Dependencies downloaded but still cannot require, clojure - clojure

This kills me... I cannot require anything other than built-in native deps. No hiccup, no http-kit etc... Even if I can find them on my hard drive in .m2/repository
lein new myapp,
add [markdown-clj 0.9.91] to project.clj,
add (ns metapp.core
(:require [markdown-clj :as mark]) )
lein run
Retrieving markdown-clj/markdown-clj/0.9.91/markdown-clj-0.9.91.pom from clojars
Retrieving markdown-clj/markdown-clj/0.9.91/markdown-clj-0.9.91.jar from clojars
Exception in thread "main" Could not locate quote/markdown_clj__init.class or quote/markdown_clj.clj on classpath. Please check that namespaces with dashes use underscores in the Clojure file name.,
lein deps is not returning anything
Somebody knows what's wrong please? This stacktrace isn't very helpful, so Lein can fetch deps, but doesn't know how to require them?
EDIT: Running Linux Mint 18.0, clojure is in /home/denis/clojure-1.8.0 and is called by alias java -cp /home/denis/clojure-1.8.0/clojure-1.8.0.jar clojure.main. Directory tree in myapp is /home/denis/prg/cljr/myapp
Thank you guyz, but now feel like an idiot.
So to summarize for future-comers, in project.clj, to ask for a dependency "X" doesn't mean you should "require" it as "X". You must require it the way the author specified in documentation, for example [http-kit "2.2.0"] in project.clj is required as follows
(ns metapp.core (:require [org.httpkit.client :as http] ).
Second, the way you require inside your code is not the same as the way you require in REPL, for example, this works in yourapp.core (require [stuff.core as stuff]). You could also write it like this, it works too (ns yourns (:require [stuff.core :as stuff]). But this synthaxe doesnt work: (:require [stuff.core :as stuff]).
In REPL however, it's different story! I must use (:require '[stuff.core]) if it is an added dependency, or (:require 'clojure.string) if it is a built-in library! Note that something like (require '[http.async.core]) doesn't work because it is not built-in. So if you checked the documentation which only shows built-in examples, like me, you are doomed.
Also for built-in library like clojure.string you can use simply (require 'clojure.string), yup, the one which didn't worked with dependencies. Have fun guys! LOOOOONNG journey ahead, clojure is only language so far I needed to spend 4 days figuring out how to IMPORT modules (poke Python, it only took 30 seconds), hope it worth it!

You should require markdown.core. From the documentation for that project:
(ns foo
(:use markdown.core))
In your case:
(ns metapp.core
(:require [markdown.core :as mark]))
should work.
Not realising that the name of the library and the namespaces that make up the library are different things is something that is easy to be tripped up by.

markdown-clj is just a name of a package. But when you require something, you need to specify a module, not a package. Most of the packages have core module so the proper usage would be:
(:require [markdown-clj.core :as mark])


How to handle interpendency between multiple files in cider?

I have create a project with two files core.clj and module.clj.
On core.clj to be able to use function of module.clj I have declared :
(ns my-project.core
(:require [my-project.module :as mod]))
And on module.clj to be able to use function of core.clj I have declared :
(ns my-project.module
(:require [my-project.core :as core]))
Now, when I use 'cider-load-file on core.clj, I have an error due to function of module.clj, and if i start with module.clj, I have a error due to function of core.clj.
Is their a way to fix the issue, or is my code should be refactored ? It seems that I am able to build the jar with lein.
You must refactor to avoid dependency cycles. This is a feature of Clojure, not a requirement added by Cider or waived by Leiningen. "Building a jar" of Clojure stuff just means zipping it up, and thus is not a sign that the stuff is error-free.

How to add the clojure.string library to a front-end Hoplon project using the Boot-clj build tool

I hope these questions are helping someone. I am new to both Hoplon and Boot. I am trying to use the "clojure.string" library in a Hoplon project and I can't seem to get it. I tried in the index.cljs.hl file:
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))
And then it doesn't load. Next I tried including the library in the build.boot tool but neither seemed to work:
[org.clojure/clojure.string "1.8.0"]
[org.clojure/clojure-string "1.8.0"]
Neither of those seemed to work so I am looking on how I can use the string library.
After much searching I finally figured out how to do it. All you need to do is in the "index.cljs.hl" file add the following at the top.
(page "index.html"
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))
And then you can access the string library as (str/split etc.

