Prolog - average predicate: Arguments not sufficiently instantiated - list

I have a list of cars (auto in german), where the first Variable is the license-plate and the second one the speed:
[auto(eu-ts884, 69), auto(dn-gh184, 64), auto(ac-lj123, 72)].
Now I try to write an average predicate but it fails with the error message:
ERROR: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
My code so far:
durchschnitt([], 0, 0).
durchschnitt([auto(_, X)|Tail], L, Y):-
Y is S/L,
L > 0,
cardinal([auto(_, X)|Tail], L),
sumKilometer([auto(_, X)|Tail], S).
sumKilometer([], 0).
sumKilometer([auto(_, X)|Tail], Sum) :-
sumKilometer(Tail, N),
Sum is N + X.
cardinal([], 0).
cardinal([_|Tail], Result) :-
cardinal(Tail, N),
Result is N + 1.
My code is quite equivalent to that post, although I cannot make out my mistake.
Note: sumKilometer and cardinal are working fine.

You write:
durchschnitt([], 0, 0).
durchschnitt([auto(_, X)|Tail], L, Y):-
Y is S/L,
L > 0,
cardinal([auto(_, X)|Tail], L),
sumKilometer([auto(_, X)|Tail], S).
The first problem is that when you call durchschnitt([auto(foo,2)],L,Y), L is a free variable. As a result, you cannot calculate Y is S/L since both S and L are unknown here.
You can however use:
durchschnitt([], 0, 0).
durchschnitt([auto(_, X)|Tail], L, Y):-
cardinal([auto(_, X)|Tail], L),
sumKilometer([auto(_, X)|Tail], S),
Y is S/L.
So here you calculate the average after both L and S are known. Furthermore you do not unify the list with [auto(_,X)|Tail], etc. A simple check like A = [_|_] is sufficient:
durchschnitt([], 0, 0).
durchschnitt(A, L, Y):-
A = [_|_],
cardinal(A, L),
sumKilometer(A, S),
Y is S/L.
This will also reduce the amount of time spent packing and unpacking.
Sum, Length and Average all concurrently
You can construct a predicate that calculates the three all at the same time (so without looping twice over the list). You can simply use accumulators, like:
durchschnitt(A,L,Y) :-
Here the second and third element are the running sum and length respectively.
Now for durchschnitt/5, there are two cases. In the first case we have reached the end of the list, and we thus have to calculate the average and return it, like:
durchschnitt([],S,L,L,Y) :-
(L \= 0
-> Y is S/L
; Y = 0).
So we use an if-then-else to check if the length is something different than 0 (in the case there are no autos in the list, we return 0 as average.
In the recursive case, we simple increment the running length and update the running sum, like:
durchschnitt([auto(_,Si)|T],RS,RL,L,Y) :-
RSN is RS+Si,
L1 is L+1,
Or putting it together:
durchschnitt(A,L,Y) :-
durchschnitt([],S,L,L,Y) :-
(L \= 0
-> Y is S/L
; Y = 0).
durchschnitt([auto(_,Si)|T],RS,RL,L,Y) :-
RSN is RS+Si,
L1 is L+1,


How to get prime numbers from list and put them in empty list

I want to get all prime numbers from a list of numbers and put it into another empty list.
My problem is that whenever the function isPrime is false, the program is terminated.
I'm very beginner in prolog, so if you have any feedback I'll appreciate the help.
Here is my code below:
Xtemp is integer(X/2),
X is Counter-1,
X \= 0,
X2 is mod(Num,X),
X2 \= 0,
Your check_prime function will give true even for non-prime numbers.
Example: check_prime(4) will call isPrime(4, 2), which will unify with the first clause of isPrime.
An example of code that gives you the list of primes would be this:
% predicate to check if X has any divisors
divisible(X,Y) :- 0 is X mod Y, !.
divisible(X,Y) :- X > Y+1, divisible(X, Y+1).
%predicate to check if that number is prime by using the divisible predicate
isPrime(2) :- true,!.
isPrime(X) :- X < 2,!,false.
isPrime(X) :- not(divisible(X, 2)).
%predicate that returns the resulted list
primeList([], []). % stopping condition, when list empty
% we add current element to the resulting list if it is prime
primeList([H|T], [H|R]):- isPrime(H), !, primeList(T, R).
% otherwise, we just skip it
primeList([_|T], R):- primeList(T, R).
Query: ?-primeList([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], R). => R=[2,3,5,7]

