Adding a custom print method for clojurescript - clojure

To customise printing of records, I usually add a print-method:
(defrecord Op [type value]
(toString [op]
(str [type value])))
(defmethod print-method Op
[v w]
(.write w (str v)))
but when I'm in clojurescript, I'm getting an error:
Use of undeclared Var synchrony.operation/print-method at line 11
how would I do this in cljs?

I think the way to do this in ClojureScript is to extend the IPrintWithWriter protocol to your object, e.g.
(extend-protocol IPrintWithWriter
(-pr-writer [new-obj writer _]
(write-all writer "#myObj \"" (:details new-obj) "\"")))
I can't find much official documentation on this, so there may be another/better way to do this.


ClojureScript - convert arbitrary JavaScript object to Clojure Script map

I am trying to convert a Javascript object to a Clojure. However, I get the following error :
(js/console.log (js->clj e)) ;; has no effect
(pprint (js->clj e)) ;; No protocol method IWriter.-write defined for type object: [object Geoposition]
Yes, this object comes from the Geolocation API. I suppose that I have to extend IEncodeClojure and IWriter, but I have no clue how.
For instance adding the following :
(extend-protocol IEncodeClojure
(-js->clj [x options]
(println "HERE " x options)))
Yields an error when loading my code : Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined
The accepted answer wasn't working for me with the javascript object window.performance.timing. This is because Object.keys() doesn't actually return the props for the PerformanceTiming object.
(.keys js/Object (.-timing (.-performance js/window))
; => #js[]
This is despite the fact that the props of PerformanceTiming are indeed iterable with a vanilla JavaScript loop:
for (a in window.performance.timing) {
// navigationStart
// unloadEventStart
// unloadEventEnd
// ...
The following is what I came up with to convert an arbitrary JavaScript object to a ClojureScript map. Note the use of two simple Google Closure functions.
goog.typeOf wraps typeof, which isn't normally accessible to us in ClojureScript. I use this to filter out props which are functions.
goog.object.getKeys wraps for (prop in obj) {...}, building up an array result which we can reduce into a map.
Solution (flat)
(defn obj->clj
(-> (fn [result key]
(let [v (goog.object/get obj key)]
(if (= "function" (goog/typeOf v))
(assoc result key v))))
(reduce {} (.getKeys goog/object obj))))
Solution (recursive)
Update: This solution will work for nested maps.
(defn obj->clj
(if (goog.isObject obj)
(-> (fn [result key]
(let [v (goog.object/get obj key)]
(if (= "function" (goog/typeOf v))
(assoc result key (obj->clj v)))))
(reduce {} (.getKeys goog/object obj)))
js->clj only works for Object, anything with custom constructor (see type) will be returned as is.
I suggest doing this instead:
(defn jsx->clj
(into {} (for [k (.keys js/Object x)] [k (aget x k)])))
UPDATE for correct solution see Aaron's answer, gotta use goog.object
Two approaches that do not require writing custom conversion functions - they both employ standard JavaScript functions to loose the custom prototype and thus enable clj->js to work correctly.
Using JSON serialization
This approach just serializes to JSON and immediately parses it:
(js->clj (-> e js/JSON.stringify js/JSON.parse))
does not require any helper function
works for nested objects, with/without prototype
supported in every browser
performance might be a problem in critical pieces of codebase
will strip any non-serializable values, like functions.
Using Object.assign()
This approach is based on Object.assign() and it works by copying all the properties from e onto a fresh, plain (no custom prototype) #js {}.
(js->clj (js/Object.assign #js {} e))
does not require any helper function
works on flat objects, if there is another nested object withing e, it won't be converted by clj->js.
Object.assign() is not supported by old browsers, most notably - IE.
(defn obj->clj
(obj->clj obj :keywordize-keys false))
([obj & opts]
(let [{:keys [keywordize-keys]} opts
keyfn (if keywordize-keys keyword str)]
(if (and (not-any? #(% obj) [inst? uuid?])
(goog.isObject obj))
(-> (fn [result k]
(let [v (goog.object/get obj k)]
(if (= "function" (goog/typeOf v))
(assoc result (keyfn k) (apply obj->clj v opts)))))
(reduce {} (.getKeys goog/object obj)))
Small problem with the original above is that JS treats #inst and #uuid as objects. Seems like those are the only tagged literals in clojure
I also added the option to keywordize keys by looking at js->clj source

Why in this example calling (f arg) and calling the body of f explicitly yields different results?

