flushing the content of a core.async channel - clojure

Consider a core.async channel which is created like so:
(def c (chan))
And let's assume values are put and taken to this channel from different places (eg. in go-loops).
How would one flush all the items on the channel at a certain time?
For instance one could make the channel an atom and then have an event like this:
(def c (atom (chan))
(defn reset []
(close! #c)
(reset! c (chan)))
Is there another way to do so?

Read everything to a vector with into and don't use it.
(go (async/into [] c))

Let's define a little more clearly what you seem to want to do: you have code running in several go-loops, each of them putting data on the same channel. You want to be able to tell them all: "the channel you're putting values on is no good anymore; from now on, put your values on some other channel." If that's not what you want to do, then your original question doesn't make much sense, as there's no "flushing" to be done -- you either take the values being put on the channel, or you don't.
First, understand the reason your approach won't work, which the comments to your question touch on: if you deref an atom c, you get a channel, and that value is always the same channel. You have code in go-loops that have called >! and are currently parked, waiting for takers. When you close #c, those parked threads stay parked (anyone parked while taking from a channel (<!) will immediately get the value nil when the channel closes, but parked >!s will simply stay parked). You can reset! c all day long, but the parked threads are still parked on a previous value they got from derefing.
So, how do you do it? Here's one approach.
(require '[clojure.core.async :as a
:refer [>! <! >!! <!! alt! take! go-loop chan close! mult tap]])
(def rand-int-chan (chan))
(def control-chan (chan))
(def control-chan-mult (mult control-chan))
(defn create-worker
[put-chan control-chan worker-num]
(go-loop [put-chan put-chan]
[[put-chan (rand-int 10)]]
([_ _] (println (str "Worker" worker-num " generated value."))
(recur put-chan))
([new-chan] (recur new-chan)))))
(defn create-workers
[n c cc]
(dotimes [n n]
(let [tap-chan (chan)]
(a/tap cc tap-chan)
(create-worker c tap-chan n))))
(create-workers 5 rand-int-chan control-chan-mult)
So we are going to create 5 worker loops that will put their result on rand-int-chan, and we will give them a "control channel." I will let you explore mult and tap on your own, but in short, we are creating a single channel which we can put values on, and that value is then broadcast to all channels which tap it.
In our worker loop, we do one of two things: put a value onto the rand-int-chan that we use when we create it, or we will take a value off of this control channel. We can cleverly let the worker thread know that the channel to put its values on has changed by actually handing it the new channel, which it will then bind on the next time through the loop. So, to see it in action:
(<!! rand-int-chan)
=> 6
Worker2 generated value.
This will take random ints from the channel, and the worker thread will print that it has generated a value, to see that indeed multiple threads are participating here.
Now, let's say we want to change the channel to put the random integers on. No problem, we do:
(def new-rand-int-chan (chan))
(>!! control-chan new-rand-int-chan)
(close! rand-int-chan) ;; for good measure, may not be necessary
We create the channel, and then we put that channel onto our control-chan. When we do this, ever worker thread will have the second portion of its alt! executed, which simply loops back to the top of the go-loop, except this time, the put-chan will be bound to the new-rand-int-chan we just received. So now:
(<!! new-rand-int-chan)
=> 3
Worker1 generated value.
This gives us our integers, which is exactly what we want. Any attempt to <!! from the old channel will give nil, since we closed the channel:
(<!! rand-int-chan)
; nil


