gradle see output for model.components.binaries.all - c++

I have
all {
if (toolChain in Gcc) {
cppCompiler.args "--std=c++11",
"-I", "${lib_base_path}",
"-I", "${lib_base_path}${File.separator}include",
"-I", "${jni_base_path}",
"-I", "/usr/local/inclue/eigen3"
linker.args "-L", "${lib_linker_path}", "-lcpp_pose",
} else if (toolChain in Clang) {
cppCompiler.args "--std=c++11",
"-I", "${lib_base_path}",
"-I", "${lib_base_path}${File.separator}include",
"-I", "${jni_base_path}",
"-I", "/usr/local/inclue/eigen3"
linker.args "-L", "${lib_linker_path}", "-lcpp_pose",
} else {
throw GradleException("Tool chain " + toolChain +
" is not supported.")
as a section in my file. However when gradle goes to build, I get
fatal error: 'Eigen/Core' file not found
#include <Eigen/Core>
1 error generated.
The /usr/local/include/eigen3 in the include flags should take care of this issue. To debug what gradle is using to build my binaries I would like to see the compile statement to debug. How do I do this?

After rethinking what to Google I found this post:
The answer being in:
We generate an options file (build/tmp//options.txt) that has all of the common arguments. You can use -i or --info to see just the command line that's being executed (per source file) as well.
There's a hook withArguments...


${relativeFile} fetched by visualstudio / cmake launch json file is not including the backslash

I have configured some tasks for CMake in Visual studio. One of the commands to execute includes the ${relativeFile} and it is under subdirectory. The fetched result is not including the '/' to separate the directories.
Here is the tasks.vs.json file sample:
"taskName": "TestTask",
"appliesTo": "*/",
"type": "remote",
"remoteWorkingDirectory": "/home/root/",
"contextType": "custom",
"localCopyDirectory": "${workspaceRoot}\\..\\build\\${}\\bin",
"remoteMachineName": "${env.TARGET_MACHINE}",
"remoteCopyMethod": "sftp",
"remoteCopyDirectory": "/tmp/",
"command": "echo changing permissions for ${relativeFile}",
"args": ""
Expected result: changing permissions for test\test1
Current Result: changing permissions for testtest1

Sublime Text 3 - Stop printing shell cmd, dir and path when error is raised

I would like my Sublime Text to NOT print out the following extra info everytime my code throws an error.
See below for example - I do not need to see my shell_cmd, dir, or path to be printed out, just for clarity!
I have looked for a soloution but cannot seem to find one which works.
Many Thanks for any feedback!
You can edit the python build system using PackageResourceViewer. Just open the build system in Python/Python.sublime-build and add the attribute "quiet": true,.
The resulting build system should look like:
"shell_cmd": "python -u \"$file\"",
"file_regex": "^[ ]*File \"(...*?)\", line ([0-9]*)",
"selector": "source.python",
"quiet": true,
"name": "Syntax Check",
"shell_cmd": "python -m py_compile \"${file}\"",
However this will also suppress other outputs like the duration.

Why Chutzpah does not recognize all TypeScript tests?

I have a project with the following chutzpah.json:
"Framework": "jasmine",
"TestHarnessReferenceMode": "AMD",
"TestHarnessLocationMode": "SettingsFileAdjacent",
"EnableTestFileBatching": true,
"References": [
{ "Path": "node_modules/es6-shim/es6-shim.min.js" },
{ "Path": "node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.min.js" },
{ "Path": "node_modules/reflect-metadata/Reflect.js" },
{ "Path": "node_modules/systemjs/dist/system.js" },
{ "Path": "system-config.js" }
"CodeCoverageExcludes": ["node_modules/*"],
"Tests": [
{ "Path": "app", "Includes": [ "*.spec.ts" ] }
and the following tests files
Test explorer just shows tests stored in the first file
If I try to run the the command of the VSTest I get the same result:
If I call the command setting the name of the file (e.g. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TestWindow\vstest.console.exe" app\InspectionDataView.spec.ts /UseVsixExtensions:true ), the tests in the file run.
Extra point:
I tried to run the test directly with Chutzpah.console.exe, this is what I got:
What am I missing here ?
Note: Using VS 2015 Update 3
Chutzpah does not run TypeScript. It "supports" it, but you have to add this support in the chutzpah.json.
Why the first test suite succeeds? Perhaps it is written in pure ES5 (Without ES6/TS classes, interfaces, etc).
I did set up chutzpah support for typescript from this repo
Basically, in short:
create a compile.bat that transpiles TS to ES5. Normally - tsc.exe with or without tsconfig.json
add "Compile" section as seen in
this shall transpile TS to ES5 every time you run chutzpah.console.exe

Cannot run C++ program when using sublime-build, works fine when running from terminal

