AMQP-CPP RabbitMQ async event based consumer not consuming anything - c++

I'm using the AMQ-CPP library ( to connect to an existing queue I've created but I'm unable to read anything. I've tested that the queue works using another library (, it works and I consume messages), but it uses a polling approach and I need an event based one.
My code looks like (based on the provided example):
int main()
auto *poll = EV_DEFAULT;
// handler for libev (so we don't have to implement AMQP::TcpHandler!)
AMQP::LibEvHandler handler(poll);
// make a connection
AMQP::TcpConnection connection(&handler, AMQP::Address("amqp://localhost/"));
// we need a channel too
AMQP::TcpChannel channel(&connection);
// Define callbacks and start
auto messageCb = [&channel](
const AMQP::Message &message, uint64_t deliveryTag,
bool redelivered)
std::cout << "message received" << std::endl;
// acknowledge the message
processMessage(message.routingKey(), message.body());
// callback function that is called when the consume operation starts
auto startCb = [](const std::string &consumertag) {
std::cout << "consume operation started: " << consumertag << std::endl;
// callback function that is called when the consume operation failed
auto errorCb = [](const char *message) {
std::cout << "consume operation failed" << std::endl;
// run the poll
ev_run(poll, 0);
// done
return 0;
I'm running the code in a Raspberry Pi having :
Linux raspberrypi 4.4.26-v7+ #915 SMP Thu Oct 20 17:08:44 BST 2016 armv7l GNU/Linux
What can be the problem? Probably I'm missing some configuration parameters for the queue... I've placed some debug traces and the channel creation does not take place. It blocks in the connection statement:
AMQP::TcpConnection connection(&handler, AMQP::Address("amqp://localhost/"));
cout << "I never show up" << endl;
// we need a channel too
AMQP::TcpChannel channel(&connection)

I've found my problem: I wasn't using the declareQueue() method! In fact, I had to use it but specifying the following parameters (the same as I did when I created the queue manually):
AMQP::Table arguments;
arguments["x-message-ttl"] = 120 * 1000;
// declare the queue
channel.declareQueue("domoqueue", AMQP::durable + AMQP::passive, arguments).onSuccess(callback);


C++ socket read() inside child thread giving SIGABRT

I'm handling incoming connections to a socket in separate std::thread for each client connection. So when trying to do a read() from the socket, the program crashes.
std::thread in_conn_th(handle_new_connection, in_socket); // <-- creating a new thread and passing the handle_new_connection function into the thread with the socket descriptor param
Here is the description of handle_new_connection()
waiterr::operation_codes waiterr::Waiter::handle_new_connection(int incoming_socket) {
std::cout << "Here comes " << incoming_socket << "\n";
char buffer[30000] = {0};
int val_read = read(incoming_socket, buffer, 30000); // <-- Error
std::cout << "Here comes 2\n";
std::cout << buffer << std::endl << std::endl;
write(incoming_socket, "Some response", 13);
std::cout << "* Msg sent *\n";
return operation_codes(OK);
shantanu#Shantanus-MacBook-Pro webserver % ./test1.o
* Waiting for new connection *
libc++abi: terminating
Here comes 4
zsh: abort ./test1.o
If I'm just calling handle_new_connection() without spawning a new thread, the operation is successful and response is shown in the client.
So I'm pretty sure its about some thread thing that I'm unaware of.
Environment -
Apple M1 Silicon; running g++ natively on ARM.
function definition for handle_new_connection()
static enum operation_codes handle_new_connection(int incoming_socket);
I used pthread_t instead of std::thread and it worked just fine.
Instead of
std::thread in_conn_th(handle_new_connection, in_socket);
I used
pthread_t in_conn_th;
pthread_create(&in_conn_th, NULL, handle_new_connection, (void*)(&in_socket));
And changed the function definition to receive the void *
Do not forget to include pthread.h header.

