Runge-Kutta algorithm C++ - c++

Below is my 4th order Runge-Kutta algorithm to solve a first order ODE. I am checking it against the wikipedia example found here to solve:
\frac{dx}{dt} = tan(x) + 1
Unfortunately it is out by a little bit. I have toyed around for a long while, but I can't find the error. The answer should be t = 1.1 and x = 1.33786352224364362. The below code gives t = 1.1 and x = 1.42223.
This code is a 1D classical Runge-Kutta method. Compare to the Wikipedia page.
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
double x,t,K,K1,K2,K3,K4;
const double sixth = 1.0 / 6.0;
static double dx_dt(double t, double x){
return tan(x) + 1;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
/*===================== Runge-Kutta Method for ODE =====================*/
double t_initial = 1.0;// initial time
double x_initial = 1.0;// initial x position
double t_final = 1.1;// value of t wish to know x
double dt = 0.025;// time interval for updates
double halfdt = 0.5*dt;
while(t_initial < t_final){
/*============================ Runge-Kutta increments =================================*/
double K1 = dt*dx_dt( t_initial, x_initial );
double K2 = dt*dx_dt( t_initial + halfdt, x_initial + halfdt*K1 );
double K3 = dt*dx_dt( t_initial + halfdt, x_initial + halfdt*K2 );
double K4 = dt*dx_dt( t_initial + dt, x_initial + dt*K3 );
x_initial += sixth*(K1 + 2*(K2 + K3) + K4);
/*============================ prints =================================*/
std::cout << t_initial << std::setw(16) << x_initial << "\n";
/*============================ re-setting update conditions =================================*/
t_initial += dt;
std::cout << "t = "<< t_initial << ", x = "<< x_initial << std::endl;
}/* main */

The problem is that the tableau used for your code is different than the one for the code you cited in wikipedia. The one you're using is this:
0 |
1/2 | 1/2
1/2 | 0 1/2
1 | 0 0 1
| 1/6 1/3 1/3 1/6
And the one used in wikipedia is
0 |
2/3 | 2/3
| 1/4 3/4
Different tableaus will yield different results depending on the step-size, which is the way used to make sure that the step-size is good enough for a certain accuracy. However, when dt -> 0, then all tableaus are the same.
Besides all this, your code is wrong anyway even for RK4. The second part of the function should have halves, not 0.5*dt:
double K1 = dt*dx_dt( t_initial, x_initial );
double K2 = dt*dx_dt( t_initial + halfdt, x_initial + 0.5*K1 );
double K3 = dt*dx_dt( t_initial + halfdt, x_initial + 0.5*K2 );
double K4 = dt*dx_dt( t_initial + dt, x_initial + K3 );

You are making a rather usual mistake in trying to be overly correct and implement the two variants of the algorithm at once.
It should either be
k2 = dt*f(t+0.5*dt, x+0.5*k1)
k2 = f(t+0.5*dt, x+0.5*dt*k1)
the other ks accordingly.
Note that in both cases the slope fonly gets multiplied with dt once.

I think you are including one too many increments and have introduced problems by rearranging the mathematics. Try this:
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
static double dx_dt(double t, double x)
return tan(x) + 1;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
double t = 1.0;
double t_end = 1.1;
double y = 1.0;
double h = 0.025;
std::cout << std::setprecision(16);
int n = static_cast<int>((t_end - t) / h);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
double k1 = dx_dt(t, y);
double k2 = dx_dt(t + h / 2.0, y + h*k1 / 2.0);
double k3 = dx_dt(t + h / 2.0, y + h*k2 / 2.0);
double k4 = dx_dt(t + h, y + h*k3);
y += (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4) * h / 6.0;
std::cout << t << ": " << y << std::endl;
t += h;
std::cout << "----------------------------------------------\n";
std::cout << "t = " << t << ", x = " << y << std::endl;
I precalculate how many times to do the iteration, this avoids a few different issues. Also as others have mentioned, the worked example on wikipedia is for a two stage variant of the algorithm.
I've taken the liberty of changing the variable names to match wikipedia. A good tip is always match the naming of your reference text until the thing works.


