intField does not display changes - python-2.7

I am writing a script to simplify a tedious task when using Vray, but I am stuck with the intFields that are supposed to allow the user to type in a int value that triggers an certain action when hitting the button. I simplified the code to only the necessary parts. No matter what I change the value to, it is always 0 in the Script Editor output.
import maya.cmds as cmds
idManagerUI = cmds.window(title='Vray ID Manager', s = False, wh = (300,500))
cmds.columnLayout(adj = True)
cmds.text (l = 'type in MultimatteID to select matching shaders \n or specify ObjectID to select matching objects \n __________________________________________ \n')
cmds.text (l = 'MultimatteID: \n')
cmds.intField( "MultimatteID", editable = True)
MultimatteIdButton = cmds.button(l = 'Go!', w = 30, h = 50, c = 'multimatteChecker()')
cmds.text (l = '\n')
MultimatteIdInput = cmds.intField( "MultimatteID", q = True, v = True)
def multimatteChecker():
print MultimatteIdInput

Three things:
First, as written you can't be sure that the intField MultimatteID is actually getting the name you think it should have. Maya widget names are unique, like maya object names -- you may name it MultimatteID but actually get back a widget named MultimatteID2 because you have an undeleted window somewhere (visible or not) with a similarly named control.
Second, the code you pasted queries the value of the control immediately after the window is created. It should always print out the value you gave it on creation.
Finally -- don't use the string version of command assignment in your button. It's unreliable when you move from code in the listener to working scripts.
This should do what you want:
idManagerUI = cmds.window(title='Vray ID Manager', s = False, wh = (300,500))
cmds.columnLayout(adj = True)
cmds.text (l = 'type in MultimatteID to select matching shaders \n or specify ObjectID to select matching objects \n __________________________________________ \n')
cmds.text (l = 'MultimatteID: \n')
# store the intField name
intfield = cmds.intField( "MultimatteID", editable = True)
cmds.text (l = '\n')
# define the function before assigning it.
# at this point in the code it knows what 'intfield' is....
def multimatteChecker(_):
print cmds.intField( intfield, q = True, v = True)
#assign using the function object directly
MultimatteIdButton = cmds.button(l = 'Go!', w = 30, h = 50, c = multimatteChecker)


matching string using regular expression

text = "hellovision hey creator yoyo b creator great publisher"
I want to extract creator's name and publisher's name from text.
The result will be,
creator = hellovision hey, yoyo
publisher = great
How can I get text using regular expression?
Do I need to use span()..?
This is my code.
def preprocess2(text):
text_list = test.split(' ')
lyricist = []
composer = []
music_arranger = []
temp = []
for i in range(0, len(text_list)):
if text_list[i] == 'creator':
for a in range(0, i-1):
for b in range(0, i+1):
elif text_list[i] == 'pulisher':
for a in range(0, i-1):
for b in range(0, i+1):
i = i +1
return text_list
If you split your array using regex with a capture group, the value that you split on will also be passed into the output array.
You can then loop through looking for 'creator' or 'publisher' and in each case, pass the previous entry into the proper collection.
const text = "hellovision hey creator yoyo b creator great publisher"
const splitArr = text.split(/(creator|publisher)/)
const creators = [], publishers = []
let i = -1, len = splitArr.length
while(++i < len){
if(splitArr[i] == "creator") creators.push(splitArr[i-1].trim())
else if(splitArr[i] == "publisher") publishers.push(splitArr[i-1].trim())
console.log("creators: ", creators)
console.log("publishers: ", publishers)

