Recursion to output possible outcomes of N number of coin flips - c++

I'm trying to use recursion to output the possible outcomes of N number of coin flips. For instance, if I flip a coin 3 times the possible outputs could be TTT, TTH, THT, THH, HTT, HTH, HHT, and HHH. I'm not looking for an answer but a push in the right direction. Would this be best done with a character array? Or assigning H and T integer values?

Alternatively, since it can only ever be heads or tails, you could use a boolean value. This would be more efficient for memory and will also help avoid the need for error checking. But there is no single way of doing it, experiment and see what works best.

I would say integers. Look up permutations and simple combinatorics if you​haven't already. Remember, recursion operates on the principal of breaking a big problem into smaller ones.


C++/ Help me understand the logic

I was told to solve this problem:
given a1, ..., an are real numbers. Need to calculate min(a1, -a1a2, a1a2a3, ...,(-1)^(n+1) a1a2,... an)
but I cannot understand the logic of the task. Could you tell me what I should do?
For example, what is (-l)^n+1? I've never seen it before.
What you should do is:
use the n real numbers of input to ...
... calculate the n numbers defined by the quoted formula (though you only need one value at a time to be more efficient)
while doing so keep track of the smallest number you encounter, that is the final result
concerning the (-1)^(n+1), it is reasonable to assume (as e.g. in the comment by Weather Vane and others) that it means powers of -1 (in a lazy and unexplained but non-C++ syntax)
note that you can easily calculate one value from the previous one by simple multiplication
probably you should do all of that by writing a program, an assumption based on the fact that you are asking on StackOverflow and tag a programming language

Finding an optimal solution to a system of linear equations in c++

Here's the problem:
I am currently trying to create a control system which is required to find a solution to a series of complex linear equations without a unique solution.
My problem arises because there will ever only be six equations, while there may be upwards of 20 unknowns (usually way more than six unknowns). Of course, this will not yield an exact solution through the standard Gaussian elimination or by changing them in a matrix to reduced row echelon form.
However, I think that I may be able to optimize things further and get a more accurate solution because I know that each of the unknowns cannot have a value smaller than zero or greater than one, but it is free to take on any value in between them.
Of course, I am trying to create code that would find a correct solution, but in the case that there are multiple combinations that yield satisfactory results, I would want to minimize Sum of (value of unknown * efficiency constant) over all unknowns, i.e. Sigma[xI*eI] from I=0 to n, but finding an accurate solution is of a greater priority.
Performance is also important, due to the fact that this algorithm may need to be run several times per second.
So, does anyone have any ideas to help me on implementing this?
Edit: You might just want to stick to linear programming with equality and inequality constraints, but here's an interesting exact solution that does not incorporate the constraint that your unknowns are between 0 and 1.
Here's a powerpoint discussing your problem:
I'll translate your problem into math to make things a bit easier to figure out:
you have a 6x20 matrix A and a vector x with 20 elements. You want to minimize (x^T)e subject to Ax=y. According to the slides, if you were just minimizing the sum of x, then the answer is A^T(AA^T)^(-1)y. I'll take another look at this as soon as I get the chance and see what the solution is to minimizing (x^T)e (ie your specific problem).
Edit: I looked in the powerpoint some more and near the end there's a slide entitled "General norm minimization with equality constraints". I am going to switch the notation to match the slide's:
Your problem is that you want to minimize ||Ax-b||, where b = 0 and A is your e vector and x is the 20 unknowns. This is subject to Cx=d. Apparently the answer is:
x=(A^T A)^-1 (A^T b -C^T(C(A^T A)^-1 C^T)^-1 (C(A^T A)^-1 A^Tb - d))
it's not pretty, but it's not as bad as you might think. There's really aren't that many calculations. For example (A^TA)^-1 only needs to be calculated once and then you can reuse the answer. And your matrices aren't that big.
Note that I didn't incorporate the constraint that the elements of x are within [0,1].
It looks like the solution for what I am doing is with Linear Programming. It is starting to come back to me, but if I have other problems I will post them in their own dedicated questions instead of turning this into an encyclopedia.