Rational approximation of double using int numerator and denominator in C++

A real world third party API takes a parameter of type fraction which is a struct of an int numerator and denominator. The value that I need to pass is known to me as a decimal string that is converted to a double.
The range of possible values are, let's say 10K to 300M but if there is a fraction part after the decimal point, it's significant.
I have here code for two approximation approaches, one uses the extended euclidean algorithm while the other is brute-force. Both methods find a rational approximation using int types for a given double.
The brute-force is of course the more accurate of the two and is actually faster when the converted numbers are large. My questions is, can I say anything clever about the quality of the approximation using the euclidean algorithm.
More formally, can I put a bound on the approximation using the euclidean algorithm vs. the approximation of the brute-force algorithm (which I believe to be optimal).
An example for a bound:
If the error of the optimal approximation is r, then the euclidean algorithm approximation would produce an error that is less than 2*r.
(I'm not claiming this is the bound and I certainly can't prove it, it's just an example for what a good bound may look like).
Here's the code an a test program:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <chrono>
#include <random>
// extended euclidian algorithm
// finds the coefficients that produce the gcd
// in u, we store m,n the coefficients that produce m*a - n*b == gcd.
// in v, we store m,n the coefficients that produce m*a - n*b == 0.
// breaks early if the coefficients become larger than INT_MAX
int gcd_e(uint64_t a, int b, int u[2], int v[2])
auto w = lldiv(a, b);
// u[0] * a' - u[1] * b' == a
// v[0] * a' - v[1] * b' == b
// a - w.quot * b == w.rem
// (u[0] * a' - u[1] * b') - w.quot * (v[0] * a' - v[1] * b') == w.rem
// (u[0] - w.quot * v[0]) * a' - u[1] * b' + w.quot * v[1] * b' == w.rem
// (u[0] - w.quot * v[0]) * a' + (w.quot * v[1] - u[1]) * b' == w.rem
// (u[0] - w.quot * v[0]) * a' - (u[1] - w.quot * v[1]) * b' == w.rem
auto m = u[0] - w.quot * v[0];
auto n = u[1] - w.quot * v[1];
u[0] = v[0];
u[1] = v[1];
constexpr auto L = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
if (m > L || n > L)
throw 0; // break early
if (m < -L || n < -L)
throw 0; // break early
v[0] = int(m);
v[1] = int(n);
if (w.rem == 0)
return b;
return gcd_e(b, int(w.rem), u, v);
inline double helper_pre(double d, bool* negative, bool* inverse)
bool v = (d < 0);
*negative = v;
if (v)
d = -d;
v = (d < 1);
*inverse = v;
if (v)
d = 1 / d;
return d;
inline void helper_post(int* m, int* n, bool negative, bool inverse)
if (inverse)
std::swap(*n, *m);
if (negative)
*n = -(*n);
// gets a rational approximation for double d
// numerator is stored in n
// denominator is stored in m
void approx(double d, int* n, int *m)
int u[] = { 1, 0 }; // 1*a - 0*b == a
int v[] = { 0, -1 }; // 0*a - (-1)*b == b
bool negative, inverse;
d = helper_pre(d, &negative, &inverse);
constexpr int q = 1 << 30;
auto round_d = std::round(d);
if (d == round_d)
// nothing to do, it's an integer.
v[1] = int(d);
v[0] = 1;
else try
uint64_t k = uint64_t(std::round(d*q));
gcd_e(k, q, u, v);
catch (...)
// OK if we got here.
// int limits
// get the approximate numerator and denominator
auto nn = v[1];
auto mm = v[0];
// make them positive
if (mm < 0)
mm = -mm;
nn = -nn;
helper_post(&mm, &nn, negative, inverse);
*m = mm;
*n = nn;
// helper to test a denominator
// returns the magnitude of the error
double helper_rattest(double x, int tryDenom, int* numerator)
double r = x * tryDenom;
double rr = std::round(r);
auto num = int(rr);
auto err = std::abs(r - rr) / tryDenom;
*numerator = num;
return err;
// helper to reduce the rational number
int gcd(int a, int b)
auto c = a % b;
if (c == 0)
return b;
