OCaml Triple every number in a list of integers - list

So I need to write a function that will triple every number in a list of integers
Here is what I have so far:
let number = [1; 2; 3; 4];;
let rec print_list_int myList = match myList with
| [] -> print_endline "This is the end of the int list!"
| head::body ->
print_int head * 3;
print_endline "";
print_list_int body *3
print_list_int number;;
It doesn't seem to do anything useful, any ideas where I went wrong? Need it outputting but it also doesn't do that. Thanks in advance! :)

This expression:
print_int head * 3
is interpreted like this:
(print_int head) * 3
Because function calls (application) have high precedence. You need to parenthesize like this:
print_int (head * 3)
The similar case below is a different problem: (print_list_int body) * 3 doesn't make sense but print_list_int (body * 3) also doesn't make sense. You can't multiply a list by 3. However, you don't need to multiply at this call. The print_list_int function will (recursively) do the multiplying for you.
If I make the changes I hinted at above, I see this in the OCaml toplevel:
val print_list_int : int list -> unit = <fun>
# print_list_int number;;
This is the end of the int list!
- : unit = ()

Note that the most elegant way to achieve what you're trying to do is to use List.iter. It applies a given function (returning unit) to each element of a List.
let print_triples = List.iter (fun x ->
print_endline (string_of_int (3*x))
val print_triples : int list -> unit = <fun>
And here you go:
# print_triples [1;2;3;4;5];;
- : unit = ()


How to double elements in an F# list and set them in a new list

I am very new to F# and functional programming in general, and would like to recursively create a function that takes a list, and doubles all elements.
This is what I used to search for a spacific element, but im not sure how exactly I can change it to do what I need.
let rec returnN n theList =
match n, theList with
| 0, (head::_) -> head
| _, (_::theList') -> returnN (n - 1) theList'
| _, [] -> invalidArg "n" "n is larger then list length"
let list1 = [5; 10; 15; 20; 50; 25; 30]
printfn "%d" (returnN 3 list1 )
Is there a way for me to augment this to do what I need to?
I would like to take you through the thinking process.
Step 1. I need a recursive function that takes a list and doubles all the elements:
So, let's implement this in a naive way:
let rec doubleAll list =
match list with
| [] -> []
| hd :: tl -> hd * 2 :: doubleAll tl
Hopefully this logic is quite simple:
If we have an empty list, we return another empty list.
If we have a list with at least one element, we double the element and then prepend that to the result of calling the doubleAll function on the tail of the list.
Step 2. Actually, there are two things going on here:
I want a function that lets me apply another function to each element of a list.
In this case, I want that function to be "multiply by 2".
So, now we have two functions, let's do a simple implementation like this:
let rec map f list =
match list with
| [] -> []
| hd :: tl -> f hd :: map f tl
let doubleAll list = map (fun x -> x * 2) list
Step 3. Actually, the idea of map is such a common one that it's already built into the F# standard library, see List.map
So, all we need to do is this:
let doubleAll list = List.map (fun x -> x * 2) list

f# sum list in other way

Hello i resolved problem with ealier task.
Now if i have for example list = [ 2; 3; 2 ; 6 ] want to translate it like this [2;5;7;13].
I declared x as my first element and xs as my rest and used List.scan . Idea below
(fun x n -> x + n) 0
but this make something like this
val it : int list = [0; 2; 5; 7; 13]
How to rewrite it to make list looking like this [2;5;7;13] with using any starting parameter. When i delete 0 i get error message.
Another question how it's going to look like List.Fold i tried to write something similar but it can get only sum of this list ;( .
Here's how I would do this with a fold (with type annotations):
let orig = [2; 3; 2; 6]
let workingSum (origList:int list) : int list =
let foldFunc (listSoFar: int list) (item:int) : int list =
let nextValue =
match listSoFar with
| [] -> item
| head::_ -> head + item
origList |> List.fold foldFunc [] |> List.rev
For help learning fold, here's how I would do this with a recursive function:
let workingSum' (origList: int list): int list =
let rec loop (listSoFar: int list) (origListRemaining:int list): int list =
match origListRemaining with
| [] -> listSoFar
| remainHead::remainTail ->
let nextValue =
match listSoFar with
| [] -> remainHead
| head::_ -> head + remainHead
loop (nextValue::listSoFar) remainTail
origList |> loop [] |> List.rev
Note that the signature of the inner loop function is really similar to the foldFunc of the previous example, with one major difference: instead of being passed in the next element, it's being passed in the remainder of the original list that hasn't been processed yet. I'm using a match expression to account for the two different possibilities of that remainder of the original list: either the list is empty (meaning we're done), or it's not (and we need to return a recursive call to the next step).

