Jest : Mock import of JSON file - unit-testing

I am currently testing one of my React component like this:
it('renders correctly', () => {
const tree = renderer.create(<Scene {...props} />).toJSON();
My component Scene imports a setting.json file. I have that file on my local instance, but I do not push it on my CI instance. So when it tries to import it, the file is not found.
Is there a way to mock this file in my test ?

You can either use moduleNameMapper in your jest settings to point the import to an mocked json file.
"moduleNameMapper": {
"setting.json": "<rootDir>/__mocks__/setting.json"
Or you can use jest.mock inside your test to mock the file directly, note that you have to add the { virtual: true } parameter.
jest.mock('path/to/setting.json', ()=>({
settings: 'someSetting'
}), { virtual: true })

For those looking to mock JSON in the form of an Array, just return an array from the callback.
jest.mock('./data.json', () => ([1, 2, 3]));
You can return other valid JSON types as well: Object, String, Number, Boolean, or Null.


How to mock Fastify plugin

I am trying to write unit testing for fastify application which also has custom fastify plugin.
Is there a way we can mock fastify plugin? I tried mocking using Jest and Sinon without much success.
Giorgios link to the file is broken, the mocks folder is now absent from the master branch. I dug the commit history to something around the time of his answer and I found a commit with the folder still there. I leave it here for those who will come in the future!
This is what works for me
Setup your plugin according to Fastify docs
// establishDbConnection.ts
import fp from 'fastify-plugin';
import {FastifyInstance, FastifyPluginAsync} from 'fastify';
import { initDbConnection } from './myDbImpl';
const establishDbConnection: FastifyPluginAsync = async (fastify: FastifyInstance, opts) => {
fastify.addHook('onReady', async () => {
await initDbConnection()
export default fp(establishDbConnection);
mock the plugin with jest, make sure you wrap the mock function in fp() so that Fastify recognizes it as a plugin.
// myTest.ts
import fp from 'fastify-plugin';
const mockPlugin = fp(async () => jest.fn());
jest.mock('../../../fastifyPlugin/establishDbConnection', (() => {
return mockPlugin;
Your question is a bit generic but if you are using Jest it must be enough for mocking a fastify plugin. You can take a look in this repo and more specifically this file . This is a mock file of fastify and you add the registered plugins and in the specific example addCustomHealthCheck and then in your test files you can just call jest.mock('fastify').
You do not give a specific use case and there are lot of reasons you might want to mock a plugin. The nature of the plugin to be mocked is important to giving a good answer. Because I don't know that specific information I will show how to mock a plugin that creates a decorator that stores data that can be retrieved with fastify.decorator-name. This is a common use case for plugins that connect to databases or store other widely needed variables.
In the below case, the goal is to test a query function that queries a db; a plugin stores the connection information via a fastify decorator. So, in order to unit test the query we specifically need to mock the client data for the connection.
First create an instance of fastify. Next, set up a mock to return the desired fake response. Then, instead of registering the component with fastify (which you could also do), simply decorate the required variables directly with mock information.
Here is the function to be tested. We need to mock a plugin for a database which creates a fastify decorator called db. Specifically, in the below case the function to be tested uses db.client:
const fastify = require("fastify")({ //this is here to gather logs
logger: {
level: "debug",
file: "./logs/combined.log"
const allDataQuery = `
FROM todo_items
WHERE a."LOAD_DATE" > current_date - interval $1 hour
const queryAll = async (db) => {
return await sendQuery(db, allDataQuery, [HOURS_FROM_LOADDATE]);
//send query to db and receive data
const sendQuery = async (db, query, queryParams) => {
var res = {};
try {
const todo_items = await db.client.any(query, queryParams);
res = todo_items;
} catch (e) {
return res;
module.exports = {
Following is the test case. We will mock db.client from the db plugin:
const { queryAll } = require("../src/query");
const any = {
any: jest.fn(() => {
return "mock response";
describe("should return db query", () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
// set up fastify for test instance
fastify_test = require("fastify")({
logger: {
level: "debug",
file: "./logs/combined.log",
prettyPrint: true
test("test Query All", async () => {
// mock client
const clientPromise = {
client: any
fastify_test.decorate("db", clientPromise);
const qAll = await queryAll(fastify_test.db);
expect(qAll).toEqual("mock response");

How to set or test this.$parent in Vuejs unit testing?