Shiny implementation

Hello my question is about user interactivity with my code, I developed this simple loop for time series using the great forecast Hybrid package, here is the rmd for it
The strange language is Portuguese sorry I was too lazy to translate the whole thing it shouldn't matter anyway.
```{r Primeira Vez, clique no play, include=FALSE, include=FALSE}
```{r Inputs}
# A dataset variable in the global enviroment
Data<- SemZero
#How to save a witout dummies regression
ComoSalvar<- "Exemplo2.csv"
#How to save a with dummies regression
ComoSalvarReg<- "ExemploparaDummies.csv"
#Where to save them.
OndeSalvar <- "~/R"
#Month,Year, and Day variable for the ts
Mes<- 9
Ano<- 2012
Dia<- 1
Freq<- 12
#Forecast Period.
Forecast = 12
#Confidance intervals
IC<- c(0)
#Variables in the Data dataset that will be used for the lapply regression, usually I would read an excel file with headers.
VStart = 1
VFinish = 2
#Simple regressor dataset, they can be matrix as well as line since de data.fram combines everyone example data.frame(OddMonths,Christmas,WasTrumpPresident?,RainInThatSeason)
Regressores<- data.frame(0)
```{r Logic for rolling test and data simplification}
if(IC[1] > 0) pi<-TRUE else
pi<- FALSE
if (nrow(Data) >= Freq*3 + Forecast*2) {
Weights <- "cv.error"
Multiplicador<-floor((nrow(Data)-Forecast*2)/Freq) } else
if (nrow(Data) <= Freq*3 + Forecast*2) {
Weights <- "cv.error"
Multiplicador<-3 } else
if (nrow(Data) >= Freq*2.5 + Forecast*2){
Weights <- "cv.error"
Multiplicador = 2.5} else
Weights <- "equal"
```{r The bunk of the regression process}
if (nrow(Regressores) < nrow(Data)) {
my_forecast1 <- try({function(x){
x[] <- 0; x
if(sum(abs(x)) < Freq){
Model<- "aenst"} else
if(mean(x[1:Freq]) == 0)Model<- "aenst" else Model<- "aenstf"
x<- ts(x, start = c(Ano, Mes,Dia), frequency = Freq)
hm<-hybridModel(x, models = Model, lambda = NULL,
a.args = list(trace = FALSE,test = "kpss", ic ="aicc", max.P = 2, max.p = 9,max.q=9,max.Q = 2,max.d = 2,max.D = 2,start.p = 9,start.P = 2,start.Q = 2,start.q = 9,allowdrift = TRUE,allowmean = TRUE
#Se tiver tempo apague o # abaixo para uma maior qualidade no modelo arima.
#,stepwise = FALSE,parallel = TRUE,num.cores = NULL
e.args = list(ic = "aicc"),
n.args = list(repeats = nrow(Data)),
s.args = NULL,
t.args = NULL,
weights = Weights,
errorMethod = "RMSE",cvHorizon = Forecast,windowSize = frequency(x)*Multiplicador, horizonAverage = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE)
lapply(seq_along(x), function(i) paste(names(x)[[i]], x[[i]]))
fcast1<- forecast(hm,h = Forecast,level = IC,PI = pi)
Listas<- lapply(Data[,VStart:VFinish], try(my_forecast1))
if (pi == FALSE) ListaResultado<-, '[[', 'mean')) else
ListaResultado <- Listas
write.csv(ListaResultado , file = ComoSalvar)
} else {
my_forecastreg <- function(x){
x[] <- 0; x
x<- ts(x, start = c(Ano, Mes,Dia), frequency = Freq)
hmreg <- hybridModel(x ,models = "ans",
a.args = list(xreg = Regressores[1:nrow(Data),],trace = TRUE,test = "kpss", ic ="aicc", max.P = 2, max.p = 9,max.q=9,max.Q = 2,max.d = 2,max.D = 2,start.p = 9,start.P = 2,start.Q = 2,start.q = 9,allowdrift = TRUE,allowmean = TRUE
#Se tiver tempo apague o # abaixo para uma maior qualidade no modelo arima.
#,stepwise = FALSE,parallel = TRUE,num.cores = NULL
n.args = list(xreg = Regressores[1:nrow(Data),], repeats= nrow(Regressores)),
s.args = list(xreg = Regressores[1:nrow(Data),], method = "arima"))
fcast2<- forecast(hmreg,h = Forecast,level = IC,PI = pi, xreg = Regressores[nrow(Data):(nrow(Data)+Forecast-1),])
Listas2<- lapply(Data[,VStart:VFinish], try(my_forecastreg))
if (pi == FALSE) ListaResultado2<-, '[[', 'mean')) else
ListaResultado2 <- Listas2
write.csv(ListaResultado2 , file = ComoSalvarReg)
I want to develop something to get the user input and run the regressions, my end user doesn't usually like how ugly a R Markdown file looks, I was looking into using shiny, but i dont know a few details
Who runs this regressions if I upload the whole thing successfully to shiny? My computer,the server, the user, I have no idea?
Can the user input go into the users own global environment so that the whole thing could be kept as a strictly offline process(using Shiny as a beautification app that substitutes this input chunk?)
Can someone please give an example of an Shiny app that does something similar?
Can the user read.xlsm into shiny server, or use his global environment to define a data for the shiny app to use as input?
Also is the thief package possible to implement on this lapply function as a way to increase the forecast quality, I would of course Drop the stlm and theta option from the model as they behave rather poorly in a wide range of simulations that I performed with toy sets, the stlm crashes on cross validation with a few observations and the theta model just doesn't work.
Can someone teach me how to on error inside the function ignore the variable and just keep applying the function to the next variable? or change the model to something less problematic my solution was to try to catch these cases where the model would crash and drop the theta model before it happens but it is just an ugly hack to the underlying problem.
Also if you see something ugly in the code itself feel free to criticize.

