Vehicles Sending message to RSU at the start - veins

I am simulating a scenario where vehicles send message to RSU as soon as they are generated.For this I tried to include the code for wsm message in my intialize method of the file but the messages are not sent as soon as the vehicle are generated in the network.How to solve this problem??

The initialize method should only be used for initializing the module and its components. Modules might depend on other modules and you don't know the actual execution order of all those initialize methods for all modules in the simulation. Therefore, there might be not yet initialized modules which are needed to send messages to other vehicles.
You should rather schedule a self-message in initialize to the near future to send your message:
scheduleAt(selfMessage, simTime() + SimTime(1, SIMTIME_MS));
Thus, you can be absolutely sure that every module which is necessary to send messages actually is initialized. You might try different values for the scheduling time.


How to implement long running gRPC async streaming data updates in C++ server

I'm creating an async gRPC server in C++. One of the methods streams data from the server to clients - it's used to send data updates to clients. The frequency of the data updates isn't predictable. They could be nearly continuous or as infrequent as once per hour. The model used in the gRPC example with the "CallData" class and the CREATE/PROCESS/FINISH states doesn't seem like it would work very well for that. I've seen an example that shows how to create a 'polling' loop that sleeps for some time and then wakes up to check for new data, but that doesn't seem very efficient.
Is there another way to do this? If I use the "CallData" method can it block in the 'PROCESS' state until there's data (which probably wouldn't be my first choice)? Or better, can I structure my code so I can notify a gRPC handler when data is available?
Any ideas or examples would be appreciated.
In a server-side streaming example, you probably need more states, because you need to track whether there is currently a write already in progress. I would add two states, one called WRITE_PENDING that is used when a write is in progress, and another called WRITABLE that is used when a new message can be sent immediately. When a new message is produced, if you are in state WRITABLE, you can send immediately and go into state WRITE_PENDING, but if you are in state WRITE_PENDING, then the newly produced message needs to go into a queue to be sent after the current write finishes. When a write finishes, if the queue is non-empty, you can grab the next message from the queue and immediately start a write for it; otherwise, you can just go into state WRITABLE and wait for another message to be produced.
There should be no need to block here, and you probably don't want to do that anyway, because it would tie up a thread that should otherwise be polling the completion queue. If all of your threads wind up blocked that way, you will be blind to new events (such as new calls coming in).
An alternative here would be to use the C++ sync API, which is much easier to use. In that case, you can simply write straight-line blocking code. But the cost is that it creates one thread on the server for each in-progress call, so it may not be feasible, depending on the amount of traffic you're handling.
I hope this information is helpful!

How to prevent other workers from accessing a message which is being currently processed?

I am working on a project that will require multiple workers to access the same queue to get information about a file which they will manipulate. Files are ranging from size, from mere megabytes to hundreds of gigabytes. For this reason, a visibility timeout doesn't seem to make sense because I cannot be certain how long it will take. I have though of a couple of ways but if there is a better way, please let me know.
The message is deleted from the original queue and put into a
‘waiting’ queue. When the program finished processing the file, it
deletes it, otherwise the message is deleted from the queue and put
back into the original queue.
The message id is checked with a database. If the message id is
found, it is ignored. Otherwise the program starts processing the
message and inserts the message id into the database.
Thanks in advance!
Use the default-provided SQS timeout but take advantage of ChangeMessageVisibility.
You can specify the timeout in several ways:
When the queue is created (default timeout)
When the message is retrieved
By having the worker call back to SQS and extend the timeout
If you are worried that you do not know the appropriate processing time, use a default value that is good for most situations, but don't make it so big that things become unnecessarily delayed.
Then, modify your workers to make a ChangeMessageVisiblity call to SQS periodically to extend the timeout. If a worker dies, the message stops being extended and it will reappear on the queue to be processed by another worker.
See: MessageVisibility documentation

