Swift 3 - how to move sprite node when a bool is true? - swift3

Ok, I am working in Swift 3 playgrounds and need to move a sprite node to a certain point ONLY when the user's mouse is down, stopping when it's released. So far I have:
override func mouseDown(with event: NSEvent) {
mouseIsDown = true
override func mouseDragged(with event: NSEvent) {
override func mouseUp(with event: NSEvent) {
mouseIsDown = false
func moveGuy() {
let action = SKAction.move(to: CGPoint(x: size.width / 2,y: 200), duration: 2)
action.timingMode = .easeInEaseOut
override func update(_ currentTime: CFTimeInterval) {
This works somewhat, the problem is only after I release the mouse (mouseIsDown is false) does the SKAction actually run (smoothly). I think this is because it is being called again and again.
Normally I would use a moveBy action in little increments, but I need my node to move to a specific point.
How can I make my node move on its way to a point only when the mouse is down?

When you call
sprite-kit will run the action on the guy until completion. You're correct, moveGuy() is being called again and again (every time the frame is update, i.e. every ~33ms assuming 30fps).
Try placing moveGuy() in mouseDown(). As soon as you click, the guy will move smoothly to his destination, but he won't stop if you stop clicking. You need to somehow stop the action. What you can do is replace
guy.run(action, withKey: "moveGuy")
This will associate a key with your action, that you can look up later on in mouseUp():
guy.removeAction(forKey: "moveGuy")
After this, your node will move to a point only when your mouse is down. But as you've pointed out, the node's movement is still irregular if you re-click. Try changing .easeInEaseOut to .linear. The movement will then be consistent, albeit abrupt when starting/stopping.
I highly recommend the reading documentation on SKActions to gain a better understanding of how to use them.


HERE SDK Orientation change too late

I am using HERE-Android-SDK to build a simple navigation solution with offline maps.
In order to automatically center and rotate the map (depending on location and orientation of the user) I am using the PositioningManager class from the HERE-SDK. It seems that the orientation update is some seconds too late when an active navigation is running.
I am using the following code snippets to do so.
val positioningManager = PositioningManager.getInstance()
var positionListener = object : PositioningManager.OnPositionChangedListener {
override fun onPositionFixChanged(
p0: PositioningManager.LocationMethod?,
p1: PositioningManager.LocationStatus?
) {
// do nothing here
override fun onPositionUpdated(
method: PositioningManager.LocationMethod?,
position: GeoPosition?,
isMapMatched: Boolean
) {
if (position == null) return
// update map center and orientation
override fun onPause() {
override fun onResume() {
Is there anything I can do to avoid the too late orientation update?
Thanks for all of your help in advance!

