Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 is failing to repair itself - visual-studio-2017

I'm trynig to install MVS 2017 because my previous version (2015) broke. By broke I mean it was not able to connect to the internet to check my version or something and it did not let me in. Tried googling it, found nothing.
So here I am, trying to intall MVS 2017. So far nothing but failure is being seen.
My first attempt at installing it kind of worked, it even successfuly loaded up, but had no extensions whatsoever (only Visual C++) and was unable to create any projects, the project window just kept reappearing after I finished configuring my project's settings. While installing it for the first time by the way, there were a couple of windows that popped up, they basically couldn't find the installer for Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 and some "Kits" thing.. It was something along the lines of "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable. Try selecting the installer from some other directory", but I could find it and clicked "Cancel".
After that I tried repairing MVS with the installer. Same two windows appeared, they still can not find their installers apparently, I clicked "Cancel" like in my first installation attempt and the MVS kept repairing itself for about an hour. Then, in my installation window it said "A restart is required. If needed, any remaining setup will resume automatically after the restart".
So I went ahead and restarted my PC and tried launching MVS. Absolutely nothing changed, there are no extensions that I checked when installing.
I tried googling my error messages and other problems and I ended up doing this:
Cleared my C:\ProgramData\Package Cache folder
Installed Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 manually
Changed the installation directory
Nedless to say, on my previous version of MVS I had quite a lot of extensions installed. Including the lastest version of QT, support for Unity, some other C# stuff and a buch of different extensions for C++ development.
Can somebody please give me a website where I can post my logs to or help a little with my situation.
Thank you.

This might be helpful, Please take a look :


Visual Studio 2017 (any edition) not longer able to install or update on Windows 10

I have the problem that I cannot update or install Visual Studio anymore on my system.
Today I saw that a newer Visual Studio 2017 version was released and I tried to start the VS installer for the update process. The start for the installer was just spinning but nothing happened. After that I tried to start the installer separately from VS but it didn't work either.
So I continued to make an even bigger mistake by assuming my installed version is bad and to completely reinstall Visual Studio by uninstalling and then trying to start the normal installation process.
Unfortunately it didn't work.
After downloading the webinstaller, it downloads the installer packages it needs but the vs_installer.exe itself will never run successfully afterwards (also if started manually).
There is no error shown directly. It just does not start. The EventViewer is also not showing any errors I would say have a connection to the problem.
Any ideas? Thanks!
After a bit of communication with the Visual Studio team they pointed me to the only thing they know could cause this issue.
Some time ago I added an environment variable to my system named NODE_OPTIONS. It was necessary because the builds of our Angular applications are so big that we had to adjust the available memory size.
Removing the environment variable enabled me to start vs_installer.exe and to reinstall Visual Studio again.
It's a bit obscure and not many people will have this problem. But I hope Microsoft will fix it anyway.
P.S. The silent crash is caused by the usage of Electron for the Visual Studio installer. The person from Microsoft, who helped me to workaround the problem, told me that they are working on a fix.

Updated Visual Studio, OpenCV Project No Longer Working

I had this working OpenCV project in visual studio 2017. I update Visual Studio to version 15.6.4 yesterday and the project no longer worked. The include files are still there, so are the dlls. The environment settings have not changed.
I tried opening other OpenCV projects that I know also worked for sure before the update and I'm getting the same error so I know my it's most likely not my code.
Here are the errors I'm getting:
I'd really appreciate any help if possible. It was a huge hassle for me getting the environment running the first time and now for this to happen is insanely frustrating, I just really want to start worrying about the actual code instead of all these inconvenient problems that are stopping me dead in my tracks.
After the update, the project was targeted for Windows SDK version 10.0.16299.0 which was not found on my device.
I right clicked on the solution and clicked retarget solution and that fixed the problem.