Distributing a simple library via clojars

I have implemented a hyphenation algorithm (at namespace hyphenator-clj.core), defined it as org.clojars.nikonyrh.hyphenator-clj 0.1.0 at defproject and pushed it to Clojars. Uberjar seems to have files like core__init.class, core.clj and core.class.
However when I try to use it as a dependency on an other project I get this error:
$ lein uberjar
Retrieving org/clojars/nikonyrh/hyphenator-clj/org.clojars.nikonyrh.hyphenator-clj/0.1.0/org.clojars.nikonyrh.hyphenator-clj-0.1.0.pom from clojars
Retrieving org/clojars/nikonyrh/hyphenator-clj/org.clojars.nikonyrh.hyphenator-clj/0.1.0/org.clojars.nikonyrh.hyphenator-clj-0.1.0.jar from clojars
Compiling example.core Could not locate org/clojars/nikonyrh/hyphenator_clj__init.class or org/clojars/nikonyrh/hyphenator_clj.clj on classpath. Please check that namespaces with dashes use underscores in the Clojure file name., compiling:(core.clj:1:1)
Exception in thread "main" Could not locate org/clojars/nikonyrh/hyphenator_clj__init.class or org/clojars/nikonyrh/hyphenator_clj.clj on classpath. Please check that namespaces with dashes use underscores in the Clojure file name., compiling:(core.clj:1:1)
at clojure.lang.Compiler$InvokeExpr.eval(
at clojure.lang.Compiler.compile1(
at clojure.lang.Compiler.compile1(
at clojure.lang.Compiler.compile(
at clojure.lang.RT.compile(
at clojure.lang.RT.load(
at clojure.lang.RT.load(
at clojure.core$load$fn__5677.invoke(core.clj:5893)
Must I change my project's folder structure so that it matches the expected org/clojars/nikonyrh/hyphenator_clj__init.class, or can I somehow override the current behavior? If there is a good tutorial about this out there I would be happy to read it.
Basically I would like to get this example project to work. project.clj:
(defproject example "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
:description ""
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]
[org.clojars.nikonyrh.hyphenator-clj "0.1.0"]]
:javac-options ["-target" "1.6" "-source" "1.6" "-Xlint:-options"]
:aot [example.core]
:main example.core)
(ns example.core
(:require [org.clojars.nikonyrh.hyphenator-clj :as h])
(defn -main [& argv] (doseq [arg argv] (println (h/hyphenate arg :hyphen \-))))
I'm suspecting I also have the english.txt in a wrong directory, as it isn't contained in the uberjar but resource files are an other topic.
You would probably be better off not using a hyphen in the namespace hyphenator-clj. Why not just use hyphenator? But if you do I suspect that the name of the directory should have an underscore in it rather than a hyphen, so be: hyphenator_clj.
If fixing that issue doesn't help then another thing to look out for, which I can't see from your question, is where exactly is core.clj in the directory structure, and does the project.clj reflect that? For instance is the path for the namespace hyphenator-clj.core in a src directory off the root of your project? The root of your project being defined as where the project.clj is located.
Something else that would be good to see in the question is whether you can get the program to work just locally, without having packed it up into an uberjar and shipped it to clojars. My guess would be that it does work locally, but it would help for that to be stated.
Okay taking a look at your links now. You might like to read a working project deployed to clojars, that has hypens in its name, for instance here. The first difference you might notice is the project name you use is rather long: org.clojars.nikonyrh.hyphenator-clj. It should just be hyphenator-clj. Also I would recommend having an identifier ending in "-SNAPSHOT" as that project does.
But taking a look at the bigger picture, a great idea you suggested in the comments is to test without Clojars being in the mix at all. To do this use lein install on the library you want to use from another lein project.
Ahaa at least I understand the process a bit better now, basically my require has to match the structure of the used JAR file, which may be very different from the project's name. For example cc.qbits/spandex is actually required as qbits.spandex.
The english.txt dependency was fixed by moving it to resources folder, deploying the new version to Clojars and importing the dependency as it exists in the JAR:
(ns example.core
(:require [hyphenator-clj.core :as h])
(defn -main [& argv] (doseq [arg argv] (println (h/hyphenate arg :hyphen \-))))