First, I have no experience with CS and Clojure is my first language, so pardon if the following problem has a solution, that is immediately apparent for a programmer.
The summary of the question is as follows: one needs to create atoms at will with unknown yet symbols at unknown times. My approach revolves around a) storing temporarily the names of the atoms as strings in an atom itself; b) changing those strings to symbols with a function; c) using a function to add and create new atoms. The problem pertains to step "c": calling the function does not create new atoms, but using its body does create them.
All steps taken in the REPL are below (comments follow code blocks):
user=> (def atom-pool
#_=> (atom ["a1" "a2"]))
'atom-pool is the atom that stores intermediate to-be atoms as strings.
user=> (defn atom-symbols []
#_=> (mapv symbol (deref atom-pool)))
user=> (defmacro populate-atoms []
#_=> (let [qs (vec (remove #(resolve %) (atom-symbols)))]
#_=> `(do ~#(for [s qs]
#_=> `(def ~s (atom #{}))))))
'populate-atoms is the macro, that defines those atoms. Note, the purpose of (remove #(resolve %) (atom-symbols)) is to create only yet non-existing atoms. 'atom-symbols reads 'atom-pool and turns its content to symbols.
user=> (for [s ['a1 'a2 'a-new]]
#_=> (resolve s))
(nil nil nil)
Here it is confirmed that there are no 'a1', 'a2', 'a-new' atoms as of yet.
user=> (defn new-atom [a]
#_=> (do
#_=> (swap! atom-pool conj a)
#_=> (populate-atoms)))
'new-atom is the function, that first adds new to-be atom as string to `atom-pool. Then 'populate-atoms creates all the atoms from 'atom-symbols function.
user=> (for [s ['a1 'a2 'a-new]]
#_=> (resolve s))
(#'user/a1 #'user/a2 nil)
Here we see that 'a1 'a2 were created as clojure.lang.Var$Unbound just by defining a function, why?
user=> (new-atom "a-new")
user=> (for [s ['a1 'a2 'a-new]]
#_=> (resolve s))
(#'user/a1 #'user/a2 nil)
Calling (new-atom "a-new") did not create the 'a-new atom!
user=> (do
#_=> (swap! atom-pool conj "a-new")
#_=> (populate-atoms))
user=> (for [s ['a1 'a2 'a-new]]
#_=> (resolve s))
(#'user/a1 #'user/a2 #'user/a-new)
Here we see that resorting explicitly to 'new-atom's body did create the 'a-new atom. 'a-new is a type of clojure.lang.Atom, but 'a1 and 'a2 were skipped due to already being present in the namespace as clojure.lang.Var$Unbound.
Appreciate any help how to make it work!
EDIT: Note, this is an example. In my project the 'atom-pool is actually a collection of maps (atom with maps). Those maps have keys {:name val}. If a new map is added, then I create a corresponding atom for this map by parsing its :name key.
"The summary of the question is as follows: one needs to create atoms at will with unknown yet symbols at unknown times. "
This sounds like a solution looking for a problem. I would generally suggest you try another way of achieving whatever the actual functionality is without generating vars at runtime, but if you must, you should use intern and leave out the macro stuff.
You cannot solve this with macros since macros are expanded at compile time, meaning that in
(defn new-atom [a]
(swap! atom-pool conj a)
populate-atoms is expanded only once; when the (defn new-atom ...) form is compiled, but you're attempting to change its expansion when new-atom is called (which necessarily happens later).
#JoostDiepenmaat is right about why populate-atoms is not behaving as expected. You simply cannot do this using macros, and it is generally best to avoid generating vars at runtime. A better solution would be to define your atom-pool as a map of keywords to atoms:
(def atom-pool
(atom {:a1 (atom #{}) :a2 (atom #{})}))
Then you don't need atom-symbols or populate-atoms because you're not dealing with vars at compile-time, but typical data structures at run-time. Your new-atom function could look like this:
(defn new-atom [kw]
(swap! atom-pool assoc kw (atom #{})))
EDIT: If you don't want your new-atom function to override existing atoms which might contain actual data instead of just #{}, you can check first to see if the atom exists in the atom-pool:
(defn new-atom [kw]
(when-not (kw #atom-pool)
(swap! atom-pool assoc kw (atom #{}))))
I've already submitted one answer to this question, and I think that that answer is better, but here is a radically different approach based on eval:
(def atom-pool (atom ["a1" "a2"]))
(defn new-atom! [name]
(load-string (format "(def %s (atom #{}))" name)))
(defn populate-atoms! []
(doseq [x atom-pool]
(new-atom x)))
format builds up a string where %s is substituted with the name you're passing in. load-string reads the resulting string (def "name" (atom #{})) in as a data structure and evals it (this is equivalent to (eval (read-string "(def ...)
Of course, then we're stuck with the problem of only defining atoms that don't already exist. We could change the our new-atom! function to make it so that we only create an atom if it doesn't already exist:
(defn new-atom! [name]
(when-not (resolve (symbol name))
(load-string (format "(def %s (atom #{}))" name name))))
The Clojure community seems to be against using eval in most cases, as it is usually not needed (macros or functions will do what you want in 99% of cases*), and eval can be potentially unsafe, especially if user input is involved -- see Brian Carper's answer to this question.
*After attempting to solve this particular problem using macros, I came to the conclusion that it either cannot be done without relying on eval, or my macro-writing skills just aren't good enough to get the job done with a macro!
At any rate, I still think my other answer is a better solution here -- generally when you're getting way down into the nuts & bolts of writing macros or using eval, there is probably a simpler approach that doesn't involve metaprogramming.