In my component set
categories: this.$parent.categories => which I set in main.js
Code file main.js
import categories from '../config/categories';
new Vue({
data: {
categories: categories
I created 1 function unit test
it(‘check component is a button’,() => {
const wrapper = shallow(FormSearch);
I run test then show error: Error in data(): "TypeError: Cannot read property ‘categories’ of undefined"
How to fix it. Help me.
Why not import you categories config file directly into your component?
import Categories from '../config/categories'
then your data method can directly access it:
data () { return { categories: Categories }}
You'll find that much easier to test
yes, thanks you. I changed. I run test then it happens error other
Cannot find module '../../config/categories' from 'mycomponet.vue'.
Although. I run project on browser just working well.
How to fix it. Thanks you very much
For Testing , you can set mock data to escape undefined error while testing . But it is not standard solution .....
it(‘check component is a button’,() => {
const wrapper = shallow(FormSearch);
let mockCategories = { // mock category data }
wrapper.$parent = {
categories: mockCategories
Try this approach:
const Parent = {
data: () => ({
val: true
template: '<div />'
const wrapper = shallowMount(TestComponent, {
parent: Parent

Sinon spy for named exports in ES6

I use enzyme with sinon for unit testing React components. Normally, when it comes to testing instance methods I just spy on the method on instance of the component and assert respectively.
However, I have this global function that I use in many components of the app, which is a named export. sinon throws if I try to spy on that.
import { openModel } from '../global/handlers/';
onRemove={(data) => openModal(...args)}
So, currently I am calling prop method onRemove to assert that openModal gets called with the arguments but I can't really spy on the exported method i.e. openModal.
I understand that I need to provide a context to this function to be able to spy on the underlying function but I am not really sure what's the preferred way of doing something like this.
PS: I would be happy to provide more details if need be.
If you are using webpack to build your test code, then you can use inject-loader to replace the imported module with a stub:
describe('Your component', () => {
let openModalSpy;
let Component;
// Use whatever the path to your component is
const injectImports = require('inject-loader!components/Component');
beforeEach(() => {
openModalSpy = sinon.spy();
Component = injectImports({
openModal: openModalSpy
it('calls open modal with data argument', () => {
const wrapper = shallow(
<Component />
// Do something that will result in openModal being called
// some data

Unit test a typescript vue component

I need to be able test my component (methods, computed properties, data, ...). However, when I import my vue component in my unit test:
import Pagination from 'src/components/shared/pagination.vue'
import { newComponent } from '../component-factory'
describe('pagination.vue', () => {
const propsData = {
metadata: {
page: 2,
records: 155,
total: 11,
perPage: 15,
it('should have correct number of records', () => {
const ctor = Vue.extend(Pagination)
const vm = new ctor({propsData}).$mount()
vm is of type Vue, and thus does not have the firstRecord/lastRecord properties. Running the test with karma shows a success, but the typescript compiler spits out Errors:
ERROR in ./tests/shared/pagination.spec.ts
(16,19): error TS2339: Property 'firstRecord' does not exist on type 'Vue'.
ERROR in ./tests/shared/pagination.spec.ts
(17,19): error TS2339: Property 'lastRecord' does not exist on type 'Vue'.
I tried casting:
const vm = new ctor({propsData}).$mount() as Pagination
But that results in a warning in VSCode:
[ts] Cannot find name 'Pagination'.
And has the effect of treating vm as type any which is totally counterproductive.
I think this all stems from the fact that when using .vue files you have to add the declaration:
declare module '*.vue' {
import Vue from 'vue'
export default typeof Vue
Which clearly sets the type of all .vue files to Vue, which isn't exactly a lie, but isn't helpful either... Any suggestions? What am I doing wrong?
For future reference, I have attempted to use vuetype which generates .d.ts files for each .vue file, but ran into this issue. Also, there is a request to make .vue a first class citizen in the typescript ecosystem, which would eliminate this problem. And, I just added a request for a vue language service extension
Up until Vue 2.5, their TypeScript documentation page recommended exporting an interface that extends Vue if you were not going to use vue-class-component. You can export this interface to use in your tests, to cast your component instance. The recommendation has been removed from the docs, but I have not been able to figure out how to change my tests to not need the interface.
It looks like vuetype could generate these interfaces for you, but I've just been creating them manually.
Here is a greatly simplified example, but you can define anything in your interface that you would reference on vm, ie data, props, methods:
// NOTE: Make sure your interface extends `Vue`!
export interface PaginationComponent extends Vue {
firstRecord: number,
lastRecord: number
export default {
name: 'Pagination',
data: function() {
return {
firstRecord: 16,
lastRecord: 30,
For your test, you can cast the component instance to the type of your exported interface:
import Pagination, {PaginationComponent} from 'src/components/shared/pagination.vue'
describe('pagination', () => {
it('should know about component data fields', () => {
const ctor = Vue.extend(Pagination)
const vm : PaginationComponent = new ctor().$mount()

How to Unit Test React-Redux Connected Components?

