Eigen - Sparse matrix solvers surprisingly slow for simple case - c++

I'm trying to solve a linear system for a finite element case:
d = F/K
Where K is a sparse matrix 25,000x25,000 and 360,000 non-zero values which is only 0.05% of the entire matrix. And F is a 25,000x1 matrix filled with mostly zeros.
Solving this system is taking a surprising amount of time:
Sparse Solver Compute + Solve Time
ConjugateGradient 70.2s
BiCGSTAB 40.2s
SimplicialLDLT 40.1s
SimplicialCholesky 32.9s
SimplicialLLT 29.0s
Where the solvers are used in a standard way e.g.
VectorXd F_vector(25000);
// fill F_vector
VectorXd d_vector(25000);
BiCGSTAB<SparseMatrix<double> > solver;
d_vector = solver.solve(F_vector);
(Also, a 10% increase to the size of the dimensions resulted in a 10%^2 increase in the time. I'm not sure if that's noteworthy but I'll state it in case it's not)
Is there something wrong with my implementation or understanding of these sparse solvers?


Right function for computing a limited number of eigenvectors of a complex symmetric matrix in Armadillo

I am using the Armadillo library to manually port a piece of Matlab code. The matlab code uses the eigs() function to find a small number (~3) of eigen vectors of a relative large(200x200) covariance matrix R. The code looks like this:
[E,D] = eigs(R,3,"lm");
In Armadillo there are two functions eigs_sym() and eigs_gen() however the former only support real symmetric matrix and the latter requires ARPACK (I'm building the code for Android). Is there a reason eigs_sym doesn't support complex matrices? Is there any other way to find the eigenvectors of a complex symmetric matrix?
The eigs_sym() and eigs_gen() functions (where the s in eigs stands for sparse) in Armadillo are for large sparse matrices. A "large" size in this context is roughly 5000x5000 or larger.
Your R matrix has a size of 200x200. This is very small by current standards. It would be much faster to simply use the dense eigendecomposition eig_sym() or eig_gen() functions to get all the eigenvalues / eigenvectors, followed by extracting a subset of them using submatrix operations like .tail_cols()
Have you tested constructing a 400x400 real symmetric matrix by replacing each complex value, a+bi, by a 2x2 matrix [a,b;-b,a] (alternatively using a block variant of this)?
This should construct a real symmetric matrix that in some way correspond to the complex one.
There will be a slow-down due to the larger size, and all eigenvalues will be duplicated (which may slow down the algorithm), but it seems straightforward to test.

Armadillo complex sparse matrix inverse

I'm writing a program with Armadillo C++ (4.400.1)
I have a matrix that has to be sparse and complex, and I want to calculate the inverse of such matrix. Since it is sparse it could be the pseudoinverse, but I can guarantee that the matrix has the full diagonal.
In the API documentation of Armadillo, it mentions the method .i() to calculate the inverse of any matrix, but sp_cx_mat members do not contain such method, and the inv() or pinv() functions cannot handle the sp_cx_mat type apparently.
sp_cx_mat Y;
/*Fill Y ensuring that the diagonal is full*/
sp_cx_mat Z = Y.i();
sp_cx_mat Z = inv(Y);
None of them work.
I would like to know how to compute the inverse of matrices of sp_cx_mat type.
Sparse matrix support in Armadillo is not complete and many of the factorizations/complex operations that are available for dense matrices are not available for sparse matrices. There are a number of reasons for this, the largest being that efficient complex operations such as factorizations for sparse matrices is still very much an open research field. So, there is no .i() function available for cx_sp_mat or other sp_mat types. Another reason for this is lack of time on the part of the sparse matrix developers (...which includes me).
Given that the inverse of a sparse matrix is generally going to be dense, then you may simply be better off turning your cx_sp_mat into a cx_mat and then using the same inversion techniques that you normally would for dense matrices. Since you are planning to represent this as a dense matrix anyway, then it's a fair assumption that you have enough RAM to do that.