Pause/Resume Action/Animation on Sprite in Cocos2d

Using Cocos2d-x and C++, I'm trying to play and pause an animation for a sprite.
I'm using version 3.15.1 of Cocos2dx.
I have a class called PlayerSprite which is derrived from the cocos2d::Sprite class. Inside PlayerSprite initialization, I've setup my animation with the following code:
SpriteBatchNode* playerSpriteBatch = SpriteBatchNode::create("player.png");
SpriteFrameCache* spriteFrameCache = SpriteFrameCache::getInstance();
Vector<SpriteFrame*> animFrames(2);
char str[18] = { 0 };
for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
sprintf(str, "player_idle_%d.png", i);
SpriteFrame* frame = spriteFrameCache->getSpriteFrameByName(str);
Animation* idleAnim = Animation::createWithSpriteFrames(animFrames, 0.8f);
self->idleAction = self->runAction(RepeatForever::create(Animate::create(idleAnim)));
When I run the code, it works fine and the animation loops correctly.
In my void update() method, I am trying to pause/play the action/animation based of weather the player is moving or idle.
I do this with the following code:
const bool isIdleActionRunning = this->getNumberOfRunningActionsByTag(0) > 0 ? true : false;
const bool isMoving = !vel.isZero();
if (!isMoving && !isIdleActionRunning) {
// Player is idle AND animation is not running
// Run animation
} else if (isMoving && isIdleActionRunning) {
// Player is moving but animation is running
// Pause animation
When I run this code now, my character falls, and as soon as he hits the gound, I get an error at this->runAction(idleAction); saying:
Access violation reading location 0xDDDDDDE5
I believe this is caused due to this->stopActionByTag(0) deleting the action pointer. I've tried to clone the action to avoid this but have had no success.
I know this is a bit late and you might already have solved this but here goes...
Your problem is that you cannot use one instance of Action (idleAction) multiple times. So, once you have run it and removed it, it is released and cannot be used. So, you have 2 options now,
Either create a new idleAction Action every time before running the action.
Or, have an idleAction retained and don't run it ever. Instead, create a clone of this idleAction and run a new clone each time. i.e.
const bool isIdleActionRunning = this->getNumberOfRunningActionsByTag(0) > 0 ? true : false;
const bool isMoving = !vel.isZero();
if (!isMoving && !isIdleActionRunning) {
// Player is idle AND animation is not running
// Run animation
Action idleActionClone = idleAction->clone();
} else if (isMoving && isIdleActionRunning) {
// Player is moving but animation is running
// Pause animation
Solution: call retain() to keep your action.
It's a matter of memory management of cocos2d-x.
In create() function of your RepeatForever class (derived from Ref), the reference count is set to 1 and there is a line of code ret->autorelease() before returning the object, which means this object will be released automatically at the end of this frame.
You called runAction() function the same frame you created it, the action is retained by ActionManager, it's reference count set to 2, and then 1 at the end of the frame (autorelease).
After your stopping it, it's released by ActionManager, reference count set to 0 and it's deleted. After this you use your action, it will be an access violation method.
*Edit: don't forget to release the action manually when PlayerSprite is deleted, or it's a leak.
When you stop action it's being recycled from memory. In order to play action once more, you have to recreate it. So you may just make a creator function, which returns your animation. The downside is you're recreating animation each time and it'll also play from the beginning (technically you can rewind it).
But I've developed a simpler technique to pause/resume animations:
Let's say you have an action:
action = MoveBy::create(5.0f, Vec2(50, 100));
Now, you can embed this action into Speed action like this:
action = Speed::create(MoveBy::create(5.0f, Vec2(50, 100)), 1.0f);
1.0f - is speed, so it's normal action rate. Now to pause just call:
and to resume:
you can also use different speed if you need it for some reason or another ;)

How to detect touch except the falling bodies from top in cocos2d-x ios game using c++

In my game there are certain zombies coming from top of the screen.I have stored all zombies sprites in an CCArray.Then using foreach loop I am making them falling down.
I just want to perform combo.It means that whenever I kill a zombie on tap, the combo_counter increases.
On killing two consecutive zombies the combo_counter goes to 2 but if I tap at any other location on the screen the combo_counter should go to 0.
So my problem is how to detect whether I have not tapped a zombie and tapped anyother place on the screen.I am attaching my code also of cctouchbegan method
zombies is a CCArray where all zombie sprites are stored
void Level1::ccTouchesBegan(cocos2d::CCSet *pTouch, cocos2d::CCEvent *pEvent)
CCTouch* touch = (CCTouch*)(pTouch->anyObject());
CCPoint location = touch->getLocationInView();
location = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->convertToGL(location);
CCObject* touchedzombie;
CCARRAY_FOREACH(zombies, touchedzombie)
if(!((CCSprite*) touchedzombie)->isVisible())
// if((CCSprite*(touchedzombie)==zombies-))
CCString *comboString=CCString::createWithFormat("comboX %d",combo_counter);
CCLOG("left = %d",zombies_left);
CCSize tt=((CCSprite*)touchedzombie)->getContentSize();
CCPoint pos_of_sprite=((CCSprite*)touchedzombie)->getPosition();
int rand_die1=Level1::random1();
CCString *str = CCString::createWithFormat("z2%d.png", rand_die1);
changedSprite = CCSprite::create(str->getCString());
CCLOG("Inside index 0");
combo=CCLabelTTF::create(comboString->getCString(), "HoboStd", 50);
this->removeChild( ((CCSprite*)touchedzombie),true);
// touchedzombie=NULL;
// if((CCSprite*(touchedzombie)==zombies-))
// iftouched++;
CCString *comboString=CCString::createWithFormat("comboX %d",combo_counter);
CCLOG("left = %d",zombies_left);
CCSize tt=((CCSprite*)touchedzombie)->getContentSize();
CCPoint pos_of_sprite=((CCSprite*)touchedzombie)->getPosition();
int rand_die1=Level1::random1();
CCString *str = CCString::createWithFormat("z2%d.png", rand_die1);
changedSprite3 = CCSprite::create(str->getCString());
// CCLOG("%s",str->getCString());
// CCLOG("Sprite Toucheddd");
CCLOG("Inside index 4");
// CCLog("width= %f height =%f",tt.width,tt.height);
// CCLog("x location =%f y location =%f",location.x,location.y);
// CCLog("Positon of Sprite X=%f Y=%f",pos_of_sprite.x,pos_of_sprite.y);
combo=CCLabelTTF::create(comboString->getCString(), "HoboStd", 50);
this->removeChild( ((CCSprite*)touchedzombie),true);
//..upto 9 indexes...
First of all, it is not neccesary to do this checks : if(((CCSprite*)touchedzombie)==zombies->objectAtIndex(0))
How CCARRAY_FOREACH works, is it takes each object from the provided CCArray and assigns it to your touchedZombie variable - this means that if there are 10 elements in the array, this code will be run 10 times (exactly!). This means that with the first run, you will fall into the first if check (the one with objectAtIndex(0), with the second it will fall into the if check with objectAtIndex(1). Removing this if's not will not only speed up your function, but also tidy it up.
This would save you a lot of space, plus if you wanted to change something you would only have to do it in one place, which is safer.
Ok, to the problem at hand :
I see two solutions to this :
Leaving your code : you should move the combo code from the if blocks, and replace it with a flag. This flag should be set to false at the beginning of ccToucheBegan, and if you you detect a touch on a zombie, set it to true. Then after the CCARRAY_FOREACH block, this flag will tell you if there was a tap on a zombie or not. Change your combo accordingly.
Changing your code : You could also make the zombies CCMenuItemImages - this way they would have a different callback function than the rest of the screen. So whenever the ccTouchBegan method would be fired, you will know that it wasn't a zombie that was touched.
I hope everything is clear, if not - let me know.

