pop_back() causes "Vector subscript out of range" - c++

I'm making a program just to practice vectors and this has me stumped. The point of the program was to make a tournament to help people choose between restaurants.
Here is the code that causes an error:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
const int ITEMS_PER_MATCHUP = 2;
using namespace std;
int PromptChoice(string first, string second, string helpMessage = "") {
string input;
while (true) {
cout << "Which restaurant do you prefer, " << first << "(1) or " << second << "(2)? ";
cin >> input; //no need to protect as it is going into a string variable
if (input == "first" || input == "1" || input == "left" || input == "First" || input == "Left") {
return 0;
else if (input == "second" || input == "2" || input == "right" || input == "Second" || input == "Right") {
return 1;
// if the response was not recognized
else cout << endl << helpMessage << endl << "Please enter 1 or 2" << endl << "Please try again." << endl << endl;
int main() {
vector<string> list = { "Burger Place", "Italian Place", "Soup And Salad Place", "BBQ Place" };
vector<int> stillInTheRunning;
for (int index = 0; index < list.size(); index++) { //populates an array full of values 0 to the size of the array
int matchupsThisRound = stillInTheRunning.size();
for (int i = 0; i < matchupsThisRound; i += ITEMS_PER_MATCHUP) { //ITEMS_PER_MATCHEP == 2
int choice = PromptChoice(list[stillInTheRunning[i]], list[stillInTheRunning[i + 1]]);
//stillInTheRunning.erase(stillInTheRunning.begin() + i + choice);
for (int i = 0; i < stillInTheRunning.size(); i++) { //print the vector
cout << endl << stillInTheRunning[i] << endl;
system("pause"); //I know I know don't use system. just for debuging?
If I understand the error it usually happens when you try to visit a vector index that is out of range. Something bigger than vector.size() - 1 but in this case it happened when I was trying to use vector.erase()
Thinking perhaps I just mugged the for loop I tried switching to pop_back() because I thought you can't mess that one up. But I still got the error.
Playing around with it I tried commenting out a few things.
Like if I comment out the prompting function:
for (int i = 0; i < matchupsThisRound; i += ITEMS_PER_MATCHUP) { //ITEMS_PER_MATCHEP == 2
//int choice = PromptChoice(list[stillInTheRunning[i]], list[stillInTheRunning[i + 1]]);
//stillInTheRunning.erase(stillInTheRunning.begin() + i + choice);
No error
And if I comment out the pop_back():
for (int i = 0; i < matchupsThisRound; i += ITEMS_PER_MATCHUP) { //ITEMS_PER_MATCHEP == 2
int choice = PromptChoice(list[stillInTheRunning[i]], list[stillInTheRunning[i + 1]]);
//stillInTheRunning.erase(stillInTheRunning.begin() + i + choice);
also no error.
What is causing the problem???

I found it!
its here
PromptChoice(list[stillInTheRunning[i]], list[stillInTheRunning[i + 1]])
on the second run of the for loop i = 2;
after poping off one item off the back the vector's size was now 3 instead of 4 so stillInTheRunning[i + 1] was trying to get the item in index 3 which now does not exist.

The problem is when you pop_back, the size of stillInTheRunning decreases, but matchupsThisRound stays the same, so eventually the loop reaches the point where i+1 is out of the stillInTheRunning's range.
Also it's a bit weird that you're increasing i by 2 every cycle, but pop_back only once.



I'm trying to take user inputted notes and store them in an array. The validation works fine but when I input the last value in the loop I get:
Debug Assertion Failed!
Expression: "(_Ptr_user & (_BIG_ALLOCATION_ALIGNMENT - 1))==0"&&0
An invalid parameter was passed to a function that considers invalid parameters fatal.