Give as a solution every different number in a list of lists

I need to do a predicate, select(ListOfLists, X) that returns as a solution every different number in a list of lists, starting with the numbers that are alone in a list, for example:
Would return:
X = 4 ;
X = 3 ;
X = 2 ;
X = 1
Order doesn't matter as long as the numbers that are alone in the list are shown first.
To do this, first I coded 2 other predicates, which are:
%OrderedList is Lists ordered by size.
orderListsBySize(Lists, OrderedLists).
Example: orderListsBySize([[1,2],[6],[3,4,5]], L). ->L = [[6], [1,2], [3,4,5]]
%ListsWithoutX is Lists without the X elements
removeFromLists(X, Lists, ListsWithoutX).
Example: removeFromLists(1,[[1,2],[3],[4,1,5]],L). -> L = [[2],[3],[4,5]]
Both predicates work.
Then, to do the select(ListOfLists, X) predicate, I tried the following:
select([[X|[]]|_], X). select(L1,S) :-
orderListsBySize(L1, [[X|XS]|LS]),
length(XS, A),
A == 0,
select([[X|[]]|M], S),
removeFromLists(X, [XS|LS], M).
select([[X|_]|_], X).
But it doesn't work.
It's not a hard exercise to do in other languages, the problem is that it's still hard for me to understand how prolog works. I appreaciate any help, thanks!
You could start with:
Which will return all the answers, but then get stuck in a loop looking for ever bigger lists.
This can be averted using the :-use_module(library(clpfd)). and defining a fd_length/2 which wont keep looking for bigger lists then exist in the list of lists.
fd_length(L, N) :-
N #>= 0,
fd_length(L, N, 0).
fd_length([], N, N0) :-
N #= N0.
fd_length([_|L], N, N0) :-
N1 is N0+1,
N #>= N1,
fd_length(L, N, N1).
Biggest #>= Len,
Example Query:
X = 4
X = 3
X = 1
X = 2
X = 1
X = 2
X = 3
If you want unique solutions, you could enclose in a setof/3 and then call member/2 again.

Prolog Assignment

This is the question for one of my assignments:
Write repCount(L, X, N) which is true when N is the number of occurrences of X in list L.
Here's my code where I try to tackle the problem recursively:
repCount([], X, N) :-
N is 0.
repCount([H|T], X, N) :-
count([H|T], X, N).
count([], X, 0).
count([H|T], X, N) :-
count(T, X, N1),
X =:= H,
N is N1 + 1.
And it works when I supply a list full of identical numbers like this:
?- repCount([2,2,2], 2, N).
N = 3.
But if I supply a list with at least one different value:
?- repCount([2,2,22], 2, N).
It returns false. I cannot figure out why this happens or how to change it to 'skip' the non-matching value, rather than declare the whole thing false. Any input is appreciated.
count([H|T], X, N):- count(T, X, N1), X=:=H, N is N1 + 1.
here you declare that N should be N1+1 if X is H; however you do not define what should happen if X is not H (basically missing an else clause)
this should work:
count([H|T], X, N):-
count(T, X, N1),
N is N1 + 1
; N is N1).
another way would be:
count([H|T], X, N):- count(T, X, N1), X=:=H, N is N1 + 1.
count([H|T], X, N):- X=\=H, count(T, X, N1), N is N1.
but this is inefficient since count(T,X,N1) will be called twice if X is not H. we can fix this by doing the check in the head of the clause:
count([H|T], H, N):- count(T, X, N1), N is N1 + 1.
count([H|T], X, N):- count(T, X, N1), N is N1.
or simply:
count([H|T], H, N):- count(T, X, N1), N is N1 + 1.
count([H|T], X, N1):- X=\=H, count(T, X, N1).
One maybe interesting addition to what #magus wrote: If you only care about the number of elements instead of the elements themselves, you can use findall/3 like this:
list_elem_num(Ls, E, N) :-
findall(., member(E, Ls), Ds),
length(Ds, N).
Preserve logical-purity—with a little help from
meta-predicate tcount/3 and (=)/3!
The goal tcount(=(X),Es,N) reads "there are N items in list Es that are equal to X".
Sample query:
?- tcount(=(X), [a,b,c,a,b,c,a,b,a], N).
( N = 4, X=a
; N = 3, X=b
; N = 2, X=c
; N = 0, dif(X,a), dif(X,b), dif(X,c)
). % terminates universally
But assuming you aren't allowed to 'cheat', if you want to use recursion, you don't need to do the '==' comparison.. you can use Prolog's variable unification to reach the same end:
% Job done all instances
repCount2([], _, 0).
% Head unifies with X/2nd parameter - ie X found
repCount2([H|T], H, N) :-
repCount2(T, H, NewN),
N is NewN + 1.
% We got here, so X not found, recurse around
repCount2([_|T], X, N) :-
repCount2(T, X, N).
In the second predicate, H is mentioned twice, meaning that if the Head of the list is the same as X, then recurse down, then add 1 to the result of the rest of the recursion (which ends in adding 0 - the base case, which is how the accumulator is built).
Almost need to use an accumulator, thus:
repCount(Xs,Y,N) :-
count(Xs,Y,0,N) % the 3rd argument is the accumulator for the count, which we seed as 0
count([],_,N,N). % if the list is empty, unify the accumulator with the result
count([X|Xs],Y,T,N) :- % if the list is non-empty,
X == Y , % and the head of the list (X) is the the desired value (Y),
T1 is T+1 , % then increment the count, and
count(Xs,Y,T1,N) % recurse down, passing the incremented accumulator
. %
count([X|Xs],Y,T,N) :- % if the list is non-empty,
X \== Y , % and the head of the list(X) is not the desired value (Y),
count(Xs,Y,T,N) % simply recurse down
. %
The original question didn't say whether there were constraints on which predicates you could use.
If you are allowed to 'cheat' ie. use higher order predicates like 'findall' that recurse for you Vs you doing the recursion yourself, this can be done in a single predicate:
repCount(L, X, N) :-
findall(X, member(X, L), ListOfX),
length(ListOfX, N).

