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Why it's not possible to use regex to parse HTML/XML: a formal explanation in layman's terms
(10 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have a xml file with this data format
<row Id="9" Body="aaaaaaaaa" Target="123456" />
I want to find & replace all Body="" things with a space from my xml file. What is the regex for that?
There are many possibilities, here is one way to remove the content from the Body attribute
This creates two capturing groups for the content before and after the Body attribute. Then, you just use those capturing groups for the replacement:
It will transform:
<row Id="9" Body="aaaaaaaaa" Target="123456" />
<row Id="9" Body="" Target="123456" />
You can see it working here.
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Replacing nested quotes in a faulty string inside XML Attribute using Regular Expression
(4 answers)
How to parse invalid (bad / not well-formed) XML?
(4 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have this xml which could have nested double quotes (not escaped) inside attributes:
<tag1 att1="This has "nested double quotes"">
<tag2 att2="This also has a nested " double quotes"></tag2>
I need to find a regex which will select all the nested double quotes, in this case
"nested double quotes"
nested " double
and replace them with the " character. The final xml should be like the following:
<tag1 att1="This has "nested double quotes"">
<tag2 att2="This also has a nested " double quotes"></tag2>
Is it possible to achieve this using regex?
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RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags
(35 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have an xml response in the following format
There are multiple such values in the xml. I need to extract only the fieldId
1. which is active i.e., T
2. which is of fieldType DOCUMENT.
I tried the following regex,
But this is extracting the 1st occurrence of fieldId, 12345 (even though it is not active) instead of 98765
P.s: I am trying to use this regex
An xml parser is probably a better solution. However based on your question this seems to achieve the desired output.
Try it here!
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Replace or remove mutliple lines of text in oracle stored procedure
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
Could any one help me to repalce or remove set of lines using a replace or regex replace function in oracle,and what would be the string pattern to find and replace..I need something in oracle Stored procedure
lines to be replaced from below text
<?xml version="1.0"?>
XML string
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<MODULE_DESCRIPTION>Main Menu for Customers with silver membership</MODULE_DESCRIPTION>
Use REPLACE to do it.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<MODULE_DESCRIPTION>Main Menu for Customers with silver membership</MODULE_DESCRIPTION>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
from dual
<MODULE_DESCRIPTION>Main Menu for Customers with silver membership</MODULE_DESCRIPTION>
The INSTR function returns the character position of a sub string within a larger string. Having found the location of some text in a string, a natural next step is to extract it, use the SUBSTR function
Or you can use replace function directly.
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RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags
(35 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
In my document I have
Between the
I want to find ANYTHING except for US and PR.
For example
<country>US</country> = ignore
<country>PR</country> = ignore
<country>UP</county> = match found
What I have is
Pattern = "<Country>(.*?[^USPR].*?)</Country>"
but this ignores strings like
Not sure how to write allowing only 2 options between the tags.. US and PR only.
This should work.
Matches the opening <country> tag not followed by US or PR. Then goes on to match anything before the closing </country> tag.
Try this one:
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Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags
How to remove single attribute with quotes via RegEx
I am trying to remove the "sfref" attribute from the html code below:
<a sfref="[Libraries]719c25f9-89b3-4a7c-b6d5-e734b0c06ac1" href="../../HPLC.sflb.ashx">Determination</a> <br />
<img sfref="[Libraries]3e60aebb-acac-4806-bd22-f7986f66e7b3" src="../../Note52011.sflb.ashx">Test</a><br />
So far I have come up with this regex, but it is not matching:
This is where I am testing if it help:
Can someone please help me remove the "sfref" attribute?
You really really really shouldn't use regex (see the link in #Jack Maney's comment), but if you have to, this should work:
This will work for single or double quotes.