return gcd(b, int(c));
// gets a rational approximation for double d
// numerator is stored in n
// denominator is stored in m
// uses brute force by scanning denominator range
void approx_brute(double d, int* n, int* m)
bool negative, inverse;
d = helper_pre(d, &negative, &inverse);
int upto = int(std::numeric_limits<int>::max() / d);
int bestNumerator;
int bestDenominator = 1;
auto bestErr = helper_rattest(d, 1, &bestNumerator);
for (int kk = 2; kk < upto; ++kk)
int n;
auto e = helper_rattest(d, kk, &n);
if (e < bestErr)
bestErr = e;
bestNumerator = n;
bestDenominator = kk;
if (bestErr == 0)
// reduce, just in case
auto g = gcd(bestNumerator, bestDenominator);
bestNumerator /= g;
bestDenominator /= g;
helper_post(&bestDenominator, &bestNumerator, negative, inverse);
*n = bestNumerator;
*m = bestDenominator;
int main()
int n, m;
auto re = std::default_random_engine();
std::random_device rd;
for (auto& u : {
std::uniform_real_distribution<double>(10000, 15000),
std::uniform_real_distribution<double>(100000, 150000),
std::uniform_real_distribution<double>(200000, 250000),
std::uniform_real_distribution<double>(400000, 450000),
std::uniform_real_distribution<double>(800000, 850000),
std::uniform_real_distribution<double>(1000000, 1500000),
std::uniform_real_distribution<double>(2000000, 2500000),
std::uniform_real_distribution<double>(4000000, 4500000),
std::uniform_real_distribution<double>(8000000, 8500000),
std::uniform_real_distribution<double>(10000000, 15000000)
auto dd = u(re);
std::cout << "approx: " << std::setprecision(14) << dd << std::endl;
auto before = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
approx_brute(dd, &n, &m);
auto after = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
std::cout << n << " / " << m << " dur: " << (after - before).count() << std::endl;
before = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
approx(dd, &n, &m);
after = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
std::cout << n << " / " << m << " dur: " << (after - before).count()
<< std::endl
<< std::endl;
Here's some sample output:
approx: 13581.807792679
374722077 / 27590 dur: 3131300
374722077 / 27590 dur: 15000
approx: 103190.31976517
263651267 / 2555 dur: 418700
263651267 / 2555 dur: 6300
approx: 223753.78683426
1726707973 / 7717 dur: 190100
1726707973 / 7717 dur: 5800
approx: 416934.79214075
1941665327 / 4657 dur: 102100
403175944 / 967 dur: 5700
approx: 824300.61241502
1088901109 / 1321 dur: 51900
1088901109 / 1321 dur: 5900
approx: 1077460.29557
1483662827 / 1377 dur: 39600
1483662827 / 1377 dur: 5600
approx: 2414781.364653
1079407270 / 447 dur: 17900
1079407270 / 447 dur: 7300
approx: 4189869.294816
1776504581 / 424 dur: 10600
1051657193 / 251 dur: 9900
approx: 8330270.2432111
308219999 / 37 dur: 5400
308219999 / 37 dur: 10300
approx: 11809264.006453
1830435921 / 155 dur: 4000
1830435921 / 155 dur: 10500
Thanks to all who commented and drew my attention to the concept of continued fractions.
According to this paper by (William F. Hammond)
There is equivalence between the euclidean algorithm and the continued fractions method.
The sub-optimal results are due to the fact that the numerator is constrained as well as the denominator so if the non brute force algorithm only produces "convergents" it means that it neglects the range of denominators between the first convergent to violate the constraints and the one just before it.
The denominators after the returned convergent and the one that follows may approximate close to the latter convergent and the difference between subsequent convergents can be shown to be:
So I suppose this would be the bound on the difference between the brute-force and the euclidean algorithm. The ratio of the error between them can be practically anything.
(can find examples of error ratios of more than 100 easily)
I hope I read everything correctly. I'm no authority on this.

