How to expose GCP Datalab to anonymous user? - google-cloud-platform

I want to deploy a datalab instance to my GCP project with anonymous read access without ssh tunneling.
The documentation specifies one instance per user for read/write and also requires ssh tunneling using the gcloud cli.
What is the recommended way to do so?

I could do it properly using ngrok. ( - Ngrox is paid, but has a free version with some limitations.
datalab connect mydatalabinstance
ngrok http 8081
and voilá you will get a link like this:
And surely you are always able for creating your own reverse proxy.


How to make a service running on an EC2 instance be available to my team (having the same AWS account) via a URL?

So, I have created an EC2 instance and I'm running a service on port 8088. For now, I'm using SSH to connect to it, with the following command :
ssh -i "~/Downloads/my_key.pem" -L 8087:
After starting the service on port 8088, I run localhost:8087 on my browser to interact with the service.
However, I want this service to be available to everyone having access to this AWS account. Basically, one shouldn't have to SSH to this and then be able to see it on their browser. I intend to create a URL for accessing this service. How do I achieve this?

proxy(?) server for connecting to cloud sql instance (GCP)

I have a postgresql database on the google cloud platform (cloud SQL). I'm currently managing this database through pgadmin, installed on my laptop. I've added the IP address of my laptop to the whitelist on the cloud sql settings page. This all works.
The problem is: when I go somewhere else and I connect to a different network, the IP address changes and I cannot connect to the postgresql database (through pgadmin) from my laptop.
Is there someone who knows a (secure) solution, involving a proxy server (or something else), to connect from my laptop (and only my laptop) to my postgresql database, even if I'm not on a whitelisted network (IP address)? Maybe I can set up a VM instance and install a proxy server and use this? But I have no clue where to start (or search for).
You have many options for connecting to a Cloud SQL instance from an external applications such a Public IP address with SSL, Public IP address without SSL, Cloud SQL proxy, etc. You can see all of them here.
Between all connection options there exists Cloud SQL Proxy, it basically provides secure access to your instances without the need for Authorized networks or configuring SSL on your part.
You only need to follow the steps listed here and you will be able to connect your Cloud SQL instance using the proxy.
Enable Cloud SQL Admin API on your console.
Install the proxy client on your local machine (Linux):
wget -O cloud_sql_proxy
chmod +x cloud_sql_proxy
Determine how you will authenticate the proxy. You can use use a service account or let Cloud SDK take care of the authentication.
However, if required by your authentication method, create a service account.
Determine how you will specify your instances for the proxy. Your options for instance specification depend on your operating system and environment
Start the proxy using either TCP sockets or Unix sockets.
Take note that as of this writing, Cloud SQL Proxy does not support Unix sockets on Windows.
Update your application to connect to Cloud SQL using the proxy.

Redis cli unable to connect to AWS ElastiCache due to redis memory usage but application still able to communicate

Is it possible that redis cli is given less priority to connect when memory consumption is high but application is allowed to communicate?
I am unable to connect via cli so can't check anything. Also, don't have the redis server access.
We connect without authentication -
redis-cli -h <hostname>
I ran a process which inserted too many redis keys and that caused this situation. Now, I am not able to delete those keys. I am afraid, the other necessary keys would get evicted as old and system would start doing processing for things not available in redis.
Not able to connect via telnet as well.
Is it possible to connect via a Python script at this point?
If I restart the Java application, will it be able to connect anymore?
Will redis server access via AWS console be able to delete any of the key patterns? I don't have the access currently, so not able to confirm myself. Never used via it also.
Following are graphs taken from AWS console, over the last 1 day since this issue happened -
I went through the FAQ of elasticache, but did not find any mention of being able to manage the data at key value pair level or presence of some special privilege users like root in case of MySql which is able to connect when no other users are able to connect.
All I found is cluster level management capabilities.
From the question it is not clear whether the redis-cli -h <host> command you're running is from within the EC2 or it is from you local machine (Outside AWS VPC).
Accessing from EC2
You will have to ensure following points:
Both the EC2 instance and Redis Instance are on the same VPC.
The security group on EC2 should be allowing port 6379 (It should already be if an application is able to access Redis on the same EC2)
Accessing from outside Amazon VPC
This is not something that's preconfigured and I will suggest that you go through the Accessing Your Cluster docs under the heading "How to Access ElastiCache Resources from Outside AWS".
First, check the connectivity from source(Generally Ec2 instance) to Target (Redis Host).
We can use simple command for that like
#curl -v hostIP(or dnsName):Port
#curl -v or curl -v
If you see "Connected" then there is no issue with the network otherwise you have to look into network configurations like firewalls.
Next, you can connect to Redis using redis-cli with the below command:
#redis-cli -h -p 6379

How to remotely connect to GCP ML Engine/AWS Sagemaker managed notebooks?

