I have two pages: VideoPage and ExerciseListPage. I am in VideoPage and when I do this.navCtrl.pop()I come back to ExerciseListPage.
When I come back to ExerciseListPage page I want to fire ngOnInIt()method present on that page (because I do some initialization there and the values that are changed from my VideoPage now need to reflect on ExerciseListPage).
I tried following: In my VideoPage:
And in ExerciseListPage controller:
this.events.subscribe('reloadList',() => {
This did not work. How can I solve this problem?
It was actually simple, I just fired ngOnInIt again like following:
this.events.subscribe('reloadList',() => {
I see this question is being ask all over again still don't find solution that works for such a trivial task.
This url displays a list of navigations tabs for workspaces.
Each of tab resolves to
Also on the I have a button that suppose to create a new workspace as well as new tab.
Here how controller for looks:
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
actions: {
newWorkspace: function () {
var self = this;
var onFail = function() {
// deal with the failure here
var onSuccess = function(workspace) {
self.transitionToRoute('dashboard.workspaces.workspace', workspace.id);
this.store.createRecord('workspace', {
title: 'Rails is Omakase'
}).save().then(onSuccess, onFail);
When I click on button I see in ember inspector new record indeed created as well as url redirected to id that represents newly created workspace.
My question is how to force model/template to reload. I have already killed 5h trying model.reload() etc. Everything seem not supported no longer. Please please help.
When adding onSuccess
throws Uncaught TypeError: internalModel.getRecord is not a function
I believe you should call this.store.find('workspace', workspace.id) for Ember Data 1.12.x or earlier. For 1.13 and 2.0 there are more complicated hooks that determine whether or not the browser should query the server again or use a cached value; in that case, call this.store.findRecord('workspace', workspace.id, { reload: true }).
I do not know if this help. I had a similar problem. My action was performed in the route. Refresh function took care of everything.
Has anyone been able to simulate a select2 selection of an option?
So far I've tried this:
test("Checking navigation", function () {
andThen(function () {
andThen(function () {
But I have not seen changes in the UI.
We need to hit the anchor inside the container
Ember.$(" .select2-container a").trigger({type:'mousedown', which:1});
If you want to select an item in the dropdown you can do:
Ember.$(".select2-results li div").trigger({type:'mouseup', which:1});
After some playing around, I think this is what you're looking for:
find(".select2-container:first").trigger({type:'mousedown', which:1});
I have written this simple demo component to demonstrate a problem. The component code is below
App.FocusOutComponent = Em.Component.extend({
attributeBindings: ['tabindex'],
tagName: 'focus-out',
setFocus: function() {
console.log('clicked focus-out container');
console.log('focus set to button');
focussedOut: function() {
console.log('focussedOut from outer container');
{{#focus-out id="focus-container" tabindex="-1"}}
<button id="text-button">Test Button</button>
When I run this and click on the focus-out element, this is the order of the logs. Link to demo
clicked focus-out container
focussedOut from outer container
focus set to button
Now when I am trying to write acceptance tests for this with the following code.
test('test visit / and click button', function() {
visit('/').then(function() {
console.log('after click in test');
The order of the logs are different. Link to demo.
clicked focus-out container
focus set to button
after click in test
focussedOut from outer container
The focusOut log got printed at the very end instead before the after click log. I was expecting the same order for the logs with just an additional log(after click) in the end.
Im not sure if this is a bug or something wrong with my code.
I also noticed another problem while executing tests. If I have focus on the chrome dev-tools while the tests are running, the focusOut event will not trigger at all.
Some help with this is much appreciated.
the click event doesn't set focus (being a back door route). You'll need to manually set focus then click if you want the same results.
Ember's Click Helper (sends mousedown/mouseup, then click)
function click(app, selector, context) {
var $el = app.testHelpers.findWithAssert(selector, context);
run($el, 'mousedown');
if ($el.is(':input')) {
var type = $el.prop('type');
if (type !== 'checkbox' && type !== 'radio' && type !== 'hidden') {
run($el, function(){
// Firefox does not trigger the `focusin` event if the window
// does not have focus. If the document doesn't have focus just
// use trigger('focusin') instead.
if (!document.hasFocus || document.hasFocus()) {
} else {
run($el, 'mouseup');
run($el, 'click');
return app.testHelpers.wait();
Modified Test
test('test visit / and click button', function() {
visit('/').then(function() {
var el = find('focus-out');
console.log('after click in test');
It's also important to note, that tearing down will also call the focus out event. So the main reason you were seeing the focusout at all was because on teardown it was losing focus from the button child.
Maybe focus should be set before mousedown on the click helper in the ember test, though I'm not sure what else that might affect, or if people wouldn't generally be expecting that since jquery doesn't do that.
I need to add a webkitTransitionEnd event listener to one of the DOM elements in my EmberView.
This javascript (DOM) equivalent would be:
function transitionEnded() {
console.log("transition ended");
I've tried the following:
var MessageView = Ember.View.extend({
transitionEnded: function() {
console.log("Transition Alert!");
actions: {
closeMessageWithTransition: function(){
var elem = document.getElementById('transitionThis');
"webkitTransitionEnd", this.transitionEnded, true);
// Trigger the transition here
I've also tried using:
instead of using:
var elem = document.getElementById('transitionThis');
but to no avail. The transition happens, but I do not get any events nor do I see errors in the console.
I can confirm that the document.getElementById method selects the right element. So, where are my event handlers going?
EDIT 1: Didn't realize there was an emberjs.jsbin.com. So, here you go:
PS: I do realize that the element I'm attaching a listener to ends up getting destroyed later when in transitionTo('messages') but I've commented out that bit and still no effect.
EDIT 2: I've added an alternate method of trying to catch the event using an EventManager as outlined in the Ember.View docs.
Alternate Method
It looks like it's using animation, not transition, webkitAnimationEnd is the appropriate hook.
On the Ember MVC TodoApp there is an option "Clear all Completed".
I've been trying to do a simple "Clear All".
I've tried multiple things, none of them work as I expected (clearing the data, the local storage and refreshing the UI).
The ones that comes with the sample is this code below:
clearCompleted: function () {
'completed', true
).forEach(this.removeObject, this);
My basic test, that I expected to work was this one:
clearAll: function () {
this.forEach(this.removeObject, this);
Though, it's leaving some items behind.
If I click the button that calls this function in the Entries controller a couple times the list ends up being empty. I have no clue what's going on! And don't want to do a 'workaround'.
The clearCompleted works perfectly by the way.
The answer depends on what you really want to know-- if you want to clear an ArrayProxy, as per the question title, you just call clear() on the ArrayProxy instance e.g.:
var stuff = ['apple', 'orange', 'banana'];
var ap = Ember.ArrayProxy.create({ content: Ember.A(stuff) });
ap.get('length'); // => 3
ap.get('length'); // => 0
This way you're not touching the content property directly and any observers are notified (you'll notice on the TodoMVC example that the screen updates if you type Todos.router.entriesController.clear() in the console).
If you're specifically asking about the TodoMVC Ember example you're at the mercy of the quick and dirty "Store" implementation... if you did as above you'll see when you refresh the page the item's return since there is no binding or observing being done between the entry "controller" and the Store (kinda dumb since it's one of Ember's strengths but meh whatev)
Anywho... a "clearAll" method on the entriesController like you were looking for can be done like this:
clearAll: function() {
this.store.findAll().forEach(this.removeObject, this);
Well, this worked:
clearAll: function () {
for (var i = this.content.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
If someone can confirm if it's the right way to do it that would be great!