BOOST:ODEINT Sudden Iteration stop

I'm new in the world of C++ and I'm having some trouble with the boost library. In my problem I want to solve a ODE-System with 5 equations. It isn't a stiff problem. As iterative method I used both integreate(rhs, x0, t0, tf, size_step, write_output) and integreate_adaptive(stepper, sys, x0, t0, tf, size_step, write_output). Both these method actually integrate the equations but giving me non-sense results changing the size of the step from 0.001 to 5 almost randomly. The equations and data are correct. What can I do to fix this problem? Here is the code:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/numeric/odeint.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include <boost/array.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost::numeric::odeint;
double Lin = 20000; // kg/h
double Gdry = 15000; // kg/h
double P = 760; // mmHg
double TinH2O = 50; // °C
double ToutH2O = 25; // °C
double Tinair = 20; // °C
double Z = 0.5; // relative humidity
double Cu = 0.26; // kcal/kg*K
double CpL = 1; // kcal/kg*K
double DHev = 580; // kcal/kg
double hga = 4000; // kcal/m/h/K
double hla = 30000; // kcal/m/h/K
double A = -49.705; // Pev 1st coeff mmHg vs °C
double B = 2.71; // Pev 2nd coeff mmHg vs °C
double Usair = 0.62*(A + B*Tinair) / P;
double Uair = Z*Usair;
double Kua = hga / Cu;
double L0 = 19292; // kg/h
typedef vector< double > state_type;
vector <double> pack_height;
vector <double> Umidity;
vector <double> T_liquid;
vector <double> T_gas;
vector <double> Liquid_flow;
vector <double> Gas_flow;
void rhs(const state_type& x , state_type& dxdt , const double z )
{// U Tl Tg L G
double Ti = (hla*x[1] + hga*x[2] + Kua*DHev*(x[0] - 0.62*A / P)) / (hla + hga + Kua*DHev*0.62*B / P);
double Ui = 0.62*(A + B*Ti) / P;
dxdt[0] = Kua*(Ui - x[0]) / Gdry / 100;
dxdt[1] = hla*(x[1] - Ti) / x[3] / CpL / 100;
dxdt[2] = hga*(Ti - x[2]) / Gdry / Cu / 100;
dxdt[3] = Kua*(Ui - x[0]) / 100;
dxdt[4] = Kua*(Ui - x[0]) / 100;
void write_output(const state_type& x, const double z)
cout << z << " " << x[0] << " " << x[1] << " " << x[2] << " " << x[3] << " " << x[4] << endl;
int main()
state_type x(5);
x[0] = Uair;
x[1] = ToutH2O;
x[2] = Tinair;
x[3] = L0;
x[4] = Gdry;
double z0 = 0.0;
double zf = 5.5;
double stepsize = 0.001;
integrate( rhs , x , z0 , zf , stepsize , write_output );
return 0;
And this is the final results that i get from the prompt:
0 0.00183349 25 20 19292 15000
0.001 0.00183356 25 20 19292 15000
0.0055 0.0018339 25.0002 20.0001 19292 15000
0.02575 0.00183542 25.001 20.0007 19292 15000
0.116875 0.00184228 25.0046 20.003 19292.1 15000.1
0.526938 0.00187312 25.0206 20.0135 19292.6 15000.6
2.37222 0.00201203 25.0928 20.0608 19294.7 15002.7
5.5 0.00224788 25.2155 20.142 19298.2 15006.2
Only the first iteration has the right-asked stepsize.. and obiviously the solution is not the right one.. what can i do? Thank you in advance. :)
If you read the documentation, then you will find that the constant step-size routines are integrate_const and integrate_n_steps, or possibly integrate_adaptive with a non-controlled stepper.
The short call to integrate uses the standard dopri5 stepper with adaptive step size, so that the changing step size is no surprise. You could possibly use the dense output of the stepper to interpolate values at equidistant times.

I used both the Leibniz and the Wallis formulas for estimating π but am getting wrong output numbers, I couldn't figure out where did I go wrong

