How to rotate a vtk scene around a specific point? - c++

I have a 3D vtk scene representing a point cloud, displayed through a QVTKWidget.
vtk7.1, Qt5.8.
I want to be able to rotate the scene around specific coordinates, but I don't know how to proceed.
I like the trackball interaction. I just need to set the center, but I'm a bit lost in VTK api.
I think I can do this by changing the rotation matrix : InvTranslation + Rotation + Translation should do the trick. I see two ways of doing it :
Get the Rotation Matrix computed by VTK
Generate a new matrix
Apply the matrix.
set a transform to vtk to apply before the process
set a transform to vtk to apply after the process
Am I in the right direction? If yes, how I can implement one of these solutions..?
Thank i advance,

Problem solved. The change of focale would also change the view. SO, I aplied a few geometric transform, and there it is.
// vtk Element /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
vtkRenderWindowInteractor *rwi = widget->GetInteractor();
vtkRenderer *renderer = widget->GetRenderWindow()->GetRenderers()->GetFirstRenderer();
vtkCamera *camera = renderer->GetActiveCamera();
// Camera Parameters ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
double *focalPoint = camera->GetFocalPoint();
double *viewUp = camera->GetViewUp();
double *position = camera->GetPosition();
double axis[3];
axis[0] = -camera->GetViewTransformMatrix()->GetElement(0,0);
axis[1] = -camera->GetViewTransformMatrix()->GetElement(0,1);
axis[2] = -camera->GetViewTransformMatrix()->GetElement(0,2);
// Build The transformatio /////////////////////////////////////////////////
vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransform> transform = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransform>::New();
transform->Translate(d->center[0], d->center[1], d->center[2]);
transform->RotateWXYZ(rxf, viewUp); // Azimuth
transform->RotateWXYZ(ryf, axis); // Elevation
transform->Translate(-d->center[0], -d->center[1], -d->center[2]);
double newPosition[3];
transform->TransformPoint(position,newPosition); // Transform Position
double newFocalPoint[3];
transform->TransformPoint(focalPoint, newFocalPoint); // Transform Focal Point
// Orhthogonalize View Up //////////////////////////////////////////////////

You just have to change the focal point of your vtkCamera
vtkSmartPointer<vtkCamera> camera =
camera->SetPosition(0, 0, 20);
camera->SetFocalPoint(0, 0, 10); // The center point is not 0, 0, 10


Changing coordinate system causes clockwise rotations

The task
I need to convert the coordinate system to +X forward, +Y right and +Z up (left-handed, like the one in Unreal Engine). The crucial part is that I want my camera to face its forward axis (again, like in Unreal Engine). Here is how it works in Unreal:
The problem
I have managed to achieve both things: my camera now faces its forward direction and world coordinates are the same as in UE, HOWEVER, I've stumbled upon a big issue. For each object:
pitch rotation (around RightVector) is now clockwise
yaw rotation (around UpVector) is now clockwise
roll rotation (around ForwardVector) is counter-clockwise (as it was before)
I need these rotations to be all counter-clockwise (as per standard) and keep the camera facing the forward vector.
My current solution attempt
My current setup relies on rotating the projection and camera view matrices (model matrix in my code is called entity matrix):
#define GLM_FORCE_LEFT_HANDED // it's defined somewhere else but so you're aware
// Transform::VectorForward = (1, 0, 0) // these are used below
// Transform::VectorRight = (0, 1, 0)
// Transform::VectorUp = (0, 0, 1)
// The entity matrix update function which updates the model matrix for each object
virtual void UpdateEntityMatrix()
auto m = glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.f), m_Transform.Location);
m = glm::rotate(m, glm::radians(m_Transform.Rotation[2]), Transform::VectorUp); // yaw rotation
m = glm::rotate(m, glm::radians(m_Transform.Rotation[1]), Transform::VectorRight); // pitch rotation
m = glm::rotate(m, glm::radians(m_Transform.Rotation[0]), Transform::VectorForward); // roll rotation
m_EntityMatrix = glm::scale(m, m_Transform.Scale);
// The entity matrix update in my camera class (child of entity) which also updates the view matrix
void Camera::UpdateEntityMatrix()
auto m = glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.f), m_Transform.Location);
m = glm::rotate(m, glm::radians(180.f), GetRightVector()); // NOTE: I'm getting the current Forward/Right/Up vectors of the entity
m = glm::rotate(m, glm::radians(m_Transform.Rotation[2]), GetUpVector()); // yaw rotation
m = glm::rotate(m, glm::radians(m_Transform.Rotation[1]), GetRightVector()); // pitch rotation
m = glm::rotate(m, glm::radians(m_Transform.Rotation[0]), GetForwardVector()); // roll rotation
m = glm::scale(m, m_Transform.Scale);
m_ViewMatrix = glm::inverse(m);
m_ViewProjectionMatrix = m_ProjectionMatrix * m_ViewMatrix;
void PerspectiveCamera::UpdateProjectionMatrix()
m_ProjectionMatrix = glm::perspective(glm::radians(m_FOV), m_Width / m_Height, m_NearClip, m_FarClip);
// we want the camera to face +x:
m_ProjectionMatrix = glm::rotate(m_ProjectionMatrix, glm::radians(-90.f), Transform::VectorUp);
m_ProjectionMatrix = glm::rotate(m_ProjectionMatrix, glm::radians(90.f), Transform::VectorRight);
This is my result so far (the camera visualization thing shows the rotation of currently used camera):
What else I tried
I tried modifying the model matrix (note the -):
virtual void UpdateEntityMatrix()
auto m = glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.f), m_Transform.Location);
m = glm::rotate(m, glm::radians(-m_Transform.Rotation[2]), Transform::VectorUp); // yaw rotation
m = glm::rotate(m, glm::radians(-m_Transform.Rotation[1]), Transform::VectorRight); // pitch rotation
m = glm::rotate(m, glm::radians(m_Transform.Rotation[0]), Transform::VectorForward); // roll rotation
m_EntityMatrix = glm::scale(m, m_Transform.Scale);
But it makes my camera not face forward anymore (the view is the camera's rotation but mirrored on the Y and Z axis):
Itried to fix it by applying the same change when calculating the camera view matrix but it didn't help (still mirrored or some other issues).
On top of that, I tried experimenting with the glm::lookAt functions to create the view matrix but never achieved anything.
Update: I've found a solution
I think my problem was actually defining a counter-clockwise rotation. It turns out Unreal's rotations are not consistently counter-clockwise. I think it's best to define a counter-clockwise rotation when looking in the direction pointed by the direction arrow - as if you were behind it. Here is my conclusion:
Unless somebody finds an errorin the system I defined, I'll stick to it. The code is contained in the My current solution attempt section. It seems I was correct from the get-go.
However, the answer provided by #paddy does solve my original issue - converting clockwise to counter-clockwise. Upon further attempts, I was able to correctly replicate Unreal's system while keeping my camera facing forward.

