Visual Studio 2017 Report Viewer overrides jquery theme - visual-studio-2017

I upgraded a project from VS2015 to VS2017 Community Edition and eventually got reports working again. In particular, I have Microsoft Rdlc Report Designer for Visual Studio v14.1 and Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportViewerControl.WebForms v140.340.80 installed.
Everything works: I can edit reports in the designer, and I can display reports at runtime.
The problem: When I display a report, the report viewer overrides the CSS in the jQuery theme my project uses. My buttons, for example, change style to look very different than intended. Inspecting the web page shows the CSS is being overridden by this:
That is, it looks like the report viewer is linking to a default jQuery theme. How do I prevent this?

This is a known issue - to work around the issue you might want to include the RVC on a separate page and embed via iFrame to sandbox the jQuery UI CSS.


"Manage Client-Side Libraries" menu not appearing

I'm trying to use the new Library Manager (LibMan) feature in Visual Studio 2017 (I'm using Version 15.7.1) but it is not appearing on either the project context menu or the Project menu.
I have tried various web projects but I can't see it for any of them. The only project type I haven't tried is ASP.NET Core 2.1 (I don't have the preview installed) but I can't find any docs that say it only works with ASP.NET Core 2.1
Here is a screenshot to prove it's not there:
had the same issue. I found the answer two it on another site, but for the life of me cannot find it for reference right now. The easiest thing to do is to build it yourself and install it. Works perfectly fine, I did it and now have the Manage Client Side libraries showing up.
Clone / download the Library Manager from GitHub. (
Build it in Visual Studio 2017
Run the .Vsix installer
Begin to use the Manage Client Side Libraries from the context menu or project menu.
Hope this helps.
For me, in VS 2022 the context menu option appears but the dialog doesn't show. I found out that instead of right-clicking on project item i have to right-click on wwwroot item and then the dialog is shown
Even though Visual Studio Community 15.7.5 references the "Library Manager" it looks like it is still in Preview and to be released with VS 15.8.
If you would like to use the Library Manager now it is fairly easy but there are a few work arounds right now to get it to install, probably a reason it is still in Preview.
Clone or Download the source code
Note: This requires the Visual Studio extension development Workload to be installed (Tools -> Get Tools and Features under "Other Toolsets").
According to this issue on GitHub it will not install, before compiling the Extension open the project file for the LibraryManager.Vsix project
and update (line #30)
After 15.8 comes out this needs to be reset back to true to be able to install it.
Open the LibraryManager.sln and make sure to change the Configuration to Release and Build the Solution.
This will create a .vsix install file:
Open Microsoft.Web.LibraryManager.vsix to launch the Visual Studio Installer.
Then you will have the Add->Client Side Library in your Context Menu.

How to create an Empty web project (no C#, no MVC, no .Net References) in Visual Studio 2017

I need a web project that can be deployed to a web server (in this case IIS), however I do not want anything other than static HTML, TEXT and JSON files in the project. I don't want to do a build. I don't want a Properties folder. I don't want a BIN folder. I don't want an OBJ folder. I don't want any NUGET packages. Most of all, I don't want any DLL or .Net references.
I have tried the solution proposed by Microsoft here:
This is not even close to a static site.
And, here: I found an updated template which says it will create a static site without C#. It does not. Roslyn is included as is .Net CORE. Also at least 1 C# file is still generated and is still needed.
I tried going back to Visual Studio 2015 to see if there was an option there, which I could then just reopen in VS 2017, but I found none there either.
Anyone know how to create a truly empty web project for VS 2017, which can be published, but has only static content?
The solution suggested, that of using a Blank solution, really does not offer a solution at all. The blank solution still has no projects, and adding a project pulls in all the ASP.NET and/or MVC pieces I am trying to ignore.
I did find that I can use 'File->Open Website', browse to a folder with the static content and open the web site in Visual Studio. Once I have altered the content as desired, I have to use 'Website->Copy Web Site' to copy the files to the IIS server. A packaged deployment is not available. The 'Copy Web Site' indicate which files have changed so it is pretty easy to figure out what files need to be updated. To copy one or more files, use the connection buttons at the top of the dialog, then select files as necessary on the left and use the arrows in the middle of the dialog to move/copy files to the IIS server on the right.
Image of Copy Dialog
The result is a project I can open and edit in Visual Studio, which can be easily deployed/updated from inside Visual Studio. I tried the solution in VS 2015 and VS 2017.