Missing vc_runtimeminimum_x86.msi and installation won't work

I'm currently going through the installation process for Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition to use with C++. Halfway through installation, I get an error stating
"The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable. Click OK to try again, or enter an alternate path to a folder containing the installation package 'vc_runtimeMinimum_x86.msi' in the box below."
If I hit cancel, the procedure continues and at the end tells me that the setup has failed. It gives me the error logs attached at the bottom of this post.
Also, I have uploaded the complete logs on the Microsoft Visual Studio developer help forum here.
I'd like to be able to solve this problem without having to do a re-installation of the OS. So far, I've tried /sfc scannow, repairing through the Visual Studio Installer, and reinstalling the C++ redistributables, but all too no avail.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
The product failed to install the listed workloads and components due to one or more package failures. Incomplete workloads Desktop development with C++
Universal Windows Platform development
Visual Studio extension development
Incomplete components C# and Visual Basic
C++ profiling tools
Graphics debugger and GPU profiler for DirectX
JavaScript and TypeScript language support
Profiling tools
Static analysis tools
Universal Windows Platform tools
Universal Windows Platform tools for Cordova
Universal Windows Platform tools for Xamarin
VC++ 2017 v141 toolset (x86,x64)
Visual Studio extension development prerequisites
Visual Studio SDK
(Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VSSDK,version=15.0.26208.0) You can search for solutions using the information below, modify your selections for the above workloads and components and retry the installation, or remove the product from your machine. Following is a collection of individual package failures that led to the incomplete workloads and components above. To search for existing reports of these specific problems, please copy and paste the URL from each package failure into a web browser. If the issue has already been reported, you can find solutions or workarounds there. If the issue has not been reported, you can create a new issue where other people will be able to find solutions or workarounds. Package
'Microsoft.VisualCpp.Redist.14,version=14.10.25008,chip=x86' failed to install. Search URL:;PackageAction=Install;ReturnCode=1603 Impacted workloads Desktop development with C++
Universal Windows Platform development
Visual Studio extension development
Impacted components C# and Visual Basic
C++ profiling tools
Graphics debugger and GPU profiler for DirectX
JavaScript and TypeScript language support
Profiling tools
Static analysis tools
Universal Windows Platform tools
Universal Windows Platform tools for Cordova
Universal Windows Platform tools for Xamarin
VC++ 2017 v141 toolset (x86,x64)
Visual Studio extension development prerequisites
Visual Studio SDK
(Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VSSDK,version=15.0.26208.0) Log
Details Command executed:
"C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\Microsoft.VisualCpp.Redist.14,version=14.10.25008,chip=x86\VC_redist.x86.exe" /q /norestart /log "C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_setup_20170412231725_117_Microsoft.VisualCpp.Redist.14.log"
Return code: 1603 Return code details: Fatal error during installation.
I ran into this problem as well on a recent build of Win 10 + trying to install latest VS Community. When I entered this state, things appeared to be super broken. Here's the sequence of events that I took which finally worked:
In the installed, select to "download all packages and then install"
Attempt installation
See the popup
With the popup still up, go here: and download the tool
Open the tool and then select "Uninstall" on the page it says "do you need help installing or uninstalling"
On the next page with the list, select Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 (whatever) and hit next to "Try Uninstall"
Repeat steps 5 - 6 until I didn't see any "Microsoft Visual C++ 2015" left in the list. Note that the popup is still showing.
Close the popup
Pause the install and Resume it.
I didn't see the pop up again and it appears to have installed correctly.
If you're coming here a year after the solution was marked without any resolution, try that and see if it works around the issue for you.
Here are some other things I tried which didn't work for me. If the above didn't work for you, maybe try some of the following which I collected through some searching:
Going to C:\Program Data\Package Cache, searching for the msi package, giving the installer the literal path to what I found. Installer complains "wrong version"
Using after the install failed and then repairing (same error).
Uninstalling VS 2015 packages after install failed and repairing (same error).
Ignoring the error. When I did this, VS didn't have any templates installed and devenv /installvstemplates didn't solve this.
Go to Control Panel--Programs and Features, uninstall the Visual C++ 2015 Redistribute items.
After that, run the tool: Re-run the VS 2017 installer as administrator, then click the icon besides 'Launch' and choose 'Repair' to repair the VS 2017.
This tool from Microsoft (which was mentioned by others here) worked for me, after I had been searching for an answer for days:
You have to choose the "I have problems uninstalling" and search for your "C++"-components (in your case the 2017 ones).
There are usually the "Minimum runtime" and the "Additional runtime"-components. After I've uninstalled both of them with this tool, I could just install a programm that uses these runtimes (for example Visual Studio) and it would download and install the missing features, after that, everything workes perfect for me.
Try installing all the things from here:
Not sure if you just have to install the x86 version or all of them. recommend that you install all of them but remember to uninstall the ones which you already have.
for me was simple to fix this problem.
Uninstall all visual c++ with Revo Uninstaller Pro
Use MPVCI tool. link(
enjoy it. for me it works.

i have installed the Visual Studio 2015, but there is no C++ Project.?

