Refreshing Code modifications - JHipster - refresh

I'm a new user of this tool. After having installed the environment on my cpu, I tried first to add some code to the home component (for example).
Unfortunately, when I save my modifications and refresh the page, there is no update.
Do you may have some things to check if it happens ?

As seen in the comments - just run yarn start, as explained in the documentation, to have TypeScript compilation and hot reload working.


Why is my cloud run deploy hanging at the "Deploying..." step?

Up until today, my deploy process has worked fine. Today when I go to deploy a new revision, I get stuck at the Deploying... text with a spinning indicator, and it says One or more of the referenced revisions does not yet exist or is deleted. I've tried a number of different images and flags -- all the same.
See Viewing the list of revisions for a service, in order to undo whatever you may have done.
Probably you have the wrong project selected, if it does not know any of the revisions.
I know I provided scant information, but just to follow up with an answer: it looks like the issue was that I was deploying a revision, and then immediately trying to tag it using gcloud alpha run services update-traffic <service_name> --set-tags which looks to have caused some sort of race, where it complained that the revision was not yet deployed, and would hang indefinitely. Moving the set-tag into the gcloud alpha run deploy seemed to fix it.

Postgres has a lot of activity going on despite me not doing anything

I am running a local development server. I am working on the project until it is ready for deployment. I checked the postgres admin page and I noticed that I have a lot of transactions running in the background.
I am not using the site/making queries, and am wondering what is causing this. (I am also the only user)
Why is this?
You'll need to find out what is going on yourself.
First, you can try SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity (doc). It shows the last statement executed by each user.
With some luck, you'll find out what is going on.
If that is not enough, use pg_stat_statements.
It is a little bit more complicated to install (load in postgresql.conf then CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements) but you will not miss any of the queries.

JavaScript Bundle getting build every time it finish building. Expo XDE

Hope you guys can help me with this weird issue I'm facing.
The app bundle is getting build everything time it finishes building. So its like once it gets to 100% it starts all over again. One thing I made to kind of solve it, is to enable the "Remote debugging" option on the expo App. But that will only work for a minute and will start the loop of building the bundle again.
I have also reinstalled the node_modules & cleaned expo cache but nothing seems to be working.
Ok, I found it. It was because of iCloud Drive on MAC. For some reason that I don't understand (since it did not happen before under the same conditions) the refresh of the files is forced.
So move your app folder to another place that is not on iCloud Drive and it will work.
Hope this will help.
It was Dropbox sync causing my issue.
Most of the time you shouldn’t need to rebuild your APK on every change, you should only need to run exp publish to see your updated app show up in your existing APK. If you change anything in app.json you’ll need to run the build again, but if you aren’t touching app.json then you should be mostly fine to just publish and not run a standalone build.

Coldfusion continuous Integration

let me begin by saying I 'm a coldfusion newbie.
I 'm trying to research if its possible to do the following and what would be the best approach to achieve it.
Whenever a developer checks in code into SVN, I would like to do a get all the new changes/files and do an auto build to check if the code can be deployed successfully to production server. I guess there are two parts to it, one syntax checking and second integration test(if functionality is working as expected). For the later part some unit test tools would have to be used.
Can someone comment on their experience doing something similar for coldfusion.
Sorry for being a bit vague...I know its a very open-ended question but any feedback would be appreciated.
There's a project called "Cloudy With A Chance of Tests" that purports to do what you require. In particular it brings together a number of other CFML code analysis projects (VarScope & QueryParam) to check code, as well as unit testing. I am not currently using it myself but did have a look at it some time ago (more than 12 months) and it appeared to be quite good.
Personally I run MXUnit tests in Jenkins using the instructions from the MXUnit site - available here:
Essentially this is set up as an ant task in Jenkins, which executes the MXUnit tests and reports back the results.
We're not doing fully continuos integration, but we have a process which automates some of the drudgery of our builds:
replace the site's|c) with one that tells users that the app is being deployed (we had QA staff raising defects that were due to re-deployments)
read a database manifest XML which lists all SQL scripts which make up the current release. We concatenate the scripts into a single upgrade script, suitable for shipping
execute the SQL script against the server's DB, noting any errors. The concatenation process also adds a line of SQL after each imported script that white to a runlog table, so we can see what ran, how long it took and which build it was associated with. If you're looking to replicate this step, take a look at Liquibase
deploy the latest code
make an http call to a ?reset=true type URL to tell the app to re-initialize
execute any tests
The build is requested manually through the build servers we have, but you click a button, make tea and it's done.
We've just extended the above to cope with multiple servers in a cluster and it ticks along nicely. I think the above suggestion of using the Jenkins SVN plugin to automate the process sounds like the way to go.