Drawing a sprite on the circumference of a circle based on the position of other objects

I'm making a sniper shooter arcade style game in Gamemaker Studio 2 and I want the position of targets outside of the viewport to be pointed to by chevrons that move along the circumference of the scope when it moves. I am using trig techniques to determine the coordinates but the chevron is jumping around and doesn't seem to be pointing to the target. I have the code broken into two: the code to determine the coordinates in the step event of the enemies class (the objects that will be pointed to) and a draw event in the same class. Additionally, when I try to rotate the chevron so it also points to the enemy, it doesn't draw at all.
Here's the coordinate algorithm and the code to draw the chevrons, respectively
//determine the angle the target makes with the player
delta_x = abs(ObjectPlayer.x - x); //x axis displacement
delta_y = abs(ObjectPlayer.y - y); //y axis displacement
angle = arctan2(delta_y,delta_x); //angle in radians
angle *= 180/pi //angle in radians
//Determine the direction based on the larger dimension and
largest_distance = max(x,y);
plusOrMinus = (largest_distance == x)?
sign(ObjectPlayer.x-x) : sign(ObjectPlayer.y-y);
//define the chevron coordinates
chevron_x = ObjectPlayer.x + plusOrMinus*(cos(angle) + 20);
chevron_y = ObjectPlayer.y + plusOrMinus*(sign(angle) + 20);
The drawing code
draw_text(ObjectPlayer.x, ObjectPlayer.y-10,string(angle));
//sSpr_Chevron.image_angle = angle;
Your current code is slightly more complex that it needs to be for this, if you want to draw chevrons pointing towards all enemies, you might as well do that on spot in Draw. And use degree-based functions if you're going to need degrees for drawing anyway
var px = ObjectPlayer.x;
var py = ObjectPlayer.y;
with (ObjectEnemy) {
var angle = point_direction(px, py, x, y);
var chevron_x = px + lengthdir_x(20, angle);
var chevron_y = py + lengthdir_y(20, angle);
draw_sprite_ext(Spr_Chevron, -1, chevron_x, chevron_y, 1, 1, angle, c_white, 1);
(also see: an almost-decade old blog post of mine about doing this while clamping to screen edges instead)
Specific problems with your existing code are:
Using a single-axis plusOrMinus with two axes
Adding 20 to sine/cosine instead of multiplying them by it
Trying to apply an angle to sSpr_Chevron (?) instead of using draw_sprite_ext to draw a rotated sprite.
Calculating largest_distance based on executing instance's X/Y instead of delta X/Y.