Invoke a method only once from a class

I have a shape class in which there is a method (hitTest(int,int)) that continuously checks if the mouse is inside its bounds or not. In another method, I keep on checking if the mouse has stayed there for more than 1 sec.
If it has, trigger a function (by notification/event) that runs animation
It it has not, then don't trigger the animation
If it has already triggered the animation and the animation is running but the mouse leaves the area during this, trigger an interrupt function (by notification/event)
//OnLoad _initHover = false;
void update() //called continously in the application per frame
if(hitTest(getMouseX(), getMouseY())){
_initHover = true;
_hoverStartTime = getCurrentTime(); //start hover time
cout<<"Start hist test\n";
//If it has hovered over the video for 1.0 sec
if((ofGetElapsedTimef() - _hoverStartTime) > 1.0){
cout<<"Hitting continously for 1 sec\n";
notificationCenter->postNotification(new AnimationStartNotification);
_initHover = false;
notificationCenter->postNotification(new AnimationInterruptNotification);
The above code runs fine but there's a logical issue I am facing while trying to use. There are multiple instances of the above Shape class and each class consequently has their update() method as well. The mouse cursor has which has animationStarthandler and animationStophandlers is a single class in the whole application.
Issue 1: So, even when one of the shape just notifies the animationStarthandler to fire, the other shape classes on which hit test is false set the animation to interrupt and the animation does not run.
Issue 2: When the hit test succeeds and the cursor has been in the area for more than 1 sec, the hit test will keep on sending the notification to start the animation (anim's duration 1.5 sec approx.) How do I restrict the hit test to fire the animation only once and keep on firing the same animation again and again?
If in the main method of my application, I directly try to fire the animation by calling the method playAnimation in the pointer class, I get the required result. But I want to give this hover timing and animation functionality to the ShapeClass itself. Any suggestions?
I think that you should consider adding a new boolean, which holds the information of the triggering of the animation (called in the code sample _animationTriggered). This prevents shapes that have not triggered the animation to stop it and the animation that triggered it to make it several times.
if(hitTest(getMouseX(), getMouseY()))
_initHover = true;
_hoverStartTime = getCurrentTime();
cout<<"Start hist test\n";
if((ofGetElapsedTimef() - _hoverStartTime) > 1.0)
if (!_animationTriggered)
cout<<"Hitting continously for 1 sec\n";
notificationCenter->postNotification(new AnimationStartNotification);
_animationTriggered = true;
if ( _animationTriggered )
_initHover = false;
notificationCenter->postNotification(new AnimationInterruptNotification);
_animationTriggered = false;
Don't forget to initialie this new boolean in the same place as _initHover