Prolog sum all the number in the list.

How to sum all odd positioned elements in a list
example [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] = 25
odd([X,Y|T], Sum+1):- odd(T,Sum).
but it return me 1+3+5+7+9.
In prolog you have to use the is operator when you want to evaluate arithmetic expressions. Since you use the + symbol outside of an arithmetic scope it is not interpreted specially. This appears to be homework, so I'll give a simplified example:
add(A, B, C) :- C is A + B.
The code above adds A and B and stores the result in C.
What you construct when you write Sum+1 is a term with functor '+'/2 and arguments Sum and 1.
In Prolog, when you want to calculate a sum, you need to use the predicate is/2.
In your code, you should also add cuts to remove unnecessary choicepoints, and add X to the rest of the sum, not 1:
odd([],0) :- !.
odd([Z],Z) :- !.
odd([X,_|T],Sum):- odd(T,Sum0), Sum is Sum0+X.
Using an accumulator would allow you to make the code tail-recursive...
Get a list with the odd elements, then sum that list:
divide([], [], []).
divide([H|T], [H|L1], L2) :- divide(T, L2, L1).
sum(L, Sum) :- sum(L, 0, Sum).
sum([], Acu, Acu).
sum([H|T], Acu, Acu1) :-
Acu2 is Acu + H,
sum(T, Acu2, Acu1).
sum_odd(L, Sum) :-
divide(L, Odds, _),
sum(Odds, Sum).
:- sum_odd([1,2,5,6,8,9,1], Sum), writeln(Sum).
sum([H|T],N) :-
sum(T,M), N is H + M.

