Using a CListCtrl with Drag and Drop not working - c++

Using Visual Studio 2017 I am trying to enable drag and drop on a CListCtrl, I have added the code for this such as:
void ProgramNameHere::OnDropFiles(HDROP hDropInfo)
CString sFile;
DWORD nBuffer = 0;
// Get the number of files dropped
int nFilesDropped = DragQueryFile(hDropInfo, 0xFFFFFFFF, NULL, 0);
for (int i = 0; i<nFilesDropped; i++)
// Get the buffer size of the file.
nBuffer = DragQueryFile(hDropInfo, i, NULL, 0);
// Get path and name of the file
DragQueryFile(hDropInfo, i, sFile.GetBuffer(nBuffer + 1), nBuffer + 1);
MessageBox(PathFindFileName(sFile), PathFindFileName(sFile));
// Free the memory block containing the dropped-file information
I am able to get it working when I drop a file onto the dialog itself anywhere but when I try and drop it onto the List Control it doesn't work.
Would anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong?


MFC serialize C++

I'm trying to serialize a listbox in MFC.
I used this code :
CFileDialog fileDlg(FALSE, _T(".txt"), NULL, 0, _T("Text File (.txt)|*.txt|")
_T("All files (*.*)|*.*||"));
if (fileDlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
const int numItems = m_listBox.GetCount();
CString itemText;
CStdioFile file;
if (file.Open(fileDlg.GetFileName(), CStdioFile::modeCreate | CStdioFile::modeWrite))
for (int i = 0; i < numItems; ++i)
m_listBox.GetText(i, itemText);
But the saved file is always empty.
I tried a lot of versions of functions that save from listbox to text file but it didn't work.
In your code you are using CFileDialog::GetFileName. Is that intentional? That will only pass in the file name.
I would use CFileDialog::GetPathName which returns the full path to the file.
And you should be using a debugger (compile in debug mode) so you can walk your code.
The CStdioFile::Open method can also be passed a pointer to an exception object. Have a look at the help.