Determining angular velocity required to adjust orientation based on Quaternions

I have an object in 3D space that exists at a given orientation. I need to reorient the object to a new orientation. I'm currently representing the orientations as quaternions, though this is not strictly necessary.
I essentially need to determine the angular velocity needed to orient the body into the desired orientation.
What I'm currently working with looks something like the following:
// 4x4 Matrix containing rotation and translation
Matrix4 currentTransform = GetTransform();
// Grab the 3x3 matrix containing orientation only
Matrix3 currentOrientMtx = currentTransform.Get3x3();
// Build a quat based on the rotation matrix
Quaternion currentOrientation(currentOrientMtx);
// Build a new matrix describing our desired orientation
Vector3f zAxis = desiredForward;
Vector3f yAxis = desiredUp;
Vector3f xAxis = yAxis.Cross(zAxis);
Matrix3 desiredOrientMtx(xAxis, yAxis, zAxis);
// Build a quat from our desired roation matrix
Quaternion desiredOrientation(desiredOrientMtx);
// Slerp from our current orientation to the new orientation based on our turn rate and time delta
Quaternion slerpedQuat = currentOrientation.Slerp(desiredOrientation, turnRate * deltaTime);
// Determine the axis and angle of rotation
Vector3f rotationAxis = slerpedQuat.GetAxis();
float rotationAngle = slerpedQuat.GetAngle();
// Determine angular displacement and angular velocity
Vector3f angularDisplacement = rotationAxis * rotationAngle;
Vector3f angularVelocity = angularDisplacement / deltaTime;
This essentially just sends my object spinning to oblivion. I have verified that the desiredOrientMtx I constructed via the axes is indeed the correct final rotation transformation. I feel like I'm missing something silly here.
To calculate angular velocity, your turnRatealready provides the magnitude (rads/sec), so all you really need is the axis of rotation. That is just given by GetAxis( B * Inverse(A) ). GetAngle of that same quantity would give the total angle to travel between the two. See 'Difference' between two quaternions for further explanation.
SetAngularVelocity( Normalize( GetAxis( B * Inverse(A)) ) * turnRate )
You need to set the angular velocity to 0 at some point (when you reach your goal orientation). One way to do this is by using a quaternion distance. Another simpler way is by checking against the amount of time taken. Finally, you can check the angle between two quats (as discussed above) and check if that is close to 0.
float totalAngle = GetAngle( Normalize( endingPose * Inverse( startingPose ) ) );
if( fabs( totalAngle ) > 0.0001 ) // some epsilon
// your setting angular velocity code here
SetAngularVelocity( Vector3f(0) );
// Maybe, if you want high accuracy, call SetTransform here too
But, really, I don't see why you don't just use the Slerp to its fullest. Instead of relying on the physics integrator (which can be imprecise) and relying on knowing when you've reached your destination (which is somewhat awkward), you could just move the object frame-by-frame since you know the motion.
Quaternion startingPose;
Quaternion endingPose;
// As discussed earlier...
Quaternion totalAngle = Quaternion.AngleBetween( startingPose, endingPose );
// t is set to 0 whenever you start a new motion
t += deltaT;
float howFarIn = (turnRate * t) / totalAngle;
SetCurrentTransform( startingPose.Slerp( endingPose, howFarIn ) );
See Smooth rotation with quaternions for some discussion on that.