I'm trying to run a C++ program on Linux/Ubuntu 14.04
I'm using the SFML library, the tutorial suggests to include this line before running if SFML was installed in a non-standard path (which it was):
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<sfml-install-path>/lib
I can run the program from the terminal using the following input:
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/dan/SFML-2.3.1/lib && ./YorickTheSavant
However, when attempting to launch the program in Sublime Text 2 with a sublime-build file, I get the following error:
[Errno 2] No such file or directory
[cmd: [u'export', u'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/dan/SFML-2.3.1/lib', u'&&', u'./YorickTheSavant']]
[dir: /home/dan/yorickthesavant]
[path: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/home/dan/.rvm/bin]
Here is my sublime-build file for reference:
"cmd": ["g++", "-m32", "-c", "-std=c++11",
"-I", "include"],
"file_regex": "^(..[^:]*):([0-9]+):?([0-9]+)?:? (.*)$",
"working_dir": "/home/dan/yorickthesavant/",
"selector": "source.c, source.c++",
"name": "Link",
"cmd": ["g++", "-m32",
"-o", "YorickTheSavant",
"-L", "/home/dan/SFML-2.3.1/lib",
"name": "Run",
"cmd": ["export", "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/dan/SFML-2.3.1/lib", "&&", "./YorickTheSavant"]
The "Run" variant is the one I'm using. How would I make it so that this line is automatically included when the game is launched outside of the terminal and in Sublime Text 2?
The cmd key in .sublime-build files specifies the program to run.
The first value is expected to be the program and the rest are the arguments,
so it fails when it cannot find a program called export - because it is a shell built-in.
To run the entire command in a shell (like you would when doing it manually), you can specify "shell" : true in your Run variant (or use shell_cmd instead of cmd):
"name": "Run",
"cmd": ["export", "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/dan/SFML-2.3.1/lib", "&&", "./YorickTheSavant"],
"shell" : true
This should work better than invoking /bin/sh -c <stuff> directly, and I don't think you'll need to condense the entries in the cmd array into a single string anymore.
Alternatively, you could also try using the env key (also found here) to specify the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable before running your executable:
"name": "Run",
"cmd": ["./YorickTheSavant"],
"env" : { "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" : "/home/dan/SFML-2.3.1/lib" }

running Sublime Text build with latex instead of pdflatex from LaTeXTools plugin

In the build file supplied with the LatexTools plugin for Sublime Text, I modified the statement
"cmd": ["latexmk", "-e", "\\$pdflatex = 'pdflatex %O -interaction=nonstopmode -synctex=1 %S'", "-f", "-pdf"]
by replacing the second instance of pdflatex with latex.
My question is, how do I specify whether I want to use "dvipdfm" or "dvi2ps + ps2pdf".
If someone could provide a sample build file for this purpose, that would be most helpful.
After a bit of trial and error, I finally have the following build file working correctly. This allows me to choose between pdflatex and latex, and also choose between dvipdfm and the alternative of "dvi2ps + ps2pdf"
// Compilation settings
// ====================
// The actual magic happens in the make_pdf command
// I stick to the format of standard ST2 sublime-build files
// with minor variations.
// NOTE: the viewer is NOT configured from here!
// As of 5/24/11, it cannot be changed, but I will introduce a setting later
// General settings; DO NOT MODIFY!!!
"target": "make_pdf",
"selector": "text.tex.latex",
// Linux-specific settings
// ----------------------
// If linux/os variable is used, then command palette does not show variant names
// Linux texification settings
// -------------------------
// Personalize this, IF you know what you are doing!
// e.g. change 'pdflatex...' to 'xelatex...'
// Refer to the documentation for latexmk
// Note: do NOT include $file or similar!!!
// Only configure the compilation parameters you need, MINUS the
// actual file to be compiled
// By default, latexmk is told to use pdflatex, with synctex on for
// backward/forward search, forcing compilation (e.g. even if no bib file is found)
// and producing pdf rather than dvi output
"cmd": ["latexmk",
"-e","\\$dvipdf = 'dvipdfmx %O -o %D %S'", "-e", "\\$latex = 'latex %O -interaction=nonstopmode -synctex=1 %S'",
"-f", "-pdfdvi"],
{ "cmd": ["latexmk",
"-e", "\\$pdflatex = 'pdflatex %O -interaction=nonstopmode -synctex=1 %S'",
"-f", "-pdf"],
"name": "Run"
{ "cmd": ["latexmk",
"-e", "\\$latex = 'latex %O -interaction=nonstopmode -synctex=1 %S'",
"-f", "-pdfps"],
"name": "LaTeX_PS_PDF"
{"cmd": ["latexmk", "-e", "\\$clean_ext = 'aux fls fdb_latexmk dvi ps synctex.gz'", "-c"],
"name" : "Clean "