linux c++: libaio callback function never called? - c++

I'm on ubuntu 16.10 with g++ 6.2, testing libaio feature:
1. I was trying to test io_set_callback() function
2. I was using main thread and a child thread to talk by a pipe
3. child thread writes periodically (by alarm timer, signal), and main thread reads
I hope to use "callback" function to receive notifications. It didn't work as expected: callback function "read_done" is never called
My questions:
1. I expected my program should call "read_done" function, but actually not.
2. Why the output prints 2 "Enter while" each time?
I hope it only print together with "thread write msg:..."
3. I tried to comment out "io_getevents" line, same result.
I'm not sure if callback mode still need io_getevents? So how to fix my program so it work as I expected? Thanks.

You need to integrate io_queue_run(3) and io_queue_init(3) into your program. Though these aren't new functions, they don't seem to be in the manpages for a bunch of currently shipping distros. Here's a couple of the manpages:
And, of course, the manpages don't actually say it, but io_queue_run is what calls the callbacks that you set in io_set_callback.
UPDATED: Ugh. Here's the source for io_queue_run from libaio-0.3.109 on Centos/RHEL (LGPL license, Copyright 2002 Red Hat, Inc.)
int io_queue_run(io_context_t ctx)
static struct timespec timeout = { 0, 0 };
struct io_event event;
int ret;
/* FIXME: batch requests? */
while (1 == (ret = io_getevents(ctx, 0, 1, &event, &timeout))) {
io_callback_t cb = (io_callback_t);
struct iocb *iocb = event.obj;
cb(ctx, iocb, event.res, event.res2);
return ret;
You'd never want to actually call this without the io_queue_wait call. And, the io_queue_wait call is commented out in the header included with both Centos/RHEL 6 and 7. I don't think you should call this function.
Instead, I think you should incorporate this source into your own code, then modify it to do what you want. You could pretty trivially add a timeout argument to this io_queue_run and just replace your call to io_getevents with it, instead of bothering with io_queue_wait. There's even a patch here that makes io_queue_run MUCH better:


How to fix processor affinity for Qt 5.9 Thread on Windows with Ryzen 7

I have been developing a program for my Master's Thesis with OpenSceneGraph-3.4.0 and GUI from Qt 5.9 (otherwise in Visual Studio 2015 and 2017). At work everything works fine, but now that I have a new Computer at home I tried to get it running.
However, when I call the frame() method for the viewer, I get a Read Access Violation in QtThread.cpp at the setProcessorAffinity(unsigned int cpunum), specifically in the following line:
QtThreadPrivateData* pd = static_cast<QtThreadPrivateData*>(_prvData);
Here is the complete function (QtThread.cpp is part of OpenThreads of OSG):
// Description: set processor affinity for the thread
// Use: public
int Thread::setProcessorAffinity(unsigned int cpunum)
QtThreadPrivateData* pd = static_cast<QtThreadPrivateData*>(_prvData);
pd->cpunum = cpunum;
if (!pd->isRunning) return 0;
// Qt doesn't have a platform-independent thread affinity method at present.
// Does it automatically configure threads on different processors, or we have to do it ourselves?
return -1;
The viewer in OSG is set to osgViewer::Viewer::SingleThreaded, but if I remove that line I get an error "Cannot make QOpenGLContext current in a different thread" in GraphicsWindowQt.cpp(which is part of OsgQt), so that's probably a dead end.
Edit for clarification
I call frame()on the osgViewer::Viewer object.
In this function, the viewer calls realize() (which is a function of the Viewer class).
In there setUpThreading()is called (which is a function of the Viewer Base class).
This in turn calls OpenThreads::SetProcessorAffinityOfCurrentThread(0)
In there, the following code is executed:
Thread* thread = Thread::CurrentThread();
if (thread)
return thread->setProcessorAffinity(cpunum);
thread (after the first line) has a value 0x00000000fdfdfdfd which looks like an error to me.
In any case, the last call is the one I posted in my original question.
I don't even have an idea of where to start fixing this. I assume, it's some processor related problem. My processor is a Ryzen 7 1700 (at work it's an Intel i7 3770k), so maybe that helps.
Otherwise, at home I'm using Windows 10, wheras at work it's Windows 7.
I'd be thankful for any help at all.
So in the end, it seems to be a problem with OpenThreads (and thus the OpenSceneGraph part, which I can do nothing about). When using cmake for the OpenSceneGraph source, there is an option "BUILD_OPENTHREADS_WITH_QT" that needs to be disabled.
I found the solution in this thread in the OSG forum, so thanks to this guy.

Meaning of curly braces after function call in C++

I am reading a blog post on the code quality of the Doom 3 source code, and I've gotten stuck on a piece of C++ code I can not make sense of. I should say that I am not a C++ programmer.
The offending code looks as follows:
Sys_StartAsyncThread(){ // The next look runs is a separate thread.
while ( 1 ){
usleep( 16666 ); // Run at 60Hz
common->Async(); // Do the job
Sys_TriggerEvent( TRIGGER_EVENT_ONE ); // Unlock other thread waiting for inputs
pthread_testcancel(); // Check if we have been cancelled by the main thread (on shutdown).
(taken from, under the topic "Unrolling the loop")
This looks to me as a closure being passed as a parameter to the return value of Sys_StartAsyncThread() - but to my knowledge this is not possible in C++, and also Sys_StartAsyncThread() is of void type, so what's going on here?
The definition of Sys_StartAsyncThread() can be found here.
It looks like a typo. According to here, there should be a semicolon after Sys_StartAsyncThread();.
As people have mentioned this is just a notation that I use in order the content of each method: Unrolling the loop and methods.
In the example your provided the block between braces is actually the content of the method
It's just a typo. The correct code is
// Create a thread that will block on hTimer in order to run at 60Hz (every 16 milliseconds).
// The Thread calls common->Async over and over for Sound mixing and input generation.
while ( 1 )
usleep( 16666 );
Sys_TriggerEvent( TRIGGER_EVENT_ONE );
You can see it here, as explained in the page you referred.
For more details here is the fully unrolled loop that I used as a map
while reading the code.

SwitchDesktop works momentarily but switches back after a moment

I've got some code to create a new desktop and launch a process into that desktop.
One a few select Windows XP machines, when this code runs, I can see it switch to the new desktop and start the process, but almost immediately, the desktop switches back to the normal desktop.
This code works fine on about 98% of machines, and I can't seem to isolate any reason for this not working on the others.
Should SwitchDesktop be reliable? Can I hook calls to SwitchDesktop that might be called from another application?
My code:
int DLL_EXP_IMP WINAPI Process_Desktop(char *szDesktopName, char *szPath)
HDESK hOriginalThread;
HDESK hOriginalInput;
HDESK hNewDesktop;
int procSuccess;
// Save original ...
hOriginalThread = GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId());
hOriginalInput = OpenInputDesktop(0, FALSE, DESKTOP_SWITCHDESKTOP);
// Create a new Desktop and switch to it
// This call blocks until the process exits, and is confirmed to work on the affected machines
procSuccess = StartProcess(szDesktopName, szPath);
// Restore original ...
// Close the Desktop
if (procSuccess != 0)
return procSuccess;
return 0;
My guess is that SetThreadDesktop() fails.
From MSDN:
"The SetThreadDesktop function will fail if the calling thread has any windows or hooks on its current desktop (unless the hDesktop parameter is a handle to the current desktop)."
You mentioned that StartProcess() blocks until the process terminated.
So then there is nobody referencing the new desktop and thus the desktop will go away.
You may want to consider wrapping fallible system calls in C++
-- throwing an exception in case of they fail.
And certainly the pair CreateDesktop/CloseDesktop belongs into a C++ resource wrapper.
This is 2013!
Either SwitchDesktop is failing (most of the time is access denies, or error 170 because of existing handles in another desktop), or there is another program that switches back to the default desktop.
I know for a fact that Yahoo toolbar did this (versions 5-6-7, perhaps they fixed now); KABE4.exe (I don't know what this is), an Acronis program (backup scheduler, AFAIK), and more. All of these are calling SwitchDesktop without any user intervention (a big no-no).
I proved this for Yahoo toolbar; hooking the SwitchDesktop by injecting another dll into yt.dll (loaded by IE) and returning FALSE from the hooked call solved my problem.
The proof of concept sent almost 2 years ago to Yahoo remained unanswered to this day.
In your posted code, there is that part:
// Create a new Desktop and switch to it
// This call blocks until the process exits, and is confirmed to work on the affected machines
procSuccess = StartProcess(szDesktopName, szPath);
// Restore original ...
Your call to StartProcess function is between two calls to SwitchDesktop.
No function in this code stop (pause) or delay the running code, thread or process, so as you switch to hNewDesktop, you immediately switch back to hOriginalInput. You should add a while loop with end condition, after the call to StartProcess, and before the second call to SwitchDesktop. I don't know what will be the end condition for the while loop, but you do know, you will choose, after all it is your program.
For example you can use either GetKeyState or GetAsyncKeyState function to check which key is pressed on the keyboard, and make it as the end condition for the while loop, so when you will press that key, you will return immediately to your original desktop!