#include <cmath> \\not sure if I need cmath
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
this while loop serves to loop the " enter number of terms to approximate.
while (a != 0)
here is the Leibniz formula:
double c = 0.00, d = 0.00;
for (int i = 1; i <= a)
if (i % 2 != 0)
d = 1 / (1 + 2 * (i - 1));
d = -1 / (1 + 2 * (i - 1));
c = c + d;
i = i + 1
cout << "The approximation for Leibniz's Formula is " << c << "
using "<< a <<" terms." << endl;
here is the Wallis formula:
double e = 1.00;
for (int u = 0; u<a; u++)
e = e * (2 * a / (2 * a - 1))*(2 * a / (2 * a + 1));
cout << "The approximation for Wallis' Formula is " << e << " using
"<< a <<" terms." << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Enter the number of terms to approximate (or zero to
quit):" << endl;
cin >> a;
For a=1 I am getting 1.0000 in the first formula output and 0.00000 in the second formula output
A line like this
d = 1 / (1 + 2 * (i - 1));
will use integer arithmetics to calculate the result, and then convert the int result to a double.
Change it to
d = 1.0 / (1 + 2 * (i - 1));
or even
d = 1.0 / (1.0 + 2.0 * (i - 1.0));
There are many mistakes in this code. First, comments in c++ use //, not \\.
#include <cmath> //not sure if I need cmath
You have to have two semicolons in for statements, even if you don't need loop-expression.
for (int i = 1; i <= a;)
The d will evaluate to 0 for every i that is greater than 1. You are using integer division, when you clearly want floating point division. You have to tell that to the compiler like this.
d = 1.0 / (1 + 2 * (i - 1));
When the left argument of division operator is double compiler will know, that you want to perform a floating point division. If it would be int as in your code, integer division would be performed and result converted to double.
Also in the Wallis formula you misplaced a for u, and also u parameter should start at 1, not 0. Also the integer division problem persists here.
double e = 1.00;
for (int u = 1; u<a; u++)
e = e * (2.0 * u / (2.0 * u - 1))*(2.0 * u / (2.0 * u + 1));
If you fix this all, the program starts to output valid results.

C++ Theta function implementation

I am trying to implement this function:
but it's not working. A minimal, verifiable example looks like:
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
int main()
int N {8}; // change this for testing <1..inf>
double q {0.1 / N};
int countN {static_cast<int>(floor(N / 2))};
static const double PI {3.1415926535897932384626433832795};
// Omega[i] = Theta1(u,m) / Theta4(u,m)
double Omega[countN];
for (int i=0; i<countN; ++i)
double micro {!(N % 2) * 0.5}; // 0 for odd N, 1/2 for even N
double num[countN] {sin(PI / N * (i + 1 - micro))};
double den[countN] {0.5};
for (int m=1; m<4; ++m)
num[i] += pow(-1, m) * pow(q, m*(m + 1)) * sin((2 * m + 1) * PI / N * (i + 1 - micro));
den[i] += pow(-1, m) * pow(q, m*m) * cos(2 * m * PI / N * (i + 1 - micro));
Omega[i] = fabs(pow(q, 0.25) * num[i] / den[i]);
std::cout << " " << Omega[i] << "\n";
// testing the values, they should be increasing in value
for (const auto &elem: Omega)
std::cout << elem << " ";
std::cout << "\n";
return 0;
There is a minor simplification compared to the original: I factored 2 in both numerator and denominator and I used only the q^0.25 outside of the fraction. Also, countN is the r from the original document, micro is only the 1/2 for even N or 0 for odd N, and i is 0 for array's index but i+1 for calculations, but these shouldn't matter overall.
I tried this with wxMaxima:
Theta[1](x,y):=2*y^0.25*sum( (-1)^k*y^(k*(k+1))*sin((2*k+1)*x),k,0,n );
Theta[4](x,y):=1+2*sum( (-1)^k*y^(k^2)*cos(2*k*x),k,1,n );
for N:8 thru 9 do for i:1 thru N/2 do print(["N=",N,"i=",i],Theta[1](b(i),a)/Theta[4](b(i),a)),numer;
And the results, in C++:
(q=0.05; N=8)
(q=0.05; N=9)
and in wxMaxima:
["N=",8,"i=",1]" "0.2018370065366672" "
["N=",8,"i=",2]" "0.5439269564954693" "
["N=",8,"i=",3]" "0.7569342043740249" "
["N=",8,"i=",4]" "0.850913653939989" "
["N=",9,"i=",1]" "0.348078726440638" "
["N=",9,"i=",2]" "0.6165773889432575" "
["N=",9,"i=",3]" "0.7800391631077094" "
["N=",9,"i=",4]" "0.8532352152763631
To my surprise, the first term is good, for bith N, so I can't tell what in my code is not right. Could someone help me spot the error?
To be clear about it: I am a beginner in C++ and I am not looking for someone to do it for me, but to let me know of my erros in coding (translating math to C++ code).
You had
double den[countN] {0.5};
this initializes the first element of den to 0.5 and all the other elements to 0.0 (default initialization). In other words, the above is equivalent to
double den[countN] {0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
with as many zeros as necessary to fill the array. You probably wanted to initialize all the elements to 0.5. In your case, the easiest way to do that is when you first use that element - or, since you access only the single element den[i] during the lifetime of den, make it a plain double rather than an array:
for (int i=0; i<countN; ++i) {
double micro {N % 2 ? 0.0 : 0.5}; // 0 for odd N, 1/2 for even N
double num{sin(PI / N * (i + 1 - micro))};
double den{0.5};
for (int m=1; m<4; ++m) {
num += pow(-1, m) * pow(q, m*(m + 1)) * sin((2 * m + 1) * PI / N * (i + 1 - micro));
den += pow(-1, m) * pow(q, m*m) * cos(2 * m * PI / N * (i + 1 - micro));
Omega[i] = fabs(pow(q, 0.25) * num / den);

