Unable to get the pre processor options in visual Studio 2017 - visual-studio-2017

hi folks sorry to buggy you but i tried several type of project, and never have the C++ pre compiler options in the properties of my project,
i have already a .cpp program loaded, but there is no mention of "C++" in the project properties left pane

In solution explorer, with your solution loaded, you'll see the projects that form your solution. (In my example I created a new C++ Console Application)
If you select your c++ project in the 'Solution Explorer' window, right-click, in the context menu towards the bottom there will be an option for "Properties".
This will open up the project properties, and in that dialog is a section for C/C++ under 'Configuration Properties'.
There you will find all the C++ options that you need.


How to specify an application icon for C++ Visual Studio 2019?

I've seen this documentation for C#/Visual Basic application icons, but there is nothing I can find for how to do this with the C++ version.
This StackOverflow question is for Visual Studio 2008, not 2019. This one is also obsolete, as it works for Visual Studio 2017 but not Visual Studio 2019.
After some fiddling I figured it out. This answer for VS2017 was basically correct, but it didn't fully explain what you have to do to get it to work and the documentation it links to was vague enough to confuse me, so I'll post this answer as the VS2019 version with full and complete easy-to-follow instructions.
Navigate to your Solution Explorer tab.
Find the Resource Files folder in your project, probably near your Header Files and Source Files folders.
Right-click on the Resource Files folder and select "Add > Resource."
In the "Add Resource" window that pops up, select Icon and select Import.
Import either a bitmap file or your custom .ico file.
Now a Resource File (.rc) is created which contains your application Icon, in the form of an Icon node. Click on that .rc file to open the Resource View tab.
You'll see that there's a folder called Icon. It should contain your new icon.
If it contains a default Icon file, probably named IDI_ICON1, you'll have to edit that node to make it the icon you want to use. I don't know why it does that.

Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013, Where are variables defined and edited?

I'm working on an existing project, the solution contains quite a lot of projects with a lot of dependencies and variables.
I'm struggling to locate any of the variables using the IDE, where will I find these in the IDE?
For example in one of the .vcxproj files there are variables such as:
Where would I find this in the IDE ?
Edit 2:
Ok, based on the great comments on my post, but no answer posted this is what I need to do:
From the VIEW top line menu, select Property Manager
Select a project from the left "Property Manager" panel and expand the node.
Open a build folder, Debug or Release and double click on buildvars
From Common Properties select User Macros
All the variables are listed here and can be Added or Removed.

Multiple file compilation in visual C++ 2010

I have a very specific question in regards to visual C++ 2010 express. I have looked everywhere but can't find instructions on how to compile several source files. I have programmed on Unix at the command line and am trying to learn visual C++ 2010. I am using a header file that contains the function declarations and global variables. I don't know if this is the correct venue to ask this question but if anyone knows of some place where I can get the answer I would be grateful
If you have a project that you build from the command line with a makefile, then the Visual Studio development environment will not recognize your project. To open and build your project using Visual Studio, first create an empty project containing the appropriate build settings using the Makefile Project Wizard. You can then use this project to build your project from the Visual Studio development environment.
The project displays no files in Solution Explorer. The project specifies the build settings, which are reflected in the project's property page.
The output file that you specify in the project has no effect on the name that the build script generates; it declares only an intention.
Source: Creating a Makefile Project (VS2013)
On the menu: File->New->Project
On the dialog:
select Win32 Console Application,
enter Name ( like you did in the -o in unix) in the bottom,
and press OK
On the next dialog: Press next.
On the next dialog:
unmark Precompiled headers
mark Empty project
press Finish
Now find the Solution Explorer tree. You have Solution name and a project with the same name in it.
Right click on the project (not solution)
choose Add->Existing Item
and select your files, (you can copy them to the opened folder and then choose them)
press Add
Now you can try to compile.