OpenGL/VTK: setting camera intrinsic parameters

I am trying to render views of a 3D mesh in VTK, I am doing the following:
vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindow> render_win = vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindow>::New();
vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderer> renderer = vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderer>::New();
render_win->SetSize(640, 480);
vtkSmartPointer<vtkCamera> cam = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCamera>::New();
cam->SetPosition(50, 50, 50);
cam->SetFocalPoint(0, 0, 0);
cam->SetViewUp(0, 1, 0);
vtkSmartPointer<vtkActor> actor_view = vtkSmartPointer<vtkActor>::New();
I am trying to simulate a rendering from a calibrated Kinect, for which I know the intrinsic parameters. How can I set the intrinsic parameters (focal length and principle point) to the vtkCamera.
I wish to do this so that the 2d pixel - 3d camera coordinate would be the same as if the image were taken from a kinect.
Hopefully this will help others trying to convert standard pinhole camera parameters to a vtkCamera: I created a gist showing how to do the full conversion. I verified that the world points project to the correct location in the rendered image. The key code from the gist is pasted below.
// apply the transform to scene objects
camera->SetModelTransformMatrix( camera_RT );
// the camera can stay at the origin because we are transforming the scene objects
camera->SetPosition(0, 0, 0);
// look in the +Z direction of the camera coordinate system
camera->SetFocalPoint(0, 0, 1);
// the camera Y axis points down
// ensure the relevant range of depths are rendered
camera->SetClippingRange(depth_min, depth_max);
// convert the principal point to window center (normalized coordinate system) and set it
double wcx = -2*(principal_pt.x() - double(nx)/2) / nx;
double wcy = 2*(principal_pt.y() - double(ny)/2) / ny;
camera->SetWindowCenter(wcx, wcy);
// convert the focal length to view angle and set it
double view_angle = vnl_math::deg_per_rad * (2.0 * std::atan2( ny/2.0, focal_len ));
std::cout << "view_angle = " << view_angle << std::endl;
camera->SetViewAngle( view_angle );
I too am using VTK to simulate the view from a kinect sensor. I am using VTK 6.1.0. I know this question is old, but hopefully my answer may help someone else.
The question is how can we set a projection matrix to map world coordinates to clip coordinates. For more info on that see this OpenGL explanation.
I use a Perspective Projection Matrix to simulate the kinect sensor. To control the intrinsic parameters you can use the following member functions of vtkCamera.
double fov = 60.0, np = 0.5, fp = 10; // the values I use
cam->SetViewAngle( fov ); // vertical field of view angle
cam->SetClippingRange( np, fp ); // near and far clipping planes
In order to give you a sense of what that may look like. I have an old project that I did completely in C++ and OpenGL in which I set the Perspective Projection Matrix similar to how I described, grabbed the z-buffer, and then reprojected the points out onto a scene that I viewed from a different camera. (The visualized point cloud looks noisy because I also simulated noise).
If you need your own custom Projection Matrix that isn't the Perspective flavor. I believe it is:
cam->SetUserTransform( transform ); // transform is a pointer to type vtkHomogeneousTransform
However, I have not used the SetUserTransform method.
This thread was super useful to me for setting camera intrinsics in VTK, especially decrispell's answer. To be complete, however, one case is missing: if the focal length in the x and y directions are not equal. This can easily be added to the code by using the SetUserTransform method. Below is a sample code in python :
cam = self.renderer.GetActiveCamera()
m = np.eye(4)
m[0,0] = 1.0*fx/fy
t = vtk.vtkTransform()
where fx and fy are the x and y focal length in pixels, i.e. the two first diagnoal elements of the intrinsic camera matrix. np is and alias for the numpy import.
Here is a gist showing the full solution in python (without extrinsics for simplicity). It places a sphere at a given 3D position, renders the scene into an image after setting the camera intrinsics, and then displays a red circle at the projection of the sphere center on the image plane:

Rotate a particle system

Languages / Libraries in use: C++, OpenGL, GLUT
Okay, here's the deal.
I've got a particle system which shoots out alpha blended textures to produce a flame.
The system only keeps track of very basic things such as, time alive, life, xyz and spread.
The direction in which the flames are currently moving in is purely based on other things which are going on in my code ( I assume ).
My goal however, is to attach the flame to the camera (DONE) and have the flame pointing in the direction my camera is facing (NOT WORKING).
I've tried glRotate for both x,y,z and I can't get it to work properly.
I'm currently using gluLookAt to move the camera, and get the flame to follow the XYZ of the camera by calling glTranslatef(camX, camY - offset, camZ);
Any suggestions on how I can rotate the direction of the flame with the camera would be greatly appreciated.
Although most irrelevant, here is an image (incase)
You need to know the orientation of the camera to work out how to change the orientation of the flame particles. You need to basically inverse the camera's rotation matrix. If I was doing this, I would keep a copy of the transformations locally so that I could quickly access the cameras rotation. The alternative is to read the transformation matrix and to calculate the inverse rotation from the matrix.
static void inverseRotMatrix(const GLfloat in[4][4], GLfloat out[4][4])
out[0][0] = in[0][0];
out[0][1] = in[1][0];
out[0][2] = in[2][0];
out[0][3] = 0.0f;
out[1][0] = in[0][1];
out[1][1] = in[1][1];
out[1][2] = in[2][1];
out[1][3] = 0.0f;
out[2][0] = in[0][2];
out[2][1] = in[1][2];
out[2][2] = in[2][2];
out[2][3] = 0.0f;
out[3][0] = 0.0f;
out[3][1] = 0.0f;
out[3][2] = 0.0f;
out[3][3] = 1.0f;
void RenderFlame()
GLfloat matrix[4][4];
GLfloat invMatrix[4][4];
glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, matrix[0]);
inverseRotMatrix(matrix, invMatrix);
// glMultMatrixf(invMatrix[0]); If you want to rotate the entire body of particles
for ... each particle
glTranslatef(particleX, particleY, particleZ);
This may or may not work for you though depending on what you are doing. If the particles spread out in all directions it should be fine, but if the flame is essentially flat you will have other issues. All this does is rotate each particle so that it is facing the the screen. If you are just rotating the camera it will work fine. If you move the camera you have to rotate all of the points as well about the center point of the flame. But this does give you the rotation you need by inversing the rotation matrix, it's merely a question of how many times you apply the transformation. (I added a comment where you would apply another rotation to rotate the whole body of particles)