Simplest possible Clojure object that can accept a primitive and metadata?

I want to add metadata to a byte array in Clojure. Since this is not allowed, one option I want to try is the simplest object wrapper that could work.
Here is the source code for with-meta.
That made me start looking at Clojure.lang.IObj. I haven't found what I want yet.
Here's how you can create a deftype that supports metadata.
(import '( Writer))
(deftype Box [value _meta]
(meta [_] _meta)
(withMeta [_ m] (Box. value m))
(deref [_] value)
(toString [this]
(str (.getName (class this))
": "
(pr-str value))))
(defmethod print-method Box [o, ^Writer w]
(.write w "#<")
(.write w (.getName (class o)))
(.write w ": ")
(.write w (-> o deref pr-str))
(.write w ">"))
(defn box
([value] (box value nil))
([value meta] (Box. value meta)))
And here's some example usage:
user> (def boxed (box (->> (range 5)
(map byte)
{:stuff :foo}))
#<Var#1acd39b: #<Box#c50aa1: #>>
user> #boxed
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
user> (meta boxed)
{:stuff :foo}
user> (meta (with-meta boxed {:stuff :bar}))
{:stuff :bar}
This is the simplest way I can think of to put metadata on a byte array (reify doesn't work with clojure.lang.IObj and records include more unrelated functionality).
Another option (and perhaps simpler depending on the context) would be to store the byte array in a map, with the metadata either right alongside it or as actual metadata.
After discussing with some people on #clojure IRC, I wrote a simple Java class, MetaBox, that implements clojure.lang.IObj. You can use this easily in Clojure with metabox/box and metabox/val as well as the usual metadata functions such as meta and with-meta.
; [metabox "0.1.0"]
(require '[metabox.core :refer (box val)])
(def critical-density (box 0.692 {:uncertainty 0.01}))
(val critical-density) ; 0.692
(meta critical-density) ; {:uncertainty 0.01}
You can find the source code and README over at clj-metabox.
UPDATE: Thanks to a few discussions and suggestion (see below), as of version 0.2.0, the API uses deref instead of val:
; [metabox "0.2.0"]
(require '[metabox.core :refer (box)])
(def critical-density (box 0.692 {:uncertainty 0.01}))
#critical-density ; 0.692
(meta critical-density) ; {:uncertainty 0.01}

How to parse URL parameters in Clojure?

