Regex to match all character groups in a string [duplicate] - regex

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Learning Regular Expressions [closed]
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
I need a regex to match the groups of characters in a string.
For example this is-a#beautiful^day.
Should result in the following list: this, is, a, beautiful, day.
As a mention I don't know how long the string is or by what characters the words are separated.
Any ideas? I have no clue how to build a regex for this.

If you want find all groups of letters:
import re
string = "this is-a#beautiful^day"
list = re.findall(r'[A-Za-z]+', string)
print list
['this', 'is', 'a', 'beautiful', 'day']


How to find words with a specific letter using RegExp? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to find words containing a certain letter with Regular Expressions?
(2 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
void main() {
var string = 'This is a statement with i.';
var regExp = RegExp('i');
for (var match in regExp.allMatches(string)) {
I want to print all the words which has i in it by only using RegExp. For instance, the above for loop should print
Would checking for a word boundary work for you?
The pattern \b\w*i\w*\b with the global flag set matches:
Try it out!
I don't have access to my GitHub (to share a gist) at the moment, but this pattern works as expected in DartPad.

Regex express begin & end specific words[No duplicate] [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Regex matching beginning AND end strings
(6 answers)
Reference - What does this regex mean?
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
I'm trying to write a regex represent 'recognizes words that begin and end in "t".'
I think that the below code is true.
var re = /^t+t*t$/
But it shows 'false'
why doesn't my answer solve the above string?
and what is the proper regex?
Your regex is wrong, as pointed out in the comments.
A naive approach could be to check if the entire word starts with t, has any number of any character and then ends with t:
var re = /^t.*t$/
of course, you could also limit the "middle" character to letters:
var re = /^t[a-z]*t$/
However, neither of these approaches check for a word that is a single "t" character. If this is a valid usecase, you'll have to handle it explicitly, e.g.:
var re = /^(t[a-z]*t|t)$/

How can I remove a certain pattern from a string? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Reference - What does this regex mean?
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have this string like "682_2, 682_3, 682_4". (682 is a random number)
How can i get this string "2, 3, 4" using regex and ruby?
You can do this in ruby
input="682_2, 682_3, 682_4"
output = input.gsub(/\d+_/,"")
puts output
A simple regex could be
/_([0-9]+)$/ and in the match group of the result you will have 2 for 682_2 and 3 for 682_3
Ruby code snippet would be "64532_2".match(/_([0-9]+)/).captures[0]
you can use scan which returns an array containing the matches:
(?<=_) tells to find a pattern that has a given pattern (_ in this case) before itself but wont capture that, it captures only \d. if it can have more than 1 digit like 682_13,682_33 then \d+ is necessary.

Regex find sting in the middle of two strings [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What special characters must be escaped in regular expressions?
(13 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I want to get the time in the following line. I want to get the string
2017-07-07 08:30:00.065156
[ID] = 0,[Time] = 2017-07-07 08:30:00.065156,[access]
I tried this
(?<=[Time] = )(.*?)(?=,)
Where i want to get the string in-between the time tag and the first comma but this doesn't work.
[Time] inside a regex means a T, an i, an m, or an e, unless you escape your square brackets.
You can drop the reluctant quantifier if you use [^,]* in place of .*:
(?<=\[Time\] = )([^,]*)(?=,)

How to capture repeating groups in Regex (for C#) [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Get string between two strings in a string
(27 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I've to detect and extract from a string a repeating group of characters and list one part of each captured group.
Here is an example of string to parse: "za e eStartGood1Endds qStartGood2Endsds df"
My Regex is: ".*?(?::Start(.+)End.*?)+"
Expecting groups captured expected: Good1, Good2, etc
My Regex capture is wrong: it seems that (?::Start(.+) is considered as group to capture...
May I miss something?
This regex do the job :
Why not use this pattern: \*{2}Start\*{2}(.*?)\*{2}End\*{2}
For this input string: za e e**Start**Good1**End**ds dq**Start**Good2**End**sds df, it captures Good1 and Good2.
You can play with it here: