C++ How to calculate an arc between two 3D points - c++

I read through the forum and as I am sure this question has been asked before, but I couldn't really find what I was looking for.
My problem is the following:
I have an AI-Character moving along a spline. Should that path be blocked, the character should move in an arc around it and then continue on it's path.
For arguments sake lets assume that the spline has a length of 7000 units.
Therefore, I have two 3D (x,y,z) vectors. The first vector is the current position of the AI-bot and the second vector the position past the obstacle. For the time being lets just say: current spline position + 400 units; later on I could do a line trace to get the dimension of the obstacle etc. but for now I don't care about it.
Now I would like to compute an alternative path to avoid aforementioned obstacle - hence compute the arc between these two points - How do I do this?
I am really terrible at maths but looked at projectile trajectory because I thought that it would be sort of the same, just was unable to really understand it :<

It doesn't have to be an arc. You can solve this problem recursively in a very simple way.
Consider you're at position A, and the obstacle is at position B. You can do the following moves:
From current position to A+V(B[x]+height(B),0,0)
From current position to A+V(0,B[y]+width(B),0)
From current position to A+V(B[x]-height(B),0,0)
where V is a vector with components V(x,y,z), width(B) is the width of the obstacle and B[x] is the x component of the position of B. This way you moved around it along a rectangle. You can now smoothen the path by subdividing that rectangle in halves. 3 subdivisions are enough to make this smooth enough. To subdivide, take the middle point the first path, and draw a line to the middle of the second path. The same you do from the second path to the third one, and now your rectangle becomes an octagon. If that's not smooth enough, do a few more steps. This will create a new spline that you can use.

I would look at a combination of splines and the EQS system. The spline defines the ideal path to follow. The EQS system finds locations near or on the path, while still doing obstacle avoidance. EQS can return all valid destinations so you can manually order them by custom critera.
Actors set on a spline do work, but there's a whole bunch o' mess when making them stop following a spline, creating a new one at the correct point, attaching the actor the new spline, and so on.

I arrived at this conclusion yesterday after exactly going the messy way of adding spline points etc. The only problem i see is that I find the EQS system very difficult to understand. Not following the examples as such, but modifying it in the way I need it. Lets see, i keep you posted.


Project a line segment onto a mesh

What are the graphic/mathematical algorithms I have to look for in order to achieve the red line in the following image?
Explaining it better: I need to plot two points on the mesh and then generate a straight line segment from one point to the next. This line segment would be formed by new vertices created on every single edge in its way.
I'm currently working with CGAL and Libigl, but none of them seem to have the solution. I have tried CGAL::Surface_mesh_shortest_path but it adds too much overhead (code runs very slowly) and the line would not be guaranteed to be straight depending on the mesh deformation.
Ignoring whatever you mean as "straight", here is one simple algorithm I can think of that would produce images to the one similar shown in the question. There is no guarantee of what is produced being the shortest path. I'm just spitballing here with no knowledge on the topic, there are probably better ways.
Pick 4 variables:
The starting point
The ending point
The line's normal
A marching constant
Let's calculate a few constants from the variables:
Direction = ending point - starting point
Increment vector = normalize(Direction) * marching constant.
Begin from the starting point and march towards your ending point by some constant, checking above and below your current position for where you are on the mesh. You use the line's normal to understand the "up" and "down" directions in order to perform intersection tests.
On each intersection test, if you do not intersect for both the up and down directions, then the normal you chose will not work for the given two points and mesh, and you'll have to try a different normal. If you do end up intersecting from one of the directions, you will need to add 2 points to your final line: a point on the calculated direction line closest to the start that lies on the triangle, and a point on the calculated direction line farthest from the start that lies on the triangle. If there's both an intersection on the up and down directions, choose the up direction to work with.

How to find where to cast a ray to avoid collision in Bullet?