generating a list in arrays and use of functions

I am wondering how to make an array with values that start at 1111 and go all the way up to 8888. I am asking this because I need to generate a list of 4 digit numbers with each digit ranging from 1-8. I would like to have this in a loop form. Also, I am lost on my functions trim, methodicalEliminate, guessAndEliminate, and guessThreeThenEliminate in my following program. Here are the directions:
This assignment focuses on the use of arrays in a program, including using one as a parameter to a function.
In the game of Mastermind, a player is only given a finite number of guesses to try to identify the hidden combination (such as twelve guesses). Often that is the only constraint in playing the game.
But some players might make a competition with each other to see who can guess the other's combination in fewer tries. In this case, the problem is not only to come up with a strategy that can find the answer within a specified limit, but to find one that is likely to require the minimal number of guesses.
Here is where the computer comes in -- one can write a program that would try out different guessing strategies, and see how they work out. Since a computer can do the analysis and computations more rapidly than a person, it could just pretend to play Mastermind on our behalf using any strategy we choose, and tell us how long it took to do that.
Of course, it would be extremely difficult to teach the computer to reason along the same lines as a person. For example, if we guessed a combination 1111 and got one black peg, we would make a mental note that the answer has exactly one 1 in it, and then proceed to make other guesses with that one fact in mind. If we next guesses 1222 and got one white peg, we would know there were no 2's, and that the single 1 is not in the first position. But how to keep track of such information after a series of guesses would be rather hard.
Fortunately, for a computer simulation with an array, we can record all of our known facts in a different way. We just maintain a list of all possible answers that there could be, and then remove numbers from the list that could no longer be the solution. If our first guess tells us there is exactly one 1 digit, we would remove all the numbers that do not have that feature. When we find out there are no 2's, we eliminate all the values that contain 2's. Eventually, the only number left would be the correct answer.
This is a strategy that many players use, resembling what was described above. Just methodically got through the possibilities in a straightforward fashion. The first guess of 1111 would answer how many 1's are in the solution; the next guess would answer how many 2's are in the solution, and also say something about where any 1's might be, and so on.
With our list approach, which contain a whole lot of possibilities in order beginning with 1111, 1112, 1113, 1114, etc., our next guess would always be the first in the list.
The next strategy is for those who like a little more excitement. The guesses appear to be more or less random, with the hopes that a lot more information can be discovered. Simulating this approach is surprisingly simple -- if you have a list of numbers, just pick one at random. If you have 837 possibilities to choose from in an array, just pick a random subscript in the range of 0 to 836.
This third strategy considers the possibility that answers that give similar results to a given guess are in a sense similar to each other. So to try to get a little more information, it will still pick some numbers at random without regard to how they were evaluated, and then only start thinking about the results.
To implement this one, let us just pick any three possible answers and guess them, temporarily ignoring how many black pegs and white pegs they earn us. Only after making those guesses will we trim the list of possibilities, then proceeding as the second strategy above.
These are the sample results from the current implementation: Please enter a combination to try for, or 0 for a random value: 0
Guessing at 2475
Guessing 1111...
Guessing 2222...
Guessing 2333...
Guessing 2444...
Guessing 2455...
Guessing 2456...
Guessing 2475...
Methodical Eliminate required 7 tries.
Guessing 6452...
Guessing 2416...
Guessing 2485...
Guessing 2445...
Guessing 2435...
Guessing 2425...
Guessing 2475...
Guess and Eliminate required 7 tries.
Guessing 7872...
Guessing 6472...
Guessing 1784...
Guessing 2475...
Guess Three then Eliminate required 4 tries.
Play another game? (y/n) y
Please enter a combination to try for, or 0 for a random value: 0
Guessing at 4474
Guessing 1111...
Guessing 2222...
Guessing 3333...
Guessing 4444...
Guessing 4445...
Guessing 4464...
Guessing 4474...
Methodical Eliminate required 7 tries.
Guessing 3585...
Guessing 7162...
Guessing 4474...
Guess and Eliminate required 3 tries.
Guessing 8587...
Guessing 1342...
Guessing 1555...
Guessing 7464...
Guessing 6764...
Guessing 4468...
Guessing 4474...
Guess Three then Eliminate required 7 tries.
NOTE: This program allows each digit to go up to 8 instead of 6. Even though there are 4096 possible answers, it still finds them rather rapidly.
The assigned program must implement all of the following functions. Additional ones are permitted as desired -- these below are required. Future assignments will not detail the functions as below -- but will instead require the students to design their own function descriptions in advance to writing the program. main:
Simply governs the overall behavior of the program. A number will be
chosen as the target combination, and then each strategy will attempt
to find it.
Calls: generateAnswer, (to compare all three must have the same answer)
methodicalEliminate, guessAndEliminate, guessThreeThenEliminate
Either lets the user at the keyboard choose the mystery combination,
or gives the option to have the computer generate a random combination.
(For a competitive game, it might be interesting to know what sorts
of combinations would be the hardest to guess!)
Parameters: none!
Returns: a 4-digit combination, each digit in the range 1 to 8
Populates an array with all possible combinations of four-digit
values in the range 1 to 8.
guesses (modified int array) list of guesses
length (output int) number of values in list
The array must be allocated to no fewer than 4096 elements.
Analyzes the response to a particular guess and then eliminates
any values from the list of possibilities that are no longer
possible answers. In each case, it assumes that a value in the
list is an answer, and evaluates the guess accordingly. If the
number of black and white pegs is not the same as those specified,
then it cannot be the correct answer.
guesses (modified int array) list of guesses
length (modified int) number of values in list
guess (input int) a guess that has been evaluated
black (input int) how many black pegs that guess earned
white (input int) how many white pegs that guess earned
black and white actually do contain the results of comparing
the guess with the actual answer
length has been reduced (we learned something)
the viable answers occupy the first 'length' positions
in the guesses array (so the list is shorter)
Calls: evaluate
beginning with a list of all possible candidate answers
continually guesses the first element in the list, and
trim answers accordingly, until an answer is found
answer (input int) the actual answer
(necessary to get black/white pegs)
Returns: number of guesses required to find the answer
Calls: generateSearchSpace, evaluate, trim
beginning with a list of all possible candidate answers
continually guesses a random element in the list, and
trim answers accordingly, until an answer is found
answer (input int) the actual answer
Returns: number of guesses required to find the answer
Calls: generateSearchSpace, evaluate, trim
beginning with a list of all possible candidate answers
first guesses three answers at random before trimming
the list of possibilites, and then narrows on the answer
one random guess at a time
answer (input int) the actual answer
Returns: number of guesses required to find the answer
Calls: generateSearchSpace, evaluate, trim
NOTE: These last functions use the correct answer to evaluate
each guess and then use the black/white pegs for the guessing
strategy. NOne of these strategies may peek at the answer to
decide what to do next!
ALSO: The following functions should also appear in this program
from the previous assignment, though they are not themselves
part of the grade for this one.
evaluates a combination by comparing it with the answer
Correctness is indicated by black pegs (correct digit in correct position)
and white pegs (correct digit in incorrect position)
answer (input int) the correct combination
guess (input int) the current guess
black (output int) number of black pegs
white (output int) number of white pegs
answer and guess are both 4-digit numbers with no zero digits
black and white are both > 0 and their sum is <= 4
Calls: nthDigit, clearNthDigit
identified the n'th digit of a combination
whether digits count from left to right or right to left is unspecified
combination (input int) combination to examine
position (input int) which digit to examine
(returned) (output int) the value of the actual digit
combination has the appropriate number of digits, and
0 < position <= number of digits
0 <= returned digit <= 9 (single digit)
ears the n'th digit of a combination to zero, so it will no longer match
digits must be counted in the same manner as nthDigit above.
combination (in/out int) combination to modify
position (input int) which digit to set to 0
same as those for nthDigit above
corresponding digit is set to zero
Calls: nthDigit (optional, depending on the implementation)
Thank you for reading such this long question, and I hope you can help me on arrays!
Just because your guesses have the form of 1111 through to 8888, it does not mean they are numbers.
They are numbers if it makes sense to do arithmetic calculations on them. It does not make sense to define arithmetic calculations on the guesses: what would it mean to add a guess 4571 to a guess 6214?
If your guesses are not numbers, don't use a representation that is reserved for numbers. You can, however, use an array of four integers:
int guesses[4][4096];
int g = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= 8; ++i)
for (int j = 1; j <= 8; ++j)
for (int k = 1; k <= 8; ++k)
for (int m = 1; m <= 8; ++m)
guesses[g++] = {i, j, k, m};
I am pretty convinced that putting all possible guesses into the array guesses like that is not a good idea either; the code mainly demonstrates how the guesses could be generated.
Go through the other functions, think of what high level operations should be performed on the remaining gueses (like "eliminate all guesses that has a certain number in the thrid position" etc). This should give you an idea about what would be a better data structure to replace the guesses array.

