I'm using a class within a class and I'm getting errors, I think it's a linking problem. I get "undefined reference to 'Node::setlink()', 'Node::getlink()', and etc. It's all the node functions I used in linked_list.cpp that are the problem.
For example, linked_list.cpp:(.text+0x9de): undefined reference to
#include "linked_list.hpp"
#include "node.hpp"
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//default constructor
head = new Node();
tail = new Node();
cnt = 0;
Linked_list::Linked_list(data x)
head = new Node();
tail = new Node();
Node *newnode = new Node(x);
//class function
void Linked_list::insert_node(data x)
Node *newNode = new Node(x);
Node *prev = new Node();
Node *curr = new Node();
if (head == NULL)
else if (head != NULL)
while(curr->getlink() != NULL || newNode->getupc() <= curr->getupc())
//Class function
void Linked_list::delete_node(int u)
char choice;
data temp;
Node *newNode = new Node();
Node *prev = new Node();
Node *curr = new Node();
if (head == NULL)
delete newNode;
delete prev;
delete curr;
else if (head != NULL)
while (curr->getlink() != NULL || curr->getupc() != u )
temp = curr->get_structure();
cout << temp.UPC << setw(15) << temp.desc << setw(15) << "$" << temp.cost << setw(15) << "Aisle: " << temp.aisle << endl;
cout << "Are you sure you want to delete?\n";
cin >> choice;
if (choice == 'y' || choice == 'Y')
delete curr;
choice = 'n';
//Class function
void Linked_list::traverse()
data temp;
Node *curr = new Node();
if (head == NULL)
delete curr;
cout << "The list is empty!\n";
while(curr->getlink() != NULL)
temp = curr->get_structure();
cout << temp.UPC << setw(15) << temp.desc << setw(15) << "$" << temp.cost << setw(15) << "Aisle: " << temp.aisle << endl;
void Linked_list::retrieve_node(int u)
data temp;
Node *x;
x = new Node();
if (head == NULL)
delete x;
else if (head != NULL)
while (x->getlink() != NULL || x->getupc() != u)
temp = x->get_structure();
cout << temp.UPC << setw(15) << temp.desc << setw(15) << "$" << temp.cost << setw(15) << "Aisle: " << temp.aisle << endl;
void Linked_list::check_empty()
if (head != NULL)
cout << "The list is empty.\n";
cout << "The list is not empty.\n";
#include "node.hpp"
#ifndef linked_list_hpp
#define linked_list_hpp
class Linked_list
Node *head;
Node *tail;
int cnt;
//default constructor creates empty linked list
//Constructor that creates first node with values
Linked_list(data x);
//Inserts node at correct spot
void insert_node(data x);
//deletes specific node
void delete_node(int u);
//goes through whole list and prints out
void traverse(void);
//returns specific node
void retrieve_node(int u);
//checks if list is empty
void check_empty();
#ifndef node_hpp
#define node_hpp
#include "node.hpp"
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct data
int UPC;
string desc;
int quantity;
double cost;
int aisle;
class Node
data item;
Node *link;
Node(data x);
void setlink(Node *ptr);
Node* getlink();
int getupc();
data get_structure();
bool compare_item(string i);
double processdata();
#include "node.hpp"
link = NULL;
Node::Node(data x)
item = x;
void Node::setlink(Node *ptr)
link = ptr;
Node* Node::getlink()
return link;
int Node::getupc()
return item.UPC;
data Node::get_structure()
return item;
bool Node::compare_item(string i)
return true;
return false;
double Node::processdata()
return item.cost*item.quantity;
main function
#include <iostream>
#include "node.cpp"
#include "linked_list.cpp"
using namespace std;
void fromfile(Linked_list &x);
void tofile(Linked_list &x);
int main(void)
Linked_list ll;
int x, y;
data a;
cout << "1.Add a grocery item\n" ;
cout << "2.Delete an item\n";
cout << "3.Retrieve an item\n";
cout << "4.Traverse the list forwards and print out all of the items\n";
cout << "5. Exit the program.\n";
cin >> x;
case 1:
cout << "Enter UPC code\n";
cin >> a.UPC;
cout << "Enter description(name of item)\n";
cin >> a.desc;
cout << "Enter quantity\n";
cin >> a.quantity;
cout << "Enter cost\n";
cin >> a.cost;
cout << "Enter aisle\n";
cin >>a.aisle;
case 2:
cout << "Enter UPC of item you'd like to delete.\n";
cin >> y;
case 3:
cout << "Enter UPC code.\n";
cin >> y;
case 4:
case 5:
cout << "Bye!\n";
cout << "Wrong choice, try again!\n";
}while (x != 5);
return 0;
Please help me out, this is due in 2 hours. I think I got it running somehow for a while and after the code performs in main, it just stop creating output after it reaches a linked_list function. Then, I can't enter anything afterwards.