Can't debug c++ project because unable to static library start program *.lib

I'm using a library (Astro.lib) which i've built without problems (i guess this is a release build).
I've also built a project which references the library (it runs as a release exe fine) but i can't debug the project because i get the message 'unable to start program 'Astro.lib'.
If i try to debug the lib then i get the same error, so I guess its something to do with not building for debug my lib but not sure how to modify.
I've tried changing the properties pages using MSDN info but not sure i'm addressing the correct problem. What changes should i make to the properties pages of the library of linking project?
Thanks in advance
I've also built a project which references the library
That's the project you want to debug. You probably just have the wrong project selected as the startup project of your solution. It is marked in bold type in the Solution Explorer window.
Right-click the project that uses the library and select "Set as StartUp Project"
your debug settings are wrong - you're trying to debug the lib, not the exe.
Chances are you've set the library project as the one that is started by the debugger (eg the "startup project" that shows in bold in Visual studio). Change your solution explorer so the main executable project is bold and try again, or right click on it and selecty the appropriate "run in the debugger" option.
Another solution is:
Make sure you have the Solution Explorer view (VIEW->SOLUTION EXPLORER).
Then, right click on SOLUTION at the top, and click EXPLORER.
Under COMMON PROPERTIES->STARTUP PROJECT -> SINGLE STARTUP PROJECT, choose the project that you want VS to execute. Note that this project has the property CONFIGURATION TYPE set as APPLICATION(.EXE). This can b found under the project's properties->CONFIGURATION PROPERTIES->GENERAL.
Hope that helps.

How to create a DLL with SWIG from Visual Studio 2010

I've been trying for weeks to get Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 to create a DLL for me with SWIG. If you have already gone through this process, would you be so kind as to give a thoughtful step-by-step process explanation? I've looked everywhere online and have spent many many hours trying to do this; but all of the tutorials that I have found are outdated or badly explained.
I have succeeded in going through this process with cygwin; but as some of you know, a cygwin DLL is not very practical.
As a result, I have .i, .cpp, and .h files that I know can create a DLL together. I just need to know how to do this with Visual Studio C++ 2010. The language that I am targeting is Python.
Step-by-step instructions. This assumes you have the source and are building a single DLL extension that links the source directly into it. I didn't go back through it after creating a working project, so I may have missed something. Comment on this post if you get stuck on a step. If you have an existing DLL and want to create a Python extension DLL that wraps it, this steps are slightly different. If you need help with that comment on this post and I will extend it.
Edit 8/19/2012: If starting with a C example, don't use -c++ in step 13 and use .c instead of .cxx for the wrap file extension in steps 14 and 19.
Start Visual Studio 2010
File, New, Project from Existing Code...
Select "Visual C++" project type and click Next.
Enter project file location where the .cpp/.h/.i files are.
For Project Name, choose the name used in %module statement in your .i file (case matters).
Select project type "Dynamically linked library (DLL) project" and click Next.
Add to Include search paths the path to the Python.h file, usually something like "C:\Python27\include" and click Next.
Click Finish.
Right-click the Project in Solution Explorer, Add, Existing Item..., and select your .i file.
Right-click the .i file, Properties, and select Configuration "All Configurations".
Change Item Type to "Custom Build Tool" and click Apply.
Select "Custom Build Tool" in Properties (it will appear after Apply above).
Enter Command Line of "swig -c++ -python -outdir $(Outdir) %(Identity)" (this assumes SWIG is in your path and redirects the generated .py file to the Debug or Release directory as needed).
In Outputs enter "%(Filename)_wrap.cxx;$(Outdir)%(Filename).py".
Click OK.
Right-click the .i file, and select Compile.
Right-click the project, Add, New Filter, name it "Generated Files".
Right-click "Generated Files", click Properties, and set "SCC Files" to "False" (if you use source-control, this prevents VS2010 trying to check in the generated files in this filter).
Right-click "Generated Files", Add, Exiting Item and select the _wrap.cxx file that was generated by the compile.
Right-click the project, Properties.
Select Configuration "All Configurations".
Select Configuration Properties, Linker, General, Additional Library Directories and add the path to the python libraries, typically "C:\Python27\libs".
Select Configuration Properties, General and set TargetName to "_$(ProjectName)".
Set Target Extension to ".pyd".
Build the "Release" version of the project. You can't build the Debug version unless you build a debug version of Python itself.
Open a console, go to the Release directory of the project, run python, import your module, and call a function!