cleaning up my SQLAlchemy operations (reducing repetition)

I have some server side processing of some data (client-side library = jQuery DataTables)
I am using POST as my ajax method. In my Flask webapp, I can access the POST data with request.values
The data type / structure of request.values is werkzeug.datastructures.CombinedMultiDict
If the user wants to sort a column, the request contains a key called action with a value of filter (note the below printouts are obtained with for v in request.values: print v, request.values[v])
columns[7][data] role
columns[8][search][regex] false
action filter
all the column names are also contained in the request as keys. The columns that have search terms will have the search string as a value for the column name key (as opposed to empty for columns with no search term entered. So, If I want to search for firstname containing bill, I would see the following in my request
columns[7][searchable] true
firstname bill
columns[2][searchable] true
columns[5][data] phone
columns[10][data] registered_on
columns[0][searchable] true
columns[7][orderable] true
Notice how role and email are empty. So my code below is very non-DRY
rv = request.values
if rv.get('action') == 'filter':
if len(rv.get('firstname')):
q = q.filter(User.firstname.ilike('%{0}%'.format(rv.get('firstname'))))
if len(rv.get('lastname')):
q = q.filter(User.lastname.ilike('%{0}%'.format(rv.get('lastname'))))
if len(rv.get('username')):
q = q.filter(User.username.ilike('%{0}%'.format(rv.get('username'))))
if len(rv.get('email')):
q = q.filter('%{0}%'.format(rv.get('email'))))
if len(rv.get('phone')):
q = q.filter('%{0}%'.format(rv.get('phone'))))
if len(rv.get('region')):
q = q.filter('%{0}%'.format(rv.get('region'))))
if len(rv.get('role')):
q = q.filter('%{0}%'.format(rv.get('role'))))
if len(rv.get('is_active')):
q = q.filter(User.is_active_ == '{0}'.format(rv.get('is_active')))
if len(rv.get('is_confirmed')):
q = q.filter(User.is_confirmed == '{0}'.format(rv.get('is_confirmed')))
if len(rv.get('registered_on_from')):
fdate = datetime.strptime(rv.get('registered_on_from'), '%Y-%m-%d')
q = q.filter(User.registered_on > fdate)
if len(rv.get('registered_on_to')):
tdate = datetime.strptime(rv.get('registered_on_to'), '%Y-%m-%d')
q = q.filter(User.registered_on < tdate)
I was building the sorting functionality, and I found the following statement that greatly simplified my life (see this answer)
q = q.order_by('{name} {dir}'.format(name=sort_col_name, dir=sort_dir))
I was wondering if there was a way to simplify this set of filtering queries like the above sorting code since I will have to do this for many other models.
This should help:
from sqlalchemy import inspect
from sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes import String,Boolean
def filter_model_by_request(qry,model,rv):
if rv.get('action') == 'filter':
mapper = inspect(model).attrs # model mapper
col_names = list(set([c.key for c in mapper]) & set(rv.keys()))
# col_names is a list generated by intersecting the request values and model column names
for col_name in col_names:
col = mapper[col_name].columns[0]
col_type = type(col.type)
if col_type == String: # filter for String
qry = qry.filter(col.ilike('%{0}%'.format(rv.get(col_name))))
elif col_type == Boolean: # filter for Boolean
qry = qry.filter(col == '{0}'.format(rv.get(col_name)))
return qry
Example call (I used it with a #app.before_request and a cURL call to verify):
qry = db.session.query(User)
print filter_model_by_request(qry,User,request.values).count()
The date range filtering is not included in the function, add this feature if you wish, your code is fine for that purpose.
side note: be careful with the bigger/smaller operators for the dates. You're excluding the actual requested dates. Use <= or >= to include dates in filtering action. It's always a pitfall for me..