I'm struggling to understand where the issue is and how I can fix it.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
typedef string noteName;
noteName getNoteName(int i)
bool flag = true;
noteName Namein;
cout << "Please enter note name no. " << i + 1 << ": ";
cin >> Namein;
cout << "------------------------------------\n";
if (Namein.length() > 3 || Namein.length() < 2)
cout << "Sorry, a note name must be 2 or 3 characters long. Please try again.\n";
flag = false;
else if (Namein.length() == 3 && Namein[1] != '#')
cout << "Sorry, the second character of a sharp note name must be #. Please try again.\n";
flag = false;
else if ((Namein[0] < 'a' || Namein[0] > 'g') && (Namein[0] < 'A' || Namein[0] > 'G'))
cout << "Sorry, the first character of a note name must be a letter between A and G. Please try again.\n";
flag = false;
else if (isdigit(Namein.back()) == false)
cout << "Sorry, the last character of a note name must be a number. Please try again.\n";
flag = false;
flag = true;
} while (flag == false);
return Namein;
int main()
const int numNotes = 4;
noteName NoteNames[numNotes];
cout << "Hello\n";
for (int i = 0; i <= numNotes; i++)
NoteNames[i] = getNoteName(i);
cout << "Thank you, the note names and lengths you entered were: \n\n";
for (int i = 0; i <= numNotes; i++)
cout << i << ". " << NoteNames[i] << "\n";
cout << "Done!";
return 0;
I want to say it's something to do with getNoteName() having a string return type as I haven't had this issue with any of my other functions that return int.
noteName NoteNames[numNotes]; defines an array where NoteNames[numNotes - 1] is the largest element you can access.
You go one further than this. The behaviour on doing that is undefined which is manifesting itself as the crash that you observe.
Replace your loop limits with for (int i = 0; i < numNotes; i++), or similar.
(You also have your CamelCase conventions for class names and variable names switch round from what's normal, which makes your code confusing to read.)
(I'd also rather see constexpr int numNotes = 4;: Google that for more details.)

Inserting new score into sorted array while updating separate array of names

score is an array of 10 scores in ascending order.
scoreName is an array of names associated with with each score.
I need to check if a new score is good enough to enter the the high score table and if so, insert it into the correct position and make sure scoreName is also updated to reflect any changes.
I am having problems with my current code:
for (int i = 0; i < leaderBoardSize; i++)
cout << scoreName[i] << "\t\t" << score[i] << endl;
//Check to see if you made the highScore
if (diceTotal >= score[9])
cout << "Congrats, you have made the HighScore Table !\nEnter Your Name.";
cin >> playerName;
for (int i = 9; i < leaderBoardSize; i--)
if (diceTotal <= score[i])
scoreName[i = i + 1] = scoreName[i];
score[i = i + 1] = score[i];
scoreName[i] = playerName;
score[i] = diceTotal;
scoreName[i = i + 1] = scoreName[i];
score[i = i + 1] = score[i];
Here is the entire code:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
//dice game variables
int dice1 = 0;
int dice2 = 0;
int diceTotal = 0;
int round = 0;
string choice;
bool isDone = true;
const int leaderBoardSize = 10;
int score[10] = { 40, 33, 29, 24, 22, 19, 15, 12, 11, 9 };
string scoreName[leaderBoardSize] = { "Jason", "Steve", "Bob", "Timberduck", "Eric", "Susan", "Tyler", "Nick", "NinjaDave", "RaidenGunfire" };
string playerName;
//random number seeder
srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
//Game instructions
cout << "dice game\n---------\nCreated By: Darcy Tellier\n--------------------------\nInstructions:\nRoll 2 dices. Try to get as close to 50 without going over." << endl;
//The Game loop
//resets game variables
diceTotal = 0;
round = 1;
//in game match loop
// display round #, current dice total, ask user to quit or re-roll.
cout << "Round\n-----\n " << round << endl;
cout << "current total:" << diceTotal << endl;
cout << "Roll dice (y/n)?";
cin >> choice;
//Checks the users imput for invalid characters
while (choice != "Y" && choice != "y" && choice != "N" && choice != "n")
cout << "invalid option. Choose y/n:" << endl;
cin >> choice;
if (choice == "Y" || choice == "y")
//roll dice
round += 1;
dice1 = rand() % 6 + 1;
dice2 = rand() % 6 + 1;
diceTotal = diceTotal + dice1 + dice2;
cout << "you have rolled a " << dice1 << " and a " << dice2 << endl;
if (diceTotal > 50)
isDone = false;
//break was used because "isDone = false" does not work here. The debugger shows that when the variable is set to false, it still ignores it and skips to the next round.
} while (isDone == true || diceTotal < 50);
//end of round
if (diceTotal > 50)
cout << "\nGameOver" << endl;
cout << "You went over in " << round << " turns. You Lose!!! " << endl;
cout << "You stopped at " << round << " turns. Final score: " << diceTotal << "." << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < leaderBoardSize; i++)
cout << scoreName[i] << "\t\t" << score[i] << endl;
//Check to see if you made the highScore
if (diceTotal >= score[9])
cout << "Congrats, you have made the HighScore Table !\nEnter Your Name.";
cin >> playerName;
for (int i = 9; i < leaderBoardSize; i--)
if (diceTotal <= score[i])
scoreName[i] = playerName;
score[i] = diceTotal;
//board display #2
for (int i = 0; i < leaderBoardSize; i++)
cout << scoreName[i] << "\t\t" << score[i] << endl;
//do you want to play again?
cout << "Do you want to play again";
cin >> choice;
while (choice != "Y" && choice != "y" && choice != "N" && choice != "n")
cout << "invalid option. Choose y/n:" << endl;
cin >> choice;
if (choice == "Y" || choice == "y")
isDone = true;
cout << "game over" << endl;
isDone = false;
} while (isDone);
return 0;
This is a copy of the assignment.
Note: I am not asking for you guys to do my work. I just want to figure out the highScore sorting thing.
The problem: arrays are not a good way to achieve what you want
You are trying to see if a score beat another score, and if so, replace that and move the rest of the scores down. I assume your scores are sorted, and that score is a int[10], but you have several problems:
for (int i = 9; i < leaderBoardSize; i--)
You are attempting to iterate through your scores backwards, so you start at 9 (which I assume is the last index) and work your way down. Assuming leaderBoardSize is the total size of the leaderboard, and likely 10, i will always be less than leaderBoardSize and your for loop will go for a loooong time. You probably meant to say:
for (int i = 9; i >= 0; i--)
scoreName[i = i + 1] = scoreName[i];
score[i = i + 1] = score[i];
This is assigning i to a new value, which will also ruin your for loop. You should only be doing
scoreName[i + 1] = scorename[i];
Trying to swap all the values in an array in cumbersome, and you are trying to do everything manually, so I give you:
The solution: use the standard library!
C++ is a great language, if for no other reason than containing a standard library: a library of functions and classes that solve many basic problems for you.
It is far easier to sort, insert and remove elements by using a standard container. Let's use std::vector:
// Simple class to handle a player score: a name and score
struct PlayerScore
std::string name;
unsigned int score;
// Create some test scores. I assume you have another means of storing high scores, perhaps in a file, but for this small purpose I am just hard-coding some scores:
std::vector<PlayerScore> hiScores = { {"ABC", 5000}, {"XJK", 10000}, {"FOO", 20000}, {"EGG", 4000}, {"HI", 50000} };
You may keep your scores sorted, but if, like mine they aren't sorted, you can sort them easily with std::sort:
std::sort(hiScores.begin(), hiScores.end(), [](PlayerScore ps1, PlayerScore ps2){ return ps1.score > ps2.score; });
With that out the way, you can proceed to play your game and obtain a name for the player and their score. I haven't bothered, and will just create a value for the score:
auto score = 10123u;
// Check if this score beats any of the current high scores:
auto it = std::find_if(hiScores.begin(), hiScores.end(), [score](PlayerScore ps){ return score > ps.score; });
if (it != hiScores.end())
// Yes! We beat a score!