How do I run one version of a web app while developing the next version?

I just finished a Django app that I want to get some outside user feedback on. I'd like to launch one version and then fork a private version so I can incorporate feedback and add more features. I'm planning to do lots of small iterations of this process. I'm new to web development; how do websites typically do this? Is it simply a matter of copying my Django project folder to another directory, launching the server there, and continuing my dev work in the original directory? Or would I want to use a version control system instead? My intuition is that it's the latter, but if so, it seems like a huge topic with many uses (e.g. collaboration, which doesn't apply here) and I don't really know where to start.
1) Seperate URLs vs you can also do and, etc.. You could also create a /beta or /staging..
2) Keep seperate databases, one for production, and one for development. Write a script that will copy your live database into a dev database. Keep one database for each type of site you create. (You may want to create a beta or staging database for your tester).. Do your own work in the dev database. If you change the database structure, save the changes as a .sql file that can be loaded and run on the live site database when you turn those changes live.
3) Merge features into your different sites with version control. I am currently playing with a subversion setup for web apps that has my stable (trunk), one for staging, and one for development. Development tags + branches get merged into staging, and then staging tags/branches get merged into stable. Version control will let you manage your source code in any way you want. You will have to find a methodology that works for you and use it.
4) Consider build automation. It will publish your site for you automatically. Take a look at It can drive a lot of automatically checking out your code and uploading it to each specific site as you might need.
5) Toy of the month: There is a utility called cUrl that you may find valuable. It does a lot from the command line. This might be okay for you to do in case you don't want to use all or any of Ant.
Good luck!
You would typically use version control, and have two domains: and Then would always update to trunk which is the current latest, shipping version. You would do your development in a branch of trunk and would update to that. Then you periodically merge changes from your development branch to trunk.
Jas Panesar has the best answer if you are asking this from a development standpoint, certainly. That is, if you're just asking how to easily keep your new developments separate from the site that is already running. However, if your question was actually asking how to run both versions simultaniously, then here's my two cents.
Your setup has a lot to do with this, but I always recommend running process-based web servers in the first place. That is, not to use threaded servers (less relevant to this question) and not embedding in the web server (that is, not using mod_python, which is the relevant part here). So, you have one or more processes getting HTTP requests from your web server (Apache, Nginx, Lighttpd, etc.). Now, when you want to try something out live, without affecting your normal running site, you can bring up a process serving requests that never gets the regular requests proxied to it like the others do. That is, normal users don't see it.
You can setup a subdomain that points to this one, and you can install middleware that redirects "special" user to the beta version. This allows you to unroll new features to some users, but not others.
Now, the biggest issues come with database changes. Schema migration is a big deal and something most of us never pay attention to. I think that running side-by-side is great, because it forces you to do schema migrations correctly. That is, you can't just shut everything down and run lengthy schema changes before bringing it back up. You'd never see any remotely important site doing that.
The key is those small steps. You need to always have two versions of your code able to access the same database, so changes you make for the new code need to not break the old code. This breaks down into a few steps you can always make:
You can add a column with a default value, or that is optional. The new code can use it, and the old code can ignore it.
You can update the live version with code that knows to use a new column, at which point you can make it required.
You can make the new version ignore a column, and when it becomes the main version, you can delete that column.
You can make these small steps to migrate between any schemas. You can iteratively add a new column that replaces an old one, roll out the new code, and remove the old column, all without interrupting service.
That said, its your first web app? You can probably break it. You probably have few users :-) But, it is fantastic you're even asking this question. Many "professionals" fair to ever ask it, and even then fewer answer it.
What I do is have an export a copy of my SVN repository and put the files on the live production server, and then keep a virtual machine with a development working copy, and submit the changes to the repo when Im done.