Xdnd drop support faulty implementation

I have implemented a Xdnd drop support implementation in VTK some time ago. It was working great except with Thunar file manager. All other file managers were working fine at the time. We dismissed this limitation a Thunar bug at the time.
The feature I implemented was very simple:
Set the window of the application to be XdndAware
Receive the position message and respond that we are ready to receive
Receive the drop mesage and request a selection
Receive the selection notify and recover the URI
Convert the URI into something we can work with
Nothing fancy, I did not even touch the list type.
Fast forward a few years and now dolphin users cannot drop files correctly into our application. The URI is always the first file dropped since dolphin was started. Restarting our application has no effect. No bug at all with pcmanfm.
This is not a dolphin bug and files can be dropped on blender or firefox from dolphin without issues.
So there must be a bug in our implementation, but I've been staring at the code for some time and everything I tried had no effect, except for breaking Xdnd support completely.
Here are the interesting part of the implementation:
this->Internal = new vtkXRenderWindowInteractorInternals;
this->DisplayId = nullptr;
this->WindowId = 0;
this->KillAtom = 0;
this->XdndSource = 0;
this->XdndPositionAtom = 0;
this->XdndDropAtom = 0;
this->XdndActionCopyAtom = 0;
this->XdndStatusAtom = 0;
this->XdndFinishedAtom = 0;
void vtkXRenderWindowInteractor::Enable()
// avoid cycles of calling Initialize() and Enable()
if (this->Enabled)
// Add the event handler to the system.
// If we change the types of events processed by this handler, then
// we need to change the Disable() routine to match. In order for Disable()
// to work properly, both the callback function AND the client data
// passed to XtAddEventHandler and XtRemoveEventHandler must MATCH
XSelectInput(this->DisplayId, this->WindowId,
KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ExposureMask |
StructureNotifyMask | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | PointerMotionHintMask |
// Setup for capturing the window deletion
this->KillAtom = XInternAtom(this->DisplayId, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False);
XSetWMProtocols(this->DisplayId, this->WindowId, &this->KillAtom, 1);
// Enable drag and drop
Atom xdndAwareAtom = XInternAtom(this->DisplayId, "XdndAware", False);
char xdndVersion = 5;
XChangeProperty(this->DisplayId, this->WindowId, xdndAwareAtom, XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace,
(unsigned char*)&xdndVersion, 1);
this->XdndPositionAtom = XInternAtom(this->DisplayId, "XdndPosition", False);
this->XdndDropAtom = XInternAtom(this->DisplayId, "XdndDrop", False);
this->XdndActionCopyAtom = XInternAtom(this->DisplayId, "XdndActionCopy", False);
this->XdndStatusAtom = XInternAtom(this->DisplayId, "XdndStatus", False);
this->XdndFinishedAtom = XInternAtom(this->DisplayId, "XdndFinished", False);
this->Enabled = 1;
void vtkXRenderWindowInteractor::DispatchEvent(XEvent* event)
int xp, yp;
switch (event->type)
// Selection request for drag and drop has been delivered
case SelectionNotify:
// Sanity checks
if (!event-> || !this->XdndSource)
// Recover the dropped file
char* data = nullptr;
Atom actualType;
int actualFormat;
unsigned long itemCount, bytesAfter;
XGetWindowProperty(this->DisplayId, event->xselection.requestor, event->,
0, LONG_MAX, False, event->, &actualType, &actualFormat, &itemCount,
&bytesAfter, (unsigned char**)&data);
// Conversion checks
if ((event-> != AnyPropertyType && actualType != event-> ||
itemCount == 0)
// Recover filepaths from uris and invoke DropFilesEvent
std::stringstream uris(data);
std::string uri, protocol, hostname, filePath;
std::string unused0, unused1, unused2, unused3;
vtkNew<vtkStringArray> filePaths;
while (std::getline(uris, uri, '\n'))
if (vtksys::SystemTools::ParseURL(
uri, protocol, unused0, unused1, hostname, unused3, filePath, true))
if (protocol == "file" && (hostname.empty() || hostname == "localhost"))
// The uris can be crlf delimited, remove ending \r if any
if (filePath.back() == '\r')
// The extracted filepath miss the first slash
filePath.insert(0, "/");
this->InvokeEvent(vtkCommand::DropFilesEvent, filePaths);
// Inform the source the the drag and drop operation was sucessfull
XEvent reply;
memset(&reply, 0, sizeof(reply));
reply.type = ClientMessage;
reply.xclient.window = event->[0];
reply.xclient.message_type = this->XdndFinishedAtom;
reply.xclient.format = 32;[0] = this->WindowId;[1] = itemCount;[2] = this->XdndActionCopyAtom;
XSendEvent(this->DisplayId, this->XdndSource, False, NoEventMask, &reply);
this->XdndSource = 0;
case ClientMessage:
if (event->xclient.message_type == this->XdndPositionAtom)
// Drag and drop event inside the window
// Recover the position
int xWindow, yWindow;
int xRoot = event->[2] >> 16;
int yRoot = event->[2] & 0xffff;
Window root = DefaultRootWindow(this->DisplayId);
Window child;
this->DisplayId, root, this->WindowId, xRoot, yRoot, &xWindow, &yWindow, &child);
// Convert it to VTK compatible location
double location[2];
location[0] = static_cast<double>(xWindow);
location[1] = static_cast<double>(this->Size[1] - yWindow - 1);
this->InvokeEvent(vtkCommand::UpdateDropLocationEvent, location);
// Reply that we are ready to copy the dragged data
XEvent reply;
memset(&reply, 0, sizeof(reply));
reply.type = ClientMessage;
reply.xclient.window = event->[0];
reply.xclient.message_type = this->XdndStatusAtom;
reply.xclient.format = 32;[0] = this->WindowId;[1] = 1; // Always accept the dnd with no rectangle[2] = 0; // Specify an empty rectangle[3] = 0;[4] = this->XdndActionCopyAtom;
XSendEvent(this->DisplayId, event->[0], False, NoEventMask, &reply);