std::cout << "Found score: " << it->score << std::endl;
// Insert this score before the other score
hiScores.insert(it, {"NewScore", score});
// Remove the last score:
You no longer need to iterate and manually try to manipulate the positions of scores. Standard containers with random access such as std::vector allow you to just insert and access elements as you need to. Your 10 lines of code simply becomes 2 lines. std::vector also manages the size for you, so if you only have 3 high scores initially, it can grow easily to contain 10, 100 or many more scores.
std::find_if can find an element in your container without the need to manually iterate over every element. A predicate is passed in which acts as a find condition, which in our case we pass our score and check if it's greater than any PlayerScore in the container. The first element it's greater than is returned to us, and then we can insert our score in front of it, then remove the last score via pop_back
and if so, insert it into the correct position and make sure scoreName is also updated
This is a poor design. If scores and names need to stay together, you should make them a single entity. Define a struct or class to hold a name and associated score, and then store instances of that entity in a single array.

Sudoku input program skipping a prompt

I wrote a program for my computer science class that validates and solves sudoku puzzles from .txt files, but I wanted to take it one step further and write a program that made it easy to input and sudoku game. I'm sure you can figure out the format of the files based on this code. My only problem is that the last cin gets skipped, and that option is important to me. Any insight will be appreciated!!
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct s {
~s() {/*zzzz*/}
void show_grid();
void set (int &r, int &c, int &v) {g[r][c] = v;}
int g[9][9];
void s::show_grid() {
//print game out to check it
cout << " | ------------------------------- |" << endl;
for (int k=0; k<81; k++) {
if (k%3 == 0)
cout << " |";
cout << " " << g[k/9][k%9];
if (k%9 == 8) {
cout << " |" << endl;
if ((k/9)%3 == 2)
cout << " | ------------------------------- |" << endl;
cout << endl;
s::s() {
//initialize all elements to zero
for (int i=0; i<9; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<9; j++) {
g[i][j] = 0;
void create_name (string &name) {
//append .txt extension LIKE IT OR NOT
string ext = name;
ext.erase(ext.begin(), ext.end() - 4);
if (ext.compare(".txt")!=0)
int main () {
s g;
string name;
string yon("");
int count = 0;
int row, col, val, rcv;
ofstream os;
cout << "Enter game file name: ";
cin >> name;
//open and do typical checks
if (os.fail()) {
cerr << "Could not create " << name << ". Waaaah waaaaaaaaaah...\n\n";
return 0;
//useful output (hopefully)
cout << "Enter grid coordinates and value as a 3-digit number,\n"
<< "from left to right, row by row.\n"
<< "(e.g. 2 in first box would be 112)\n";
//take input as one int, to be user friendly
while (cin >> rcv && count < 81) {
row = (rcv / 100) - 1;
col = ((rcv / 10) % 10) - 1;
val = rcv % 10;
os << row << " " << col << " " << val << endl;
g.set (row, col, val);
//From here down is broken, but it still compiles, runs, and works
cout << "Show grid input(y/n)?\n";
cin >> yon;
if (yon.compare("y")==0)
else if (yon.compare("n")==0)
cout << "Peace!\n";
return 0;
The problem is here:
while (cin >> rcv && count < 81)
Consider what happens when count==81: First, rcv will be input from cin, and only then the condition count < 81 will be evaluated to false. The loop will stop, and the value of rcv will be ignored. So effectively you read one input too many.
You should change the order of evaluation, so that count is checked first:
while (count < 81 && cin >> rcv)
According to your comment above you are actually expecting to read less than 81 values. In that case, I recommend having the user input a special value (for example, 0) to terminate the loop. You'd just need to add if (rcv==0) break;. If you just input an invalid value as you are apparently doing, the cin stream will be put in a failed state and further input will not succeed.
