How to query with Loopback JS model string parameter contains in regexp array? - loopbackjs

I tried to query Loopback js Model using "inq" (mongo $in) syntax
like this:
let itemNames = [/test/i, /test2/i];
app.models.skill.find({where: {name: {inq: itemNames}}}, ....
But loopback is changing regexp to strings.
loopback sends strings like
{ name: { $in: [ "/test/i", "/test2/i" ] } }
expected to work like described here:
Can you suggest a fix or a workaround for this (but I can't patch loopback itself it is a business requirement)

Loopback accepted my changes,
so it should be possible to use regexps like in mongo.

You may create inq item like this:
let itemNames = [new RegExp('/test/i'), new RegExp('/test2/i')];
It worked for me.


Regex to grab data from massive HTML string

I am grabbing a HTML source dump that includes some sort of JSON props created by react.
Trying to grab data in syntax like this: "siteName":"Example Site". I want to grab that "Example Site" text without the quotations.
I know I could be using an HTML parser but this is actually within some JS code in the source.
Any thoughts on how I could do this? Thanks
With this regex you get it but I would use something else like a Json parser
var regex = /"siteName":"(.+?)"/g;
var str = `{"siteName":"ABC Example Business","contactName":"Jeff","siteKey":"abcexample","tabKey":"service","entityKey":"1192289","siteId":152285976,"entityId":13123055221,"phone":"","mobile":"0100 000 000",}`;
var result = regex.exec(str);
How about that:

Jmter complicated regular expression solution? [duplicate]

I have following JSON format in response body
"Name" : "Prashant",
"City" : "Sydney"
"Name" : "Yogi",
"City" : "London"
What is the better way for checking if this array has any records and if yes give me "Name" for first array index. I am using jp#gc JSON extractor plugin for jMeter.
Is it possible to parse this using a plugin or do I need to do it using regular expressions?
Using Ubik Load Pack JSON plugin for JMeter which is part of JMeter since version 3.0 (donated plugin) and called JSON Extractor, you can do it:
Test Plan overview:
ULP_JSON PostProcessor:
If Controller:
And here is the run result:
So as you can see it is possible with plain JMeter
If you're looking to learn JMeter, this book by 3 developers of the project will help you.
I am not sure about your plugin but if it supports JSON path expressions it should be possible.
Try with this expression: $.[0].Name.
This is the plugin I use: and given expression works with it.
You can find more about JSON Path expressions here:
Working with JSON in JMeter is not quite easy as JMeter was designed long ago before JSON was invented.
There are some extensions however that make life easier:
We can add a regular expression extractor for fetching the value from the response.
Like This:
If possible, always use Regular Expression Extractor. Try to avoid JSON / XPATH / Other extractors. They might look easy to use. But they consume more memory and time. It will affect the performance of your test plan.
Rest Get service sample:
"ObjectIdentifiers": {
"internal": 1,
"External1": "221212-12121",
"External3": "",
"Name": "koh"
"PartyType": "naturalPerson",
"NaturalPerson": {
"idNo": "221212-12121",
"Title": "Mr",
"Name": "koh",
"FirstName": "",
We had a similar requirement in our project for parsing json responses using jmeter. The requirement was to validate all the fields in the json response and the expected values of field would be provided from external data source.
I found the JSR223 PostProcessor quite usefule in this case as we are able to implement Groovy scripts with this. it comes as a default plugin with the recent Jmeter version
Below is the code snippet:
//get the JSON response from prev sampler
String getResponse = prev.getResponseDataAsString();
//parse the response and convert to string
JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(JSONParser.MODE_JSON_SIMPLE);
String parResponse = parser.parse(getResponse);
String preResponse = parResponse.toString();
JsonObject NaturalPerson = JsonObject.readFrom(preResponse);
//replace all commas with a semi-colon
String csvResponse = preResponse.replaceAll(",", ";");
//log response to file
logFileName = "C:/apache-jmeter-5.1.1/Web_Service_Output.csv";
BufferedWriter outLog = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(logFileName, true));
outLog.write(csvResponse + "\n");

node.js - sending regex to server

I've created a client side mongodb interface to talk to server side mongodb.
it's very similar to the mini-mongo implemented in the meteor.
here is an example:
model.find({"field": /search/}).exec(function(err, model){
now normally everything works fine except when I use the regex.
and I know what's the problem but I cannot fix it.
the problem, as you have guessed it, is when the regex /regexParameter/ when sent by ajax to server, is converted to "/regexParameter/" and the single quotes(or double) make the regex a normal string.
in the server I have something like this:
var findObject = req.query.findObject // {"field": "/search/"} :(
.exec(function(err, model){
return res.json({
error: err,
result: model,
is there anything I can do to make this work without writing like 100 of lines of code that iterates through each of the findObject and matches every string for a regex...?
Thanks everyone
You are right - you cannot pass RegExp objects between client and server because during serialization they are converted to strings.
Solution? (or perhaps - a workaround)
Use $regex operator in your queries, so you don't need to use RegExp objects.
So this:
field: /search/
Becomes this:
field: {
$regex: 'search'
Or, giving a case-insensitive search example:
field: {
$regex: 'search',
$options: 'i'
(instead of field: /search/i)
Read more about $regex syntax here (including about some of its restrictions).

How can i use regex in mongodb over mongolab?

My question is simple but i can not find exact solution. All articles have gor below a line of code:
Above codes does work and returns to me undefined error.But it is existed. Anyway, My exact solution is above. Please help me and teach me how to use regex by searching inside of the json api. ı want to use %mysearch data% as a regex expression. ı want to make text search which is used all sentences in json.
For example : i have a json:
[{"data":"Andreas Kollegger explains what kinds of questions you can answer with a graph database. It's not only the big sites that "},{"data":"X explains what kinds of questions you can answer with a graph database. It's not only the big sites that "}]
if i use this expression: collection.findOne({hello:'%Andreas%'});
it has to return first data. Below a real sample from my project.
var mongo = require('mongodb');
var Server = mongo.Server;
var Db = mongo.Db;
var server = new Server('', 53479, {auto_reconnect : true});
var db = new Db('orient', server);, client) {
client.authenticate('testname', 'fsfsff', function(err, success) {
var collection = db.collection('Models');
// Fetch the document
According to the MongoDB Manual you can use the $regex operator:
collection.findOne({Name: { $regex: '.*world_no_safe.*' }});

error with RegExp inside angular.toJson

I'm trying to do a 'like' query in mongodb. I see that's done with a regexp so I'm trying to set it like this:
$scope.clients = Client.query({
name: RegExp($routeParams.str)
The thing is angular.toJson function does not get any regexp:
Is there any other way to do that?
From my understanding of your question, you want your JSON object to contain the regular expression as a string?
In that case, you can manually convert it to a string in the declaration, i.e:
$scope.object = angular.toJson({
"param" : new RegExp(str).toString()
See updated plunk:
I finally found a solution.
The problem is using the toJon function as it does not allow any key starting with / or $ so the solution is avoiding the use of this function and just write the object as a string
$scope.clients = Client.query({
q:'{src:{$regex:"' + $routeParams.str + '"}}'