Sleeping Barber Problem in Clojure using core/async and go

Hello and thank you for any help. I am just starting to learn Clojure, and think its amazing. Below is my codes for the sleeping barber problem. I thought that dropping-buffers from core/async would be perfect for this problem, and while it seems to work it never stops.
The haircuts and dropping buffer seem to work right.
It does stop now. But I get an error trying to check customer-num for nil (I've noted the line in the code below). It seems like it can't do an if on a nil because it's nil!
(if (not (nil? customer-num)) ;; throws error => Cannot invoke "clojure.lang.IFn.invoke()" because the return value of "clojure.lang.IFn.invoke(Object)" is null
---End of edit
Also, how to get the return value of the number of haircuts to the calling operate-shop?
Sleeping barber problem as written up in Seven Languages in Seven Weeks. It was created by Edsger Dijkstra in 1965.
A barber shop takes customers.
Customers arrive at random intervals, from ten to thirty milliseconds.
The barber shop has three chairs in the waiting room.
The barber shop has one barber and one barber chair.
When the barber’s chair is empty, a customer sits in the chair, wakes up the barber, and gets a haircut.
If the chairs are occupied, all new customers will turn away.
Haircuts take twenty milliseconds.
After a customer receives a haircut, he gets up and leaves.
Determine how many haircuts a barber can give in ten seconds.
(ns sleepbarber
(:require [clojure.core.async
:as a
:refer [>! <! >!! <!! go go-loop chan dropping-buffer close! thread
alt! alts! alts!! timeout]]))
(def barber-shop (chan (dropping-buffer 3))) ;; no more than 3 customers waiting
(defn cut-hair []
(go-loop [haircuts 0]
(let [customer-num (<! barber-shop)]
(if (not (nil? customer-num)) ;; throws error => Cannot invoke "clojure.lang.IFn.invoke()" because the return value of "clojure.lang.IFn.invoke(Object)" is null
(do (<! (timeout 20)) ;; wait for haircut to finish
(println haircuts "haircuts!" (- customer-num haircuts) "customers turned away!!")
(recur (inc haircuts)))
(defn operate-shop [open-time]
((let [[_ opening] (alts!! [(timeout open-time)
(go-loop [customer 0]
(<! (timeout (+ 10 (rand-int 20)))) ;; wait for random arrival of customers
(>! barber-shop customer)
(recur (+ customer 1)))])]
(close! barber-shop)
(close! opening)
(operate-shop 2000)
Without running your code to confirm my suspicions, I see two problems with your implementation.
The first is that the body of operate-shop starts with ((, which you appear to intend as a grouping mechanism. But of course, in Clojure, (f x y) is how you call the function f with arguments x y. So your implementation calls alts!, then calls close!, then calls shutdown-agents - all intended so far - but then calls the result of alts! (which surely is not a function) with two nil arguments. So you should get a ClassCastException once your shop closes. Normally I would recommend just removing the outer parens, but since you're using core.async you should wrap the body in go, as in (go x y z). Is this your real code? If you call alts! outside of a go context, as your snippet suggests, you can only get a runtime error.
The second is that your first go-loop has no termination condition. You treat customer-num as if it were a number, but if the channel is closed, it will be nil: that's how you can tell a channel is closed. Involving it in subtraction should throw some kind of exception. Instead, you should check whether the result is nil, and if so, exit the loop as the shop is closed.

core.async loop blocked waiting to read from channel

let's say I've got a channel out (chan). I need to take values that are put into the channel and add them. The number of values is undetermined (thus cannot use traditional loop with an end case with (<! out)) and comes from an external IO. I'm using a fixed timeout with alts! but that doesn't seem like the best way to approach the problem. So far, I've got the following (which I got from https://gist.github.com/schaueho/5726a96641693dce3e47)
[[v ch] (alts! [out (timeout 1000)])
acc 0]
(if-not v
(do (close! out)
(deliver p acc))
(>! task-ch (as/progress-tick))
(recur (alts! [out (timeout 1000)]) (+ acc v)))))
The problem I've got is that a timeout of 1000 is sometimes not enough and causes the go-loop to exit prematurely (as it may take more than 1000ms for the IO operation to complete and put the val in the out channel). I do not think increasing the timeout value is such a good idea as it may cause me to wait longer than necessary.
What is the best way to guarantee all reads from the out channel and exit out correctly from the loop?
Why am I using timeout?
Because the number of values being put in the channel is not fixed; which means, I cannot create an exit case. W/o the exit case, the go-loop will park indefinely waiting ((<! out)) for values to be put in the channel out. If you have a solve without the timeout, that'd be really awesome.
How do i know I've read the last value?
I dont. That's the problem. That's why I'm using timeout and alts!! to exit the go-loop.
What do you want to do w/ the result?
Simple addition for now. However, that's not the important bit.
Update Final:
I figured out a way to get the number of values I'd be dealing with. So I modified my logic to make use of that. I'm still going to use the timeout and alts! to prevent any locking.
[[v _] (alts! [out (timeout 1000)])
i 0
acc 0]
(if (and v (not= n i))
(>! task-ch (as/progress-tick))
(recur (alts! [out (timeout 1000)]) (inc i) (+ acc v)))
(do (close! out)
(deliver p* (if (= n i) acc nil)))))
I think your problem is a bit higher-up in your design, not a core-async specific one:
On one hand, you have an undetermined amount of values coming in a channel — there could be 0, there could be 10, there could be 1,000,000.
On the other hand, you want to read all of them, do some calculation and then return. This is impossible to do — unless there is some other signal that you can use to say "I think I'm done now".
If that signal is the timing of the values, then your approach of using alts! is the correct one, albeit I believe the code can be simplified a bit.
Update: Do you have access to the "upstream" IO? Can you put a sentinel value (e.g. something like ::closed) to the channel when the IO operation finishes?
The 'best' way is to wait for either a special batch ending message from out or for out to be closed by the sender to mark the end of the inputs.
Either way, the solution rests with the sender communicating something about the inputs.