c++ floats and valgrind strange behaviour

I have valgrind 3.6.0, I've searched everywhere and found nothing.
The problem is that when I'm trying to access a float number while using valgrind, I get a segfault, but when I run the program as is, without valgrind, everythings goes as expected.
This is the piece of code:
class MyClass {
void end() {
float f;
f = 1.23;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << f;
std::cout << ss.str();
extern "C" void clean_exit_on_sig(int sig) {
//Code logging the error
MyClass *mc;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
signal(SIGINT , clean_exit_on_sig);
signal(SIGABRT , clean_exit_on_sig);
signal(SIGILL , clean_exit_on_sig);
signal(SIGFPE , clean_exit_on_sig);
signal(SIGSEGV, clean_exit_on_sig);
signal(SIGTERM , clean_exit_on_sig);
mc = new MyClass();
while(true) {
// Main program loop
When I press Control+C, the program catches the signal correctly and everything goes fine, but when I run the program using valgrind, when tries to execute this command ss << f; // (Inside MyClass) a segfault is thrown :-/
I've tried this too:
std::string stm = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(f);
But I keep on receiving a segfault signal when boost acceses the float number too.
This is the backtrace when I get segfault with boost:
./a.out(This line of code corresponds to the line where boost tries to do the conversion)
and this is with the default stringstream conversion:
./a.out(This line of code corresponds to the line where I try to do the conversion)
a.out is my program, and I run valgrind this way: valgrind --tool=memcheck ./a.out
Another weird thing is that when I call mc->end(); while the program runs fine (Any signal received, Object just finished his work), I don't get segfault in any way (as is and with valgrind).
Please, don't tell me 'Don't close your program with Control+C blah blah...' this piece of code is for logging any error the program possibly have without losing data in case of segfault, killing it because of deadlock or something else.
EDIT: Maybe is a valgrind bug (I don't know, searched on google but found nothing, don't kill me), any workaround will be accepted too.
EDIT2: Just realized that boost calls ostream too (Here is clearer than using vim :-/), going to try sprintf float conversion.
EDIT3: Tried this sprintf(fl, "%.1g", f); but still crashes, backtrace:
./a.out(Line where sprintf is)
Ok, after some hours of reading and research, I found the problem, I'm going to answer my own question because noone does, only a comment by #Kerrek SB [ ] but I cannot accept a comment. (Thank you)
It's as easy as inside a signal handler you only can call a bunch of functions safely:
If you call some non-async-safe functions, they can work, but not always.
If you want to call non-async-safe functions inside a signal handler, you can do this:
Create 2 pipes. int pip1[2]; int pip2[2]; pipe(pip1); pipe(pip2);
Create a new thread and make the thread wait to receive some data from the 1rst pipe read(pip1[0], msg, 1);
When signal handler is called, use write async-safe function to write to the 1rst pipe write(pip1[1], "0", 1);
Then make the signal wait for the second pipe with read(pip2[0], msg, 1);
The thread will wake up and do all the job he has to do (saving data to database in this case), after that, make the thread write data to the second pipe write(pip2[1], "0", 1);
Now main thread will wake up and finish with _Exit(1) or something else.
I'm using 2 pipes because if I write to a pipe and just after that I read it, it's possible that the 2nd thread never wakes up because the main thread have read the data have just written. And I'm using a secondary pipe to block the main thread because I don't want it to exit while the 2nd thread is saving data.
Keep in mind that signal handler maybe has been called while modifying a shared resource, if your 2nd thread acceses that resource is possible that you encounter a second segfault, so be careful when accesing shared resources with your 2nd thread (Global variables or something else).
If you are testing with valgrind and don't want to receive 'false' memory leaks when receiving a signal you can do this before exiting pthread_join(2ndthread, NULL) and exit(1) instead of _Exit(1). These are non-async-safe functions, but at least you can test memory leaks and close you app with a signal without receiving 'false' memory leaks.
Hope this helps someone. Thanks again #Kerrek SB.
Debuggers and stuff sometimes toss signals to the process that you don't normally get. I had to alter a function that used recv to work under gdb for example. Check to see what your signal is and verify that mc is not null before trying to use it. See if that starts getting you closer to an answer.
I am thinking perhaps your use of new (or something else maybe) is possibly causing valgrind to send a signal that is being caught by your handler before mc is initialized.
It's also clear you didn't paste actual code because your use of 'class' without making the end() function public means this should not compile.