If I have the request "size=3&mean=1&sd=3&type=pdf&distr=normal" what's the idiomatic way of writing the function (defn request->map [request] ...) that takes this request and
returns a map {:size 3, :mean 1, :sd 3, :type pdf, :distr normal}
Here is my attempt (using clojure.walk and clojure.string):
(defn request-to-map
(apply hash-map
(split request #"(&|=)"))))
I am interested in how others would solve this problem.
Using form-decode and keywordize-keys:
(use 'ring.util.codec)
(use 'clojure.walk)
(keywordize-keys (form-decode "hello=world&foo=bar"))
{:foo "bar", :hello "world"}
Assuming you want to parse HTTP request query parameters, why not use ring? ring.middleware.params contains what you want.
The function for parameter extraction goes like this:
(defn- parse-params
"Parse parameters from a string into a map."
[^String param-string encoding]
(fn [param-map encoded-param]
(if-let [[_ key val] (re-matches #"([^=]+)=(.*)" encoded-param)]
(assoc-param param-map
(codec/url-decode key encoding)
(codec/url-decode (or val "") encoding))
(string/split param-string #"&")))
You can do this easily with a number of Java libraries. I'd be hesitant to try to roll my own parser unless I read the URI specs carefully and made sure I wasn't missing any edge cases (e.g. params appearing in the query twice with different values). This uses jetty-util:
(import '[org.eclipse.jetty.util UrlEncoded MultiMap])
(defn parse-query-string [query]
(let [params (MultiMap.)]
(UrlEncoded/decodeTo query params "UTF-8")
(into {} params)))
user> (parse-query-string "size=3&mean=1&sd=3&type=pdf&distr=normal")
{"sd" "3", "mean" "1", "distr" "normal", "type" "pdf", "size" "3"}
Can also use this library for both clojure and clojurescript:
user=> (-> "a=1&b=2&c=3" cemerick.url/query->map clojure.walk/keywordize-keys)
{:a "1", :b "2", :c "3"}
Yours looks fine. I tend to overuse regexes, so I would have solved it as
(defn request-to-keywords [req]
(into {} (for [[_ k v] (re-seq #"([^&=]+)=([^&]+)" req)]
[(keyword k) v])))
(request-to-keywords "size=1&test=3NA=G")
{:size "1", :test "3NA=G"}
Edit: try to stay away from clojure.walk though. I don't think it's officially deprecated, but it's not very well maintained. (I use it plenty too, though, so don't feel too bad).
I came across this question when constructing my own site and the answer can be a bit different, and easier, if you are passing parameters internally.
Using Secretary to handle routing:
Parameters are automatically extracted to a map in :query-params when a route match is found. The example given in the documentation:
(defroute "/users/:id" [id query-params]
(js/console.log (str "User: " id))
(js/console.log (pr-str query-params)))
(defroute #"/users/(\d+)" [id {:keys [query-params]}]
(js/console.log (str "User: " id))
(js/console.log (pr-str query-params)))
;; In both instances...
(secretary/dispach! "/users/10?action=delete")
;; ... will log
;; User: 10
;; "{:action \"delete\"}"
You can use ring.middleware.params. Here's an example with aleph:
user=> (require '[aleph.http :as http])
user=> (defn my-handler [req] (println "params:" (:params req)))
user=> (def server (http/start-server (wrap-params my-handler)))
wrap-params creates an entry in the request object called :params. If you want the query parameters as keywords, you can use ring.middleware.keyword-params. Be sure to wrap with wrap-params first:
user=> (require '[ring.middleware.params :refer [wrap-params]])
user=> (require '[ring.middleware.keyword-params :refer [wrap-keyword-params])
user=> (def server
(http/start-server (wrap-keyword-params (wrap-params my-handler))))
However, be mindful that this includes a dependency on ring.

Dynamic method calls in a Clojure macro?

I'm attempting to write a macro which will call java setter methods based on the arguments given to it.
So, for example:
(my-macro login-as-fred {"Username" "fred" "Password" "wilma"})
might expand to something like the following:
(doto (new MyClass)
(.setUsername "fred")
(.setPassword "wilma"))
How would you recommend tackling this?
Specifically, I'm having trouble working out the best way to construct the setter method name and have it interpreted it as a symbol by the macro.
The nice thing about macros is you don't actually have to dig into the classes or anything like that. You just have to write code that generates the proper s-expressions.
First a function to generate an s-expression like (.setName 42)
(defn make-call [name val]
(list (symbol (str ".set" name) val)))
then a macro to generate the expressions and plug (~#) them into a doto expression.
(defmacro map-set [class things]
`(doto ~class ~#(map make-call things))
Because it's a macro it never has to know what class the thing it's being called on is or even that the class on which it will be used exists.
Please don't construct s-expressions with list for macros. This will seriously hurt the hygiene of the macro. It is very easy to make a mistake, which is hard to track down. Please use always syntax-quote! Although, this is not a problem in this case, it's good to get into the habit of using only syntax-quote!
Depending on the source of your map, you might also consider to use keywords as keys to make it look more clojure-like. Here is my take:
(defmacro configure
[object options]
`(doto ~object
~#(map (fn [[property value]]
(let [property (name property)
setter (str ".set"
(.toUpperCase (subs property 0 1))
(subs property 1))]
`(~(symbol setter) ~value)))
This can then be used as:
user=> (macroexpand-1 '(configure (MyClass.) {:username "fred" :password "wilma"}))
(clojure.core/doto (MyClass.) (.setUsername "fred") (.setPassword "wilma"))
Someone (I believe Arthur Ulfeldt) had an answer posted that was almost correct, but it's been deleted now.
This is a working version:
(defmacro set-all [obj m]
`(doto ~obj ~#(map (fn [[k v]]
(list (symbol (str ".set" k)) v))
user> (macroexpand-1 '(set-all (java.util.Date.) {"Month" 0 "Date" 1 "Year" 2009}))
(clojure.core/doto (java.util.Date.) (.setMonth 0) (.setDate 1) (.setYear 2009))
user> (set-all (java.util.Date.) {"Month" 0 "Date" 1 "Year" 2009})
#<Date Fri Jan 01 14:15:51 PST 3909>
You have to bite the bullet and use clojure.lang.Reflector/invokeInstanceMethod like this:
(defn do-stuff [obj m]
(doseq [[k v] m]
(let [method-name (str "set" k)]
(into-array Object [v]))))
(do-stuff (java.util.Date.) {"Month" 2}) ; use it
No need for a macro (as far as I know, a macro would not allow to circumvent reflection, either; at least for the general case).