pairing an int with a list of ints in OCaml

I am using OCaml to write a function that takes a list of ints and an int element and returns a list of pairs where the first element of every pair is the int element and the second element of the pair is a member from the list. For example, let say I have the number 1 and the list [10; 20; 30] as inputs. I like the function to return [(1, 10); (1, 20); (1, 30)]. I wrote the following function:
let rec f (lst : int list) (elm : int) : (int*int) list =
match lst with
| [] -> failwith "empty list"
| [x] -> [(x, elm)];;
I am getting the following error:
Characters 59-120:
Warning 8: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
Here is an example of a value that is not matched:
_::_::_ val f : int list -> int -> (int * int) list = <fun>
What am I missing?
Here is your code
let rec f (lst : int list) (elm : int) : (int*int) list =
match lst with
| [] -> failwith "empty list"
| [x] -> [(x, elm)]
In your match, you listed two cases: [] and [x].
Your first case is [], you mean empty, no problem.
Your second case is [x], what did you want to mean? In OCaml, it means a list with only one element.
How about the cases where there are more than one element?
For any if else or match with, you should include all cases.
When you fix this problem, you will soon find you really missed something more there.
Here is the correct code:
let rec f e l =
match l with
| [] -> []
| x::[] -> [(e,x)]
| x::tl -> (e,x)::(f e tl)
above code is not tail-recursive and you normally should consider about it, I will leave that to you.
you don't need ;; if you write your code in file and compile the file
You don't need to declare types in most cases and that is one of the best thing ocaml has.
Your patterns match lists of length 0 ([]) and of length 1 ([x]). The compiler is telling you that there are other lengths that a list might have, so your pattern is probably wrong (which is true).
I might note that it's not an error to get an empty list as an argument. Thinking this way will make it much harder to answer the problem. If you get an empty list, the correct answer is an empty list of pairs.
let rec f e = function
| [] -> []
| x::tl -> (e,x)::f e tl
let f e = List.map (fun x -> (e,x))
# f 1 [];;
- : (int * 'a) list = []
# f 1 [10;20;30];;
- : (int * int) list = [(1, 10); (1, 20); (1, 30)]