C++ multithreading closes TCP connection

I work on a C++ server where I wait for an network connection. If I get one I put the socket into a new thread and listen for further inputs. But the problem is that as soon as I have the socket in a new thread the TCP connection is disconnected. I'm using the SFML library.
Here's some code:
int main() {
std::list<std::thread> user_connections;
sf::TcpListener listener;
while (true)
sf::TcpSocket client;
Protocol user_connection;
std::thread new_con (&Protocol::connect, &user_connection, std::ref(client));
user_connections.push_back(std::move(new_con)); // user_connections is a list
class Protocol {
void connect(sf::TcpSocket& client)
std::cout << "Address: " << client.getRemoteAddress() << ":" << client.getRemotePort() << std::endl;
This prints out:
And if I try to send any kind of message I get the status 4 which is according to the documentation disconnected.
According to #Ted Lyngmo it's because I need to put client in a list, because otherwise it runs out of scope. Now if I try to put it in a list via:
std::list<sf::TcpSocket> clients; // executed before while loop
// [...]
clients.push_back(client); // in the while loop
I get the error: (pastebin).
This is something built on your current threaded code. It may be a good idea to use a single threaded design and use the sf::SocketSelector to wait for events on the listener and all the connected clients instead.
In this lazy solution disconnected clients will not be removed from the servers list of clients until a new client is connected.
I've tried to explain it with comments in the code which is an echoing kind of server, so you can telnet to it, send messages and get them back.
#include <SFML/Network.hpp>
#include <atomic>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <thread>
constexpr uint16_t PORT = 2048; // what you have in your code.
// A simple struct to keep a client and thread
struct client_thread {
sf::TcpSocket client{};
std::thread thread{};
// The main thread can check "done" to remove this client_thread from its list:
std::atomic<bool> done{false};
~client_thread() {
// instead of detaching, join()
if(thread.joinable()) thread.join();
// the connect function gets a reference to a client_thread instead
void connect(client_thread& clith) {
constexpr std::size_t BufSize = 1024;
auto& [client, thread, done] = clith; // for convenience
std::cout << "thread: Address: " << client.getRemoteAddress() << ":"
<< client.getRemotePort() << std::endl;
std::string buffer(BufSize, '\0');
std::size_t received;
while(client.receive(, buffer.size(), received) == sf::Socket::Done) {
// remove ASCII control chars (cr and newline etc.)
while(received && buffer[received - 1] < ' ') --received;
std::cout << buffer << std::endl;
// send something back
buffer = "You sent >" + buffer + "<\n";
client.send(buffer.c_str(), buffer.size());
// restore the size
std::cout << "thread: client disconnected\n";
// set done to true so the main thread can remove the client_thread
done = true;
int main() {
sf::TcpListener listener;
// check that listening actually works
if(listener.listen(PORT) != sf::Socket::Done) return 1;
// now a list of client_thread instead:
std::list<client_thread> user_connections;
while(true) {
// create a client_thread to use when listening
auto& clith = user_connections.emplace_back();
auto& [client, thread, _] = clith; // for convenience
std::cout << "main: listening ...\n";
sf::Socket::Status status = listener.accept(client);
if(status == sf::Socket::Done) {
std::cout << "main: got connection\n";
thread = std::thread(connect, std::ref(clith));
} else {
std::cout << "main: accept not done\n";
// remove disconnected clients, pre C++20
for(auto it = user_connections.begin(); it != user_connections.end();) {
// check the atomic bool in all threads
if(it->done) {
std::cout << "main: removing old connection\n";
it = user_connections.erase(it);
} else {
// remove disconnected clients, >= C++20
// std::erase_if(user_connections,
// [](auto& clith) -> bool { return clith.done; });
Edit regarding your edited question where you're trying to put the client in a list:
You're trying to copy the sf::TcpSocket and it's not copyable. What's worse, it's not even moveable. The reason the code in my answer works is because it avoids both copying and moving by using std::list::emplace_back to construct the element in place in the list.
It is apparently both sf::TcpSocket client and Protocol user_connection are destroyed. It's no use to only keep the thread alive, your thread only holds references to client and user_connection, but both of them are destroyed soon after your thread is created (and maybe not even started running).
I read a little bit on the SMFL library and unfortunately, at least the client, which is an object of TCPSocket, is not copyable, nor movable. The SMFL library must be a very old library. Any modern socket library will design socket to be at least movable, meaning that you can move your socket into the thread, or move it to the std::list or std::vector you created.
So, to use SMFL library, which was written without modern C++11 support (the copy & move in C++ was introduced in C++ 2011), together with C++11 library (std::thread), will be quite painful.
You can probably use std::shared_ptr to hold a newly created protocol & client, and pass shared_ptr into thread or into the list you created.
I don't know what Protocol exactly does, a rough pseudo code is as follows,
std::shared_ptr<TcpSocket> client = std::make_shared<TcpSocket>();
std::shared_ptr<Protocol> protocol = std::make_shared<Protocol>();
// copy the pointer into thread, they will be deleted after the thread is done
std::thread new_con ( [client, protocol] () { protocol->connect(*client); } );
or, protocol can probably be defined in the thread,
std::shared_ptr<TcpSocket> client = std::make_shared<TcpSocket>();
std::thread new_con ( [client] () {
Protocol protocol;
} );