I am facing problem, I want to write c++ code in visual studio 2015, but I can't create c++ project because there is no c++ template in the New Project window.
I am creating new project in this way
File > New > Project > Visual C++
but there is no c++ template. Please help
The VS2015 installer does not install C++ by default.
Since you already have Visual Studio installed, you can modify the existing install.
On Control Panel->Programs and Features (or run appwiz.cpl) find and run the Installer for Visual Studio 2015.
Wait for Installer dialog to load.
Click the Modify button on the bottom of the installer dialog.
On the Features Tab, expand Programming Languages.
Select Visual C++.
Click the UPDATE button on the bottom right.
That should do it. You may have to insert the install media or suffer through a download, but these days Windows caches the installer info so everything needed may already be present on your system.
Go to the online menu (it's below Recent and Installed. There you'll be able to download C++ templates and samples. See this MSDN article which describes it in greater details.
While most users will be unblocked by the accepted solution, there is another scenario where Visual C++ is not working as intended for VS2015.
I was installing both VS2015 and VS2017 on the same system on the same day. Long story short, I got this person's problem.
From the link:
I am also running into this -- but in my case, I also installed full
VS2015 Pro. It shows that the VC++ common tools are installed, but
they are not on disk in the usual location, they seem to be in the
MSVS/Shared folder (Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual
Studio/Shared/14.0/VC/bin/cl.exe reports version 19.00.124218.2).
Uninstalling VS2015 removes these, and reinstalling puts them back in
For me at least, it goes worse than just the batch files -- I can't
actually create any C++ projects. Trying to create one just causes the
"New Project" window to pop up again; no error, no warning.
No amount of uninstalling components from both 2015 or 2017 got me
into a usable state (Shared\14.0\VC still persisted as the install
dir, I couldn't find what component was keeping those tools on-disk
and preventing them from being removed). I ended up just copying the
contents of "Microsoft Visual Studio/Shared/14.0" into the "Microsoft
Visual Studio 14.0" folder -- a gross hammer, and VS2015 still can't
create C++ projects, but it got me unstuck, and existing build systems
started finding tools again.
VS team -- I totally get the goals of the layout change, and I love
what you guys are doing with VS overall. But please treat this as a
major bug; you can't decide to permanently change the location of
build tools that have been in one place for multiple years, as it will
break many, many existing build systems. At best, install them in both
locations; let VS2015 manage the "Visual Studio 14.0/VC" dir like it
always has, and let VS2017 manage the Shared/14.0 dir (via the "VS2015
C++ build tools" package). They should be unrelated.
Uninstall all copies of Visual Studio
If you have frameworks that can install copies or partial copies of Visual Studio, or rely on them, consider uninstalling them too. For me, this was a couple versions of Qt.
Nuke C:\Windows\Temp and %temp%
Nuke anything visual studio related in C:\PROGRA~1,2,3, %appdata%, and %localappdata%
Install the oldest version of Visual Studio you want to use first
Try to build a C++ Win32 console app with that version
If you can do that, you're unblocked. Otherwise, yikes! I don't know what to do next short of a full registry deep-dive keyword purge or a re-install of Windows. With an SSD, the latter is probably faster TBH.

No console application in Visual Studio 2015?

I know this might sound extremely dumb, but I can't find the console application template in visual studio 2015. When installed I clicked on custom and selected everything so I wouldn't have to go through the hassle of adding files later on so of course I have visual c++ installed. But for some reason there's no console application template.
Any ideas?
I'm using the community edition.
It's located under Templates->Visual C++->Win32->Win32 Console Application.
If you cannot find it there, it probably means you did not install the Windows SDK. Go to the Control Panel->Programs and Features, select Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015, right click on it and select Change.
The SDK is hidden quite well in the list of installable features. You can find it under Windows and Web Development->Universal Windows App Development Tools. Make sure the Windows 10 SDK is selected. By default it's not and I tend to forget to check it when installing VS2015 because it's so damn well hidden.
it is generally with windows 10 or xp
so when you go to visual c++ there is option of install windows support for ...
and let it download
next time you can see it there
install these two
after installation
I have same problem. This is the way of show before i fix it.
then check you have proper internet connection. net double click and install both. now you can create c++ project.
This is new appearance..
thank you.
Unable to download using VS2015 installer. Even when set to download from internet it will fail
Better download winsdksetup.exe at