OCaml - Move last element of list to front

First off, I apologize if this is a confusing or backwards way to go about what I want to accomplish, but I'm new to "OCaml style".
I want to take the last element of a list, and move it to the front of the list, shifting all the elements up one.
For example: have [1;2;3;4;5] -> [5;1;2;3;4]
I understand that lists in OCaml are basically linked list, so I plan to recursively iterate through the list, find the last element, and then have that element's tail/remaining list point to the head of the list.
What I'm mainly confused about is how to break the link from the second last element to the last element. In the example above, I want to have the 5 point to the 1, but the 4 to no longer point to the 5.
How do I accomplish this, and is there a simpler way to look at this that I'm completely missing?
You can't "Break the link" because Ocaml lists are a persistent data-structure. You can't really modify the lists, so you have to produce a new list with the values in the order you want.
let thelist = [1;2;3;4;5] in
let lnewhead = List.hd (List.rev thelist) in
lnewhead :: (List.rev (List.tl (List.rev b)));;
You could also define this in a function:
let flipper = fun thelist ->
(List.hd (List.rev thelist)) :: (List.rev (List.tl (List.rev thelist)));;
val flipper : 'a list -> 'a list = <fun>
# flipper([1;2;3;4;5]);;
- : int list = [5; 1; 2; 3; 4]
Joshua's code can be slightly improved in terms of time complexity by making sure List.rev thelist is computed only once, as in:
let flipper =
fun thelist ->
let r = List.rev thelist in
List.hd r :: List.rev (List.tl r)
A safe implementation is the following:
let rot1 l =
let rec aux acc = function
[] -> []
| [x] -> x :: List.rev acc
| x :: l -> aux (x :: acc) l
aux [] l
It is safe in the sense that passing the empty list returns the empty list instead of raising an exception. Note that I strongly discourage the use of List.hd and List.tl because they may fail, with a generic error message.
Also, the recursive call to aux is a tail call (last thing to do before returning). The OCaml compilers will detect this and avoid growing the stack with each function call (and possibly raise an exception or crash). This is something to be aware of when dealing with long lists and recursive functions.
In order to do this operation efficiently, i.e. in O(1) rather than O(length), you cannot use a regular list. You can use the Queue module from the standard library or implementations of doubly-linked lists provided by third parties.
Here is an example using the Queue module:
let rotate_queue q =
if not (Queue.is_empty q) then
let x = Queue.take q in
Queue.add x q
# let q = Queue.create ();;
val q : '_a Queue.t = <abstr>
# Queue.add 1 q;;
- : unit = ()
# Queue.add 2 q;;
- : unit = ()
# Queue.add 3 q;;
- : unit = ()
# Queue.iter print_int q;;
123- : unit = ()
# rotate_queue q;;
- : unit = ()
# Queue.iter print_int q;;
231- : unit = ()
The Dllist module of the Batteries library might be what you are looking for. It is an imperative list structure.

ocaml recursive pattern matching

I'm trying to write a simple recursive function that look over list and return a pair of integer. This is easy to write in c/c++/java but i'm new to ocaml so somehow hard to find out the solution due to type conflict
it should goes like ..
let rec test p l = ... ;;
val separate : (’a -> bool) -> ’a list -> int * int = <fun>
test (fun x -> x mod 2 = 0) [-3; 5; 2; -6];;
- : int * int = (2, 2)
so the problem is how can i recursively return value on tuple ..
One problem here is that you are returning two different types: an int for an empty list, or a tuple otherwise. It needs to be one or the other.
Another problem is that you are trying to add 1 to test, but test is a function, not a value. You need to call test on something else for it to return a value, but even then it is supposed to return a tuple, which you can't add to an integer.
I can't figure out what you want the code to do, but if you update your question with that info I can help more.
One guess that I have is that you want to count the positive numbers in the list, in which case you could write it like this:
let rec test l =
match l with [] -> 0
| x::xs -> if x > 0 then 1 + (test xs)
else test xs;;
Update: since you've edited to clarify the problem, modify the above code as follows:
let test l =
let rec test_helper l pos nonpos =
match l with [] -> (pos, nonpos)
| x::xs -> if x > 0 then test_helper xs 1+pos, nonpos
else test_helper xs pos 1+nonpos
in test_helper l 0 0;;
Using the accumulators help a lot in this case. It also makes the function tail-recursive which is always good practice.
Been away from OCaml for a bit, but I think this will do the trick in regards to REALFREE's description in the comment
let rec test l =
match l with
[] -> (0,0)
| x::xs ->
if x > 0 then match (test xs) with (x,y) -> (x+1, y)
else match (test xs) with (x,y) -> (x, y+1);;
You can used the nested match statements to pull out pieces of the tuple to modify
I didn't know about the syntax Pascal Cuoq mentioned in his comment below, here's the code like that, it's neater and a little shorter:
let rec test l =
match l with
[] -> (0,0)
| x::xs ->
if x > 0 then let (x,y) = test xs in (x+1, y)
else let (x,y) = test xs in (x, y+1);;
But the accepted answer is still much better, especially with the tail recursion ;).