grpc sync server limit handle thread

I use the grpc cpp example "helloworold" code to test limit handle thread. But I can't find any way to do it.
grpc version: 1.15
linux: ubuntu 16.04
I set the builder like this:
builder.SetSyncServerOption(ServerBuilder::SyncServerOption::MIN_POLLERS, 1);
builder.SetSyncServerOption(ServerBuilder::SyncServerOption::MAX_POLLERS, 1);
builder.SetSyncServerOption(ServerBuilder::SyncServerOption::NUM_CQS, 1);
set the handle like this:
class GreeterServiceImpl final : public Greeter::Service {
Status SayHello(ServerContext* context, const HelloRequest* request,
HelloReply* reply) override {
std::string prefix("Hello ");
std::cout << "start " << std::this_thread::get_id() << std::endl;
reply->set_message(prefix + request->name());
//**** sleep 5s, keep this thread block ****
std::cout << "end " << std::this_thread::get_id() << std::endl;
return Status::OK;
I use the example client and call SayHello in 100 threads, and server log show the thread is created by 100 times.
In this test, is my test way wrong? or somethings miss setup??
You can use SetMaxThread in this way:
grpc::ResourceQuota rq;
It seems that a thread is needed for every completion queue. So if n=4 when you have 1 completion queue, 3 threads are remained for processing requests.
What you are using is the sync API, which will initiate a thread per call. You can look at the async API to reduce the number of threads.

How to get new added files in a folder using Inotify along with libev?