Mac event tap just delays discarded events

I'm trying to write some code that discards all keyboard and mouse events when enabled on Mac OSX 10.6. My code runs as the root user. The approach I'm taking is to create an event tap that discards all events passed to it (while enabled). The event tap callback function looks like this:
CGEventRef MyTapCallback(CGEventTapProxy proxy,
CGEventType type,
CGEventRef event,
void *refcon)
return CKeyLocker::isEnabled() ? NULL : event;
And the code I'm using to enable and disable the event tap looks like this:
void CKeyLocker::enable(bool bEnable)
if (bEnable == m_bEnabled)
if (bEnable)
// which events are we interested in?
CGEventMask evMask = kCGEventMaskForAllEvents;
CFMachPortRef mp = CGEventTapCreate(kCGHIDEventTap,
if (mp)
qDebug() << "Tap created and active. mp =" << mp;
m_enabledTap = mp;
m_bEnabled = true;
CGEventTapEnable(m_enabledTap, false);
m_enabledTap =0;
m_bEnabled = false;
qDebug() << "Tap destroyed and inactive";
This approach works very well while the event tap is active - I can hammer on the keyboard and mouse as much as I want and no events make it through the system. However, when the tap is disabled all the keys I pushed while the tap was active appear in the current window. It's like the event tap is just delaying the events, rather than destroying them, which is odd, since the Mac documentation clearly states:
If the event tap is an active filter, your callback function should return one of the following:
The (possibly modified) event that is passed in. This event is passed back to the event system.
A newly-constructed event. After the new event has been passed back to the event system, the new event will be released along with the original event.
NULL if the event passed in is to be deleted.
I'm returning NULL, but the event doesn't seem to be deleted. Any ideas?
The linked comment does not have an answer from what I see, so I'll dump some info from what I've seen when poking around with this stuff.
First, I have much better luck with CGEventTapCreateForPSN. It's as if the system gives you some leeway for restricting your tap. However, from this example it looks like this is not sufficient.
Next up - and this /may/ be all you need... In your call back, you probably want (and may need) to check for the following events:
switch (type)
case kCGEventTapDisabledByTimeout:
case kCGEventTapDisabledByUserInput:
CFMachPortRef *pTap = (CFMachPortRef*)refcon;
CGEventTapEnable( *pTap, true );
return NULL;
Regardless of what the various documentation does or doesn't say, it's been my observation that the OS feels like it's 'probing' for bad callbacks; basically disabling event tap callbacks that are universally eating events. If you re-register in these cases the OS seems to be ok with it, as if saying: OK, you seem to know what you're doing, but I'll probably poke you again in a bit to make sure.
It's really strange, we use event taps for the same purpose (input blocking in a given scenario) and works perfectly 10.4 - 10.8.2. excpet one thing, it should not block or receive events from a password dialog (which is not a big surprise)
What I can see now is different compared to you sample is:
we use kCGTailAppendEventTap instead of kCGHeadInsertEventTap (this should not matter)
we do some event logging in the installed callback
we have some user event data in some self injected events, that filtered out, but apart from this we simply return NULL to drop an unwanted event (like you do), I can confirm, not all events are ignorable!
we turn on/off the event tap this way:
bool SetInputFilter(bool bOn)
bool result = false;
CFRunLoopRef runLoopRef = CFRunLoopGetMain();
if (bOn) {
// Create an event tap.
CGEventMask eventMask = kCGEventMaskForAllEvents;
if ((m_eventTapInput = CGEventTapCreate(kCGHIDEventTap,
eventMask, CGInputEventCallback, this)) == NULL) {
Log(L"Failed to create event tap");
return result;
// Create a run loop source.
m_runLoopEventTapSource = CFMachPortCreateRunLoopSource(kCFAllocatorDefault, m_eventTapInput, 0);
CFRelease(m_eventTapInput); // CFMachPortCreateRunLoopSource retains m_eventTapInput
if (m_runLoopEventTapSource == NULL) {
Log(L"Failed to create run loop source for event tap");
return result;
// Add to the current run loop.
CFRunLoopAddSource(runLoopRef, m_runLoopEventTapSource, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);//kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
CFRelease(m_runLoopEventTapSource); // CFRunLoopAddSource retains m_runLoopEventTapSource
result = true;
else {
// Disable the event tap.
if (m_eventTapInput)
CGEventTapEnable(m_eventTapInput, false);
// Remove our run loop source from the current run loop.
if (runLoopRef && m_runLoopEventTapSource) {
CFRunLoopRemoveSource(runLoopRef, m_runLoopEventTapSource, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);//kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
m_runLoopEventTapSource = NULL; // removing m_runLoopEventTapSource releases last reference of m_runLoopEventTapSource too
m_eventTapInput = NULL; // removing m_runLoopEventTapSource releases last reference of m_eventTapInput too
return result;
I can verify that returning NULL does effectively delete some events, but i have also seen times when it does not, exactly how it decides what deletions to permit is unclear but it looks like mass deletions seem to be prevented e.g.: when you delete more than 100 events or so in a row.