check entry inputs in tkinter using a function

I trying to create physics calculator using python tkinter but I find it quite difficult. I have done this calculator in Command line interface but I a bit different with tkinter. basically, I have 5 entry boxes and above each one of them a button. the user will insert values in three of them and should press the button on top of each unknown value to make the calculation and get the result. my main issue is how can I create a function that evaluates the inputs in my entry boxes and make the calculation then print the results inside the entry box. I made some coding but unfortunately the operation is not working due to few mistakes.
here is my coding part:
from Tkinter import *
import math
class calculator():
def is_positive_number(number): # validation function
if number <= 0:
return False
else :
return True
def value_of_time(prompt):
while True: # loop command for time
valid = False
while not valid:
value = float((prompt))
if is_positive_number(value):
valid = True
return value
else :
valid = False
print ('I donot know what is happening')
except ValueError:
print("Oops, unfortunately this is a wrong input, please try again.")
#better try again... Return to the start of the loop
#value was successfully parsed!
#we're ready to exit the loop.
def input_of_box(prompt):
while True: # loop for initial velocity
value = float(input(prompt))
return value
except ValueError:
print("Oops, we are you not typing a number, please try again.")
#better try again... Return to the start of the loop
#value was successfully parsed!
#we're ready to exit the loop.
# def minput(numberofinput):
if numberofinput == 1:
t = value_of_time("Enter the time that takes an object to accelerate in seconds:")
elif numberofinput == 2:
u = input_of_box("Enter the initial velocity in m/s:")
elif numberofinput == 2:
v = input_of_box("Enter the final velocity in m/s:")
def my_calculation(mvariables): # this function is to operate the calculation
if mvariables == 1:
a = (v-u) /(t)
mentery1 = a
elif mvariables == 2:
v = u + a*t
mentery2 = v
elif mvariables == 3:
u = a*t - v
mentery3 = t
elif mvariables == 4:
t = (v - u)/a
mentery3 = t
elif mvariables == 5:
s = (v**2-u**2)/2*a
mentery4 = s
print ('there is an error')
cal = Tk()
cal.configure(background='sky blue')
a = StringVar()
u = StringVar()
v = StringVar()
t = StringVar()
s = StringVar()
cal.title('Main Menu')
# here we start greating buttons and entry boxes
m_label = Label(text='Calculator',fg = 'Navy', font=("Helvetica", 20,"bold italic"), bg='sky blue')
button1 = Button(cal,text='A',fg='white',bg='dark green',bd =3, width=4, command= lambda : my_calculation(1)),y=210)
mentery1 = Entry(cal, textvariable = a ,width=10,bd =3),y=240)
button2 = Button(cal,text='U',fg='white',bg='dark green',bd =3, width=4, command= lambda : my_calculation(3)),y=210)
mentery2 = Entry(cal, textvariable = u ,width=10,bd =3),y=240)
button3 = Button(cal,text='V',fg='white',bg='dark green',bd =3, width=4, command= lambda : my_calculation(2)),y=210)
mentery3 = Entry(cal, textvariable = v ,width=10,bd =3),y=240)
button4 = Button(cal,text='T',fg='white',bg='dark green',bd =3, width=4,command= lambda : my_calculation(4)),y=210)
mentery4 = Entry(cal, textvariable = t ,width=10,bd =3),y=240)
button5 = Button(cal,text='S',fg='white',bg='dark green',bd =3, width=4,command= lambda : my_calculation(5)),y=210)
mentery5 = Entry(cal, textvariable = s , width=10,bd =3),y=240)
# end of button commands
app = calculator()
For validating the input, do the following:
def returnValidatedInput(entry):
value = entry.get() # Get the text in the 'entry' widget
evaluation = eval(value) # Evaluate 'value'
return evaluation
And for inserting the answers into the entries (it's not called printing the answers into the entries):
def insertAnswer(entry, answer):
entry.delete(0, 'end') # Be sure the entry is empty, if it is not, clear it
entry.insert(END, str(answer)) # Insert the answer into the 'entry' widget.

How to store the user selected input from a Listbox

This is much like a traveling salesman problem. I have a Listbox with college names in it(backed with coordinates I grabbed from the Facebook Graph). I have the selection mode set to multiple. I need to know the code that will allow me to use the colleges they selected so i can put them through a distance method. I only need to know the code to see what they selected. I tried using curselection() but I still do not understand it.
Here is some code:
self.listbox = Listbox(self.mid_frame,width = 42,selectmode ="multiple",
highlightcolor = "orange",
highlightthickness = "10",bd = "5")
coordinates = []
collegelist = []
f = open(sys.argv[1],'r')
# grab the college's lat and long from facebook graph
for identity in f:
obj = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(urlquery))
college = obj["name"]
latitude = obj["location"]["latitude"]
longitude = obj["location"]["longitude"]
coordinates.append((college,latitude, longitude))
#sort the colleges so they appear alphabetical order
sortcollege = sorted(collegelist)
#fill Listbox with the College names imported from a text file
for college in sortcollege:
self.listbox.insert(END, college)
self.listbox.pack(side = LEFT)
#The label where I would put the total distance
self.output_totaldist_label = Label(self.mid_frame,
width = 11,
textvariable = self.totaldistance)
self.totaldistance = StringVar()
self.output_label = Label(self.mid_frame,
textvariable = self.totaldistance)
self.output_totaldist_label.pack(side = LEFT)
self.output_label.pack(side = LEFT)
It would have been nice to see how you tried curselection to see what went wrong.
Something like:
for idx in self.listbox.curselection():
selitem = self.listbox.get(idx)
should do the trick. Have you tried that?