. When you call the delete for the itemObj at the last line, it doesn't have its original value.
So, instead of modifying the itemObj, you should modify the copy of it which is the pointer d here. Therefore, the problem isn't about the iteration amount of the loop. It's actually the violation on the heap memory.
Also, if you're creating a dynamic array, you should call delete [] instead of delete.

Array is not resizing with operator new [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post.
Closed 12 months ago.
Improve this question
I want to implement a dynamic array as a class.
I haven written a method which adds an element at the end of the array:
void DynamicArray::addElementAtEnd() {
cout << "\nPodaj liczbe calkowita: ";
int* number = new int;
cin >> *number;
if (DynamicArray::array == NULL) {
DynamicArray::array = new int[1];
DynamicArray::array[0] = *number;
delete number;
int* buff = new int[*DynamicArray::size + 1];
memcpy(buff, DynamicArray::array, (*DynamicArray::size) * sizeof(int));
delete[] DynamicArray::array;
buff[(*DynamicArray::size)] = *number;
DynamicArray::array = buff;
delete number;
Here's the .h file of the DynamicArray class:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class DynamicArray {
int* array;
int* size;
DynamicArray() {
DynamicArray::size = new int;
*DynamicArray::size = 0;
void handleMenu();
void readFromFile();
void addElementAtEnd();
void addElementAtBeginning();
void addAtIndex(int index);
void deleteElementAtEnd();
void deleteElementAtBeginning();
void deleteElementByIndex(int index);
void showAllElements();
void showElementAtIndex(int index);
void findElementByValue(int value);
The problem is that this method adds only the first element, but if I try to add more then nothing happens. I debugged it, and the problem starts on this line:
int* buff = new int[*DynamicArray::size + 1];
I don't know why, but it seems like this line is not creating a bigger array.
I searched for some solutions, and it seems that the problem is connected with using *DynamicArray::size + 1 instead of eg a variable, or I don't do something right with it.
The actual problem is that you are not initializing array to NULL.
So when you check if array is NULL on the first iteration, it is often not.
The minimal solution:
DynamicArray::DynamicArray() {
this->size = 0; // You should use 'size' like an int, not a pointer
this->array = NULL;
// Or using the Member Initializer List (by #user4581301)
DynamicArray::DynamicArray(): size(0), array(nullptr) {}
Note: Differences between NULL and nullptr
Other simple solution could be to check if size is equal to 0 instead of checking if array is NULL.
The above change will solve your problem but your code can still be improved.
Take into account the comments of other users.
And make sure to free each dynamically allocated memory.
Let's address a variety of things.
class DynamicArray {
int* array;
int* size;
DynamicArray() {
DynamicArray::size = new int;
*DynamicArray::size = 0;
A few things here. First, as others have suggested, there's zero reason to make size a pointer.
Next, it's a strong guideline / good idea to always initialize your fields when declared.
So this section of code can look like this:
class DynamicArray {
int* array = nullptr;
int size = 0;
DynamicArray() {
After that, please use nullptr instead of NULL. NULL is from C, but the correct value in C++ is nullptr.
Now, let's look at this bit of code.
void DynamicArray::addElementAtEnd() {
cout << "\nPodaj liczbe calkowita: ";
int* number = new int;
cin >> *number;
if (DynamicArray::array == NULL) {
DynamicArray::array = new int[1];
DynamicArray::array[0] = *number;
delete number;
int* buff = new int[*DynamicArray::size + 1];
memcpy(buff, DynamicArray::array, (*DynamicArray::size) * sizeof(int));
delete[] DynamicArray::array;
buff[(*DynamicArray::size)] = *number;
DynamicArray::array = buff;
delete number;
Aside from the extra colon on the end of the function (entirely not necessary), this is far more complicated than it needs to be. First, get rid of the int pointer. That's just ridiculous.
void DynamicArray::addElementAtEnd() {
cout << "\nPodaj liczbe calkowita: ";
int number = 0;
cin >> number;
int * newArray = new int[size + 1];
newArray[size] = number;
if (array != nullptr) {
for (int index = 0; index < size; ++index) {
newArray[index] = array[index];
delete [] array;
array = newArray;
A last comment -- it would make far more sense to pass in the new value as an argument to the method, and the calling test code should get the value you're adding. But you're just learning, so this works.
Note also that you shouldn't specify the class the way you have: DynamicArray::array. No one does that. Do it the way I did above.

Can't modify a string in C++ array

Trying to learn datastructures, I made this class for a stack. It works just fine with integers but it throws a mysterious error with strings.
The class List is the API for my stack. Its meant to resize automatically when it reaches the limit. The whole code is just for the sake of learning but the error I get doesn't make any sense and it happens somewhere in some assembly code.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class List {
int N = 0;
string* list = new string[1];
void resize(int sz) {
max = sz;
string* oldlist = list;
string* list = new string[max];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
list[i] = oldlist[i];
int max = 1;
void push(string str) {
if (N == max) {
resize(2 * N);
cout << max << endl;
list[N] = str;
void pop() {
cout << list[--N] << endl;
int main()
string in;
List list;
while (true) {
cin >> in;
if (in == "-") {
else {
string* list = new string[max]; in the resize method defines a new variable named list that "shadows", replaces, the member variable list. The member list goes unchanged and the local variable list goes out of scope at the end of the function, losing all of the work.
To fix: Change
string* list = new string[max];
list = new string[max];
so that the function will use the member variable.
Don't forget to delete[] oldlist; when you're done with it to free up the storage it points at.

c++ question:After assigning value to a variable,the other variable changed

Following codes are my own API for index prior queue.When I test insert function,I get wrong answer.Then I debug codes,I found that the value of array qp changed after executing sentence----item[k]=vwhich is in insert function.Why the value of array qp changed after assigning value to array item?
template <class T>
class IndexPriorQueue{
int index;//the num of items
int size;//capacity
int* pq;//index binaryheap
int* qp;//qp[pq[i]]=pq[qp[i]]=i
T* item;//item array;
IndexPriorQueue(int qsize){//constructor function
pq=new int(size+1);
qp=new int(size+1);
item=new T(size+1);
for(int i=0;i<size+1;i++)
void insert(int k,T v){
cout<<"index is already in queue"<<endl;
item[k]=v;//debug,after excuting this sentence,the value of qp exchanged??
bool contain(int k){
return qp[k]!=-1?1:0;
void swim(int j){
void exch(int m,int n){
int temp=pq[m];
void display(){
for(int i=1;i<size+1;i++){
cout<<item[i]<<" ";
for(int i=1;i<size+1;i++){
cout<<pq[i]<<" ";
for(int i=1;i<size+1;i++){
cout<<qp[i]<<" ";
Following codes are main function
int main(){
cout<<"before insert:"<<endl;
IndexPriorQueue<char> ipq(10);
cout<<"after insert:"<<endl;
return 0;
The problems is your allocations. Take for example
new T(size+1)
That allocates one object of type T and initializes it to the value size + 1 (i.e. it calls the T constructor with size + 1).
If you need to allocate an "array" you should use square brackets [] as in
new T[size+1]
That will allocate an array of size + 1 number of T objects.
A much better solution though, is to use std::vector instead of doing it all manually yourself.