else if (event->xclient.message_type == this->XdndDropAtom)
// Item dropped in the window
// Store the source of the drag and drop
this->XdndSource = event->[0];
// Ask for a conversion of the selection. This will trigger a SelectioNotify event later.
Atom xdndSelectionAtom = XInternAtom(this->DisplayId, "XdndSelection", False);
XConvertSelection(this->DisplayId, xdndSelectionAtom,
XInternAtom(this->DisplayId, "UTF8_STRING", False), xdndSelectionAtom, this->WindowId,
else if (static_cast<Atom>(event->[0]) == this->KillAtom)
And header:
#include "vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h"
#include "vtkRenderingUIModule.h" // For export macro
#include <X11/Xlib.h> // Needed for X types in the public interface
class vtkCallbackCommand;
class vtkXRenderWindowInteractorInternals;
class VTKRENDERINGUI_EXPORT vtkXRenderWindowInteractor : public vtkRenderWindowInteractor
static vtkXRenderWindowInteractor* New();
vtkTypeMacro(vtkXRenderWindowInteractor, vtkRenderWindowInteractor);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
* Initializes the event handlers without an XtAppContext. This is
* good for when you don't have a user interface, but you still
* want to have mouse interaction.
void Initialize() override;
* Break the event loop on 'q','e' keypress. Want more ???
void TerminateApp() override;
* Run the event loop and return. This is provided so that you can
* implement your own event loop but yet use the vtk event handling as
* well.
void ProcessEvents() override;
* Enable/Disable interactions. By default interactors are enabled when
* initialized. Initialize() must be called prior to enabling/disabling
* interaction. These methods are used when a window/widget is being
* shared by multiple renderers and interactors. This allows a "modal"
* display where one interactor is active when its data is to be displayed
* and all other interactors associated with the widget are disabled
* when their data is not displayed.
void Enable() override;
void Disable() override;
* Update the Size data member and set the associated RenderWindow's
* size.
void UpdateSize(int, int) override;
* Re-defines virtual function to get mouse position by querying X-server.
void GetMousePosition(int* x, int* y) override;
void DispatchEvent(XEvent*);
~vtkXRenderWindowInteractor() override;
* Update the Size data member and set the associated RenderWindow's
* size but do not resize the XWindow.
void UpdateSizeNoXResize(int, int);
// Using static here to avoid destroying context when many apps are open:
static int NumAppInitialized;
Display* DisplayId;
Window WindowId;
Atom KillAtom;
int PositionBeforeStereo[2];
vtkXRenderWindowInteractorInternals* Internal;
// Drag and drop related
Window XdndSource;
Atom XdndPositionAtom;
Atom XdndDropAtom;
Atom XdndActionCopyAtom;
Atom XdndStatusAtom;
Atom XdndFinishedAtom;
* X-specific internal timer methods. See the superclass for detailed
* documentation.
int InternalCreateTimer(int timerId, int timerType, unsigned long duration) override;
int InternalDestroyTimer(int platformTimerId) override;
void FireTimers();
* This will start up the X event loop and never return. If you
* call this method it will loop processing X events until the
* application is exited.
void StartEventLoop() override;
vtkXRenderWindowInteractor(const vtkXRenderWindowInteractor&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkXRenderWindowInteractor&) = delete;
The complete file can be seen here:
You can follow my train of thoughts and debugs here:
To test this code, a simple way is to use F3D has it is using the dropped file, but a simple VTK application should work as well:
Current Dolphin issue
From some testing, the issue is with the preparation and sending of the XdndFinished ClientMessage back to the drag and drop source when handling the SelectionNotify event.
Instead of:
reply.xclient.window = event->[0];
the line should be:
reply.xclient.window = this->XdndSource;
This aligns the XClientMessageEvent window member with the target window argument to XSendEvent. This is probably a simple copy-paste error, as xclient isn't valid for the SelectionNotify event type. Most likely the actual value of window was not previously being checked, but that has been changed recently, hence the error.
The spec covers this quite well, and also raises a couple of other things to consider:
For data.l[1]: "Bit 0 is set if the current target accepted the drop and successfully performed the accepted drop action. (new in version 5)", so using itemCount as a value will technically be incorrect whenever the count is even
If the handling of XdndPosition doesn't need to actually track where the current position is (i.e. if you are just using the entire window as a drop target), you may be able to get away with sending the XdndStatus in response to the XdndEnter message
Previous Thunar issue
Looking into this further, I did some troubleshooting regarding the previous issue with Thunar, and it boils down to the code handling XdndDrop assuming that the format of the incoming data can be converted to UTF8_STRING. This diff for GLFW handles almost the exact same issue.
If, when handling the XdndEnter message, you inspect the values of[2] through[4] you can see that Dolphin reports supporting the following formats:
whereas Thunar only supports the following:
The simplest solution is to:
Keep track of a supported format when handling XdndEnter
Provide this format to XConvertSelection when handling XdndDrop (instead of UTF8_STRING)
Handle the format appropriately when handling the SelectionNotify event
To be more complete, if bit 0 of[1] is set on the XdndEnter message, you should get the XdndTypeList property of the drag and drop source window and based the format selection on that, instead of the formats contained in the message itself.