Wrapper for MessageQ C++ with QT

I have a small issue regarding one existing MQ interpretation.
The thing is in each part of the program we have to interrogate the message that is being sent/received to which type it belongs, resulting in a massive switch scenario for each component.
Each type of the message has to be processed accordingly (update GUI progress bar, update a specific file, connect specific signals from where the interrogation happens and so on).
What would be the best approach to move it into a single component?
For now it uses Factory method to create each of the needed objects and like I said before the drawback is that you have to ask what type of object was created to implement the needed logic => big switches.
Instead of a message id, that you process is a switch statement, you can easily send a code chunk to be executed, say, a lambda object. Then, you can merely execute the code chunk in the "slot", without checking and reacting on the message id.

C++ Multi-threading with multiple machines

Well my problem is the following. I have a piece of code that runs on several virtual machines, and each virtual machine has N interfaces(a thread per each). The problem itself is receiving a message on one interface and redirect it through another interface in the fastest possible manner.
What I'm doing is, when I receive a message on one interface(Unicast), calculate which interface I want to redirect it through, save all the information about the message(Datagram, and all the extra info I want) with a function I made. Then on the next iteration, the program checks if there are new messages to redirect and if it is the correct interface reading it. And so on... But this makes the program exchange information very slowly...
Is there any mechanism that can speed things up?
Somebody has already invented this particular wheel - it's called MPI
Take a look at either openMPI or MPICH
Why don't you use queuing? As the messages come in, put them on a queue and notify each processing module to pick them up from the queue.
For example:
MSG comes in
Module 1 puts it on queue
Module 2,3 get notified
Module 2 picks it up from queue and saved it in the database
In parallel, Module 3 picks it up from queue and processes it
The key is "in parallel". Since these modules are different threads, while Module 2 is saving to the db, Module 3 can massage your message.
You could use JMS or MQ or make your own queue.
It sounds like you're trying to do parallel computing across multiple "machines" (even if virtual). You may want to look at existing protocols, such as MPI - Message Passing Interface to handle this domain, as they have quite a few features that help in this type of scenario

Generic way to handle many types of messages

I'm working on a little client that interfaces with a game server. The server sends messages to the connected client over HTTP. Its relatively easy to parse the text messages coming into the client and form responses to send back.
Now what I'm trying to figure out is how to break up the process. I want to have a thread receiving the messages, parsing them into some data object, and placing them into an "incoming" queue to be processed. Then another thread reads messages from this queue and processes them (the brains or AI of the client) and makes responses back to the server.
I want to have the thread that watches the incoming data to do process the text (break up the messages, pull the important data out, etc.) so the AI thread doesn't have that overhead. But the problem is that the server can send a couple hundred different types of messages to the client (what the client can see, other players, if you are firing etc). I want to package this data into a neat little structure so the AI can handle it quickly, and the AI can be rewritten easily.
But how do I write a function that can pull something off a queue and know what type of message it is (so I know what data is contained within the message)?
Example messages:
ALIVE (tells you if you are alive)
It has only one data object, the current game time
DAM (tells if you are damaged)
Has a whole bunch of data, who damaged you, how much, what gun it is, if you can see them, etc.
It is possible to make an object that can handle all of these different message types and be interpreted by a single function? Very few messages have common attributes, so I don't think inheriting or just making one really big message class would be very good...
I'm not looking for a full solution here, just point me in the right direction and hopefully I'll be able to learn a bit on the way :-)
Basically what you're asking about is called a protocol: how data is exchanged and interpreted. Traditionally you'd define your own (and odds are they'd tend to start out rather naive -- sending plain text data with newlines to indicate the end of a command, or something like that). After a while you begin to realize that more is needed (how do you handle binary data? how do you handle errors? etc, etc)
Fortunately there are libraries out there to make life easier for you. These days I tend to favor simple RPC-like libraries for most of my needs. Examples include protocol buffers (by Google), Apache Thrift (by Facebook) and Apache Avro.