How to make front page slider in Sense/Net which cover full page dimension of web browser - zurb-foundation

I want to change default front page sensenet slider,which should cover full page of browser.I changed height of slides to 100% in file system and content explorer i also added li{height:100%} and img{height:100%}enter image description here
I also want to hide/remove by default slider name which show on images.

There're two things to modify:
Open /Root/Global/renderers/Slider.ascx and change 'snmaxheight' in the slider config (line 117.)
snmaxheight: window.innerHeight
Add the following to the slider .css file (/Root/Global/styles/snSlider.css)
.orbit-container li .text {
display: none;


How to Put image on Navigation List in Oracle APEX 5.1

can anyone help me? I would like to show my own Image in the Navigation List. I've already tryed it in the Shared Components / List Details / Edit Desktop Navigation menu but he didnt show my image. See Attached image
at the Page HTML shows me that he put FA in front of my image :O
span class="fa *********/r/425/files/static/v11/2018-06-13 08_34_21-Durchführung CAB.png"
In this place you put class name of FontApex or custom css class which contains image info.
For example:
Image/class: slon
Inline css for page:
.slon {
background-image: url(#APP_IMAGES#2.jpg);
background-size: 35px 35px;

Open html file on button click with python-plotly

Im writing a python script which reads from a file and plots graphs in seperate html files with plotly.I would like to have a button to redirect from one page to another(load from disc).I've come across this :
updatemenus = list([
buttons=list([dict(label = 'Next',method = 'update', args = ['shapes', []])])
But this is used for updating data or changing layout. What i want is open another html page from disc on button click. Is that possible ?
I have also seen this :
import webbrowser
url = "file:///home/tinyOS/Simulation_"+str(counter_iter+1)+".html"
Which helps me open a new page but again i want it to happen when clicking on the button.Any ideas? Thanks a lot !
From the question I understand that you want a group of buttons on the plotly graph, that are going to open a plotly graph in new tab.
So you need not use plotly buttons for this requirements.because they are mainly used for restyle, relayout, etc., so there is no relation between these buttons and opening links in new tabs.
I would recommend having simple html buttons which on click are going to take you to the new tab.
A simple way to do it will be, wrap the plot in a div set to relative positioning and make the div wrapping the button absolute positioned and position it anywhere over the graph, please refer the below example and let me know if this solves your issue!
import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import plotly.offline as py_offline
from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
z-index: 30000;
.button-group a{
What is happening in the above piece of code is, first we include the necessary packages, then styles needed!
data = [go.Bar(
x=['giraffes', 'orangutans', 'monkeys'],
y=[20, 14, 23]
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="button-group">
Google It
Yahoo It
+str(py_offline.plot(data, filename='plot_name' ,output_type="div", include_plotlyjs=False))
+ '</div>'))
The main piece of code, with which we embed the buttons is shown above, first we define the plotly plot , then using display and html functions, we can embed the buttons inside a div with class button-group and with CSS we position that button.
Please do try the above code and let me know if there are any doubts regarding the working!

Creating a Bartik sub-theme in Drupal 8

I have been playing with Drupal 8. At the moment I want to have an image as the header background in Bartik. For this I created a subtheme called "freex" in the following way:
Create folder freex in /themes/custom/
Create in /themes/custom/freex/ containing:
name: Freex
description: Basis thema voor verenigingen
type: theme
core: 8.x
base theme: bartik
- freex/global-styling
Create file freex.libraries.yml in /themes/custom/freex/ containing:
version: 1.0
css/style.css: {}
Create file in /themes/custom/freex/css/ called style.css containing:
#header {
background-color: yellow;
Just to see of it works... It doesn't, the header does not change background color. Any ideas as to what I am missing?
Turn off the page cache: Configuration Menu -> Development -> Performance
Uncheck the checkboxes : Aggregate Css files, aggregate javascript files.
If you do this, when you see page source, you see your file name style.css - not the generated css file name, as you write. At the top of the performance page, click to clear all cache. And after that, see your page.
The Bartik theme includes colors.css last (I think it's auto-generated from the theme settings) so the subtheme colours are overriden by the later color module colours.
Add "!important" to your CSS color settings, so they won't be overridden. For example:
#header {
background-color: #CDBE79 !important;
background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #CDBE79 0%, #CDBE79 100%) !important;

Reload Isotope "Show all" filter after showing hidden div

I have made a collapsible section for the portfolio (extensive) gallery on my one page website. The gallery has Isotope filters applied to it. On default only the header is shown, but when clicking on the header, the filter names and gallery should be unhidden (content hidden via CSS using display:none) as per JQuery code below:
$(document).ready(function () {
$('h5').click(function () {
}); //end toggle
}); //end ready
When I click the header, it expands the filter names, but gallery content isn't displayed. This only happens after clicking one of the filters. When toggling the collapsible section, the gallery remains shown as intended.
So the only problem is the initial unhiding of the gallery. I think by clicking the header, the "Show all" filter or other relevant div has to be reloaded/refreshed in order for the gallery to appear. I've tried multiple commands, but can't seem to find the correct one.
Thank you for the help and let me know if you need any more information.
Apologies for the delay, but please find setup via link below:
Thanks for the help.
I took a look at the site and isotope doesn't have time to calculate the image sizes, so it's giving the UL container a height of 0: <ul class="portfolio-wrap isotope" style="position: relative; overflow: hidden; height: 0px;"> which is why the images aren't showing up.
When the user clicks a filter, isotope recalculates the images sizes and applies it to the UL, and voila, the images reappear.
You can manage this by using the imagesloaded script, which will only call isotope once the images have finished loading.
Here's the isotope documentation on integrating isotope with imagesloaded.

Change the tag-it font size

Does anybody know how to change the size of the fonts appearing in tags of the tag-it plug in? I went over the stylesheet but it does not seam obvious to me how to do it.
It is in the color specifc css file, tagit-stylish-yellow.css for example.
Look for
ul.tagit { cursor: text; font-size: 14px; color: #333; }
and change the font-size.
I found this by going to the demo site in Chrome, start the inspector by pressing F12, selecting the tag and looking at the css directives that affect it.