Else for multiple if's - c++

Is it possible to make multiple if's and one else for all of them without using the bool variable? I'm talking about something that works like this:
bool triggered = 0;
if (condition)
triggered = 1;
if (condion2)
triggered = 1;
if (!triggered)
So if none of these if's happened - something happens. In pseudo-code I would write it like this:
Is there a possibility to make something similar?

No, you can't do it like that. You can do:
if (condition1 || condition2) {
if (condition1) {
if (condition2) {
} else {
// code
But this means you have to test condition1 and condition2 twice. And if there are lots of conditions, the first if will be very long.
I find your code with the triggered variable preferable. Often, there's already a variable that serves the purpose. For instance, form validation code often looks something like this:
std::string errors;
if (field1 is invalid) {
errors += "Field1 is invalid\n";
if (field2 is invalid) {
errors += "Field 2 is invalid\n";
if (errors == "") {
// process the form
} else {
// display error message


Can somebody tell me how this code working with no curly braces between two if?

If I am enclosing the code after first if upto second return in curly braces it is not giving me desired output.
static int comparator(Player a, Player b) {
if(a.score == b.score)
if(a.name == b.name)
return 0;
return (a.name > b.name)? -1:1;
return (a.score < b.score)? -1:1;
Your code has if() and else statements. Each will execute one line of code that comes after them. This means that it will only execute a single statement and end after the first ; that it finds.
for() loops, while() loops, if-else blocks can be used without curly braces if the statement you want to execute consists of only one line of code following them.
Your code works as -
static int comparator(Player a, Player b) {
// if statement without braces- means just one statement executes
if(a.score == b.score)
// Remember if-else will be considered as a single code block so both will run
if(a.name == b.name)
return 0;
return (a.name > b.name)? -1:1;
// This statement will run only when the above if condition is not satisfied
return (a.score < b.score)? -1:1;
This can be considered to be same as -
static int comparator(Player a, Player b) {
if(a.score == b.score) {
if(a.name == b.name) {
return 0;
} else {
return (a.name > b.name) ? -1 : 1;
return (a.score < b.score) ? -1 : 1;
NOTE : It is generally better if you use the braces as it will be good for readability as well as maintainability of the code. There can actually be two way of parsing it - Dangling else(though most compiler will associate the else with closest if).
In this coding style, there's no way to differentiate between below two code -
Since, in C/C++, it doesn't consider the indentation in code, so it might create ambiguity while reading the code. So its always better to use curly braces instead of doing it like above. Drop them only when you have a single line and it won't create any confusion reading the code later on...
Hope this helps !
Without curly braces, only the next statement is executed. With proper indentation it becomes easier to see what's going on:
static int comparator(Player a, Player b) {
if(a.score == b.score)
if(a.name == b.name)
return 0;
return (a.name > b.name) ? -1 : 1;
return (a.score < b.score) ? -1 : 1;
This is actually the same as:
static int comparator(Player a, Player b) {
if(a.score == b.score) {
if(a.name == b.name) {
return 0;
} else {
return (a.name > b.name) ? -1 : 1;
return (a.score < b.score) ? -1 : 1;
You have maybe used the braceless else variant without noticing it when writing something like:
if(condition) {
} else if(another_condition) {
} else {
Which is actually the same as
if(condition) {
} else {
if(another_condition) {
} else {
Without curly braces, the if guard only applies to the immediate next statement.
It's just how the language works. :/

How to check if bool method returns value in an if statement C++

I'm having a go at creating classes and have created this method inside
bool Input::CheckKeyPress(char key)
SDL_Event ev;
while (SDL_PollEvent(&ev))
keyState = SDL_GetKeyboardState(NULL);
if (ev.type == SDL_KEYDOWN)
switch (key)
case 'w' :
if (keyState[SDL_SCANCODE_W])
return 1;
return 0;
case 'a' :
if (keyState[SDL_SCANCODE_A])
return 1;
return 0;
case 's' :
if (keyState[SDL_SCANCODE_S])
return 1;
return 0;
case 'd' :
if (keyState[SDL_SCANCODE_D])
return 1;
return 0;
I try to use it in an if-statement in my main class like so:
if (bool Input::CheckKeyPress(w))
//do stuff
However as expected I get an error saying: "A function type is not allowed here" So what do I do?
Just write:
if (CheckKeyPress(w))
//do stuff
You have already told the compiler that the CheckKeyPress() method returns a bool. Here, you are just calling the function, so you don't need to mention the return type again. When the control will call the function CheckKeyPress(), it will return a bool value that would be checked for its truth within the if statement.
Note: There are two possibilities:
Instance is a different class:
If Instance is altogether a different class and CheckKeyPress() is
one of the methods that it contains, then you first need to create an object of the Instance class like below:
Instance it = new Instance(); //or just Instance it;
and then access the function via:
If the method is static:
In this case you need to call the method as:
without just the return type (bool).
Hope this is helpful. Thank you for your inputs, #user4581301.

How to make a try catch recursion in a switch statement iterative?

I am trying to make a function that looks like below. I want to make it iterative, but I am not sure since I need to keep all paths open.
someFunction( parameters)
//do stuff
switch( thing )
case: one
if (something true)
try { someFunction( different parameters ) } catch(...) { throw }
case: two
//if else with the else being a throw exception.
case: three
// same
case: four
return some value
I didnt understand very well ur question, but i will try to help!
How to use EXCEPTIONS:
if(b == 0)
throw("A number cannot be devided by zero!\n");
c = a/b
catch(string error)
cout << "ERROR: "<< error << endl;
return c
You could use it in a switch statement, after the catch i will return to the case.
case 0:
try { ... throw();}
catch() { ... error treatment}
case 1:

Refactor several nested if with same else

This is not about an existing piece of code but I'm looking for some pattern that may exist in the case that some nested if perform the same thing in their else statement.
if(condition1(a)) {
if(condition2(a)) {
} else {
} else {
The doSomethingWith... functions are changing the value of a, making it complex to have all the condition in one if.
So I'm just wondering if there is a clearer way to write it (in C, if possible).
Thanks guys
in your case, looks like the first if, if(condition1(a)), is absolutely necessary to test for the value of a before calling doSomethingWith1(a); to avoid an exception. so, no, there is no other way to do it.
if(condition1(a)) {
if(condition2(a)) {
} else {
} else {
You could just keep a count of the "doSomethings" and invoke the elseFn unless all were executed.
int count = 0;
if (condition1(a)) {
if (condition2(a)) {
if (condition2(a)) {
if (count < 3) {
I find it more readable, though less efficient, to double-check the first condition. This refactoring eliminates nesting, without multiple functions. It also more clearly shows three distinct paths of execution by grouping each logical path into a single code block.
if (condition1(a) && condition2(a)) {
else if (condition1(a)) {
else {
I don't know in C but in Java you could write this as the following:
void function(int a) {
boolean b1 = condition1(a);
if (b1) {
boolean b2 = condition2(a);
if (b2) {
if (b1 || b2) {

Changing while loop to accommodate two situations

Suppose I have a while loop that depends on two separate inputs. In situation one, the while loop will take the value 1, and in situation two, it should take !cin.eof(). Is there a way I can do this efficiently? To be more concise:
string hello;
cin >> hello;
if(hello == "one")
//make the while loop depend on value 1
else if(hello == "two")
//make the while loop depend on value !cin.eof()
while(/*depends on above conditional*/)
I don't want to do something like:
if(hello == "one)
else if(hello == "two")
because the while loop essentially does the same thing in each situation.
For readability and in the interest of cohesion, I think you should move the contents of your loop into a separate function:
void DoSomething() { /* ... */ }
// ...
if(hello == "one)
while(1){ DoSomething(); }
else if(hello == "two")
while(!cin.eof){ DoSomething(); }
It's easier to see that the different while loops are doing the same thing but their conditions are different.
I believe you're looking for something like this:
while((hello == "one") || (hello == "two" && !cin.eof)) {
This code will do what you want, because it checks 'is the variable "one"? If so, keep executing. If it's not, it'll check: Is the variable "two"? If so, it'll check for cin.eof.
If it's neither, the loop won't execute. (the && 1 in the first condition was omitted, because it's always 'true', equalling and infinite loop)
To simplify things, you may want to consider this code (as suggested in the comments):
bool HelloIsOne = (strcmp(hello, "one") == 0);
bool HelloIsTwo = (strcmp(hello, "two") == 0);
while(HelloIsOne || HelloIsTwo && !cin.eof) {
The brackets, which I placed in the previous example are actually unnecessary, because && binds stronger than ||, but they help the general clarity of the code.
Simply use or (||) as a condition in the while loop. Set the first condition if(hello == "one"). Now you have a while loop that will loop if one of the conditions is true.
bool value = hello == "one";
while (value || !cin.eof) {}
If you're using C++11:
#include <functional>
auto check = (hello == "one") ? []() bool -> { return 1; } :
[]() bool -> { return !cin.eof(); };
while(check) {
How about this:
case 'one':
for(; 1; );
// your loop here
case 'two':
for(;!cin.eof; )
// your other loop here
cout << " shouldnt get here unless bad user input" << endl;
You can do something like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
string hello;
cin >> hello;
//do stuff
return 0;
It checks if the string hello is "one" and if it's true, the condition of the while is 1, else it is !cin.eof() as you wanted.