clojure classpath(?) troubles loading code and dependencies with leiningen

I'm a Clojure and JVM beginner, and the build tools are a bit confusing to me, so forgive the stupidity I'm about to carry out. I don't actually know what a "classpath" is... I just want a Lisp with lots of libraries!
But I'm trying to do a write a simple little bit of text-mining code in Clojure, and I don't seem to be able to get things working.
There are two problems, and I think they're related, both probably to this classpath thing from javaland that none of the introductory Clojure books seem to explain.
I started the project with lein new and my project.clj has the following dependencies:
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]
[clj-fuzzy "0.1.8"]
[snowball-stemmer "0.1.0"]
[net.mikera/core.matrix "0.50.0"]])
and the relevant ns call from my core.clj is as follows:
(ns blabber.core
[clojure.string :refer [lower-case split]]
[clojure.walk :refer [keywordize-keys]]))
My directory structure is the default setup leiningen uses for a new library.
First problem:
I gather from this prior SO that if things are set up right, I shouldn't need to call (load-file "src/blabber/core.clj") in the repl before calling (use 'blabber.core) in order to get at code I just wrote. (I'm firing up the lein repl from the src/blabber directory in bash). But when I fire up the repl, use fails unless I call load-file first. So does that mean my classpath is set up wrong somehow? And how does one fix such a thing?
Second problem:
Ok, so now I'm trying to actually use core.matrix. First line of my core.clj changed to:
(ns blabber.core
[clojure.string :refer [lower-case split]]
[clojure.walk :refer [keywordize-keys]]
[clojure.core.matrix :refer [dataset]]))
When I first started the repl with this project.clj but without the :require to core.matrix, leiningen happily fetched core.matrix: Retrieving net/mikera/core.matrix/0.50.0/core.matrix-0.50.0.jar from clojars
However, after including the :require to core.matrix in the actual code and starting up the repl again, at the repl I call (load-file "src/blabber/core.clj"), and get the following error:
CompilerException Could not locate clojure/core/matrix__init.class or clojure/core/matrix.clj on classpath: , compiling:(/Users/pauliglot/github/blabber/src/blabber/core.clj:1:1)
I'm using Leiningen 2.5.1 on Java 1.8.0_45. And I'm just following the getting started guide for core.matrix.
So what happened? Why can't the JVM find any of my stuff? Save me? Thanks!
If it helps, here's a dump of the output of lein classpath
Here's the directory tree:
| blabber
and all my code is in blabber/src/blabber/core.clj
A classpath is a Java concept; Leiningen should set up the classpath correctly. What I suspect is that there's a mismatch between the directories, filenames, or namespace declarations. The file path should be <name passed to 'lein new'>/src/blabber/core.clj. It wasn't clear from what you wrote whether that's the case. Try running lein deps first, too, but you shouldn't need to do that. This and lein repl are usually run from the directory, i.e. the project root directory. You might need :source-paths or :main in project.clj, but I don't think so.
(use 'clojure.core.matrix) should work. Works for me, e.g. with
(defproject blabber "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]
[net.mikera/core.matrix "0.50.0"]]).

require core.async in a lein repl

In a fresh lein (~2.5) repl, I type:
(require '[clojure.string :as string])
And I can use string as expected. However, when trying to require core.asnc like so, I get an error msg:
(require '[clojure.core.async :as ca])
FileNotFoundException Could not locate clojure/core/async__init.class or clojure/core/async.clj on classpath. clojure.lang.RT.load (
thanks to your answers I managed now to require arbitrary libs in a repl on runtime using pomegranate or alembic. But what about macros? How - for example - do I get the 'go' macro in the repl? There isn't something like (require-macros ... in analogy to the approach one would take when requiring core.async in a project's ns declaration.
core.async is not part of the clojure.core library. You need to add the core.async jar or sources to your classpath. The easiest way to do this is with a dependency via project.clj, but there are also tools like pomegranate and alembic for doing this at runtime, which could be added to your local profiles.clj.