In Linux Ubuntu 14. I would like display some graphic animation from a TCL/Tk widget. For the Graphic animation I will use OpenGl. Is there any way to do that?
I think you want the tcl3d package by Paul Obermeier:
For an accessibility desktop application I must overlay the desktop screen with numbers, text and a grid of rectangles (stroked with e.g. red brush).
Ideally this should work on any window manager system (windows, linux KDE/GNOME, possibly even mac).
What is the standard approach to something like this? I was thinking of taking a screenshot of the screen and then drawing on top of it but I'm unsure on what to use to draw.
There is a library that could help you out in making cross-platform applications. glfw, this is capable of making an application window for windows, mac, Linux, and more.
For the graphics stuff, you could use OpenGL or Vulkan(personally not advised for new users) graphics APIs which are cross-platformed. I was thinking of taking a screenshot of the screen and then drawing on top of it but I'm unsure on what to use to draw. For this you could you framebuffers, learning OpenGL.
I making a port of my 3d program to macOS.
I'm using c++ and FreeGlut at windows. So at macOS, I've started to use it with GLUT. I don't use cocoa and create an OpenGL window context via GLUT.
There is a problem with the support of hidpi retina.
Glut reshapefunc is detecting two times the smaller resolution (I mean it detects logical points, not actual retina pixels) That's why the image looks pixelated.
How to turn on retina support in GLUT (or freeglut)?
I've tried the solution from this article (add line "hidpi" to glutInitDisplayString
and GLUT_3_2_CORE_PROFILE to glutInitDisplayMode). But it doesn't help.
Is it possible to make it without big changes in the program? Because it's quite a big program (3d software).
Thank you
You should only use one of glutInitDisplayString and glutInitDisplayMode.
glutInitDisplayMode overides glutInitDisplayString if it comes after.
glutInitDisplayString("hidpi core rgba double")
Is it possible to use SDL to create a window with a transparent "hole" in it, i.e. with whatever application is beneath the SDL-driven application showing through? My understanding is that previous versions of SDL did not support this, so I'm hoping the latest version does.
If you are talking about SDL 1.2 then no , sdl 1.3 might have somthing like SDL_SetWindowShape
but I would say you would like that
I'd like to create a window with transparent background and then render something onto it using OpenGL. I don't want to use the trick where whatever is behind the window is captured and then painted as a background - I want real transparency (I have composition manager running). I'm not using any GUI library (GTK, QT, ...), just raw xlib and glx.
Anyone knows how to do it?
Take a look at these patches to Neverball and SDL. They seem to be based on NVidia's driver documentation.
I haven't tried it, but it looks as if you just select the correct GLX config (GLX_RGBA_BIT), clear your window appropriately, and have a compositor running, it should Just Workâ˘.
On Windows (Vista32), I want to display some simple graphics on top of a fullscreen flash window (an overlay of useful information while using the flash application). What's the fastest way to accomplish it?
I think I may be able to achieve it using DirectX with the DDSCAPS_OVERLAY flag but with the only example I've found I get an exception:
The function called is not supported at this time
m_direct_draw->CreateSurface(&ddsd, &m_overlay_surface, 0)
(full code here:
Something relevant to C/++ or Python would help me. I'm using the latest DirectX SDK.
Thank you
Just create a Layered Window and draw to it with an alpha channel - in WPF, this is as easy as setting the AllowsTransparency bit on the Window
While the transparent layered window is useful, it doesn't appear on top of the fullscreen flash with WS_EX_TOPMOST set.
Note sure how to reply to Paul sadly.
Overlaying on a 3D fullscreen application is very relevant but while it works and flash appears to load dx9, it doesn't show on flash.