How to add interrupted time series in matplotlib - python-2.7

Since I am just a python beginner I hope, that I bother you not too much with my question. I'd like to plot only parts of a time series from a dataset such as this:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
b=np.arange(100, 105)
c=np.arange(30, 40)
d=np.arange(55, 60)
Then I get a plot with a long diagonal line between the data series. What to do to get rid of that, in other words I want that the x-axis only shows 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,100,101,102,103,104 and the corresponding y-values and nothing in between. Moreover if I have a very long time series (e.g. from an oscilloscope measurement), is it possible to show up that some patterns are repeated with e.g. big dots in the middle of the plot? I've tried to convert the x data into a string and several other things, but it does not seem to work.

Focusing on this part of your question:
Then I get a plot with a long diagonal line between the data series. What to do to get rid of that [...]
It sounds that a scatteplot should meet your needs, so try this:
Add this to your code:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(e, f)
for i, txt in enumerate(e):
ax.annotate(txt, (e[i],f[i]))
To get this plot:
Unfortunately, I'm not quite sure what you're trying to accomplish with this part:
Moreover if I have a very long time series (e.g. from an oscilloscope
Anyway, I hope my suggestion at least fixes the main part of your problem.


PyMC3 autocorrplot() for any given array

The autocorrplot() function gives the autocorrelation plot for the sampled data from the trace.
If I already have a sample of data in the form of an array or list, can I use autocorrplot() to do the same?
Is there any alternative to generate autocorrelation plots given a sequence of data?
Please help.
autocorrplot is a wrapper around matplotlib's acorr. To get a similar look to pymc3's version, you can use something like
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
my_array = np.random.normal(size=1000)
plt.acorr(my_array, detrend=plt.mlab.detrend_mean, maxlags=100)
plt.xlim(0, 100)
Note the call to xlim at the end, since by default PyMC3 does not show negative correlations.

Edit tick labels in logarithmic axis

I'm trying to edit the tick labels but I keep getting scientific notation, even after setting the ticks. Here is a MWE:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 7))
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.11, right=0.95, top=0.94)
plt.plot([1,4],[3,6] )
which produces this plot
As you can see ax.ticklabel_format(style='plain') doesn't seem to work as I keep getting tick labels in scientific notation, and when using ax.set_xticks the old tick labels are still present. I took a look at this topic and it seems like the problem is in the choose of the ticks, if I use for example 0.3 instead of 0.7 as the first tick it works, however I need to do a plot in this specific range and using log scale.
Any work around?
Actually, your code is doing what you need, the problem is the labels from the minor ticks that remain unaffected and overlap with the major ticks
you can simply add the line:
full code:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 7))
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.11, right=0.95, top=0.94)
plt.plot([1,4],[3,6] )

Use colorbar for non type object

I currently try to modify a plot in a python2.7 code. This plot come from a radiative transfert code (what I can't modify), and the output is a class type with a method :
plot_image(wavelength0, overplot=False, inclination=None, cmap=None,
ax=None, axes_units='AU', polarization=False, polfrac=False,
psf_fwhm=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, dynamic_range=1000000.0)
more informations here
So, when I put a plt.title() or plt.savefig() just after that, I call the respective method and the title of the plot changes and the plot is saved, as expected!
However, there is two things that I didn't find a way to do it :
Add a colorbar
trace the surface in log-scale
because no arguments in the method allow to do it.
When I try something like plt.colorbar(fig) with fig=res.plot_image(...) (with res the class, output of radiative transfert code) the error said that fig is not a mappable object (seems logic).
Any ideas that could help me ? hope I gave you enough informations.
Sorry for my English
If res.plot_image(...) only plots one image to one axes, the solution to obtain a colorbar might be pretty easy.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#.... some code
im, = plt.gca().get_images()

How to show contents of axes object when using pandas

I'm trying to wrap my head around using axes-objects in conjunction with a Pandas-dataframe (object df in the following snippet):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
for key, grp in df.groupby(['bondYear', 'bondQuarter']):
axes = grp['priceAvg'].plot(label=key, ax=axes)
This runs through without any complaints, but now I'm looking for a way to actually make my plot show (and later save to *.png like with using savefig()). works but opens two windows, one showing my plot and the other one being empty, so that's not it.
Apparently I'm missing something regarding the use of matplotlib, can you help me out?
Many thanks in advance for your help!
You shouldn't reassign your plot to axes, although that should not matter. Try this.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,6))
for key, grp in df.groupby(['bondYear', 'bondQuarter']):
grp['priceAvg'].plot(label=key, ax=ax)
You can also plot them all at once without using iteration doing the following but you are easily able to control the legend.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,6))
df.groupby(['col1', 'col2']).plot(ax=ax)

Some confusion over Numpy + Scipy + matplotlib Spectrum Analyzer code

I've been attempting to understand the code at the bottom of, though sadly I haven't been getting anywhere with it. I don't think I'm expected to understand most of the code, as I have limited experience with FFTs, but unfortunately I'm also having trouble understanding how the graph is generated. I'm also getting very limited progress from a trial-and-error approach, due to the fact that my computer lags heavily and because of the relatively long time it takes for a graph to be generated.
With that being said, I need a way to scale the graph so that it only displays values up to 5000 Hz, though still on a logarithmic scale. I'd also like to understand how the wav file is sampled, and what values I can edit in order to take more samples per second. Can somebody explain how both of these points work, and how I can edit the code in order to fulfill these requirements?
Hm, this code is by me so gladly help you understanding it. It's maybe not best practice and there may be several ways to improve it – suggestions are welcome. But at least it worked for me.
The function stft does a standard short-time-fourier-transform of an audio signal by the help of the numpy strides. The function logscale_spec takes an stft and scales it logarithmically. This is maybe a bit dirty and there must be a better way to do it. But it worked for me. plotstft is the function that finally reads a wave file via, combines the prior two functions and makes a plot with matplotlibs imshow. If you have a mono wavefile you should be able to just call plotstft("/path/to/mono.wav").
That was an overview – if I should explain some things in more detail, just say so.
To your questions. To leave out some frequencie values: You can get the frequencies values of the fft wih np.fft.fftfreq(binsize, 1./sr). You just have to find the index of of your cutoff value and leaving this values of the stft.
I don't understand your second question... You can have a look of all samples of your wavefile by:
>>> import as wav
>>> x ="/path/to/file.wav")
>>> x
(44100, array([4554752, 4848551, 3981874, ..., 2384923, 2040309, 294912], dtype=int32))
>>> x[1]
array([4554752, 4848551, 3981874, ..., 2384923, 2040309, 294912], dtype=int32)