ExtractIconEx: works but occasionally crashes

I'm extracting icons from a file and displaying them in a dialog
const LPCWSTR path = L"c:\path\to\file";
const UINT nIconsCheck = ExtractIconEx(path, -1, nullptr, nullptr, 0);
if(nIconsCheck > 0)
HICON *iconHandles=new HICON;
const UINT nIcons = ExtractIconEx(path, 0, iconHandles, nullptr, nIconsCheck);
if(nIcons == nIconsCheck && nIcons != unsigned(-1))
IconSelect iconSelect(this); //dialog
for(UINT i=0; i<nIcons; i++)
qDebug() << i;
iconSelect.addIcon(QtWin::fromHICON(iconHandles[i])); //fromHICON returns QPixmap
The icons are being loaded correctly in the dialog, but sometimes it unpredictably causes the application to crash.
Any idea what is going on?
Documentation on ExtractIconEx
Edit: Thanks for the quick and helpful answers. Below is the complete working code I am using atm:
// In my case I have a QString `filePath`
// `QString::toWCharArray` retrieves a non-0-terminated string,
// so append a 0 to `path`
std::vector<WCHAR> path(unsigned(filePath.length())+1);
filePath.toWCharArray(; = 0;
// Get number of icons in selected file
UINT nIcons = ExtractIconEx(, -1, nullptr, nullptr, 0);
if(nIcons == 0)
// Try to find associated file that contains icon(s)
// If found, `path` is replaced with the new path
WORD index=0;
DestroyIcon(ExtractAssociatedIcon(GetModuleHandle(nullptr),, &index));
// Get number of icons in associated file
nIcons = ExtractIconEx(, -1, nullptr, nullptr, 0);
if(nIcons > 0)
// Get array of HICONs
std::vector<HICON> iconHandles(nIcons);
nIcons = ExtractIconEx(, 0,, nullptr, nIcons);
for(UINT i=0; i<nIcons; i++) // Using iconHandles.size() is possibly safer,
// but AFAIK nIcons always carries the correct value
// Use iconHandles[i]
// In Qt you can use QtWin::fromHICON(iconHandles[i]) to generate a QPixmap
HICON *iconHandles=new HICON;
Here you are allocating only a single HICON object. If there are more than one icons in the given file, the next call to ExtractIconEx() creates a buffer overrun by writing past the allocated memory. You have entered the dark world of undefined behaviour.
To fix this problem, you could use a std::vector like this:
std::vector<HICON> iconHandles(nIconsCheck);
const UINT nIcons = ExtractIconEx(path, 0,, nullptr, iconHandles.size());
iconHandles.resize(nIcons); // Resize to the actual number of icons.
// Instead of: if(nIcons == nIconsCheck && nIcons != unsigned(-1))
// Use icons
This has the advantage over manual allocation, that you don't need to delete the allocated memory. The vector destructor will do it automatically when the scope ends. Though you still have to call DestroyIcon() for each icon handle.
From the documentation you linked to:
Pointer to an array of icon handles that receives handles to the large icons extracted from the file. If this parameter is NULL, no large icons are extracted from the file.
You only gave it a pointer to one icon handle.
Allocate an array as large as the function expects; from the look of it, that means nIconsCheck elements. A vector is good for this, as zett42 says.

