Accessing url of ImageField via values() method on django queryset - django

I have a data model in Django where I save photos uploaded by users. There's an attribute called image_file in the Photo model (of the type ImageField) where - among other things - the image's url is stored. I can successfully access this url with item.image_file.url in the template (and view) for instance.
However, I can't seem to be able to do the following in the view:
I.e. For a particular user, I'm trying to get the 10 latest photo objects' image urls along with object ids. This gives me FieldError: Cannot resolve keyword 'image_file.url' into field. Shouldn't this have worked?
I understand I can retrieve the entire object and do the filtering in the template, but I felt it's more optimal to solely retrieve the fields I actually need instead of the full object.
p.s. it's a postgresql backend and the underlying Storage class has been over-ridden

The url is a property, not a value in the database (FileField code) which is why you can't get to it from values(). As far as I can see, you'd have to get the url value separately...
You might want to take a look at only() though. If you go that route, you should probably watch the SQL queries with something like Django Debug Toolbar. If the url property tries to retrieve a field that wasn't included in only(), it will likely make a separate SQL call.


In a Django Rest Framework view, does request.user make a database call or the database call happens before the request reaches the view?

I need to retrieve some information about my users and I am trying to avoid making unnecessary database calls.
The information I need is stored in three models: User, UserProfile and Membership.
Both UserProfile and Membership have a OneToOne relationship with the User model.
I know that I can use select_related() to retrieve related models from the database in a single call. So I could do something like:
But that must not be correct, because if I am using some user information to do the query, it means I already retrieved this information in a previous call.
So what would be the best way to get this information minimising database calls? Would it be even possible to get the information from these 3 models in a single call?
DRF performs user related DB query inside authentication class. See source here. So if you need to optimize this query you should implement custom autentication class(see details here), override authenticate_credentials method and use optimized query inside it.

Django Rest Framework Hyperlinked Fields Understanding

I can't seem to grasp the difference between HyperlinkedIdentity and HyperlinkedRelated Fields. I have a few questions that I can't seem to find the answers to online.
What is the actual difference? When would I want to use one vs. the other.
My next question is say I have 2 models, Project and Task.
A Task has a ForeignKey to Project. If I wanted the Project to hyperlink to the tasks within it, which Hyperlink field would I put in the ProjectSerializer? And what field would I put in the TaskSerializer to complement the ProjectSerializer assuming I wanted the tasks to be able to hyperlink back to the Project they are related to?
What is the difference between using the hyperlinked fields vs. just using regular nested serializers? When using hyperlinked fields, can I still filter by pk/id?
Last, What if a model had two hyperlinked relations in the serializer? From what I understand it creates a url field for each hyperlink, would it create two url fields in this case?
Thanks for any clarification you can offer, it will be a huge help towards cementing my understanding on the subject and allowing me to complete my API for my project.
What is the actual difference? When would I want to use one vs. the other.
HyperlinkedIdentityField is an hyperlink field for the current object itself while HyperlinkedRelatedField represent an hyperlink to other instances.
A Task has a ForeignKey to Project. If I wanted the Project to hyperlink to the tasks within it, which Hyperlink field would I put in the ProjectSerializer? And what field would I put in the TaskSerializer to complement the ProjectSerializer assuming I wanted the tasks to be able to hyperlink back to the Project they are related to?
HyperlinkedRelatedField is what you're looking for.
What is the difference between using the hyperlinked fields vs. just using regular nested serializers?
Hyperlinks can be browsed independently from the original resource. Handy if one of them belongs to another system. For example, you'll likely want to use hyperlink to tweets rather than let your server fetch them and them return them nested. Hyperlinks also allows the client to deal with its own caching rather than sending back all the data. Could be handy in case of fetching a list of items that nest the same user.
On the other hand, hyperlinks increase the network request count because it needs to fetch more data.
When using hyperlinked fields, can I still filter by pk/id?
Not sure what you mean here.
What if a model had two hyperlinked relations in the serializer? From what I understand it creates a url field for each hyperlink, would it create two url fields in this case?
Correct. hyperlinked relation are just a representation of a relation. It provides an hyperlink (an uri) to fetch the associated object.
This is useful because you won't need to know the pattern to fetch an object from the id: with a PrimaryKeyRelatedField you'll get the id but are missing the url to fetch the associated object.
This also allows the server to manage its own uri space without the need of updating the clients.
Hope this will help.

Dynamic Flatpage per Model instance

I was wondering what would be the best way to create dynamic report documents (html) with Django. The data used for every report is stored in model instances which then gets passed to a html template which renders the report. The user should be able to edit all the rendered content via a front-end editor.
Is it possible to use flat pages to store a complete document in html per report instance? Looking at the documentation it seems as if the flatpages app is mainly used for global static pages which can be edited via admintools. Is it possible to set up one Flatpage instance for each report instance in the system (e.g. Model Report with a Flatpage foreign key)?
take a look at the flatpage model. It has a textfield for its content.
In your code, you can store any content and store it in the textfield.
( I will store it as json string )
Then in your template, you can parse that string into json and use it.
Depending on your front end editor, you should can always parse the data into a json and store it back into flatpage model using via a post request and handled with a custom view with logics to convert your return json data and store it in the content field in your flatpage model. ( You will need to use json.dumps to convert your json object into string )
Let me know if you need a more specific example.