The only thing not compiling is the linked_list.cpp, and I get a winmain error as well.
I tried creating a binary search tree, using youtube and examples from my professor to help, but display in Driver.cpp doesn't show any node of the tree except "null" (which was intended to represent nullptr). I think it's because my "root" remains as nullptr, even though I've inserted a new node. The output should be "23 null null". Sorry if the codes aren't short and optimized, I want to make things clear for myself when I reread them later.
P.S.: I've deleted some unfinished functions in the code posted here so there might be minor mistakes
#include <iostream>
#include "Overall Tree.h";
using namespace std;
int main()
BinaryTree tree_1;
return 0;
//Overall Tree.h
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class BinaryTree
struct Node
int data;
Node* left;
Node* right;
Node* root;
// Constructors and Destructors
//traversal functions
void preOrder();
void inOrder();
void postOrder();
void preOrderTraverse(Node*);
void inOrderTraverse(Node*);
void postOrderTraverse(Node*);
//display function
void display();
//insert functions
void insertNode(int);
void insert(Node*, Node*);
root = nullptr;
//display traversals
void BinaryTree::display()
cout << "Pre-order traversal: " << endl;
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "In-order traversal: " << endl;
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "Post-order traversal: " << endl;
// traversals
void BinaryTree::preOrder()
void BinaryTree::inOrder()
void BinaryTree::postOrder()
void BinaryTree::preOrderTraverse(Node* root)
if (root != nullptr)
cout << root->data << " ";
cout << "null ";
void BinaryTree::inOrderTraverse(Node* root)
if (root != nullptr)
cout << root->data << " ";
cout << "null ";
void BinaryTree::postOrderTraverse(Node* root)
if (root != nullptr)
cout << root->data << " ";
cout << "null ";
void BinaryTree::insertNode(int x)
Node* newNode = new Node;
newNode->data = x;
newNode->left = nullptr;
newNode->right = nullptr;
insert(newNode, this->root);
void BinaryTree::insert(Node* newNode, Node* p)
if (p == nullptr)
p = newNode;
if (newNode->data < p->data)
insert(newNode, p->left);
else if (newNode->data > p->data)
insert(newNode, p->right);
cout << "Value already existed in the tree.";
You should pass pointer to pointer to root in your insert function like:
void BinaryTree::insert(Node* newNode, Node** p)
if (*p == nullptr) {
*p = newNode;
} else {
if (newNode->data < (*p)->data) {
insert(newNode, &(*p)->left);
} else if (newNode->data > (*p)->data) {
insert(newNode, &(*p)->right);
} else {
cout << "Value already existed in the tree.";
and then use this function like:
insert(newNode, &this->root);
Why pointer to pointer?
Because you want modifications of the parameter (in this case p parameter), made in the insert function, to affect the argument which the caller passed in.