Interrupt running program and save data

How to design a C/C++ program so that it can save some data after receiving interrupt signal.
I have a long running program that I might need to kill (say, by pressing Ctrl-C) before it finished running. When killed (as opposed to running to conclusion) the program should be able to save some variables to disk. I have several big Linux books, but not very sure where to start. A cookbook recipe would be very helpful.
Thank you.!
to do that, you need to make your program watch something, for example a global variable, that will tell him to stop what it is doing.
For example, supposing your long-running program execute a loop, you can do that :
g_shouldAbort = 0;
// (do some computing)
if (g_shouldAbort)
// save variables and stuff
break; // exit the loop
with g_shouldAbort defined as a global volatile variable, like that :
static volatile int g_shouldAbort = 0;
(It is very important to declare it "volatile", or else the compiler, seeing that no one write it in the loop, may consider that if (g_shouldAbort) will always be false and optimize it away.)
then, using for example the signal API that other users suggested, you can do that :
void signal_handler(int sig_code)
if (sig_code == SIGUSR1) // user-defined signal 1
g_shouldAbort = 1;
(you need to register this handler of course, cf. here.
signal(SIGUSR, signal_handler);
Then, when you "send" the SIGUSR1 signal to your program (with the kill command for example), g_shouldAbort will be set to 1 and your program will stop its computing.
Hope this help !
NOTE : this technique is easy but crude. Using signals and global variables makes it difficult to use multiple threads of course, as other users have outlined.
What you want to do isn't trivial. You can start by installing a signal handler for SIGINT (C-c) using signal or sigaction but then the hard part starts.
The main problem is that in a signal handler you can only call async-signal-safe functions (or reentrant functions). Most library function can't be reliably considered reentrant. For instance, stdio functions, malloc, free and many others aren't reentrant.
So how do you handle this ? Set a flag in you handler (set some global variable done to 1) and look out for EINTR errors. It should be safe to do the cleanup outside the handler.
What you are trying to do falls under the rubric of checkpoint/restart.
There's several big problems with using a signal-driven scheme for checkpoint/restart. One is that signal handlers have to be very compact and very primitive. You cannot write the checkpoint inside your signal handler. Another problem is that your program can be anywhere in its execution state when the signal is sent. That random location almost certainly is not a safe point from which a checkpoint can be dropped. Yet another problem is that you need to outfit your program with some application-side checkpoint/restart capability.
Rather than rolling your own checkpoint/restart capability, I suggest you look into using a free one that already exists. gdb on linux provides a checkpoint/restart capability. Another is DMTCP, see .
Use signal(2) or sigaction(2) to assign a function pointer to the SIGINT signal, and do your cleanups there.
Make your you enter only once in your save function
// somewhere in main
signal( SIGTERM, signalHandler );
signal( SIGINT, signalHandler );
void saveMyData()
// save some data here
void signalHandler( int signalNumber )
static pthread_once_t semaphore = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
std::cout << "signal " << signalNumber << " received." << std::endl;
pthread_once( & semaphore, saveMyData );
If your process get 2 or more signals before you finish writing your file you'll save weird data