Calculating large factorials in C++

I understand this is a classic programming problem and therefore I want to be clear I'm not looking for code as a solution, but would appreciate a push in the right direction. I'm learning C++ and as part of the learning process I'm attempting some programming problems. I'm attempting to write a program which deals with numbers up to factorial of 1billion. Obviously these are going to be enormous numbers and way too big to be dealing with using normal arithmetic operations. Any indication as to what direction I should go in trying to solve this type of problem would be appreciated.
I'd rather try to solve this without using additional libraries if possible
PS - the problem is here
Here's the method I used to solve the problem, this was achieved by reading the comments below:
Solution -- The number 5 is a prime factor of any number ending in zero. Therefore, dividing the factorial number by 5, recursively, and adding the quotients, you get the number of trailing zeros in the factorial result
E.G. - Number of trailing zeros in 126! = 31
126/5 = 25 remainder 1
25/5 = 5 remainder 0
5/5 = 1 remainder 0
25 + 5 + 1 = 31
This works for any value, just keep dividing until the quotient is less
than 5
Skimmed this question, not sure if I really got it right but here's a deductive guess:
First question - how do you get a zero on the end of the number? By multiplying by 10.
How do you multiply by 10? either by multiplying by either a 10 or by 2 x 5...
So, for X! how many 10s and 2x5s do you have...?
(luckily 2 & 5 are prime numbers)
edit: Here's another hint - I don't think you need to do any multiplication. Let me know if you need another hint.
Hint: you may not need to calculate N! in order to find the number of zeros at the end of N!
To solve this question, as Chris Johnson said you have to look at number of 0's.
The factors of 10 will be 1,2,5,10 itself. So, you can go through each of the numbers of N! and write them in terms of 2^x * 5^y * 10^z. Discard other factors of the numbers.
Now the answer will be greaterof(x,y)+z.
One interesting thing I learn from this question is, its always better to store factorial of a number in terms of prime factors for easy comparisons.
To actually x^y, there is an easy method used in RSA algorithm, which don't remember. I will try to update the post if I find one.
This isn't a good answer to your question as you've modified it a bit from what I originally read. But I will leave it here anyway to demonstrate the impracticality of actually trying to do the calculations by main brute force.
One billion factorial is going to be out of reach of any bignum library. Such numbers will require more space to represent than almost anybody has in RAM. You are going to have to start paging the numbers in from storage as you work on them. There are ways to do this. The guy who recently calculated π out to 2700 billion places used such a library
Do not use the naive method. If you need to calculate the factorial, use a fast algorithm:
I think that you should come up with a way to solve the problem in pseudo code before you begin to think about C++ or any other language for that matter. The nature of the question as some have pointed out is more of an algorithm problem than a C++ problem. Those who suggest searching for some obscure library are pointing you in the direction of a slippery slope, because learning to program is learning how to think, right? Find a good algorithm analysis text and it will serve you well. In our department we teach from the CLRS text.
You need a "big number" package - either one you use or one you write yourself.
I'd recommend doing some research into "large number algorithms". You'll want to implement the C++ equivalent of Java's BigDecimal.
Another way to look at it is using the gamma function. You don't need to multiply all those values to get the right answer.
To start you off, you should store the number in some sort of array like a std::vector (a digit for each position in the array) and you need to find a certain algorithm that will calculate a factorial (maybe in some sort of specialized class). ;)
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int factorial(int x); //function to compute factorial described below
int main()
int N; //= 150; //you can also get this as user input using cin.
cout<<"Enter intenger\n";
return 0;
}//end of main
int factorial(int x) //function to compute the factorial
int i, n;
long long unsigned results = 1;
for (i = 1; i<=x; i++)
results = results * i;
cout<<"Factorial of "<<x<<" is "<<results<<endl;
return results;