You can also use reference for this purpose:
void BinaryTree::insert(Node* newNode, Node*& p)
if (p == nullptr) {
p = newNode;
} else {
if (newNode->data < p->data) {
insert(newNode, p->left);
} else if (newNode->data > p->data) {
insert(newNode, p->right);
} else {
cout << "Value already existed in the tree.";
and then use it like:
insert(newNode, this->root);
I would suggest using reference because of the cleaner syntax IMO.
I am working on an assignment for school. I have to create an AVLTree, read data from a text file and then create Professor object with that data. However, when I try and search for a Professor by name, it can't be found. It keeps defaulting to Michael Scott in the program and can't find who I'm looking for. My readFromFile function works perfectly and gets me all the data from the file, so I have the data. At this point it's a matter of issues with the AVL Tree. I'll link everything below.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include "AVLTree.h"
using namespace std;
void readFromFile(AVLTree *treeAccess) {
int numOfProfs = 0;
string line;
const char *path="/Users/collinchappell/Desktop/Program4Official/Program4Official/ProfessorData.txt";
fstream myFile (path, ios::in);
if (!myFile) {
cout << "Sorry can't read ProfessorData.txt!" << endl;
else {
// Splitting up all the data in the .txt file and the looping through using string stream
// Not the best solution, however nothing else would work for me so this is what I went with.
while (getline(myFile, line)) {
string n;
string nT;
string s;
int b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7;
replace(line.begin(), line.end(), '$', ' ');
stringstream ss(line);
for (int k = 0; k < 11; k++) {
ss >> n;
ss >> nT;
n = n + " " + nT;
ss >> s;
ss >> b1;
ss >> b2;
ss >> b3;
ss >> b4;
ss >> b5;
ss >> b6;
ss >> b7;
Professor p(n, s, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7);
cout << p;
treeAccess->insertNode(n, &p);
cout << numOfProfs << " Proffesors have added from the file." << endl << endl;
int main() {
AVLTree tree;
bool cont = true;
while (cont) {
cout << "Which Computer Science professor do you want details about?" << endl;
cout << endl << endl << "Type Professor Name: ";
string typeName;
getline(cin, typeName);
while (tree.searchNode(typeName) == NULL) {
cout << "Couldn't find that professor! Please type another: ";
getline(cin, typeName);
cout << tree.searchNode(typeName);
cout << "Would you like to search another? (Y/N): ";
string ans;
cin >> ans;
if (ans == "y" || ans == "Y") {
else if (ans == "n" || ans == "N") {
return 0;
return 0;
#ifndef AVLTree_h
#define AVLTree_h
#include <iostream>
#include "Professor.h"
using namespace std;
class AVLTree {
// TreeNode structure
struct TreeNode {
string name;
Professor *prof;
struct TreeNode* left;
struct TreeNode* right;
// Root of tree
TreeNode* root;
// Function declarations
void insert(TreeNode *&nodePtr, TreeNode *&newNode);
void destroySubTree(TreeNode *nodePtr);
void displayInOrder(TreeNode *nodePtr) const;
int height(TreeNode *nodePtr);
int diff(TreeNode *nodePtr);
void balance(TreeNode *&temp);
TreeNode* l_rotation(TreeNode *parent) {
TreeNode *temp;
temp = parent->right;
parent->right = temp->left;
temp->left = parent;
return temp;
