How to add own c++ header file in electron? - c++

I'm new to electron and want to call c++ dll, that works fine. I now want to know how to add my own header file in electron. I tried root dictionary and some other deeper place, but only got:
fatal error C1083: cannot open file: “MyDriver.h”: No such file or directory [c:\Users\75803\Documents\GitHub\native_addon\node_modules\hello\build\hello.vcxproj
Any help will be appreciate!

OP worked this out by himself.
Solution is to put the custom header file in the folder
iojs-(yoour electron version)/src


Error using Torch RNN

I'm following the instructions on and have it working until the training section. When I use th train.lua -input_h5 my_data.h5 -input_json my_data.jsonI get the error Error: unable to locate HDF5 header file at /usr/local/Cellar/hdf5/1.10.0-patch1/include;/usr/include;/usr/local/opt/szip/include/hdf5.h
I'm new to luarocks and torch, so I'm not sure what's wrong. I installed torch-hd5f. Any advice would be very much appreciated.
Check that the header file exists and that you have the correct path.
If the header file is missing you skipped the preprocess step. If the header file exists it's likely in your data directory and not in the same directory as the sample.lua code:
th train.lua -input_h5 data/my_data.h5 -input_json data/my_data.json

New to LibVLC - Trying out libVLC on VS2010

I downloaded vlc-2.2.4-win32.7z and extracted the files. I created an empty project in VS2010 and create a cpp file using the code I found on
On VS2010 project property, I added the include file folder and added Linker library folder and libvlc.lib, libvlccore.lib, vlc.lib, vlccore.lib to additional dependencies.
I got this build error --> D:\VLC\vlc-2.2.4\sdk\lib\vlccore.lib : fatal error LNK1107: invalid or corrupt file: cannot read at 0x16.
I have re-downloaded the file and still having the same error. Is there anything that I had done wrong .
For some reasons, the later versions do not work. I downloaded 2.1.3 and it worked.

Compile and Execute QxORM qxBlog example

I'm actually in a project in which I use Qt and I need to use an ORM. I found QxORM. In the process of getting started with this ORM, I need to be able to compile and execute the qxBlog example provided with it. I have thoroughly followed
the QxORM installation tutorial :
the qxBlog example test tutorial
But when I execute the project (qxBlog) with QtCreator, I get this error
C:\Users\HP\dev\libraries\qxorm\QxOrm_1.4.2\test\qxBlog\include\precompiled.h:4: erreur : C1083: Cannot open include file: 'QxOrm.h': No such file or directory
Following this error, I compiled the QxORM library with all its dependencies to get the qxormd.dll and put either in bin or lib folder (that I created) but it didn't work.
Can anyone help me with this issue?
Thanks in advance!
I have changed the "#include " line in precompiled.h to "#include <../../include/QxOrm.h>" (relative path to QxOrm.h file) but I still get a similar error because of the includes in that file (QxOrm.h).
C:\Users\HP\dev\libraries\qxorm\QxOrm_1.4.2\include\QxOrm.h:58: erreur : C1083: Cannot open include file: 'QxPrecompiled.h': No such file or directory
I don't want to put the QxORM library in the same folder as the project. How can I successfully include Qxorm.h with all its dependencies without putting the entire library in the same folder as my project ?
Thanks in advance !
Thanks for you answer. I have added an include path in my .pro file. I get no such previous errors. Nevertheless, I get this error
"LNK1104: cannot open file 'QxOrmd.lib'"
Can anyone help me with this?
Thanks in advance.
I found an answer to my question with #drescherjm help.
All I had to do was to add an include path to my .pro file. I did it by adding the following line :
INCLUDEPATH += ../../../QxOrm/include/

compiler error - opencv2/highgui.hpp: No such file or directory

I am a "very" beginner of OpenCV. I just downloaded it for my Windows and extracted.
I have read this post: about how to read webcam and I copied and pasted the code in a C++ file I created in "include" folder of OpenCV extracted archive.
When I try to run the program I get this error: Error in: /opencv/build/include/opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp - opencv2/highgui.hpp: No such file or directory.
What should I do?
Thank you all!
I opened: "/opencv/build/include/opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp" and I can see that it includes this path "opencv2/highgui.hpp". If I change it to "../highgui.hpp" it works but I get other errors like this for other files... What should I do?
The problem is that you are not supposed to create your "cpp" file in the OpenCV "include" directory. You need to create it in a separate directory and then add OpenCV "include" as additional include directory for the compilation step.
The way to achieve this depends on your C++ development environment. If you are using Visual Studio, then you need to open project property pages, go to "C/C++ -> General" and add the path to OpenCV "include" directory to "Additional Include Directories". In case of some other compiler/IDE, you can find out how to do this by reading the corresponding documentation.

Include issue in a resource script (.rc)

Ive made a project (copied actually, but its from an old project hugely out of date that doesnt compile anymore). Its a MFC project. In the .rc file there is an include to two files that are also used in the normal code itself. The problem is that when i compile, in the .rc file I get an error returned saying it cant find either file.
The .rc file and the main project are in different folders but the number of folders is the same. So the directory structure is:
In my additional dependencies i have a path to the folder where the files it cant find are. That works for the project code. In the .rc file if i give the long, ..\..\Dir1\subDir\.., path the include works. The problem is that the same thing is happening with further includes so this seems to be a symptom and not the problem.
I tried moving the rc script from where it is now to put it in the same folder as the project code but it re-writes the rc script when i do this.
Anyone know what might be happening?