PDCurses window doesn't print letters in some areas - c++

I have encountered a strange behaviour while attempting to write a roguelike. I've made a simple loop printing letters in a filled rectangle shape. With normal (stdscr) window, or newly initialised window from derwin() all works fine.
Loop within stdscr/newly initialised window from derwin().
But the issue starts to appear after I return the window pointer from the Game class. Letters seem to be printed without any patttern, and the window looks like it is covered on some parts of it.
Loop, when the pointer is returned.
I've tried debugging, but didn't succeed. The cursor is moving, loop is working, letters are printed, but sometimes they get stuck in the astral projection level, and they doesn't show up.
Here is the code: Game.cpp
Game::Game() : m_winMode(WinMode::GameWin) {
wresize(stdscr, WIN_HGHT, WIN_WDTH);
m_gameWin = derwin(stdscr, GAMEWIN_HGHT, GAMEWIN_WDTH, 0, 0);
WINDOW * Game::getWindow(Game::WinMode t_mode) const {
switch (t_mode) {
case Game::WinMode::GameWin:
return m_gameWin;
pdcurses-test.cpp - this is the main file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Game.h"
#include "Map.h"
int main() {
Game game;
WINDOW * test = game.getWindow(Game::WinMode::GameWin);
for (int i = 0; i <= 48; i++) {
for (int y = 0; y <= 120; y++) {
mvwaddch(test, i, y, '%');
Here is the full code: github.com/gebirgestein/pdcurses-test/tree/test/pdcurses-test/pdcurses-test
Thanks in advance.

Calling subwin creates and returns a pointer to a new window with the given number of lines, nlines, and columns, ncols. The window is at position (begin_y, begin_x) on the screen. (This position is relative to the screen, and not to the window orig.) The window is made in the middle of the window orig, so that changes made to one window will affect both windows. The subwindow shares memory with the window orig. When using this routine, it is necessary to call touchwin or touchline on orig before calling wrefresh on the subwindow.
Calling derwin is the same as calling subwin, except that begin_y and begin_x are relative to the origin of the window orig rather than the screen. There is no difference between the subwindows and the derived windows.
From Here. Try calling touchwin(stdscr) before calling wrefresh(test).


Are they actually garbage values or just the default values of enumeration if I don't initialize them?

I have branch positions that are not initialized to any value of side enumeration. However, when I try to draw them to the screen, they're actually on the same side, on the left side of the tree. I think those uninitialized branch positions are garbage values, a remnant from the memory that the PC has been used or hasn't been used. I'm not quite sure every time I run the program, they're always on the left side, which seems consistent, which is the first value in the side enumeration, which I assumed to be 0. Are they actually garbage values or just the default values of enumeration if I don't initialize them?
// Include important libraries here
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
// Make code easier to type with "using namespace"
using namespace sf;
// Function declaration
void updateBranches(int seed);
const int NUM_BRANCHES = 6;
Sprite branches[NUM_BRANCHES];
// Where is the player/branch?
// Left or Right
enum class side { LEFT, RIGHT, NONE };
side branchPositions[NUM_BRANCHES];
// This is where our game start from
int main()
// Create a video mode object
VideoMode vm(1920, 1080);
// Create and open a window for the game
RenderWindow window(vm, "Timber!!!", Style::Fullscreen);
// Track whether the game is running
bool paused = true;
while (window.isOpen())
Handle the player's input
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Escape))
// Start the game
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Enter))
paused = false;
// Reset the time and the score
score = 0;
timeRemaining = 6;
Update the scene
if (!paused)
// update the branch sprites
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BRANCHES; i++)
float height = i * 150;
if (branchPositions[i] == side::LEFT)
// Move the sprite to the left side
branches[i].setPosition(610, height);
// Flip the sprite round the other way
else if (branchPositions[i] == side::RIGHT)
// Move the sprite to the right side
branches[i].setPosition(1330, height);
// Set the sprite rotation to normal
// hide the branch
branches[i].setPosition(3000, height);
} // End if(!paused)
Draw the scene
// Clear everything from the last frame
// Draw the branches
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BRANCHES; i++)
// Show everything we just drew
return 0;
Uninitialized (non-static) local variables are not initialized.
Uninitialized variables in namespace scope (including the global namespace, like your branchPositions array) are actually "zero" initialized.
So all elements of the branchPositions array should be zero, which is equal to LEFT.
Turn all warnings on and check what the compiler says. If your compiler complains then your code is very likely wrong.
It seems you are relying on the fact that static variables are initialised to zeroes. And by chance zero corresponds to one enumeration value. You are living very dangerous. You should usually be able to change the order of enumeration, but you can’t. Change the enum to LEFT = 1 and everything will break down.
In C++ it is defined that enum values start with 0 unless you define it otherwise, and each one is 1 more than the previous one unless you state otherwise. That’s something you can rely on. But you are relying on how variables are initialised and that is very, very dangerous.

How to bounce a QWidget around the desktop

I am trying to bounce a QWidget around the screen. This is the code i tried.
class Window : public QMainWindow {
void moveEvent(QMoveEvent* aEvent) override;
void Window::moveEvent(QMoveEvent* aEvent) {
QSizeF screenSize = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()->screenSize();
QRect oldRect = this->geometry();
QRect newRect = oldRect;
QPoint offset;
if (newRect.left() == 0) {
else if (newRect.right() == screenSize.width()) {
if (newRect.top() == 0) {
else if (newRect.bottom() == screenSize.height()) {
newRect.setTopLeft(newRect.topLeft() + offset);
newRect.setBottomRight(newRect.bottomRight() + offset);
QTimer::singleShot(1, [this, newRect]() {
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
QApplication app{argc, argv};
Window* w = new Window();
return app.exec();
However, the window does not move around the screen, but somewhat jitters in place. When i move the window with the mouse and let go. It moves sporadically around the desktop, which is also not what i want.
Does anyone know if this is possible? If so, does anyone know the right way to do this?
There are several problems with the posted code, including:
The Window class doesn't have any member-variable to keep track of its current direction of motion. Without keeping that state, it's impossible to correctly calculate the next position along that direction of motion.
Driving the animation from within moveEvent() is a bit tricky, since moveEvent() gets called in response to setGeometry() as well as in response to the user actually moving the window with the mouse; that makes unexpected feedback loops possible, resulting in unexpected behavior.
The code assumes that the screen's usable surface area starts at (0,0) and ends at (screenSize.width(),screenSize.height()), which isn't necessarily a valid assumption. The actual usable area of the screen is a rectangle given by availableGeometry().
When calling setGeometry(), you are setting the new location of the area of the window that the Qt program can actually draw into. However that's only a 99% subset of the actual on-screen area taken up by the window, because the window also includes the non-Qt-controlled regions like the title bar and the window-borders. Those parts need to fit into the availableGeometry() also, otherwise the window won't be positioned quite where you wanted it to be, which can lead to anomalies (like the window getting "stuck" on the top-edge of the screen)
In any case, here's my attempt at rewriting the code to implement a closer-to-correct "bouncing window". Note that it's still a bit glitchy if you try to mouse-drag the window around while the window is also trying to move itself around; ideally the Qt program could detect the mouse-down-event on the title bar and use that to disable its self-animation until after the corresponding mouse-up-event occurs, but AFAICT that isn't possible without resorting to OS-specific hackery, because the window-title-bar-dragging is handled by the OS, not by Qt. Therefore, I'm leaving that logic unimplemented here.
#include <QApplication>
#include <QMainWindow>
#include <QMoveEvent>
#include <QShowEvent>
#include <QScreen>
#include <QTimer>
class Window : public QMainWindow {
Window() : pixelsPerStep(5), moveDelta(pixelsPerStep, pixelsPerStep)
updatePosition(); // this will get the QTimer-loop started
void updatePosition()
const QRect windowFrameRect = frameGeometry(); // our on-screen area including window manager's decorations
const QRect windowRect = geometry(); // our on-screen area including ONLY the Qt-drawable sub-area
// Since setGeometry() sets the area not including the window manager's window-decorations, it
// can end up trying to set the window (including the window-decorations) slightly "out of bounds",
// causing the window to "stick to the top of the screen". To avoid that, we'll adjust (screenRect)
// to be slightly smaller than it really is.
QRect screenRect = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()->availableGeometry();
screenRect.setTop( screenRect.top() + windowRect.top() - windowFrameRect.top());
screenRect.setBottom( screenRect.bottom() + windowRect.bottom() - windowFrameRect.bottom());
screenRect.setLeft( screenRect.left() + windowRect.left() - windowFrameRect.left());
screenRect.setRight( screenRect.right() + windowRect.right() - windowFrameRect.right());
// Calculate where our window should be positioned next, assuming it continues in a straight line
QRect nextRect = geometry().translated(moveDelta);
// If the window is going to be "off the edge", set it to be exactly on the edge, and reverse our direction
if (nextRect.left() <= screenRect.left()) {nextRect.moveLeft( screenRect.left()); moveDelta.setX( pixelsPerStep);}
if (nextRect.right() >= screenRect.right()) {nextRect.moveRight( screenRect.right()); moveDelta.setX(-pixelsPerStep);}
if (nextRect.top() <= screenRect.top()) {nextRect.moveTop( screenRect.top()); moveDelta.setY( pixelsPerStep);}
if (nextRect.bottom() >= screenRect.bottom()) {nextRect.moveBottom(screenRect.bottom()); moveDelta.setY(-pixelsPerStep);}
QTimer::singleShot(20, [this]() {updatePosition();});
const int pixelsPerStep;
QPoint moveDelta; // our current positional-offset-per-step in both X and Y direction
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
QApplication app{argc, argv};
Window* w = new Window();
return app.exec();

Change Cursor Image While Hovering Over An Object Drawn At OpenGL And Displaying Object's Variables

I am currently working on a project that I use C++, OpenGL, Qt 5.9.2 and Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2015 on a 64 bit Operating System, Windows 10 Pro.
I have a user interface that I have created and in that user interface, there is a QGLWidget, that I am using for draw processes, with other widgets like push buttons and a dockWidget. I have a class Ball and it has variables(distance(double) and angle(int)) that determines where an instance of that Ball is going to be drawn inside the QGLWidget. Ball class has got 2 more variables that is, id(int), model(String) and year(int) Every other draw process draws lines except Ball drawings.
Drawings are 2 dimensional.
Every Ball has the same color(rgb)!
First problem: I want to left click to one of the Ball instances and I want to display it's id, model and year at The dockWidget.
Second Problem: While doing the stuff that I have mentioned at the First Problem section. I want the cursor image to change while hovering above any of the Ball instances, and change back to default Windows mouse cursor while not.
I have created a function that checks if the MouseEvent is LeftClick:
void DisplayManager::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* ev) {
if (ev->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) { // Balls Are Green
This is my initializeGL function: (DisplayManager is the name of my QGLWidget)
void DisplayManager::initializeGL() {
glEnable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); // Enables the changing of the draw color with glColor() functions
glColor3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1); //sets a black background 1 0 0 1
On the basis this is a Picking problem and there are several information about it at the internet but I am not using GLUT and I am not using any shader. So in the light of all these I was unable to find any effective solution or clue about how can I accomplish all that I want.
I would be really glad if someone could help me with at least one of these problems.
I have currently finished working with the project. I thought that I should provide an answer to my question in case someone with a similar problem comes across with my question in the future.
void DisplayManager::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* ev) {
// The processes that are being executed after a left mouse button click on the DisplayManager.
if (ev->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) {
double aspectRatio = openGLWidgetWidth / openGLWidgetHeight;
int xOfClicked = ev->x() - (openGLWidgetWidth / 2);
int yOfClicked = - (ev->y() - (openGLWidgetHeight / 2));
// The variable to be used for calculating fault tolerance of the click event.
int distanceBetweenPressAndDraw = 0;
// Executes the processes inside for every ball in vector.
for (int i = 0; i < ballVector.length(); i++) {
// Calculates the screen coordinates of the i'th ball.
int rangeOfBallInScreenDistance = rangeToScreenDistance(ballVector.at(i).range);
double screenXOfBall = rangeOfBallInScreenDistance * sin(ballVector.at(i).degree * DEGTORAD);
double screenYOfBall = rangeOfBallInScreenDistance * cos(ballVector.at(i).degree * DEGTORAD);
// Calculates the distance between pressed position and the i'th ball according to the screen coordinates.
distanceBetweenPressAndDraw = sqrt(pow((screenXOfBall - xOfClicked), 2) + pow((screenYOfBall - yOfClicked), 2));
// Decides if the clicked position is a ball (considering the fault tolerance).
if (distanceBetweenPressAndDraw < 10) {
emit printXY(QPointF(xOfClicked, yOfClicked)); // Prints the screen coordinates of the clicked positions (At the Dock Widget inside Main Window).
This was the solution for my First Problem. I would be glad though if someone could answer my Second problem in a comment or answer somehow.

Gtk Move window beyond constraints

I am currently writing a gtk program that uses a custom title bar (i.e., it is not being decorated by the window manager). But since using a custom title bar also disables support of dragging the window around, I wrote my custom drag function which moves the window by calling window.move(x, y):
bool on_titlebar_drag(GdkEvent* event)
static int drag_x_offset = 0;
static int drag_y_offset = 0;
int x, y;
if (event->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS)
drag_x_offset = event->button.x;
drag_y_offset = event->button.y;
} else if(event->type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE) {
drag_x_offset = 0;
drag_y_offset = 0;
} else if(event->type == GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY) {
x = event->motion.x_root - drag_x_offset;
y = event->motion.y_root - drag_y_offset;
mainWindow.move(x, y);
return true;
This works just fine except of the fact that it cannot move the window beyond the screen limits, like the normal behaviour for other windows, so you can drag it "out of sight" to make place for others.
I am trying to resize the window smaller as soon as it touches the screen by calling window.resize(width, height) but this is not what I intend to do, because resizing also resizes the window contents to the smaller scale, while I would just like to make its physical size smaller.
I have also tried using set_allocation and size_allocate, these two didnt make any change at all.
My question is, do you know a way to either be able to move the window beyond the screen borders (not totally, but in a way that the window is not fully on-screen), or to change the size of the window without resizing its contents?
If you are using GTK 3.10 or newer you can use gtk_window_set_titlebar
gtk_window_set_titlebar (GtkWindow *window, GtkWidget *titlebar) the only arguments you need are the window that you want to customise and the GtkWidget that will serve as the titlebar. Using GtkHeaderBar is suggested but in your case you can use any custom GtkWidget and get draggable bar which will tug the whole window as would the one from the window manager.

C++ Allegro: Program Crashes when I move the window

I Have built a C++ Allegro Map Editor. One of the requests was to have a log so I've put it in the console window for every move that is made... Problem now is that the console window is under the main window (Used GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED), But whenever I try to move that window, it simply crashes the program.. I need to be able to move it and to move the console window to and come back to the map editor. Anybody has any ideas???
Here's the main of my code.
#include <allegro.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include "Layout.h"
#include "System.h"
#include "Map.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
// Allegro Functions to stabilize speed
volatile long speed_counter = 0;
void increment_speed_counter() // A function to increment the speed counter
{speed_counter++; }
int main()
System system; // Initialising Allegro
Map map1; // Creating default map
BITMAP *buffer = create_bitmap(24,45); // Double buffering
LOCK_VARIABLE(speed_counter); //Used to set the timer - which regulates the game's
install_int_ex(increment_speed_counter, BPS_TO_TIMER(8));//Set our BP
/*game looop */
while( !key[KEY_ESC] )
clear_bitmap(buffer); // Clear the contents of the buffer bitmap
while(speed_counter > 0)
if(mouse_b &1 ){ // On mouse click
map1.catchMouseEvent(mouse_x, mouse_y);
while(mouse_b & 1){}
speed_counter --;
textprintf_ex(buffer, map1.getLayout().getFont(), 0, 0, makecol(255, 255, 255), -1,"%d", map1.getRowVal());
textprintf_ex(buffer, map1.getLayout().getFont(), 0, 20, makecol(255, 255, 255), -1,"%d", map1.getColVal());
blit(buffer, screen, 0, 0, 970, 50, 100, 50);
/*Free memory after */
destroy_bitmap( buffer );
return 0;
Also, it does happen that it randomly crashes by itself without moving the window. There is not a specific reason, it just crashes at random times.
Any ideas someone?
Without seeing all of the code, it's impossible to know why or where it's crashing. If you use a debugger it should be obvious what's happening. You should be responding to return codes. e.g., When you load or create a bitmap, make sure it's not NULL.
I'm not really sure what you are trying to do with such a smaller double buffer. Typically you create a single buffer the same size as the window. Note that Allegro 4 will only work properly if the screen width is a multiple of four. Also, you should call set_color_depth(desktop_color_depth()) (before setting the graphics mode) for maximum compatibility.