TreeNode* r_rotation(TreeNode *parent) {
TreeNode *temp;
temp = parent->left;
parent->left = temp->right;
temp->right = parent;
return temp;
TreeNode* lr_rotation(TreeNode *parent) {
TreeNode *temp;
temp = parent->left;
parent->left = (l_rotation(temp));
return r_rotation(parent);
TreeNode* rl_rotation(TreeNode *parent) {
TreeNode *temp;
temp = parent->right;
parent->right = (r_rotation(temp));
return l_rotation(parent);
AVLTree() { // Constructor
root = NULL;
~AVLTree() { // Destructor
void insertNode(string n, Professor* professor);
Professor* searchNode(string);
// Call private displayInOrder()
void displayInOrder() const {
#endif /* AVLTree_h */
#include <iostream>
#include "AVLTree.h"
using namespace std;
// Insert a node into the tree recursively
void AVLTree::insert(TreeNode *&nodePtr, TreeNode *&newNode) {
if (nodePtr == NULL) {
nodePtr = newNode;
else if (newNode->name < nodePtr->name) {
insert(nodePtr->left, newNode);
else {
insert(nodePtr->right, newNode);
// Destory the sub tree
void AVLTree::destroySubTree(TreeNode *nodePtr) {
if (nodePtr) {
if (nodePtr->left) {
if (nodePtr->right) {
delete nodePtr;
// Display the tree in order
void AVLTree::displayInOrder(TreeNode *nodePtr) const {
if (nodePtr) {
cout << nodePtr->name << endl;
// Get the tree's height
int AVLTree::height(TreeNode *temp) {
int leftHeight, rightHeight;
if (temp) {
leftHeight = height(temp->left);
rightHeight = height(temp->right);
if (leftHeight > rightHeight) {
return leftHeight + 1;
else if (leftHeight < rightHeight) {
return rightHeight + 1;
else {
return 0;
return 0;
// Get the difference
int AVLTree::diff(TreeNode *temp) {
int l_height = height(temp->left);
int r_height = height(temp->right);
return l_height - r_height;
// Balance the tree
void AVLTree::balance(TreeNode *&temp) {
int bal_factor = diff (temp);
if (bal_factor > 1)
if (diff(temp->left) > 0) // 2, 1 RIGHT
temp = r_rotation(temp);
cout << "\nRIGHT rotation";
else // 2, -1 LEFT-RIGHT
temp = lr_rotation(temp);
cout << "\nLEFT-RIGHT rotation";
else if (bal_factor < -1)
if (diff (temp->right) > 0) // -2, 1 RIGHT-LEFT
temp = rl_rotation(temp);
cout << "\nRIGHT-LEFT rotation";
else // -2, -1 LEFT
temp = l_rotation(temp);
cout << "\nLEFT Rotation";
// Insert a node, calls the private insert function
void AVLTree::insertNode(string n, Professor *proffesor) {
TreeNode *newNode = NULL; // Pointer to a new node.
newNode = new TreeNode;
newNode->name = n;
newNode->prof = proffesor;
newNode->left = newNode->right = NULL;
// Insert the node.
insert(root, newNode);
Professor* AVLTree::searchNode(string s) {
cout << "Name inputted into search: " << s << endl;
cout << endl << "Actual name: " << root->name << endl;
TreeNode *nodePtr = root;
while (nodePtr != NULL) {
if (nodePtr->name == s) {
return nodePtr->prof;
else if (nodePtr->name > s) {
nodePtr = nodePtr->left;
cout << "Left -> " << nodePtr << endl;
else {
nodePtr = nodePtr->right;
cout << "Right -> " << nodePtr << endl;
return NULL;
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
class Professor
string name;
string course;
bool clearGrading;
bool goodFeedback;
bool caring;
bool reachable;
bool toughGrader;
bool lectureHeavy;
bool attendance;
Professor(string n, string course, bool cG, bool gF, bool c, bool r, bool tG, bool lH, bool a) {
this->name = n;
this->course = course;
this->clearGrading = cG;
this->goodFeedback = gF;
this->caring = c;
this->reachable = r;
this->toughGrader = tG;
this->lectureHeavy = lH;
this->attendance = a;
friend ostream &operator << (ostream &strm, Professor &p)
strm << endl << endl;
strm << setw(30) << "Professor:" << setw(20) << p.name << endl;
strm << setw(30) << "Course:" << setw(20) << p.course << endl;
strm << setw(30) << "Clear Grading Criteria:" << setw(20);
if(p.clearGrading == 0) strm << "no"; else strm << "yes";
strm << endl;
strm << setw(30) << "Provides Good Feedback:" << setw(20);
if(p.goodFeedback == 0) strm << "no"; else strm << "yes";
strm << endl;
strm << setw(30) << "Caring:" << setw(20);
if(p.caring == 0) strm << "no"; else strm << "yes";
strm << endl;
strm << setw(30) << "Reachable Outside of Class:" << setw(20);
if(p.reachable == 0) strm << "no"; else strm << "yes";
strm << endl;
strm << setw(30) << "Tough Grader:" << setw(20);
if(p.toughGrader == 0) strm << "no"; else strm << "yes";
strm << endl;
strm << setw(30) << "Lecture Heavy:" << setw(20);
if(p.lectureHeavy == 0) strm << "no"; else strm << "yes";
strm << endl;
strm << setw(30) << "Attendance Mandatory:" << setw(20);
if(p.attendance == 0) strm << "no"; else strm << "yes";
strm << endl;
return strm;
Michael Scott$CSC1310$0$0$1$1$0$1$1$Jim Halpert$CSC1310$1$1$1$0$0$0$0$Pam Beesly$CSC1300$1$1$1$0$1$0$1$Dwight Schrute$CSC2400$1$1$0$0$1$1$1$Angela Martin$CSC1300$1$0$0$0$1$1$1$Kelly Kapoor$CSC1300$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$Andy Bernard$CSC2400$1$0$1$1$0$1$1$Kevin Malone$CSC1310$0$1$1$1$0$0$0$Meredith Palmer$CSC1310$0$1$1$1$0$0$0$Phyllis Vance$CSC1300$1$1$1$0$1$0$0$Oscar Nunez$2400$1$1$1$1$1$1$1$
Running the program:
11 Proffesors have added from the file.
Which Computer Science professor do you want details about?
Andy Bernard
Angela Martin
Dwight Schrute
Jim Halpert
Kelly Kapoor
Kevin Malone
Meredith Palmer
Michael Scott
Oscar Nunez
Pam Beesly
Phyllis Vance
Type Professor Name: Andy Bernard
Name inputted into search: Andy Bernard
Actual name: Michael Scott
Left -> 0x100704570
Left -> 0x105a045b0
Left -> 0x105b04120
Left -> 0x105b041a0
Name inputted into search: Andy Bernard
Actual name: Michael Scott
Left -> 0x100704570
Left -> 0x105a045b0
Left -> 0x105b04120
Left -> 0x105b041a0
0x7ffeefbfee18Would you like to search another? (Y/N):
As you can see, I've put in some prints to kind of debug what's happening. I believe my objects are not getting inserted into the tree right, or my search function is off. Also, I'm not 100% on the balance function. Any help would be amazing.
*Create a simple linked list program to create a class list containing
class node {
void *info;
node *next;
node (void *v) {info = v; next = 0; }
void put_next (node *n) {next = n;}
node *get_next ( ) {return next;}
void *get_info ( ) {return info;}
Be able to initially fill the list. Provide functions to insert/append nodes and remove nodes from the linked list. Be able to display the contents of the list.
Write a little driver program with at least 5 values passed in (so that 5 nodes are created) as you insert/append, delete and display data, showing the programs operation.
Output: While displaying the data, make sure you use an informational label–using the terms “insert”, “append”, “remove” and any other term which displays the action. All data that is displayed must be displayed in a way in which the mentor can easily read and understand.*
My code runs but it throws Exception thrown: write access violation. this was nullptr. on Line 20 when I debug it. In the output it also stops at Delete 04 of my list and outputs no further data after line 156. I am not sure how to fix this. I tried to force it to output the new list with another cout statement but that did not work. Any assistance would be appreciated. Entire code below.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
class Node
void* info;
Node* next;
Node(void* v) { info = v; next = 0; }
void put_next(Node* n)
next = n;
Node* get_next()
return next;
void* get_info()
return info;
class List {
Node* head;
List() { head = NULL; };
void PRINT();
void APPEND(void* info);
void DELETE(void* info);
void List::PRINT() {
Node* temp = head;
if (temp == NULL)
cout << "Enter Values" << endl;
if (temp->get_next() == NULL)
cout << *(int*)temp->get_info();
cout << " => ";
cout << "Invalid" << endl;
while (temp != NULL)
cout << *(int*)temp->get_info();
cout << " --> ";
temp = temp->get_next();
cout << "Invalid" << endl;
void List::APPEND(void* info) {
Node* newNode = new Node(info);
Node* temp = head;
if (temp != NULL)
while (temp->get_next() != NULL)
temp = temp->get_next();
head = newNode;
void List::DELETE(void* info) {
Node* temp = head;
if (temp == NULL)
cout << "Enter Values" << endl;
if (temp->get_next() == NULL)
if ((int*)(temp->get_info()) == info)
delete temp;
head = NULL;
Node* previous = NULL;
while (temp != NULL)
if ((int*)(temp->get_info()) == info) break;
previous = temp;
temp = temp->get_next();
delete temp;
int main()
List list;
int a = 04;
int b = 11;
int c = 12;
int d = 15;
int e = 29;
int* Node1 = &a;
int* Node2 = &b;
int* Node3 = &c;
int* Node4 = &d;
int* Node5 = &e;
cout << "Append: 04" << endl;
cout << "Append: 11" << endl;
cout << "Append: 12" << endl;
cout << "Append: 15" << endl;
cout << "Append: 29" << endl;
cout << endl << "Print List" << endl;
cout << endl << "Delete 04" << endl;
cout << "Start New List" << endl;
cout << endl << "Delete 12" << endl;
return 0;
#pragma once
class Node
void* info;
Node* next;
Node(void* v) { info = v; next = 0; }
void put_next(Node* n)
next = n;
Node* get_next()
return next;
void* get_info()
return info;
#pragma once
#include "Node.h"
#include <iomanip>
class List {
Node* head;
List() { head = NULL; };
void PRINT();
void APPEND(void* info);
void DELETE(void* info);
#include <iostream>
#include "List.h"
using namespace std;
void List::PRINT() {
Node* temp = head;
if (temp == NULL)
cout << "Enter Values" << endl;
if (temp->get_next() == NULL)
cout << *(int*)temp->get_info();
cout << " => ";
cout << "Invalid" << endl;
while (temp != NULL)
cout << *(int*)temp->get_info();
cout << " --> ";
temp = temp->get_next();
cout << "Invalid" << endl;
void List::APPEND(void* info) {
Node* newNode = new Node(info);
Node* temp = head;
if (temp != NULL)
while (temp->get_next() != NULL)
temp = temp->get_next();
head = newNode;
void List::DELETE(void* info) {
Node* temp = head;
if (temp == NULL)
cout << "Enter Values" << endl;
if (temp->get_next() == NULL)
if ((int*)(temp->get_info()) == info)
delete temp;
head = NULL;
Node* previous = NULL;
while (temp != NULL)
if ((int*)(temp->get_info()) == info) {
// if node is head then changing the head
if (temp == head)
head = temp->get_next();
previous = temp;
temp = temp->get_next();
// skip this operation if node is head
if (temp->get_next() != head)
delete temp;
#include <iostream>
#include "List.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
List list;
int a = 04;
int b = 11;
int c = 12;
int d = 15;
int e = 29;
int* Node1 = &a;
int* Node2 = &b;
int* Node3 = &c;
int* Node4 = &d;
int* Node5 = &e;
cout << "Append: 04" << endl;
cout << "Append: 11" << endl;
cout << "Append: 12" << endl;
cout << "Append: 15" << endl;
cout << "Append: 29" << endl;
cout << endl << "Print List" << endl;
cout << endl << "Delete 04" << endl;
cout << "Start New List" << endl;
cout << endl << "Delete 12" << endl;
return 0;
So whenever you are deleting first node, you missed to set the head to the next node of head.
Commented at the parts which are modified in the else statement of DELETE function
Node* previous = NULL;
while (temp != NULL)
if ((int*)(temp->get_info()) == info){
// if node is head then changing the head
if (temp == head)
head = temp->get_next();
previous = temp;
temp = temp->get_next();
// skip this operation if node is head
if (temp->get_next() != head)
delete temp;
I'm writing a program about creating a list of country, there seems to no error in my code but when debugging, I get the error: Unhandled exception thrown: Read access violation p was 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, after I input some values.
Can anyone give me a hint or find me the mistake?
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
this is my struct Provice.
struct Province
int Code;
string Name;
int Pop;
float Area;
struct node
struct Province data;
node* next;
struct List
node* head;
node* tail;
void Init(List &l)
l.head = NULL;
l.tail = NULL;
void add_tail(List& l, node* p)
if (l.head == NULL)
l.head = p;
l.tail = p;
l.tail->next = p;
l.tail = p;
I think I got some problem when I create a node here without initializing value, is this right ?
void inputListProvinces(List& l)
int n;
cin >> n;
int i = 0;
node* p = new node;
cin >> p->data.Code;
getline(cin, p->data.Name);
cin >> p->data.Pop;
cin >> p->data.Area;
add_tail(l, p);
And the error happens here, but I dont know how to fix.
void outputListProvinces(List& l)
node* p = l.head;
while (p != NULL)
cout << p->data.Code << '\t'; /*Unhandled exception thrown: read access violation.
cout << p->data.Name << '\t';
cout << p->data.Pop << '\t';
cout << p->data.Area << '\t';
cout << endl;
p = p->next;
void outputProvince(node* p)
cout << p->data.Code << '\t';
cout << p->data.Name << '\t';
cout << p->data.Pop << '\t';
cout << p->data.Area << '\t';
void outputProvincesMore1MillionPop(List& l)
node* p = l.head;
while (p != NULL)
if (p->data.Pop > 1000)
cout << endl;
p = p->next;
node* findProMaxArea(List& l)
node* n = l.head;
node* p = l.head;
while (p != NULL)
if (p->data.Area > n->data.Area)
n = p;
p = p->next;
return n;
int main()
List L;
cout << "List of provinces:" << endl;
cout << "ID\t|Province\t|Population\t|Area" << endl;
cout << "Provinces with a population of more than 1 million:" << endl;
cout << "The largest province:" << endl;
node* p = findProMaxArea(L);
if (p) outputProvince(p);
return 0;
Mistake is node never initializes its next pointer. You can only count on it being NULL if you set it to NULL, and the last node in the list MUST be NULLor the program can't find the end of the List and marches off into the wacky world of Undefined Behaviour.
Safest Fix: Add a constructor to node to make sure next is always initialized.
struct node
struct Province data;
node* next;
node(node* n = NULL): next(n)
There are other fixes, like making sure l.tail->next = NULL; at the end of inputListProvinces, but I don't think it's really worth the reduced overhead given the slow-ness of the console IO.
And if you do that, then you should also roll Init into List as a constructor:
struct List
node* head;
node* tail;
List(): head(NULL), tail(NULL)
This should leave you with the problem of a poorly-placed cin.ignore() consuming a character you don't want consumed.
Side note: Replace NULL with nullptr if available to your compiler and target C++ Standard revision. nullptr removes the bugs that can result from NULL being a glorified 0.
below is my current in-progress code converting a singly linked to a doubly linked list. I haven't touched the delete function yet. I've gotten insert in empty list, end of list, and beginning of list apparently working.
However nodes inserting in the middle seemingly fail to create a link to the previous node. My debugging lines I inserted seem to show both the n->next and n-> prev with the correct memory address, but when I go to reverseprint, any nodes inserted in the middle are missed and the links are gone. Where am I going wrong in regards to this?