Closing a channel at the producer end when all the jobs are finished

For my Mandelbrot explorer project, I need to run several expensive jobs, ideally in parallel. I decided to try chunking the jobs, and running each chunk in its own thread, and end ended up with something like
(defn point-calculator [chunk-size points]
(let [out-chan (chan (count points))
chunked (partition chunk-size points)]
(doseq [chunk chunked]
(let [processed-chunk (expensive-calculation chunk)]
(>!! out-chan processed-chunk))))
Where points is a list of [real, imaginary] coordinates to be tested, and expensive-calculation is a function that takes the chunk, and tests each point in the chunk. Each chunk can take a long time to finish (potentially a minute or more depending on the chunk size and the number of jobs).
On my consumer end, I'm using
(loop []
(when-let [proc-chunk (<!! result-chan)]
; Do stuff with chunk
To consume each processed chunk. Right now, this blocks when the last chunk is consumed since the channel is still open.
I need a way of closing the channel when the jobs are done. This is proving difficult because of asynchronicity of the producer loop. I can't simply put a close! after the doseq since the loop doesn't block, and I can't just close when the last-indexed job is done, since the order is indeterminate.
The best idea I could come up with was maintaining a (atom #{}) of jobs, and disj each job as it finishes. Then I could either check for the set size in the loop, and close! when it's 0, or attach a watch to the atom and check there.
This seems very hackish though. Is there a more idiomatic way of dealing with this? Does this scenario suggest I'm using async incorrectly?
i would take a look at the take function from core-async. That is what it's documentation says:
"Returns a channel that will return, at most, n items from ch. After n items
have been returned, or ch has been closed, the return channel will close.
so it leads you to a simple fix: instead of returning out-chan you can just wrap it into take:
(clojure.core.async/take (count chunked) out-chan)
that should work.
Also i would recommend you to rewrite your example from blocking put/get to parking (<!, >!) and thread to go / go-loop which is more idiomatic usage for core async.
You may want to use async/pipeline(-blocking) to control parallelisms. And use aysnc/onto-chan to close the input channel automatically after all the chunks are copied.
E.g. below example shows a 16x improvement on elapsed time when parallelisms is set to 16.
(defn expensive-calculation [pts]
(Thread/sleep 100)
(reduce + pts))
(let [points (take 10000 (repeatedly #(rand 100)))
chunk-size 500
inp-chan (chan)
out-chan (chan)]
(go-loop [] (when-let [res (<! out-chan)]
;; do stuff with chunk
(pipeline-blocking 16 out-chan (map expensive-calculation) inp-chan)
(<!! (onto-chan inp-chan (partition-all chunk-size points)))))

Placing a value at the bottom of a channel?

In Clojure(Script), is there anyway to jam a value at the bottom (as opposed to the top) of a channel so that the next time it is taken from (for example by using <! inside a go block), it is guaranteed that that the value you jammed into it will be the one that is received?
I'm not sure there is any easy way to do this. You may be able to implement your own type of buffer, as in buffers.clj, and then instantiate your channel using that buffer:
(chan (lifo-buffer 10))
For example you could create a buffer that works like a LIFO queue:
(deftype LIFOBuffer [^LinkedList buf ^long n]
(full? [this]
(remove! [this]
(.removeFirst buf))
(add!* [this itm]
(when-not (>= (.size buf) n)
(.addFirst buf itm))
(close-buf! [this])
(count [this]
(.size buf)))
(defn lifo-buffer [n]
(LIFOBuffer. (LinkedList.) n))
Beware, though, that this solution relies on implementation details of core.async and may break in the future.
You can have two channels, imagine one is called first-class and the other is called economy. You write a go-loop that just recurs and calls alts! (or alts!!) on the two channels, but with the :priority option for first-class. Then you put values into economy as your "normal" input channel, and when you want a value to jump the line, you put it into first-class.