Can We Use the VS 2015 Report Designer in VS 2017?

The newest Report Viewer for Visual Studio 2017 has some bugs that prevent us from using it. We’ve downgraded to Microsoft ReportViewer Runtime 2015 for Web Forms (v 12.0.2402.15). However, the report designer in Visual Studio creates new reports in the new “2016” format, and even editing old reports upgrades them to the new format as well. The older Report Viewer doesn’t understand the new format and bombs.
The new report designer is an extension to Visual Studio, “Microsoft Rdlc Report Designer for Visual Studio,” version 14.2. We haven’t found an earlier version of the designer available as an extension.
We’ve tried installing an earlier version of SQL Set Data Tools, but the report designer was still the same. We also haven’t found a separate download for the earlier report designer.
Is there a way to add the older report designer to VS 2017? Or do we have to downgrade to VS 2015?
(A similar problem here: Change RDL version for RDLC Reports in Visual Studio 2017)
The problems in ReportViewer that made it unusable for use were partially resolved in a later version. For example, the CSS in the ReportViewer changed the styles in the rest of the surrounding web page, which was pretty horrible (now fixed). We also saw problems of the viewer's export button drop-down list positioned far from its intended location. We had to fix that with custom JavaScript on the page.
You can include/add any RDLC created on VS 2015 to VS 2017 by click on add existing item and select the RDLC directly from your local location and will run on your VS .Add existing item
From what I can tell, ReportViewer for Visual Studio 2017 which is Version 14, is for compiling in Framework 4.5. My application is depended on 4.0 and if I switch then a bunch of other libraries need to be updated as well. I would rather get the previous version of ReportViewer 12 working, as it was working for my application without issues.
With ReportViewer Designer 14 for VS2017 installed, there is an error in the design of the page, and the application deployed and running on the server does not render the Report.
So, which way to move? Up or back...and how.

Is there any .editorconfig GUI editor?

EditorConfig is amazing tool, and I'm excited that in vs2017 developers can use it out of the box. But there are too many settings which should be set for each project. Visual Studio and ReSharper have awesome syntax code style editor, with GUI and live preview. But I haven't found same tool for EditorConfig. Otherwise it would be great if anybody knows way to export ReSharper or VS setting in .editorconfig format. I mean full settings with csharp specific. Actually, all settings specified here
Mads Kristensen has written an extension that allows you to add editorconfig file and it comes complete with intellisense for VS2017 - "EditorConfig Language Service"
Check it out here or download from VS2017. No UI, but you don't need a UI with this. Not a bad starter for ten...
Visual Studio 16.10 added a UI for editing editorconfig files.

Visual Styles within Dialog Based MFC Applications?

The MFC Application Wizard disables visual styles for dialog based applications.
But why?
Regardless of the wizard, can I still use the visual styles in my dialog based application (it includes toolbar and menubar)?
Thank you!
I think there's a little confusion here.
The greyed out drop-down is title "Visual Styles and colors" in my English version of VS2008. Being greyed out means that you can't modify its value, but it still reports that the resulting app will use "Windows Native/Default". When you go on and create the app and run it, themes are fully supported.
For the other application type options (single document, multiple document, multiple top-level documents), and select other non-system themes. The list is: Office 2003, VS 2005, Office 2007 of various different colors.
So whilst you don't get these non-standard Office themes, your app will have visual styles and themes as determined by the Windows settings.