Code below:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// define a node for storage and linking
class node {
string name;
node *next;
node *prev;
class linkedList {
linkedList() :top(NULL) {}
bool empty() { return top == NULL; }
node *getTop() { return top; }
node *getEnd() { return end; }
void setTop(node *n) { top = n; }
void setEnd(node *p) { end = p; }
void add(string);
int menu();
void remove(string);
void reversePrint();
friend ostream& operator << (ostream&, const linkedList&); // default output is in-order print.
node *top;
node *end;
void main() {
linkedList l;
cout << l.empty() << endl;
int option = 0;
string s;
bool go = true;
while (go) {
option = l.menu();
switch (option) {
case 1: cout << "enter a name: "; cin >> s; l.add(s); break;
case 2: cout << "enter name to be deleted: "; cin >> s; l.remove(s); break;
case 3: cout << l; break;
//case 4: cout << "can not be done with a singly linked list" << endl;
case 4: l.reversePrint(); break;
case 5: cout << "exiting" << endl; go = false; break;
void linkedList::remove(string s) {
bool found = false;
node *curr = getTop(), *prev = NULL;
while (curr != NULL) {
// match found, delete
if (curr->name == s) {
found = true;
// found at top
if (prev == NULL) {
node *temp = getTop();
// found in list - not top
else {
prev->next = curr->next;
// not found, advance pointers
if (!found) {
prev = curr;
curr = curr->next;
// found, exit loop
else curr = NULL;
if (found)cout << "Deleted " << s << endl;
else cout << s << " Not Found " << endl;
void linkedList::add(string s) {
node *n = new node();
n->name = s;
n->next = NULL;
n->prev = NULL;
// take care of empty list case
if (empty()) {
top = n;
end = n;
// take care of node belongs at beginning case
else if (getTop()->name > s) {
n->next = getTop();
n->prev = NULL;
node *temp;
temp = n->next;
temp->prev = n;
// take care of inorder and end insert
else {
// insert in order case
node *curr = getTop(), *prev = curr;
while (curr != NULL) {
if (curr->name > s)break;
prev = curr;
curr = curr->next;
if (curr != NULL) { // search found insert point
n->next = curr;
cout << n->name << " " << n << " prev " << prev << " " << prev->name << endl;
n->prev = prev;
prev->next = n;
cout << "n->prev is: " << n->prev << " " << n->prev->name << endl;
cout << "n->next is: " << n->next << " " << n->next->name << endl;
// take care of end of list insertion
else if (curr == NULL) {// search did not find insert point
prev->next = n;
n->prev = prev;
cout << "n->prev is: " << n->prev << " " << n->prev->name << endl;
ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const linkedList& ll) {
//linkedList x = ll; // put this in and the code blows up - why?
node *n = ll.top;
if (n == NULL)cout << "List is empty." << endl;
while (n != NULL) {
os << n->name << endl;
os << n << endl;
if (n->next != NULL) {
os << "next is " << n->next << endl;
n = n->next;
return os;
void linkedList::reversePrint() {
node *n = end;
if (n == NULL)cout << "List is empty." << endl;
while (n != NULL) {
//cout << n->name << endl;
cout << "memory address of " << n->name << " is " << n << endl;
if (n->prev != NULL) {
cout << "prev is " << n->prev << endl;
n = n->prev;
// return memory to heap
linkedList::~linkedList() {
cout << "~linkedList called." << endl;
node *curr = getTop(), *del;
while (curr != NULL) {
del = curr;
curr = curr->next;
int linkedList::menu() {
int choice = 0;
while (choice < 1 || choice > 5) {
cout << "\nEnter your choice" << endl;
cout << " 1. Add a name." << endl;
cout << " 2. Delete a name." << endl;
cout << " 3. Show list." << endl;
cout << " 4. Show reverse list. " << endl;
cout << " 5. EXIT " << endl;
cin >> choice;
return choice;
You are not setting the prev of the current in insertion into middle, just do:
n->next = curr;
curr->prev = n; // <-- this