My program (in C++) uses libev event loop. And I need to watch on a specific folder (say foo) for new files.
I cannot use Inotify::WaitForEvents() in block mode because I do not want to block my libev event loop. As suggested in inotify documentation,I use Inotify::SetNonBlock(true) to make it non-block. The inotify file descriptor is then passed to libev EV_STAT to watch on (as suggested in libev documentation).
The libev callback for EV_STAT is indeed called when there are new files in the folder foo. However, when I use Inotify::WaitForEvents() followed by Inotify::GetEventCount(), I get zero event.
I suspect that libev already consumed the event and convert it to EV_STAT event. If this is the case, how can I get the names of those new files?
I knew there is inode number in EV_STAT callback parameters, but getting file name from inode number is not trivial. So it is better if I can get file name instead.
Any suggestions?
I wrote a small program to reproduce this problem. It seems the events are not lost. Instead, inotify events do not come yet when libev callback is called. The event can re-appear when you copy in a new file.
The program to reproduce the issue:
#include <ev++.h>
#include "inotify-cxx.h"
#include <iostream>
const char * path_to_watch = "/path/to/my/folder";
class ev_inotify_test
InotifyWatch m_watch;
Inotify m_notify;
// for watching new files
ev::stat m_folderWatcher;
ev_inotify_test() : m_watch(path_to_watch, IN_MOVED_TO | IN_CLOSE_WRITE),
void run()
try {
// run the loop
catch (InotifyException & e) {
std::cout << e.GetMessage() << std::endl;
catch (...) {
std::cout << "got an unknown exception." << std::endl;
void start()
m_folderWatcher.set<ev_inotify_test, &ev_inotify_test::cb_stat>(this);
void cb_stat(ev::stat &w, int revents)
std::cout << "cb_stat called" << std::endl;
try {
size_t count = m_notify.GetEventCount();
std::cout << "inotify got " << count << " event(s).\n";
while (count > 0) {
InotifyEvent event;
bool got_event = m_notify.GetEvent(&event);
std::cout << "inotify confirm got event" << std::endl;
if (got_event) {
std::string filename = event.GetName();
std::cout << "test: inotify got file " << filename << std::endl;
catch (InotifyException &e) {
std::cout << "inotify exception occurred: " << e.GetMessage() << std::endl;
catch (...) {
std::cout << "Unknown exception in inotify processing occurred!" << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
When I copy in a tiny file (say 300 bytes), the file is detected immediately. But if I copy a bigger file (say 500 kB), there is no event until I copy another file in and then I get two events.
The output looks like:
cb_stat called # test_file_1 (300 bytes) is copied in
inotify got 1 event(s).
inotify confirm got event
test: inotify got file test_file_1
cb_stat called # test_file_2 (500 KB) is copied in
inotify got 0 event(s). # no inotify event
cb_stat called # test_file_3 (300 bytes) is copied in
inotify got 2 event(s).
inotify confirm got event
test: inotify got file test_file_2
inotify confirm got event
test: inotify got file test_file_3
I finally figured out the problem: I should use ev::io to watch the file descriptor of inotify, instead of using ev::stat to watch the folder.
In the example code, the definition of m_folderWatcher should be:
ev::io m_folderWatcher;
instead of
ev::stat m_folderWatcher;
And it should be initialized as:
m_folderWatcher.set(m_notify.GetDescriptor(), ev::READ);
instead of

C++ Function Completing Before Other Function Finishes

I am coding a C++ program to interact with the internet using the C++ REST SDK. I have a main function and a webCommunication function. The code is similar to below:
void webCommunication(data, url)
//Communicate with the internet using the http_client
//Print output
int main()
//Obtain information from user
webCommunication(ans1, ans2);
However, it seems that the main function is progressing before the webCommunication function is finished. If I make webCommunication a function type of string and have
cout << webCommunication(ans1, ans2) << endl;
But that still pauses and then prints the data retrieved. Normally, this would be fine, expect I am referring to the returned answer later on in the code. If the webCommunication isn't completed, the application crashes. Is there some kind of wait_until function I can use?
UPDATE: I have tried using a mutex suggested with no success. I also tried starting the function as a thread and then using the .join() with still no success.
If you declare your webCommunications() function as a
pplx::task<void> webCommunications()
Then you can use ".wait()" when calling the function. It will then wait until the function executes to continue. Looks like this:
pplx::task<void> webCommunications()
int main()
//Do other stuff
I think you are missing a keyword in the descriptions. ASYNCHRONOUS. This is indicating that it returns before finishing. If you need it to be synchronous, you should put a semaphore acquire right after the call and put a release into the callback code.
Modified code snippet from link above( added lock to callback ) :
// Creates an HTTP request and prints the length of the response stream.
pplx::task<void> HTTPStreamingAsync()
http_client client(L"");
// Make the request and asynchronously process the response.
return client.request(methods::GET).then([](http_response response)
// Print the status code.
std::wostringstream ss;
ss << L"Server returned returned status code " << response.status_code() << L'.' << std::endl;
std::wcout << ss.str();
// TODO: Perform actions here reading from the response stream.
auto bodyStream = response.body();
// In this example, we print the length of the response to the console.
ss << L"Content length is " << response.headers().content_length() << L" bytes." << std::endl;
std::wcout << ss.str();
// RELEASE lock/semaphore/etc here.
/* Sample output:
Server returned returned status code 200.
Content length is 63803 bytes.
Note : Acquire the mutex after the function call to start web processing. Add to the callback code to release the mutex. In this way the main thread locks until the function actually finishes and then continues to 'pause'.
int main()
// Acquire lock to wait for complete