How do clojure core.async channels get cleaned up?

I'm looking at Clojure core.async for the first time, and was going through this excellent presentation by Rich Hickey: http://www.infoq.com/presentations/clojure-core-async
I had a question about the example he shows at the end of his presentation:
According to Rich, this example basically tries to get a web, video, and image result for a specific query. It tries two different sources in parallel for each of those results, and just pulls out the fastest result for each. And the entire operation can take no more than 80ms, so if we can't get e.g. an image result in 80ms, we'll just give up. The 'fastest' function creates and returns a new channel, and starts two go processes racing to retrieve a result and put it on the channel. Then we just take the first result off of the 'fastest' channel and slap it onto the c channel.
My question: what happens to these three temporary, unnamed 'fastest' channels after we take their first result? Presumably there is still a go process which is parked trying to put the second result onto the channel, but no one is listening so it never actually completes. And since the channel is never bound to anything, it doesn't seem like we have any way of doing anything with it ever again. Will the go process & channel "realize" that no one cares about their results any more and clean themselves up? Or did we essentially just "leak" three channels / go processes in this code?
There is no leak.
Parked gos are attached to channels on which they attempted to perform an operation and have no independent existence beyond that. If other code loses interest in the channels a certain go is parked on (NB. a go can simultaneously become a putter/taker on many channels if it parks on alt! / alts!), then eventually it'll be GC'd along with those channels.
The only caveat is that in order to be GC'd, gos actually have to park first. So any go that keeps doing stuff in a loop without ever parking (<! / >! / alt! / alts!) will in fact live forever. It's hard to write this sort of code by accident, though.
Caveats and exceptions aside, you can test garbage collection on the JVM at the REPL.
(require '[clojure.core.async :as async])
=> nil
(def c (async/chan))
=> #'user/c
(def d (async/go-loop []
(when-let [v (async/<! c)]
(println v)
=> #'user/d
(async/>!! c :hi)
=> true
:hi ; core.async go block is working
(import java.lang.ref.WeakReference)
=> java.lang.ref.WeakReference ; hold a reference without preventing garbage collection
(def e (WeakReference. c))
=> #'user/e
(def f (WeakReference. d))
=> #'user/f
(.get e)
=> #object[...]
(.get f)
=> #object[...]
(def c nil)
=> #'user/c
(def d nil)
=> #'user/d
(println "We need to clear *1, *2 and *3 in the REPL.")
We need to clear *1, *2 and *3 in the REPL.
=> nil
(println *1 *2 *3)
nil #'user/d #'user/c
=> nil
=> nil
(.get e)
=> nil
(.get f)
=> nil
What just happened? I setup a go block and checked it was working. Then used a WeakReference to observe the communication channel (c) and the go block return channel (d). Then I removed all references to c and d (including *1, *2 and *3 created by my REPL), requested garbage collection, (and got lucky, the System.gc Javadoc does not make strong guarantees) and then observed that my weak references had been cleared.
In this case at least, once references to the channels involved had been removed, the channels were garbage collected (regardless of my failure to close them!)
Assumedly a channel produced by fastest only returns the result of the fastest query method and then closes.
If a second result was produced, your assumption could hold that the fastest processeses are leaked. Their results are never consumed. If they relied on all their results to be consumed to terminate, they wouldn't terminate.
Notice that this could also happen if the channel t is selected in the alt! clause.
The usualy way to fix this would be to close the channel c in the last go block with close!. Puts made to a closed channel will then be dropped then and the producers can terminate.
The problem could also be solved in the implementation of fastest. The process created in fastest could itself make the put via alts! and timeout and terminate if the produced values are not consumed within a certain amount of time.
I guess Rich did not address the problem in the slide in favor of a less lengthy example.