Prolog, find minimum in a list

in short: How to find min value in a list? (thanks for the advise kaarel)
long story:
I have created a weighted graph in amzi prolog and given 2 nodes, I am able to retrieve a list of paths. However, I need to find the minimum value in this path but am unable to traverse the list to do this. May I please seek your advise on how to determine the minimum value in the list?
my code currently looks like this:
path(X,Z,A) :-
(arc(X,Y),path(Y,Z,A1),A is A1+1;arc(X,Z), A is 1).
thus, ' keying findall(Z,path(2,6,Z),L).' in listener allows me to attain a list [3,2,2,1].
I need to retrieve the minimum value from here and multiply it with an amount. Can someone please advise on how to retrieve the minimum value? thanks!
It is common to use a so-called "lagged argument" to benefit from first-argument indexing:
list_min([L|Ls], Min) :-
list_min(Ls, L, Min).
list_min([], Min, Min).
list_min([L|Ls], Min0, Min) :-
Min1 is min(L, Min0),
list_min(Ls, Min1, Min).
This pattern is called a fold (from the left), and foldl/4, which is available in recent SWI versions, lets you write this as:
list_min([L|Ls], Min) :- foldl(num_num_min, Ls, L, Min).
num_num_min(X, Y, Min) :- Min is min(X, Y).
Notice though that this cannot be used in all directions, for example:
?- list_min([A,B], 5).
is/2: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
If you are reasoning about integers, as seems to be the case in your example, I therefore recommend you use CLP(FD) constraints to naturally generalize the predicate. Instead of (is)/2, simply use (#=)/2 and benefit from a more declarative solution:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
list_min([L|Ls], Min) :- foldl(num_num_min, Ls, L, Min).
num_num_min(X, Y, Min) :- Min #= min(X, Y).
This can be used as a true relation which works in all directions, for example:
?- list_min([A,B], 5).
A in 5..sup,
5#=min(B, A),
B in 5..sup.
This looks right to me (from here).
min_in_list([Min],Min). % We've found the minimum
min_in_list([H,K|T],M) :-
H =< K, % H is less than or equal to K
min_in_list([H|T],M). % so use H
min_in_list([H,K|T],M) :-
H > K, % H is greater than K
min_in_list([K|T],M). % so use K
%Usage: minl(List, Minimum).
minl([Only], Only).
minl([Head|Tail], Minimum) :-
minl(Tail, TailMin),
Minimum is min(Head, TailMin).
The second rule does the recursion, in english "get the smallest value in the tail, and set Minimum to the smaller of that and the head". The first rule is the base case, "the minimum value of a list of one, is the only value in the list".
| ?- minl([2,4,1],1).
true ?
| ?- minl([2,4,1],X).
X = 1 ?
You can use it to check a value in the first case, or you can have prolog compute the value in the second case.
This program may be slow, but I like to write obviously correct code when I can.
smallest(List,Min) :-
SWI-Prolog offers library(aggregate). Generalized and performance wise.
:- [library(aggregate)].
min(L, M) :- aggregate(min(E), member(E, L), M).
A recent addition was library(solution_sequences). Now we can write
min(L,M) :- order_by([asc(M)], member(M,L)), !.
max(L,M) :- order_by([desc(M)], member(M,L)), !.
Now, ready for a surprise :) ?
?- test_performance([clpfd_max,slow_max,member_max,rel_max,agg_max]).
% 1,500,000 inferences, 0.607 CPU in 0.607 seconds (100% CPU, 2470519 Lips)
% 9,500,376 inferences, 2.564 CPU in 2.564 seconds (100% CPU, 3705655 Lips)
% 1,500,009 inferences, 1.004 CPU in 1.004 seconds (100% CPU, 1494329 Lips)
% 1,000,054 inferences, 2.649 CPU in 2.648 seconds (100% CPU, 377588 Lips)
% 2,500,028 inferences, 1.461 CPU in 1.462 seconds (100% CPU, 1710732 Lips)
with these definitions:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
clpfd_max([L|Ls], Max) :- foldl([X,Y,M]>>(M #= max(X, Y)), Ls, L, Max).
slow_max(L, Max) :-
select(Max, L, Rest), \+ (member(E, Rest), E #> Max).
member_max([H|T],M) :-
member_max(T,N), ( \+ H#<N -> M=H ; M=N ).
rel_max(L,M) :-
order_by([desc(M)], member(M,L)), !.
agg_max(L,M) :-
aggregate(max(E), member(E,L), M).
test_performance(Ps) :-
test_performance(Ps,500 000,_).
test_performance(Ps,N_Ints,Result) :-
list_of_random(N_Ints,1,100 000 000,Seq),
list_of_random(N_Ints,L,U,RandomInts) :-
clpfd_max wins hands down, and to my surprise, slow_max/2 turns out to be not too bad...
SWI-Prolog has min_list/2:
min_list(+List, -Min)
True if Min is the smallest number in List.
Its definition is in library/
min_list([H|T], Min) :-
min_list(T, H, Min).
min_list([], Min, Min).
min_list([H|T], Min0, Min) :-
Min1 is min(H, Min0),
min_list(T, Min1, Min).
This is ok for me :
minimumList([X], X). %(The minimum is the only element in the list)
minimumList([X|Q], M) :- % We 'cut' our list to have one element, and the rest in Q
minimumList(Q, M1), % We call our predicate again with the smallest list Q, the minimum will be in M1
M is min(M1, X). % We check if our first element X is smaller than M1 as we unstack our calls
Similar to andersoj, but using a cut instead of double comparison:
min([X], X).
min([X, Y | R], Min) :-
X < Y, !,
min([X | R], Min).
min([X, Y | R], Min) :-
min([Y | R], Min).
Solution without "is".
min([H|T],M,X) :- H =< M, min(T,H,X).
min([H|T],M,X) :- M < H, min(T,M,X).
min([H|T],X) :- min(T,H,X).
thanks for the replies. been useful. I also experimented furthur and developed this answer:
% if list has only 1 element, it is the smallest. also, this is base case.
min_list([H|List],X) :-
min_list(List,X1), (H =< X1,X is H; H > X1, X is X1).
% recursively call min_list with list and value,
% if H is less than X1, X1 is H, else it is the same.
Not sure how to gauge how good of an answer this is algorithmically yet, but it works! would appreciate any feedback nonetheless. thanks!
min([Second_Last, Last], Result):-
Second_Last < Last
-> Result = Second_Last
; Result = Last, !.
min([First, Second|Rest], Result):-
First < Second
-> min([First|Rest], Result)
; min([Second|Rest], Result).
Should be working.
This works and seems reasonably efficient.
min_in_list([H|T],X) :-
(H < M, X = H; X = M).
min_list(X,Y) :- min_in_list(X,Y), !.
% find minimum in a list
% so whattaya think!