How does this C++ function use memoization?

#include <vector>
std::vector<long int> as;
long int a(size_t n){
if(n==1) return 1;
if(n==2) return -2;
return mod(as[n], 65535);
The above code sample using memoization to calculate a recursive formula based on some input n. I know that this uses memoization, because I have written a purely recursive function that uses the same formula, but this one much, much faster for much larger values of n. I've never used vectors before, but I've done some research and I understand the concept of them. I understand that memoization is supposed to store each calculated value, so that instead of performing the same calculations over again, it can simply retrieve ones that have already been calculated.
My question is: how is this memoization, and how does it work? I can't seem to see in the code at which point it checks to see if a value for n already exists. Also, I don't understand the purpose of the if(as[n]<=0). This formula can yield positive and negative values, so I'm not sure what this check is looking for.
Thank you, I think I'm close to understanding how this works, it's actually a bit more simple than I was thinking it was.
I do not think the values in the sequence can ever be 0, so this should work for me, as I think n has to start at 1.
However, if zero was a viable number in my sequence, what is another way I could solve it? For example, what if five could never appear? Would I just need to fill my vector with fives?
Edit: Wow, I got a lot of other responses while checking code and typing this one. Thanks for the help everyone, I think I understand it now.
if (as[n] <= 0) is the check. If valid values can be negative like you say, then you need a different sentinel to check against. Can valid values ever be zero? If not, then just make the test if (as[n] == 0). This makes your code easier to write, because by default vectors of ints are filled with zeroes.
The code appears to be incorrectly checking is (as[n] <= 0), and recalculates the negative values of the function(which appear to be approximately every other value). This makes the work scale linearly with n instead of 2^n with the recursive solution, so it runs a lot faster.
Still, a better check would be to test if (as[n] == 0), which appears to run 3x faster on my system. Even if the function can return 0, a 0 value just means it will take slightly longer to compute (although if 0 is a frequent return value, you might want to consider a separate vector that flags whether the value has been computed or not instead of using a single vector to store the function's value and whether it has been computed)
If the formula can yield both positive and negative values then this function has a serious bug. The check if(as[n]<=0) is supposed to be checking if it had already cached this value of computation. But if the formula can be negative this function recalculates this cached value alot...
What it really probably wanted was a vector<pair<bool, unsigned> >, where the bool says if the value has been calculated or not.
The code, as posted, only memoizes about 40% of the time (precisely when the remembered value is positive). As Chris Jester-Young pointed out, a correct implementation would instead check if(as[n]==0). Alternatively, one can change the memoization code itself to read as[n]=mod(-4*a(n-1)-4*a(n-2),65535);
(Even the ==0 check would spend effort when the memoized value was 0. Luckily, in your case, this never happens!)
There's a bug in this code. It will continue to recalculate the values of as[n] for as[n] <= 0. It will memoize the values of a that turn out to be positive. It works a lot faster than code without the memoization because there are enough positive values of as[] so that the recursion is terminated quickly. You could improve this by using a value of greater than 65535 as a sentinal. The new values of the vector are initialized to zero when the vector expands.