How to find out in which Wiki software a website is built on? - wiki

Some websites have a small logo or something at the bottom of their web page indicating that for example, that website is powered by MediaWiki.
How to find out what Wiki software does a website use in case of the owner removing the "Powered by ..." logo?

To check for mediawiki sites, I check for the Special:Version page. For example,

Find out, which technologies a particular website is using with


Cannot Find "Popularity Trends" and "Popularity and Search Reports"

According to Microsoft, the old Web Analytics in SharePoint 2010 is replaced in SharePoint 2013 by Popularity trends and it can by found under Site Settings as explained here and here
However, I cannot find it in my farm.
Google provided me with this usefule article on how to troubleshoot Popularity Trends issues.
But even after I applied every single step in the above article, I still cannot find the feature under site settings
Also I checked reporting service as demonstrated here and it was Active.
Even after I deactivated/activated it, nothing changed
The below is the expected view of site settings
While the below is my farm view
This is because Reporting feature was not activated in the site collection level. Go to Site Settings, click on Site collection features under Site Collection Administration section. Activate the Reporting feature now you can be able to see the Popularity Trends option in the document library interface.

dotcms community edition capability

I am working on developing a weksite using a Java based CMS and had a close look at dotCMS community edition.
The website will initially hold some 500-600 pages, with good seo integration, performance, search capability. The pages will have images but no videos.
I want to run the site with dotcms community edition for a year or so and then upgrade to a licensed edition.
Can anybody please suggest if dotcms community edition can help build & run the site covering my above requirements.
Any pointers in this regard is appreciated.
Unfortunately the community edition does not support integrated search (the licensed edition uses elastic search), so you'll have to add third party search. All the other requirements are not a problem. I've build many many sites with dotCMS and I have never had a problem with those aspects of the CMS.
To figure out what is in and what is out, check out this list:
Agree with Koenpeters, when we have a CE site on dotCMS we use Google custom search that we use, and then we have a plugin that feeds GCS a feed of all pages to index for searching...

Forum module for Sitecore 7.*

I'm building a website which requires forum integration to a Sitecore build - I've checked on the Sitecore website and they suggest YetAnotherForum and Telligent Community Integration Module. Both of these modules tho only support up till 6.4.1 and 6.4 respectively - I'm using Sitecore 7.0.
Logged a ticket with Sitecore and they came back with the following:
We have no information about Forum modules that are compatible with Sitecore 7.1. I would recommend you to contact your regional office and check whether they could advise you something.
Any suggestions?
First of all Telligent supports Sitecore 7.
Reference link
I have been working with Sitecore and Telligent Community integration from quite time and from my experience i have this opinion.
For deep integration it is quite a lot of work and requires much knowledge of both the product and costs will be high for licensing & deployment. But i can assure you that Telligent will work in Sitecore newer version also. However with higher costs you will get more rich functionality, Facebook like Activity Stream, and Apart from Forums it also has Blogs, Wikis, Media Gallery.
Telligent supports two kind of integrations:
1. Side by Side Integration - In this Sitecore and Telligent both will be user facing.
2. Integration mode - In this user will be mostly in Sitecore.
Reference link
If you are Sitecore Partner you will get trial license of Telligent. For details check 'Social Starter Kit' on Sitecore SDN site. Also there is video on YouTube regarding Sitecore & Telligent Integration in Sitecore Virtual User Group community.
I have no experience on YAF module so can't suggest on that.
Did you try to install YAF integration module,, i think it would run on Sitecore 7, since this module mainly integrate YAF with Sitecore security, i don't see why it should not run on Sitecore 7.
The Telligent product was renamed, I suggest you take a look at and contact them. I'm unaware of what version they're targeted at right now.

Offline wiki-like authoring tool

Does anyone know if there is a help authoring tool out there that can produce help documentation for a software product that looks like a wiki? We are currently using the Confluence wiki engine, which is absolutely brilliant and we were wondering if there is anything like that but without the need for an Apache server. Something stand-alone that can give our users the help documentation they need. We have used help authoring tools and they all seem so clunky compared to a wiki.
Use Wiki on a Stick.
Its a single .html file written in Javascript/html and saves the changes onto itself.
You don't even need Apache. Awesome tool!
How about Juli? It generates static HTML so you can browse documents by browser only.
It is used for:
Juli documentation itself.
Edgar project documentation (another my OSS project).
My personal wiki/blog. I'll show later since new users can only post two links(stackoverflow limitation)

Intranet opensource in Django?

I'm looking for some open source, free to change and use Intranet written on Python+Django.
Just want to find some foundation to build site on top of it.
If you're looking for a prebuilt site, have a look at Django-CMS, a Content Management System. If what you need is very simple, and you have a large amount of trust in your Users, you can probably get away using the admin contrib package that comes with Django.
For deployment, you're looking at setting up an Apache web server on an internal server somewhere, installing mod_wsgi, and deploying that way. There are many tutorials on how to do this.
Can you please what are features that are needed on your intranet. As Josh suggested, the Django-CMS will do good in most of the cases.