What's wrong with my durand-kerner implementation?

Implementing this simple root-finding algorithm.
I cannot for the life of me figure out what's wrong with my implementation. The roots keep blowing up and no sign of convergence. Any suggestions?
#include <iostream>
#include <complex>
using namespace std;
typedef complex<double> dcmplx;
dcmplx f(dcmplx x)
// the function we are interested in
double a4 = 3;
double a3 = -3;
double a2 = 1;
double a1 = 0;
double a0 = 100;
return a4 * pow(x,4) + a3 * pow(x,3) + a2 * pow(x,2) + a1 * x + a0;
int main()
dcmplx p(.9,2);
dcmplx q(.1, .5);
dcmplx r(.7,1);
dcmplx s(.3, .5);
dcmplx p0, q0, r0, s0;
int max_iterations = 20;
bool done = false;
int i=0;
while (i<max_iterations && done == false)
p0 = p;
q0 = q;
r0 = r;
s0 = s;
p = p0 - f(p0)/((p0-q0)*(p0-r0)*(p0-s0));
q = q0 - f(q0)/((q0-p)*(q0-r0)*(q0-s0));
r = r0 - f(r0)/((r0-p)*(r0-q)*(r0-s0));
s = s0 - f(s0)/((s0-p)*(s0-q)*(s0-r));
// if convergence within small epsilon, declare done
if (abs(p-p0)<1e-5 && abs(q-q0)<1e-5 && abs(r-r0)<1e-5 && abs(s-s0)<1e-5)
done = true;
cout<<"roots are :\n";
cout << p << "\n";
cout << q << "\n";
cout << r << "\n";
cout << s << "\n";
cout << "number steps taken: "<< i << endl;
return 0;
A half year late: The solution to the enigma is that the denominator should be an approximation of the derivative of the polynomial, and thus needs to contain the leading coefficient a4 as factor.
Alternatively, one can divide the polynomial value by a4 in the return statement, so that the polynomial is effectively normed, i.e., has leading coefficient 1.
Note that the example code in wikipedia by Bo Jacoby is the Seidel-type variant of the method, the classical formulation is the Jordan-like method where all new approximations are simultaneously computed from the old approximation. Seidel can have faster convergence than the order 2 that the formulation as a multidimensional Newton method provides for Jacobi.
However, for large degrees Jacobi can be accelerated using fast polynomial multiplication algorithms for the required multi-point evaluations of polynomial values and the products in the denominators.
Ah, the problem was that the coefficients of an N-degree polynomial have to be specified as
1*x^N + a*x^(N-1) + b*x^(N-2) ... etc + z;
where 1 is the coefficient of the largest degree term. Otherwise the first root will never converge.
You haven't implemented for formulae correctly. For instance
s = s0 - f(s0)/((s0-p0)*(s0-q0)*(s0-r0));
should be
s = s0 - f(s0)/((s0-p)*(s0-q)*(s0-r));
Look again at the wiki article