I am using Mocha, Chai, Karma, Sinon, Webpack for Unit tests.
I followed this link to configure my testing environment for React-Redux Code.
How to implement testing + code coverage on React with Karma, Babel, and Webpack
I can successfully test my action and reducers javascript code, but when it comes to testing my components it always throw some error.
import React from 'react';
import TestUtils from 'react/lib/ReactTestUtils'; //I like using the Test Utils, but you can just use the DOM API instead.
import chai from 'chai';
// import sinon from 'sinon';
import spies from 'chai-spies';
let should = chai.should()
, expect = chai.expect;
import { PhoneVerification } from '../PhoneVerification';
let fakeStore = {
'isFetching': false,
'usernameSettings': {
'errors': {},
'username': 'sahil',
'isEditable': false
'emailSettings': {
'email': '',
'isEmailVerified': false,
'isEditable': false
'passwordSettings': {
'errors': {},
'password': 'showsomestarz',
'isEditable': false
'phoneSettings': {
'isEditable': false,
'errors': {},
'otp': null,
'isOTPSent': false,
'isOTPReSent': false,
'isShowMissedCallNumber': false,
'isShowMissedCallVerificationLink': false,
'missedCallNumber': null,
'timeLeftToVerify': null,
'_verifiedNumber': null,
'timers': [],
'phone': '',
'isPhoneVerified': false
function setup () {
// PhoneVerification.componentDidMount = chai.spy();
let output = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<PhoneVerification {...fakeStore}/>);
return {
describe('PhoneVerificationComponent', () => {
it('should render properly', (done) => {
const { output } = setup();
This following error comes up with above code.
✖ should render properly
Chrome 48.0.2564 (Mac OS X 10.11.3)
Error: Invariant Violation: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: undefined.
Tried switching from sinon spies to chai-spies.
How should I unit test my React-Redux Connected Components(Smart Components)?
A prettier way to do this, is to export both your plain component, and the component wrapped in connect. The named export would be the component, the default is the wrapped component:
export class Sample extends Component {
render() {
let { verification } = this.props;
return (
<h3>This is my awesome component.</h3>
const select = (state) => {
return {
verification: state.verification
export default connect(select)(Sample);
In this way you can import normally in your app, but when it comes to testing you can import your named export using import { Sample } from 'component'.
The problem with the accepted answer is that we are exporting something unnecessarily just to be able to test it. And exporting a class just to test it is not a good idea in my opinion.
Here is a neater solution without the need of exporting anything but the connected component:
If you are using jest, you can mock connect method to return three things:
Doing so is pretty simple. There are 2 ways: Inline mocks or global mocks.
1. Using inline mock
Add the following snippet before the test's describe function.
jest.mock('react-redux', () => {
return {
connect: (mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps) => (ReactComponent) => ({
Provider: ({ children }) => children
2. Using file mock
Create a file __mocks__/react-redux.js in the root (where package.json is located)
Add the following snippet in the file.
module.exports = {
connect: (mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps) => (ReactComponent) => ({
Provider: ({children}) => children
After mocking, you would be able to access all the above three using Container.mapStateToProps,Container.mapDispatchToProps and Container.ReactComponent.
Container can be imported by simply doing
import Container from '<path>/<fileName>.container.js'
Hope it helps.
Note that if you use file mock. The mocked file will be used globally for all the test cases(unless you do jest.unmock('react-redux')) before the test case.
Edit: I have written a detailed blog explaining the above in detail:
You can test your connected component and I think you should do so. You may want to test the unconnected component first, but I suggest that you will not have complete test coverage without also testing the connected component.
Below is an untested extract of what I do with Redux and Enzyme. The central idea is to use Provider to connect the state in test to the connected component in test.
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store';
import SongForm from '../SongForm'; // import the CONNECTED component
// Use the same middlewares you use with Redux's applyMiddleware
const mockStore = configureMockStore([ /* middlewares */ ]);
// Setup the entire state, not just the part Redux passes to the connected component.
const mockStoreInitialized = mockStore({
songs: {
songsList: {
songs: {
songTags: { /* ... */ }
const nullFcn1 = () => null;
const nullFcn2 = () => null;
const nullFcn3 = () => null;
const wrapper = mount( // enzyme
<Provider store={store}>
const formPropsFromReduxForm = wrapper.find(SongForm).props(); // enzyme
screen: 'add',
songTags: initialSongTags,
disabled: false,
handleFormSubmit: nullFcn1,
handleModifySong: nullFcn2,
handleDeleteSong: nullFcn3,
===== ../SongForm.js
import React from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
const SongForm = (/* object */ props) /* ReactNode */ => {
/* ... */
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(handleFormSubmit)}>
const mapStateToProps = (/* object */ state) /* object */ => ({
songTags: state.songs.songTags
const mapDispatchToProps = () /* object..function */ => ({ /* ... */ });
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(SongForm)
You may want to create a store with pure Redux. redux-mock-store is just a light-weight version of it meant for testing.
You may want to use react-addons-test-utils instead of airbnb's Enzyme.
I use airbnb's chai-enzyme to have React-aware expect options. It was not needed in this example.
redux-mock-store is an awesome tool to test redux connected components in react
const containerElement = shallow((<Provider store={store}><ContainerElement /></Provider>));
Create fake store and mount the component
You may refer to this article Testing redux store connected React Components using Jest and Enzyme | TDD | REACT | REACT NATIVE
Try creating 2 files, one with component itself, being not aware of any store or anything (PhoneVerification-component.js). Then second one (PhoneVerification.js), which you will use in your application and which only returns the first component subscribed to store via connect function, something like
import PhoneVerificationComponent from './PhoneVerification-component.js'
import {connect} from 'react-redux'
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(PhoneVerificationComponent)
Then you can test your "dumb" component by requiring PhoneVerification-component.js in your test and providing it with necessary mocked props. There is no point of testing already tested (connect decorator, mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps etc...)