Say we have an object at point A. It wants to find out if it can move to point B. It has limited velocity so it can only move step by step. It casts a ray at direction it is moving to. Ray collides with an object and we detect it. How to get a way to pass our ray safely (avoiding collision)?
btw, is there a way to make such thing work in case of object cast, will it be as/nearly fast as with simple ray cast?
Is there a way to find optimal in some vay path?
What you're asking about is actually a pathfinding question; more specifically, it's the "any-angle pathfinding problem."
If you can limit the edges of obstacles to a grid, then a popular solution is to just use A* on that grid, then apply path-smoothing. However, there is a (rather recent) algorithm that is both simpler to implement/understand and gives better results than path-smoothing. It's called Theta*.
There is a nice article explaining Theta* (from which I stole the above image) here
If you can't restrict your obstacles to a grid, you'll have to generate a navigation mesh for your map:
There are many ways of doing this, of varying complexity; see for example here, here, or here. A quick google search also turns up plenty of libraries available to do this for you, such as this one or this one.
One approach could be to use a rope, or several ropes, where a rope is made of a few points connected linearly. You can initialize the points in random places in space, but the first point is the initial position of A, and the last point is the final position of A.
Initially, the rope will be a very bad route. In order to optimize, move the points along an energy gradient. In your case the energy function is very simple, i.e. the total length of the rope.
This is not a new idea but is used in computer vision to detect boundaries of objects, although the energy functions are much more complicated. Yet, have look at "snakes" to give you an idea how to move each point given its two neighbors: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snake_(computer_vision)
In your case, however, simply deriving a direction for each point from the force exerted by its neighbors will be just fine.
Your problem is a constrained problem where you consider collision. I would really go with #paddy's idea here to use a convex hull, or even just a sphere for each object. In the latter case, don't move a point into a place where its distance to B is less than the radius of A plus the radius of B plus a fudge factor considering that you don't have an infinite number of points.
A valid solution requires that the longest distance between any neighbors is smaller than a threshold, otherwise, the connecting line between two points will intersect with the obstacle.
How about a simple approach to begin with....
If this is just one object, you could compute the convex hull of all the vertices of the obstacle, plus the start and end points. You would then examine the two directions to get from A to B by traversing the hull clockwise and anti-clockwise. Choose the shortest path.
It's a little more complex because the shape you are moving is not just a point. You can't just blindly move its centre or it will collide. It gets more complicated still as it moves past a vertex, because you have to graze an edge of your object against the vertex of the obstacle.
But hopefully that gives you an idea to ponder over, that's not conceptually difficult to understand.
I have made this image to tell my idea for reaching the object to point B.
Objects in the image :-
The dark blue dot represents the object. The red lines are obstacles. The grey dot and line are the area which can be reached. The purple arrow is the direction of the point B. The grey line of the object is the field of visibility.
Understanding the image :-
The object will have a certain field of visibility. This is a 2d situation so i have assumed the field of visibility to be 180deg. (for human field of visibility refer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_eye#Field_of_view ) The object will measure distance by using the idea of SONAR. With the help of SONAR the object can find out the area where it can reach. Using BACKTRACKING, the object can find out the way to the object. If there is no way to go, the object must change its field of visibility
One way to look at this is as a shadow casting problem. Make A the "light source" and then decide whether each point in the scene is in or out of shadow. Those not in shadow are accessible by rays from A. The other areas are not. If you find B is in shadow, then you need only locate the nearest point in the scene that is in light.
If you discretize this problem into "pixels," then the above approach has very well-known solutions in the huge computer graphics literature on shadow rendering. For example, you can use a Shadow Map to paint each pixel with a boolean flag that indicates whether it's in shadow or not. Finding the nearest lit pixel is just a simple search of growing concentric circles around B. Both of these operations can be made extremely fast by exploiting GPU hardware.
One other note: You can treat a general object path finding problem as a point path problem. The secret is to "grow" the obstacles by an appropriate amount using Minkowski Differences. See for example this work on robot path planning.

How to verify if the user draw a line over a collection of points in cocos2d

I am doing alphabet tracing application for kids. I have given the dotten points. how to identify that am moving over that points. using Touches moved, i want to write.If moved incorrectly, i dont like to draw lines. plz share ur ideas
The simple version is:
Record the initial touch-point on touchesBegan.
On each touchesMoved call, do:
Interpolate a reasonable number of points (a dozen or so should be sufficient) between the initial touch-point and the current touch-point.
For each interpolated point, perform a hit-test against your "dot" locations. This can be done by computing the linear distance between the point and the "dot" location, and counting any distances closer than some threshold as a "hit".
Set the initial touch-point to the current touch-point.
On touchesEnded, perform one final round of interpolation and hit-test, and then clear your initial touch-point.
Of course you may want to add some extensions of your own to the basic algorithm, such as keeping an array of all the contacted points to check at the end of the event to help discriminate coordinated interactions from random nonsense, and so on.

