Conditionally acquire an std::mutex - c++

I have a multi-threaded app that uses the GPU, which is inherently single-threaded, and the actual APIs I use, cv::gpu::FAST_GPU, does crash when I try to use them multi-threaded, so basically I have:
static std::mutex s_FAST_GPU_mutex;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(s_FAST_GPU_mutex);
Now, benchmarking the code shows me FAST_GPU() in isolation is faster than the CPU FAST(), but in the actual application my other threads spend a lot of time waiting for the lock, so the overall throughput is worse.
Looking through the documentation, and at this answer it seems that this might be possible:
static std::mutex s_FAST_GPU_mutex;
static std::unique_lock<std::mutex> s_FAST_GPU_lock(s_FAST_GPU_mutex, std::defer_lock);
// Create an unlocked guard
std::lock_guard<decltype(s_FAST_GPU_lock)> guard(s_FAST_GPU_lock, std::defer_lock);
if (s_FAST_GPU_lock.try_lock())
However, this will not compile as std::lock_guard only accepts a std::adopt_lock. How can I implement this properly?

It is actually unsafe to have a unique_lock accessible from multiple threads at the same time. I'm not familiar with the opencv portion of your question, so this answer is focused on the mutex/lock usage.
static std::mutex s_FAST_GPU_mutex;
// Create a unique lock, attempting to acquire
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> guard(s_FAST_GPU_mutex, std::try_to_lock);
if (guard.owns_lock())
guard.unlock(); // Or just let it go out of scope later
This attempts to acquire the lock, if it succeeds, uses FAST_GPU, and then releases the lock. If the lock was already acquired, then goes down the second branch, invoking FAST

You can use std::lock_guard, if you adopt the mutex in the locked state, like this:
if (s_FAST_GPU_mutex.try_lock())
std::lock_guard<decltype(s_FAST_GPU_lock)> guard(s_FAST_GPU_mutex, std::adopt_lock);


Is using unique_lock in new scope equivalent to unlock call at the end of work with shared resource?

I have seen a lot of examples of code when developer uses std::unique_lock in new scope for automatically unlocking mutex:
// do some staff
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(shared_resource_mutex);
// do some actions with shared resource
// do some staff
In my opinion it would be better to implement this behaviour using method unlock from std::unique_lock API in this way:
// do some actions
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(shared_resource_mutex);
// do some actions with shared resource
// do some actions
Are these two fragments of code equivalent? For what purpose developers use the first variant? Maybe to emphasize (using parentheses) code that can not be executed parallel?
When the object is destroyed at the end of the scope, the lock is released. That's the whole point of RAII.
The good thing about using RAII is that you cannot forget to unlock and it doesn't matter how you leave the scope. If an exception is thrown for example, the lock will still be released.
If all you need is lock at construction and unlock at destruction, then std::scoped_lock is an even simpler/more appropriate class to use though.
I would say the former method is safer, more consistent and easier to read.
First consider safety:
void function()
std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock(mtx);
// exclusive lock stuff
// std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock(mtx); // whoops name in use
std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock2(mtx);
// read only shared lock stuff here
lock2.unlock(); // what if I forget to do this?
lock.lock(); // if I forgot to call lock2.unlock() undefined behavior
// back to the exclusive stuff
If you have different locks to acquire/release and you forget to call unlock() then you may end up trying to lock the same mutex twice from the same thread.
That is undefined behavior so it may go unnoticed but cause trouble.
And what if you call either lock() or unlock() on the wrong lock variable.... (say on lock2 rather than lock1?) the possibilities are frightening.
Also, not all lock types have a .unlock() function (std::scoped_lock, std::lock_guard) so it is good to be consistent with your coding style.
Easier to read:
It is also easier to see what code sections use locks which makes reasoning on the code simpler:
void function()
std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock(mtx);
// exclusive lock stuff
std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock(mtx);
// read only shared lock stuff here
std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock(mtx);
// back to the exclusive stuff
Both of your approaches are correct, and you might choose either of them depending on circumstance. For example, when using a condition_variable/lock combination it's often useful to be able to explicitly lock and unlock the lock.
Here's another approach that I find to be both expressive and safe:
#include <mutex>
template<class Mutex, class Function>
decltype(auto) with_lock(Mutex& m, Function&& f)
std::lock_guard<Mutex> lock(m);
return f();
std::mutex shared_resource_mutex;
void something()
with_lock(shared_resource_mutex, [&]
// some actions
// some other actions

How to block until a condition is met

I wanted to know what the best way is to block a method until a condition becomes true.
class DoWork
int projects_completed;
void WaitForProjectsCompleted()
---->//How do I block until projects_completed == 12;
I want it to be used as such
class foo
void someMethod()
DoWork work;
work.WaitForProjectsCompleted();//This should block
Assuming that there's another thread that's actually going to do something here, an easy thing to use is a std::condition_variable:
std::condition_variable cv;
std::mutex mtx;
void WaitForProjectsCompleted() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mtx);
cv.wait(lk, [this]{
return projects_completed >= 12;
Where somewhere else, some other member function might do:
void CompleteProject() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mtx);
cv.notify_one(); // let the waiter know
If projects_completed is atomic, you could instead just spin:
void WaitForProjectsCompleted() {
while (projects_completed < 12) ;
That would work fine too.
Condition variables are an excellent synchronization primitive, and in my personal experience it is the tool I respond with to 95% of synchs/threading situations.
If you don't have C++11 available you can use boost::condition_variable.
In which case you won't have the wait version with a predicate (because no lambdas in C++03). So you absolutely need to remember to loop over your condition check. As explained in the docs:
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(mut);
while (projects_completed < 12)
That's because you get no guarantee that the condition is fulfilled after a notification, particularly because the lock can be acquired by another thread in the interstice between unlock and notify. Also a spurious wake up could happen.
I also wrote an article about it:
Also if you use timed_wait (and I recommend it as it often mitigates priority inversion), another trap not to fall into is the timeout, because of the loop you cannot use a relative timeout (like 2 seconds) you need an absolute system time determined before entering the loop.
boost makes it very clean with this technique:
system_time const timeout = get_system_time() + posix_time::seconds(2);
About the spin lock pattern proposed by Barry, I would not recommend it, unless you are in a real time environment, like playstation 3/4 or equivalent. Or unless you are sure it won't last for more than a few seconds.
By using spin locking you waste power, and you don't leave chance for CPU to enter sleep states (c.f intel speed step).
This also has consequences on fairness and scheduling, as explained on wikipedia:
Finally if you don't have boost, since windows Vista we get natives Win32 functions:

Upgrading read lock to write lock without releasing the first in C++11?

I know it's possible using boost::UpgradeLockable in C++14.
Is there anything similar for C++11?
An upgradeable lock can be written on top of simpler locking primitives.
struct upgradeable_timed_mutex {
void lock() {
void unlock() {
void shared_lock() { shared.shared_lock(); }
void shared_unlock() { shared.shared_unlock(); }
void upgradable_lock() { unshared.lock(); }
void ungradable_unlock() { unshared.unlock(); }
void upgrade_lock() { shared.lock(); }
void upgrade_unlock() { shared.unlock(); }
friend struct upgradable_lock;
std::shared_timed_mutex shared;
std::timed_mutex unshared;
and similar for the timed and try variants. Note that timed variants which access two mutexes in a row have to do some extra work to avoid spending up to 2x the requested time, and try_lock has to be careful about the first lock's state in case the 2nd fails.
Then you have to write upgradable_lock, with the ability to spawn a std::unique_lock upon request.
Naturally this is hand-written thread safety code, so it is unlikely to be correct.
In C++1z you can write an untimed version as well (with std::shared_mutex and std::mutex).
Less concretely, there can be exactly one upgradeable or write lock at a time. This is what the unshared mutex represents.
So long as you hold unshared, nobody else is writing to the guarded data, so you can read from it without holding the shared mutex at all.
When you want to upgrade, you can grab a unique lock on the shared mutex. This cannot deadlock so long as no readers try to upgrade to upgradable. This excludes readers from reading, you can write, and then you release it and return back to a read only state (where you only hold the unshared mutex).

Query std::mutex for lock state

I have a situation where I'd like to do something like that shown below, but there doesn't seem to be a way of querying the mutex without changing its state. I don't want the someFunctionCalledRepeatedlyFromAnotherThread() to hang around waiting for the mutex to free up if it is locked. It must return immediately after performing some alternative action. I'm guessing this omission is there for safety, as the lock may free up in the time between querying it and the function returning. In my case, bad stuff will not happen if the lock is freed while doSomeAlternativeAction() is happening. The fact I'm in this situation probably means I'm doing something wrong, so how should I change my design?
class MyClass
std::mutex initMutex;
void someInitializationFunction()
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(initMutex);
// Do some work
void someFunctionCalledRepeatedlyFromAnotherThread()
if (initMutex.isLocked())
// otherwise . . .
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(initMutex);
// carry on with work as usual
Asking mutex for its state is useless: it may be unlocked now, but by the time you get around to lock it, it may be locked. So it does not have such method.
It does, however, have a method try_lock() which locks it if it is not locked and returns true if it acquired the lock and false otherwise. And std::unique_lock (the more advanced version of std::lock_guard) has option to call it.
So you can do:
void someFunctionCalledRepeatedlyFromAnotherThread()
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(initMutex, std::try_to_lock);
// otherwise ... go ahead, you have the lock
Sounds like you want to use std::unique_lock instead of std::lock_guard. The try_lock method works similar to the TryEnterCriticalSection on Windows, whereby the function will atomically acquire the lock and return 'true' if it can, or just return 'false' if the lock cannot be acquired (and will not block). Refer to and Note that unique_lock also has other members available for trying to lock such as try_lock_for and try_lock_until.

Why is Boost scoped_lock not unlocking the mutex?

I've been using boost::mutex::scoped_lock in this manner:
void ClassName::FunctionName()
boost::mutex::scoped_lock scopedLock(mutex_);
//do stuff
while(waitBoolean == true ){
//get on with the thread's activities
Basically it sets waitBoolean, and the other thread signals that it is done by setting waitBoolean to false;
This doesn't seem to work, however, because the other thread can't get a lock on mutex_ !!
I was assuming that by wrapping the scoped_lock in brackets I would be terminating its lock. This isn't the case? Reading online says that it only gives up the mutex when the destructor is called. Won't it be destroyed when it goes out of that local scope?
Signaling part of code:
boost::mutex::scoped_lock scopedLock(mutex_);
//Run some function that need to be done...
To synchronize two threads use a condition variable. That is the state of the art way to synchronize two threads the way you want :
Using boost, the waiting part is something like :
void BoostSynchronisationPoint::waitSynchronisation()
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(_mutex);
_synchronisationSent = false;
_condition.wait(lock); // unlock and wait
The notify part is something like :
void BoostSynchronisationPoint::sendSynchronisation()
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(_mutex);
_synchronisationSent = true;
The business with _synchronisationSent is to avoid spurrious wakeups : see wikipedia
The scoped_lock should indeed be released at the end of the scope. However you don't lock the waitBoolean when you're looping on it, suggesting you don't protect it properly other places as well - e.g. where it's set to false, and you'll end up with nasty race conditions.
I'd say you should use a boost::condition_variable to do this sort of things, instead of sleep + thread-unsafe checking.
Also I would suggest to mark as volatile that waitBoolean, however you have to use a condition or even better a barrier.