GCP has finally released managed Jupyter notebooks. I would like to be able to interact with the notebook locally by connecting to it. Ie. i use PyCharm to connect to the externaly configured jupyter notebbok server by passing its URL & token param.
Question also applies to AWS Sagemaker notebooks.
AWS does not natively support SSH-ing into SageMaker notebook instances, but nothing really prevents you from setting up SSH yourself.
The only problem is that these instances do not get a public IP address, which means you have to either create a reverse proxy (with ngrok for example) or connect to it via bastion box.
Steps to make the ngrok solution work:
download ngrok with curl >
create ngrok free account to get permissions for tcp tunnels
run ./ngrok authenticate with your token
start with ./ngrok tcp 22 > ngrok.log & (& will put it in the background)
logfile will contain the url so you know where to connect to
create ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file (on SageMaker) and paste your public key (likely ~/.ssh/ from your computer)
ssh by calling ssh -p <port_from_ngrok_logfile> (or whatever host they assign to you, it;s going to be in the ngrok.log)
If you want to automate it, I suggest using lifecycle configuration scripts.
Another good trick is wrapping downloading, unzipping, authenticating and starting ngrok into some binary in /usr/bin so you can just call it from SageMaker console if it dies.
It's a little bit too long to explain completely how to automate it with lifecycle scripts, but I've written a detailed guide on
On AWS, you can use AWS Glue to create a developer endpoint, and then you create the Sagemaker notebook from there. A developer endpoint gives you access to connect to your python or Scala spark REPL via ssh, and it also allows you to tunnel the connection and access from any other tool, including PyCharm.
For PyCharm professional we have even tighter integration, allowing you to SFTP files and debug remotely.
And if you need to install any dependencies on the notebook, apart from doing it directly on the notebook, you can always choose new>terminal and you will have a connection to that machine directly from your jupyter environment where you can install anything you want.
There is a way to SSH into a Sagemaker notebook instance without having to use a third party reverse proxy like ngrok, nor setup an EC2 bastion, nor using AWS Systems Manager, here is how you can do it.
Use your own VPC and not the VPC managed by AWS/Sagemaker for the notebook instance
Configure an ingress rule in the security group of your notebook instance to allow SSH traffic (port 22 over TCP)
How to do it
Create a lifecycle script configuration that is executed when the instance starts
Add the following snippet inside the lifecycle script :
INSTANCE_IP=$(/sbin/ifconfig eth2 | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}')
echo "SSH into the instance using : ssh ec2-user#$INSTANCE_IP" > ~ec2-user/SageMaker/ssh-instructions.txt
Add your public SSH key inside /home/ec2-user/.ssh/authorized_keys, either manually with the terminal of jupyterlab UI, or inside the lifecycle script above
When your users open the Jupyter interface, they will find the ssh-instructions.txt file which gives the host and command to use : ssh ec2-user#<INSTANCE_IP>
If you want to SSH from a local environment, you'll probably need to connect to your VPN that routes your traffic inside your VPC.
GCP's AI Platform Notebooks automatically creates a persistent URL which you can use to access your notebook. Is that what you were looking for?
Try using CreatePresignedNotebookInstanceUrl to access your notebook instance using an url.

Cannot access google cloud VM via SSH client through browser after VM restart

I created GCP VM for one month and connect VM instance through GCP console via browser.It worked fine for past one month until VM restart. I did not create ssh key/edit metadata and very thing so far is used default setting. I cannot establish connection after VM restart. The browser kept prompt me cannot establish the connection. I can ping this VM from another VM through VPC. any advise on it. Thank in advance.
There are several ways to connect a Linux instance via the SSH. You can connect to an instance via the terminal. You can connect via the Cloud Console Web UI which is in general the most convenient way to connect to an instance. Also, you can use Google Cloud SDK and run below command to connect to an instance via SSH:
$ gcloud compute ssh [INSTANCE_NAME]
You can also use Cloud Shell to connect your instance from the Cloud Console web UI by using the same command as above. You can connect via the serial console using the Google Cloud Platform Console, the gcloud command-line tool, or a third-party SSH client.
The serial console authenticates users with SSH keys. Specifically, you must add your public SSH key to the project or instance metadata, and store your private key on the local machine from which you want to connect. There are other advanced methods to connect to an instance which you can find at this link.
By default, the gcloud compute command-line tool uses the $USER variable to add users to the /etc/passwd file for connecting to virtual machine instances using SSH. You can specify a different user using the --ssh-key-file PRIVATE_KEY_FILE flag when running the gcloud compute ssh command. Depending on your use case and convenience, you can use any method consistently.
If you fail to connect to your instance upon following these methods then I would suggest to check this troubleshooting page for SSH and follow the instruction that matches your use case.