Drawing a Smooth Line from Tablet Input

As the user drags their stylus across the tablet, you receive a series of coordinates. You want to approximate the pen's path with a smooth line, trailing only a few sample points behind it. How would you do this?
In other words, how would you render a nice smooth responsive line as a user draws it with their tablet? Simply connecting the dots with straight lines is not good enough. Real drawing programs do a much better job of curving the line, no matter how close or far the sample points are. Some even let you give them a number to indicate the amount of smoothing to be done, accounting for jittery pens and hands. Where can I learn to do this stuff?
I know this is an old question but I had the same problem and I came with 2 different solutions:
The first approach is use two resolutions: One , when the user is inserting the path points connecting them with straight lines. Two , when the user finish the stroke delete the lines and draw the spline over. That should be smoother than the straight lines.
The second approach it is to smooth the new points with a weighted mean of the sampled points. So each time you get a new point [x1,y1] instead of painting it directly, you take the previous points [x2,y2] and create a new intermediate point with the weighted mean of the two points. The pseudocode could be something like:
newPoint = [x1,y1];
oldPoint = [x2,y2];
point2Paint = [(x1*0.3) + (x2*0.7), (y1*0.3) + (y2*0.7)];
oldPoint= newPoint;
Being 0.7 and 0.3 the coefficients for the weighted mean ( You can change them to get your desired smoothing :)
I hope this would help
UPDATE Dec 13: Here it is an article explaining different drawing methods, there are good concepts that can be applied (edge smoothing, bezier curves, smooth joints)
I never had to implement these (only for academic purposes), but you may want to take a look at wikipedia's interpolation article.
Extracted from the article:
interpolation is a method of constructing new data points within the range of a discrete set of known data points.
In engineering and science one often has a number of data points, as obtained by sampling or experimentation, and tries to construct a function which closely fits those data points. This is called curve fitting or regression analysis. Interpolation is a specific case of curve fitting, in which the function must go exactly through the data points.
Hope it helps.

Simulating a car moving along a track

For Operating Systems class I'm going to write a scheduling simulator entitled "Jurrasic Park".
The ultimate goal is for me to have a series of cars following a set path and passengers waiting in line at a set location for those cars to return to so they can be picked up and be taken on the tour. This will be a simple 2d, top-down view of the track and the cars moving along it.
While I can code this easily without having to visually display anything I'm not quite sure what the best way would be to implement a car moving along a fixed track.
To start out, I'm going to simply use OpenGL to draw my cars as rectangles but I'm still a little confused about how to approach updating the car's position and ensuring it is moving along the set path for the simulated theme park.
Should I store vertices of the track in a list and have each call to update() move the cars a step closer to the next vertex?
If you want curved track, you can use splines, which are mathematically defined curves specified by two vector endpoints. You plop down the endpoints, and then solve for a nice curve between them. A search should reveal source code or math that you can derive into source code. The nice thing about this is that you can solve for the heading of your vehicle exactly, as well as get the next location on your path by doing a percentage calculation. The difficult thing is that you have to do a curve length calculation if you don't want the same number of steps between each set of endpoints.
An alternate approach is to use a hidden bitmap with the path drawn on it as a single pixel wide curve. You can find the next location in the path by matching the pixels surrounding your current location to a direction-of-travel vector, and then updating the vector with a delta function at each step. We used this approach for a path traveling prototype where a "vehicle" was being "driven" along various paths using a joystick, and it works okay until you have some intersections that confuse your vector calculations. But if it's a unidirectional closed loop, this would work just fine, and it's dead simple to implement. You can smooth out the heading angle of your vehicle by averaging the last few deltas. Also, each pixel becomes one "step", so your velocity control is easy.
In the former case, you can have specially tagged endpoints for start/stop locations or points of interest. In the latter, just use a different color pixel on the path for special nodes. In either case, what you display will probably not be the underlying path data, but some prettied up representation of your "park".
Just pick whatever is easiest, and write a tick() function that steps to the next path location and updates your vehicle heading whenever the car is in motion. If you're really clever, you can do some radius based collision handling so that cars will automatically stop when a car in front of them on the track has halted.
I would keep it simple:
Run a timer (every 100msec), and on each timer draw each ones of the cars in the new location. The location is read from a file, which contains the 2D coordinates of the car (each car?).
If you design the road to be very long (lets say, 30 seconds) writing 30*10 points would be... hard. So how about storing at the file the location at every full second? Then between those 2 intervals you will have 9 blind spots, just move the car in constant speed (x += dx/9, y+= dy/9).
I would like to hear a better approach :)
Well you could use some path as you describe, ether a fixed point path or spline. Then move as a fixed 'velocity' on this path. This may look stiff, if the car moves at the same spend on the straight as cornering.
So you could then have speeds for each path section, but you would need many speed set points, or blend the speeds, otherwise you'll get jerky speed changes.
Or you could go for full car simulation, and use an A* to build the optimal path. That's over kill but very cool.
If there is only going forward and backward, and you know that you want to go forward, you could just look at the cells around you, find the ones that are the color of the road and move so you stay in the center of the road.
If you assume that you won't have abrupt curves then you can assume that the road is directly in front of you and just scan to the left and right to see if the road curves a bit, to stay in the center, to cut down on processing.
There are other approaches that could work, but this one is simple, IMO, and allows you to have gentle curves in your road.
Another approach is just to have it be tile-based, so you just look at the tile before you, and have different tiles for changes in road direction an so you know how to turn the car to stay on the tile.
This wouldn't be as smooth but is also easy to do.