More Blobstore upload woes with standard Django

I'm implementing an image upload feature for my Django app (plain Django 1.4 , NOT the non-rel version) running on Google App Engine. The uploaded image is wrapped in a Django model which allows the user to add attributes like a caption and search tags.
The upload is performed by creating a Blobstore upload url through the function call blobstore.create_upload_url(url). The function argument is the url to which the Bobstore redirects when the upload is complete. I want this to be the url of the default Django form handler that performs the save/update of the model that wraps the image so I don't have to duplicate default Django behaviour for form validation, error reporting and database update.
I tried supplying reverse('admin:module_images_add') to create_upload_url() but this doesn't work as it throws an [Errno 30] Read-only file system exception. I presume this originates from the default Django form handler again trying to upload the file the standard Django way but then hits the brick wall of Google App Engine not allowing access to the file system.
At the moment, the only way I can see to get this working without duplicating code is by strictly separating processes: one for defining an image model instance and the second for uploading the actual image. Not very intuitive.
See also this question and answer which I posted earlier.
Any suggestions on how to get this working using one form and reusing Django default form handlers?
I've been reading up on decorators (I'm relatively new to Python) and from what I read, decorators appear to able to modify the behaviour of existing Python code. Would it be possible to change the runtime behaviour of the existing form handler to solve the above using a decorator? I obviously have to (1) develop the decorator and (2) attach it to the default handler. I'm not sure if (2) is possible as it has to be done runtime. I cannot patch the Django code running on GAE...
Well, I finally managed to get this working. Here's what I did in case anyone runs into this as well:
(1) I removed the ImageFile attribute from my model. It ended up causing Django to try and do a file upload from the file system which is not allowed in GAE.
(2) I added a Blobstore key to my model which is basically the key to the GAE BlobStore blob and is required to be able to serve the image at a later stage. On a side note: this attribute has limited length using the GAE SDK but is considerably longer in GAE production. I ended up defining a TextField for it.
(3) Use with Daniel Roseman's adaption from this question and add the BlobstoreFileUploadHandler to the file handlers in your SETTINGS.PY. It will ensure that the Blobstore key is there in the request for you to save with your model.
(4) I created a custom admin form which contains an ImageField named "image". This is required as it allows you to pick a file. The ImageField is actually "virtual" as its only purpose on the form is to allow me to pick a file for uploading. This is crucial as per (1).
(5) I overwrote render_change_form() method of my ModelAdmin class which will prepare a Blobstore upload url. The upload url has two versions: one for adding new images and one saving changes to existing. Upload urls are passed to the template via the context object.
(6) I modified the change_form.html to include the Blobstore upload url from (5) as the form's action.
(7) I overwrote the save_model() method of my ModelAdmin:
def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
if request.FILES.has_key("blobkey"):
blob_key = request.FILES["blobkey"].blobstore_info._BlobInfo__key
obj.blobstore_key = blob_key
super(PhotoFeatureAdmin, self).save_model(request, obj, form, change)
This allows me to retrieve the blob key as set by the upload handler and set it as a property of my model.
For deletion of image models, I added a special function which is triggered by the delete signal of the model. This will keep the Blobstore in sync with the image models in the app.
That's it. The above allows to upload images to the blob store of GAE where each blob is neatly wrapped in a Django model object which admin users can maintain. The good thing is that there's no need to duplicate standard Django behaviour and the model object of the image can easily be extended with attributes in the future.
Final word: in my opinion the support for blobs in plain Django on GAE is currently very poor considering the above. It should be much easier to achieve this, without having to rely on Django non-rel code and a rather long list of modifications; alternatively Google should state something about this in their developer documents. Unless I missed something, this is undocumented territory.

Django Admin - Create 'temporary' entry

Is there a way to make it so the Django Admin panel creates a temporary model when you click the "add" button?
I want to be able to 'attach' multiple files / media to a particular model entry which would involve uploading the files at the time of creation. I can't do this until the model has a pk as obviously I can't create a link between the uploaded file and the entry.
I am using the Content-Type framework to create the attachment between my uploaded file (which is wrapped in a class)
I noticed that Wordpress for example creates what is called an 'auto draft' when you click the "new post" button to get around problem.
If I understand correctly, you want to take care that the filename of your uploaded file corresponds with the model's PK where the file-fields are used.
There is nothing you must change in the django-admin, but make some adjustions on your model:
First, make use of "upload_to" in your filefield. I usually set the filename to a uuid4-value to make sure it's unique.
After saving the model, you can rename the file if you want. The best place is in a function that is triggered by a post-save-signal. But if you only want to ensure, that the filename is unique, the filename-generation by uuid should work.