Creating and Saving New Photos Win32 Webcam Application

I am trying to make my webcam Win32 application save more than one photo at a time i.e. save one photo then another then another etc.
To do this, I am appending a string to an integer variable so that each new photo name can be unique and conform to the format of the second argument of CreateBMPFile. This would usually be a case of writing TEXT("string literal"), but I need to keep modifying the filename as each new photo is created.
PBITMAPINFO pbi = CreateBitmapInfoStruct(hwnd, hbm);
int i = 1;
std::string image = "..\\..\\..\\..\\WebCam\\frame" + std::to_string(i) + ".bmp";
while (!exists(image)) {
LPTSTR filename = (LPTSTR)image.c_str();
CreateBMPFile(hwnd, filename, pbi, hbm, hdcMem);
This compiles and executes, however, when I click the "Grab Frame" button and it attempts to save it, the application crashes i.e. I cannot see the GUI anymore and it becomes a stagnant process.
I am using an exists() function to see whether the file exists in the system:
inline bool exists(const std::string& name) {
struct stat buffer;
return (stat(name.c_str(), &buffer) == 0);
I've also tried using sprintf_s() with the same result of crashing the application.

C++ builder application settings?

I want to know way of how to save settings from application inside of xml or ini file inside c++ builder. Know that visual studio have those functionality inside "Settings", i'm searching for same functionality inside c++ builder.
What method to use to solve that.
When using C++ Builder to create a VCL application, you can use an ini file to save settings and values you want to want to restore the next time your application is launched.
First, include the IniFiles.hpp header.
#include <IniFiles.hpp>
To save settings and values, create a new TIniFile and write to it in the OnClose event.
void __fastcall TForm1::FormClose(TObject *Sender, TCloseAction &Action)
bool booleanValueToSave = true;
int integerValueToSave = 42;
TIniFile *ini = new TIniFile(ChangeFileExt(Application->ExeName, ".ini"));
ini->WriteString("SectionName", "KeyName", "Value to save as KeyName");
ini->WriteBool("SectionName", "AnotherKeyName", booleanValueToSave);
ini->WriteInteger("SectionName", "YetAnotherKeyName", integerValueToSave);
// To save something like the window size and position
ini->WriteInteger("Settings", "WindowState", Form1->WindowState);
if (Form1->WindowState == wsNormal)
ini->WriteInteger("Settings", "MainFrm Top", Form1->Top);
ini->WriteInteger("Settings", "MainFrm Left", Form1->Left);
ini->WriteInteger("Settings", "MainFrm Height", Form1->Height);
ini->WriteInteger("Settings", "MainFrm Width", Form1->Width);
delete ini;
Don't forget the delete!!
That code there will create an ini file with the same name as your executable but with a .ini extension. There will be two headings, "SectionName" and "Settings." Under the headings you will see key-value pairs such as "AnotherKeyName=true" and "YetAnotherKeyName=42."
Then, to restore the values when you application is launched, create a new TIniFile and read from it in the OnCreate event.
void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender)
TWindowState ws;
int integerValueToRestore;
bool booleanValueToRestore;
int someDefaultIntegerValueIfTheKeyDoesntExist = 7;
bool someDefaultBooleanValueIfTheKeyDoesntExist = false;
TIniFile *ini = new TIniFile(ChangeFileExt(Application->ExeName, ".ini"));
integerValueToRestore = ini->ReadInteger("SectionName", "YetAnotherKeyName", someDefaultIntegerValueIfTheKeyDoesntExist);
booleanValueToRestore = ini->ReadBool("SectionName", "AnotherKeyName", someDefaultBooleanValueIfTheKeyDoesntExist);
// To restore the window size and position you saved on FormClose
ws = (TWindowState)ini->ReadInteger("Settings", "WindowState", wsNormal);
if (ws == wsMinimized)
ws = wsNormal;
if (ws == wsNormal)
Form1->Top = ini->ReadInteger("Settings", "MainFrm Top", 10);
Form1->Left = ini->ReadInteger("Settings", "MainFrm Left", 10);
Form1->Height = ini->ReadInteger("Settings", "MainFrm Height", 730);
Form1->Width = ini->ReadInteger("Settings", "MainFrm Width", 1028);
Form1->WindowState = ws;
delete ini;
Hope that helps.