Try something like:
//useful output (hopefully)
cout << "Enter grid coordinates and value as a 3-digit number,\n"
<< "from left to right, row by row.\n"
<< "(e.g. 2 in first box would be 112)\n"
<< "or Z to end the loop\n"; // 1
//take input as one int, to be user friendly
while (count < 81 && cin >> rcv ) { // 2
row = (rcv / 100) - 1;
col = ((rcv / 10) % 10) - 1;
val = rcv % 10;
os << row << " " << col << " " << val << endl;
g.set (row, col, val);
if(!std::cin) { // 3
std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
1) Let the user know that he can enter in invalid char. It doesn't have to be Z, actually any non-numeric char will work.
2) Fix off-by-one error in the order of the &&.
3) If std::cin is in error state, clear the error and ignore the Z.
cin >> yon
still actually reads in a variable, it just reads in the variable that the while loop found to be false. When the while loop condition returns false rcv is ignored, so the number remains in the input stream waiting for the next cin statement. When yon is called that number meant for rcv is read into yon, giving you some strange errors.
it would be better to use interjay's method:
while (count < 81 && cin >> rcv)

vector-related segmentation fault

void offer_help();
bool play_one_game();
int main() {
void offer_help() {
int help_response;
cout << "Need help? (0/1) ";
cin >> help_response;
if (help_response == 1)
cout << "I will generate a pattern of 4 numbers, each in the range 0 through 9.\n Each guess that you enter will be a line containing 4 integers,\n separated by spaces, such as:\n\t 2 4 7 1\n FOr each guess, I will echo back a lost consisting of\n 0's and 1's, with a 1 in a given position meaning that\n you guessed the number, and a zero meaning that you didn't.\n For example, if the actual solution was 2 3 6 1, I'll respond\n\t 1 0 0 1\n See how many guesses it takes you to get the solution!\n\n If you want to give up, type a negative number for one of\n your guesses, and we'll tell you what the pattern was.\n\n";
bool play_one_game() {
srand(time(0)); //needed to start randint
vector<int> solution; //vector of 4 randomly generated
vector<int> guess; //vector containing user guesses.
vector<int> result;
int guess_input;
for(int i = 0; i < solution.size(); ++i)
solution[i] = randint(10);
int trial_number = 0; //int that shows what guess the user is on
while (play_one_game() == true) {
//ask user for inputs.
cout << "Guess #" << ++trial_number << "? ";
for (int i = 0; i < guess.size(); ++i){
cin >> guess_input;
//outputs error if user inputs a letter.
if (!cin) {
cerr << "Bad input data! Feed me numbers!\n";
return 43;
if (cin < 0){
cout << "Too bad! Solution was " << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++)
cout << (result[i]);
//determines if user correctly guessed any of the
//numbers and tells the user which is correct.
for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
if (guess[i]==solution[i])
cout << 1 << " ";
else if (guess[i]!=solution[i])
cout << 0 << " ";
cout << endl;
// playagain();
cout << endl << "Play again (0/1)? ";
int replay;
cin >> replay;
if (replay == 0) {
play_one_game() == false;
return 5;
else if (replay == 1)
play_one_game() == true;
else {
cerr << "wat?\n";
return 10;
This is designed to allow a player to guess a pattern of random numbers.
No idea why I am getting a segmentation fault. The program is supposed to call the offer_help function, then the play_one_game function within main function. Then it should ask the player whether he wants to play again. If no, then bool play_one_game should be set to false and it should exit.
This is related to the play_one_game bool function.
You're getting a segmentation fault, because you end up in an endless recursion in the following line:
while (play_one_game() == true) {
play_one_game will call play_one_game in this line, and this will call play_one_game in the same line again. This will result in a stack overflow at last.
Better use some bool keepPlaying; and while(keepPlaying) instead.
EDIT: Well, this is a little bit more than a simple answer, but I like games, so... have a look at the following code:
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
bool play_one_game();
void offer_help() {
int help_response;
std::cout << "Need help? (0/1) ";
std::cin >> help_response;
if (help_response == 1)
std::cout << "I will generate a pattern of 4 numbers, each in the range 0 through 9.\n"
"Each guess that you enter will be a line containing 4 integers,\n"
"separated by spaces, such as:\n"
"\t 2 4 7 1\n"
"For each guess, I will echo back a lost consisting of\n"
"0's and 1's, with a 1 in a given position meaning that\n"
"you guessed the number, and a zero meaning that you didn't.\n"
"For example, if the actual solution was 2 3 6 1, I'll respond\n"
"\t 1 0 0 1\n"
"See how many guesses it takes you to get the solution!\n\n"
"If you want to give up, type a negative number for one of\n"
"your guesses, and we'll tell you what the pattern was.\n\n";
int main() {
srand(time(0)); // Initialize random numbers with current time as seed
while(play_one_game()); // if play_one_game returns true, play again
bool play_one_game() {
std::vector<int> solution(4); // Four solutions for our guessing game
std::vector<int> guess; // User guesses
for(unsigned i = 0; i < solution.size(); ++i)
solution[i] = rand() % 10;
int trial_number = 0; //int that shows what guess the user is on
bool keepPlaying = true;
std::cout << "Guess #" << ++trial_number << "? ";
guess.clear(); // Clear old guesses
for(unsigned i = 0; i < solution.size(); ++i){
int guess_input;
//outputs error if user inputs a letter.
if (!(std::cin >> guess_input)) {
std::cerr << "Bad input data! Feed me numbers!\n";
std::cerr << "Try again!" << std::endl;
std::cin.clear(); // Clear flags
if (guess_input < 0){
std::cout << "Too bad! Solution was " << std::endl;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < solution.size(); i++)
std::cout << (solution[i]);
keepPlaying = false;
if(solution.size() != guess.size()){
std::cerr << "Wrong number of guesses, try again!" << std::endl;
//determines if user correctly guessed any of the
//numbers and tells the user which is correct.
bool correct = true;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < solution.size(); i++) {
if (guess[i] == solution[i])
std::cout << 1 << " ";
correct = false;
std::cout << 0 << " ";
std::cout << "Congratulations - you won!" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
int replay = -1;
// Ask user for input until input is 0 or 1
std::cout << std::endl << "Play again (0/1)? ";
std::cin >> replay;
while(replay != 0 && replay != 1);
return static_cast<bool>(replay); // return user replay answer (false/true)
Try to keep your code as simple as possible. Welcome to SO. And don't expect future answers to be that excessive.
You're never inserting anything into your solution vector. You just declare the vector, and then say:
for(int i = 0; i < solution.size(); ++i)
solution[i] = randint(10);
...which won't do anything since at this point solution.size() == 0. Later, when you iterate over your result vector, you end up accessing invalid elements in your empty solution vector. You also can't assume that the result vector and solution vector are the same size.

How can I fix my program from crashing in C++?