Largest eigenvalues (and corresponding eigenvectors) in C++

What is the easiest and fastest way (with some library, of course) to compute k largest eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a large dense matrix in C++? I'm looking for an equivalent of MATLAB's eigs function; I've looked through Armadillo and Eigen but couldn't find one, and computing all eigenvalues takes forever in my case (I need top 10 eigenvectors for an approx. 30000x30000 dense non-symmetric real matrix).
Desperate, I've even tried to implement power iterations by myself with Armadillo's QR decomposition but ran into complex pairs of eigenvalues and gave up. :)
Did you tried https://github.com/yixuan/spectra ?
It similar to ARPACK but with nice Eigen-like interface (it compatible with Eigen!)
I used it for 30kx30k matrices (PCA) and it was quite ok
AFAIK the problem of finding the first k eigenvalues of a generic matrix has no easy solution. The Matlab function eigs you mentioned is supposed to work with sparse matrices.
Matlab probably uses Arnoldi/Lanczos, you might try if it works decently in your case even if your matrix is not sparse. The reference package for Arnlodi is ARPACK which has a C++ interface.
Here is how I get the k largest eigenvectors of a NxN real-valued (float), dense, symmetric matrix A in C++ Eigen:
#include <Eigen/Dense>
Eigen::MatrixXf A(N,N);
Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::MatrixXf> solver(N);
Eigen::VectorXf lambda = solver.eigenvalues().reverse();
Eigen::MatrixXf X = solver.eigenvectors().block(0,N-k,N,k).rowwise().reverse();
Note that the eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors are returned in ascending order so I reverse them to get the largest values first.
If you want eigenvalues and eigenvectors for other (non-symmetric) matrices they will, in general, be complex and you will need to use the Eigen::EigenSolver class instead.
Eigen has an EigenValues module that works pretty well.. But, I've never used it on anything quite that large.

Partitioned Matrix-Vector Multiplication

Given a very sparse nxn matrix A with nnz(A) non-zeros, and a dense nxn matrix B. I would like to compute the matrix product AxB. Since n is very large, if carried out naively, the dense matrix B cannot be put into the memory. I have the following two options, but not sure which one is better. Could you give some suggestions. Thanks.
Option1. I parition the matrix B into n column vectors [b1,b2,...,bn]. Then, I can put matrix A and any single vector bi into the memory, and calculate the A*b1, A*b2, ..., A*bn, respectively.
Option2. I partition the matrices A and B, respectively, into four n/2Xn/2 blocks, and then use the block matrix-matrix multiplications to calculate A*B.
Which of the above choice is better? Can I say that Option 1 has high performance in parallel calculation?
See a discussion of both approaches, though for two dense matrices, in this document from the Scalapack documentation. Scalapack is the one of the reference tools for distributed linear algebra.

Armadillo C++ LU decomposition

I am using the Armadillo C++ library for solving linear systems of medium/large dimensions (1000-5000 equations).
Since I have to solve different linear systems
in which A is always the same and B changes, I would like to LU factorize A only once and reuse the LU factorization with different b. Unfortunately I do not know how to perform this kind of operations in Armadillo.
What I did was just the LU factorization of the A matrix:
arma::mat A;
// ... fill the A matrix ...
arma::mat P,L,U;
arma::lu(L, U, P, A);
But now I would like to use the matrices P, L and U to solve several linear systems with different b vectors.
Could you help me please?
Since A = P.t()*L*U (where equality is only approximate due to rounding errors), solving for x in P.t()*L*U*x = b requires to permute rows of B and performing forward and back substitution:
x = solve(trimatu(U), solve(trimatl(L), P*b) );
Due to the lack of a true triangular solver in armadillo, and a fast way to perform row permutation, this procedure will not be very efficient, with respect to a direct call to the relevant computational LAPACK subroutines.
General advice is to avoid explicit LU decomposition in higher level libraries, like armadillo.
if all different b's are known at the same time, store them as columns in a rectangular matrix B and X = solve(A,B);
if the different b's are known one at a time, then precomputing AINV = A.i(); and x = AINV*b; will be more efficient if the number of different r.h.s. vectors is big enough. See this answer to a similar question.