Visual Studio 2017 Nuget Client Version off - visual-studio-2017

I installed Visual Studio 2017 last night. This morning when I open up an existing Web Api project, I am seeing this:
C:\MyProject.nuget\NuGet.targets(92,9): error : The
'Microsoft.ApplicationInsights 2.2.0' package requires NuGet client
version '2.8.50313' or above, but the current NuGet version is
This is happening on nine different packages: Bcl, .NET.Http, etc...
Any insight?


Can't install DotNetNuke (DNN) Development Project Templates on Visual Studio 2017

I'm trying to create a DNN project in my Visual Studio 2017 (version 15.9.19), like described in
When I'm searching for "Dotnetnuke" in Marketplace I've no results.
If I try to install the vsix file downloaded from
I got this error:
Any kind of solution/advice will be great!
Thanks in advance!

VS 2017 15.7.2 Manage Nuget Package error "The visual Studio component cache is out of datePlease restart Visual Studio"

Manage Nuget Package is giving error "The visual Studio component cache is out of date (assembly: NuGet.Configuration, version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf38). Please restart Visual Studio"
As shown below
Tried to delete everything from below, But Not helping.
Uninstalled Visual studio and Installed again, still didn't help.
Cleared component cache as well , still not working
Updated Visual Studio 2017 to 15.7.3 resolved my issue.

Failed Install of SSDT for Visual Studio 2017

I am trying to install SSDT for VS 2017 (15.5.1), and I get this error:
"The requested metafile operation is not support (0x800707D3)".
The Microsoft page states that this was fixed in the current release but apparently that isn't true. From Microsoft's change log: Fix an issue where setup fails with the following error message:
"The requested metafile operation is not support (0x800707D3)".
I have Visual 2017 installed and working and all updates to it have been installed
I am running Windows 7 Enterprise (company machine out of my control)
Has anyone figured out a work around?
The method I successfully used after encountering the failure message cited above was to uninstall the Visual Studio 2015 shell using add / remove programs (Win 10 Pro); rebooting, and then reinstalling SSDT for Visual Studio 2017 (Community Ed).
I am not sure how the Visual Studio 2015 Shell got installed: I previously removed all prior versions of SQL Server, and Visual Studio from the machine. I did build out the machine again by first installing SQL Server 2017 Dev, Visual Studio 2017 Comm Ed.
Same issue, Windows 10 Ent. Ended up installing SSDT for VS2015.

AnkhSVN not showing in Visual Studio 2017

I cannot see AnkhSVN as an option under "Tools - Options - Source Control" in Visual Studio 2017. I have uninstalled and reinstalled AnkhSVN, but no effect.
Is there a way to fix this?
I came here looking for an answer to the same question. I am Running Windows 10 Enterprise and had VS2015 with AnkhSVN working before and after installing VS2017, but in VS2017 AnkhSVN was not available under SCC Plug-In Selection (even after uninstall and reinstall of the install executables downloaded from, which offer registration against VS Dev15/2017).
This is what eventually worked:
Removed AnkhSVN (Windows: Add or Remove Programs)
Installed AnkhSVN Nuget package (Visual Studio: Tools/Extensions and Updates)
So the trick I believe is to "remove program installed by MSI/EXE followed by install extension via Visual Studio VSIX".
I was also subsequently able to upgrade AnkhSVN (2.7.12815 from VSIX install), by running the downloaded EXE installer for the latest daily build (2.7.12821), after which AnkhSVN is available in both VS2015 and 2017, although I had to reselect it in 2015.
I had the same issue with VS2017 and tried the solution provided by AlanK to no avail.
Here is the solution that solved the problem for me:
Uninstall the source control plug-in.
Make a backup of the following files:
Remove these files:
Start Visual Studio 2017.
Install the source control plug-in.
You have to install "Ankh.VS15Package.vsix" package along with AnkhSVN software in your system as the version of AnkhSVN that you are installing might be supporting only up to Visual Studio 2015 or less. I had the same issue and resolved it by installing the package mentioned.
I had a similar issue after one of the Visual Studio 2017 updates. I had Visual Studio running and I was attempting to follow #AlanK's steps. I uninstalled as in Step 1. When I did Step 2, VS said the plugin was installed already. I restarted Visual Studio, thinking it was confused about the fact I uninstalled via Add/Remove programs.
I checked again and the AnkhSVN plugin was shown as disabled. I enabled it and then AnkhSVN and VS 2017 started playing nicely again.
I read the answer from Snehlata Shaw, and I think what I uninstalled from Add/Remove programs is the 2015 and earlier version of AnkhSvn. I can't be 100% sure that uninstalling it did or did not help with the 2017 version.
In summary, make sure the plugin isn't just disabled. VS 2017 says (now that is enabled) that AnknSvn slows down startup by 6 seconds and perhaps I disabled it not realizing what I was doing (Monday morning??).

Visual Studio 15 Preview 2 - Where is the Nuget Package Manager?

I just installed Visual Studio 15 Preview 2 (The newest one) and I have notice when right clicking on your solution there is no "Manage Nuget Packages" option (or what ever the old one was called) has the nuget thing been totally removed or not? can someone help me with this because Microsoft hasn't really helped me much with it and google hasn't given me much help either..
You'll need to install the NuGet Package Manager for Visual Studio 15 Preview extension.
Tools > Extensions and Updates > Online
Then search for NuGet and download the official NuGet Package Manager extension by Microsoft Corporation.
I had the same problem with Visual Studio 2017 RC. You have to rerun the installer (vs_installer.exe) then go to the "Individual Components" tab, scroll down to "Code tools" and add "Nuget package manager".