I'm very new to programming and I am trying to write a program that adds and subtracts polynomials. My program sometimes works, but most of the time, it randomly crashes and I have no idea why. It's very buggy and has other problems I'm trying to fix, but I am unable to really get any further coding done since it crashes. I'm completely new here but any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here's the code:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int getChoice();
class Polynomial10
double* coef;
int degreePoly;
Polynomial10(int max); //Constructor for a new Polynomial10
int getDegree(){return degreePoly;};
void print(); //Print the polynomial in standard form
void read(); //Read a polynomial from the user
void add(const Polynomial10& pol); //Add a polynomial
void multc(double factor); //Multiply the poly by scalar
void subtract(const Polynomial10& pol); //Subtract polynom
void Polynomial10::read()
cout << "Enter degree of a polynom between 1 and 10 : ";
cin >> degreePoly;
cout << "Enter space separated coefficients starting from highest degree" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i <= degreePoly; i++) cin >> coef[i];
void Polynomial10::print()
for (int i = 0;i <= degreePoly; i++) {
if (coef[i] == 0) cout << "";
else if (i >= 0) {
if (coef[i] > 0 && i != 0) cout<<"+";
if ((coef[i] != 1 && coef[i] != -1) || i == degreePoly) cout << coef[i];
if ((coef[i] != 1 && coef[i] != -1) && i != degreePoly ) cout << "*";
if (i != degreePoly && coef[i] == -1) cout << "-";
if (i != degreePoly) cout << "x";
if ((degreePoly - i) != 1 && i != degreePoly) {
cout << "^";
cout << degreePoly-i;
void Polynomial10::add(const Polynomial10& pol)
for(int i = 0; i<degreePoly; i++) {
int degree = degreePoly;
coef[degreePoly-i] += pol.coef[degreePoly-(i+1)];
void Polynomial10::subtract(const Polynomial10& pol)
for(int i = 0; i<degreePoly; i++) {
coef[degreePoly-i] -= pol.coef[degreePoly-(i+1)];
void Polynomial10::multc(double factor)
//int degreePoly=0;
//double coef[degreePoly];
cout << "Enter the scalar multiplier : ";
cin >> factor;
for(int i = 0; i<degreePoly; i++) coef[i] *= factor;
Polynomial10::Polynomial10(int max)
degreePoly = max;
coef = new double[degreePoly];
for(int i; i < degreePoly; i++) coef[i] = 0;
int main()
int choice;
Polynomial10 p1(1),p2(1);
cout << endl << "CGS 2421: The Polynomial10 Class" << endl << endl << endl;
<< "0. Quit\n"
<< "1. Enter polynomial\n"
<< "2. Print polynomial\n"
<< "3. Add another polynomial\n"
<< "4. Subtract another polynomial\n"
<< "5. Multiply by scalar\n\n";
int choiceFirst = getChoice();
if (choiceFirst != 1) {
cout << "Enter a Polynomial first!";
if (choiceFirst == 1) {choiceFirst = choice;}
while(choice != 0) {
switch(choice) {
case 0:
return 0;
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
cout << "Updated Polynomial: ";
case 4:
cout << "Updated Polynomial: ";
case 5:
cout << "Updated Polynomial: ";
choice = getChoice();
return 0;
int getChoice()
int c;
cout << "\nEnter your choice : ";
cin >> c;
return c;
When you create your objects with p1(1) and p2(1) the coef array in each object is allocated to contain one element. Then in read() you simply set degreePoly to a (possibly higher) value but don't change the allocation of coef. It will still contain only one element, but all coefficients are written to it, probably writing over the bounds of the array. Instead the old coefshould be freed and a new array of suitable size be allocated.
Also in add and subtract you are assigning to coefficients out of bounds (for i=0):
coef[degreePoly-i] -= pol.coef[degreePoly-(i+1)];
It also seems wrong mathematically to subtract the coefficients at index degreePoly-(i+1) from those at index degreePoly-i. Additionally the case that the two polygons might have different degrees is currently not handled.
One issue is the coef allocation. You're allocating an array of degreePoly=max elements (1 for the two actual objects). But I think it should be max + 1, since a n-degree polynomial has n + 1 coefficients. This off-by-one error appears elsewhere (e.g. add and mult). Also in the constructor, you are not initializing i, so it has an undefined value, which alone means you can (probably will) write to memory you don't control.
Later, in your read code, you overwrite degreePoly, but do not reallocate coef, so it could be the wrong size, at least if you exceed your maximum. Also note that you are accepting degreePoly + 1 coefficients (which I think is correct) here. This means a max of 1 in the constructor only corresponds to a degreePoly of 0 in read! Entering 1 in read will cause two values to be read, which will overflow the array.
Writing to invalid pointer locations and using uninitialized values causes undefined behavior, which is why it crashes sometimes.
if (choiceFirst == 1) {choiceFirst = choice;}
doesn't make sense since choice is not initialized at this stage. You probably want:
if (choiceFirst == 1) {choice = choiceFirst;}