Amazon Products Api - amazon-web-services

I was looking around web and amazon affilate apis, but can not find a way without scrapping amazon product pages to extract some of the data to display on my site.
I have input box where users can copy/past amazon links and I want to create preview to the product on next page using the image, price and other content and link back to the page. I saw this Amazon products API - Looking for basic overview and information, I have try to use id that I think was correct one to get data for but I got wrong result.
I assume this is B00I90NTCE the id.
Can someone point me to correct direction?

Well you should read the documentation for the amazon product api. Here is a link to the documentation: You can also try out the api using the scratch pad: See also this link:
The amazon api is RESTful which means it is stateless and it works over http. It is easy to use. you have to create a url with the required parameters. if you call this url from a programming language or copy/paste it in a browser, it will return xml. The xml will contain the product information such as product image, price, product description, amazon link etc. You can parse the xml using a suitable library for your programming language


How to get ondemand ids for Vimeo API

I am trying to work with the Vimeo API and I cannot figure out how to access the ondemand data.
The endpoint and parameters in the docs require an ondemand_id to work correctly. I assumed this ID would come from any official ondemand page within Vimeo. But whenever I search the ondemand pages of Vimeo and click on a resource, the URL does not contain any numerical ID.
It only contains the root path for the Vimeo website with /ondemand_page_name at the end. This value cannot be the ID since it is a string and not a number. I have looked through the entire page plenty of different times to try to find the ID but cannot seem to find it.
For example, when you visit a normal video page on Vimeo, the URL looks something like this:
where the number 272976101 is the video_id that can be used within the API to get all the data about this particular video. Instead of this format, the ondemand pages have the format:
where there is no numerical ID within the URL. This is the issue I am having. How would I retrieve the public data about this ondemand page throught the API.
I feel like there may be a very simple solution/explanation to this issue and any help would be much appreciated.
Also, right now I am not using any SDK to access this data. I am strictly trying to figure out how the API works through the built-in client provided within the documentation.
It's undocumented, but you can use the On Demand custom url path as the ondemand_id.
So for your On Demand video at, you can make an API request to this path:
In the response, you'll see the "uri" value "/ondemand/pages/203314", which you can log on your end and use as the ondemand_id instead of /nebula.
Also note, this should be the same URL as your On Demand settings page:
I hope this information helps!

Getting product and seller info from eBay using APIs and Python

My question is about building and requesting a URL from a server using Python. Here specifically the eBay APIs. I want to submit the request and get the response and process the received Json in Python. I tried using the eBay Python sdk but I don't know how to use it for a price comparison sort of thing, or to get the seller information and anything else. I was able to use the finding API and get a category of products and I was able to iterate over products and get details.
I guess I could make URLs according to eBay API doc, if you can give me some examples of how it's done. I am really interested in using the new APIs, the analytics and metadata.
ebay Api Documentation

Creating a shorten URL for products using Amazon advertising API

I'm using Amazon's API to browse for some products and I would like to generate an affiliate link for some of them.
I know I can get a normal affiliate link from the DetailPageURL field in the response (and that I can create one manually following the affiliate link format) but I would like to find an automated way to create a shorten URL for a product that contains my tag.
2 technical notes:
Shorten URLs are the ones Amazon provides that look like
I know I create these manually via the associates panel, but I'm looking for a way to get them using an API.
Apparently this can be done using bit.y's API, as every Amazon URL shortened by will get the{unique_id} format.

Retrieve information from URL to share it on my website

I am about to develop a new feature on my website that allow the user to give me a URL then I would use this URL to get the site title, description and image(s) so that I store these information on my website. I need to know if there is any script that can do that or if there is a web service that would take the url and give me the information I need or shall I start developing this from scratch.
Also, I would like to know if there is any kind of standards used in the information sharing mechanism as I want to allow the user to share a video or photo from the web.
There is no single script that can extract information from all sites, because the source HTML for most websites is different. You will need to write code specifically for the sites you are scraping.
As for syndicating the content, you can use RSSĀ (Really Simple Syndication), which is an XML format commonly used for sharing content.

Is there a Web Service API to the Google Product Search?

I want to call the Google product search and get back a parse-able XML file rather than having to scrape the HTML. I'm not looking for a SOAP based service, but a service that returns XML based on a URL passed in.
Correction--this did NOT work:
The Google Base API lists only a subset of Google product sellers (apparently only those who are active users of the Google Base product.)
I eventually ended up using a screen scraping solution and then found that the data was too inconsistant to use for my purposes at all. :-(
use that refer link ,hopefuly it'll very usefull with you all guys