Cloud foundry installation on a centos VM(VMware) - cloud-foundry

Is it possible to install cloud foundry for centos on a virtual machine with centos installed?.

The actual answer depends on the purpose of the request.
If you just want to have a test/dev CF environment for local use - it is better to spin up PCF dev ( using VirtualBox.
If you are looking for deployment of production scale Cloud Foundry instance then it would be a question of deploying Bosh director instance and then deploying multi-vm configuration Cloud Foundry configuration with VMware CPI (for deployment on ESX based private clouds)


How bosh set the vm network in vsphere environment?

I am learning the bosh and cloudfoundry , I am curiosity about the vm network setting in the vsphere.
How the bosh setup the network (ip, gateway) for the vm in the vsphere. i know the bosh will fire a bosh-agent/nats-agent in the target vm to change the value, but how it first connect to the agent ?
because i am not familiar with go, ruby , so cannot figure out the code . explains interactions with VSphere, and related bosh configuration.
How the bosh setup the network (ip, gateway) for the vm in the vsphere.
Are you looking to understand how to configure bosh, or how the CPI interacts with vsphere?
The docs above answer the first part. As for how bosh CPI operates under the cover is uses the vsphere/SDK APIS documented here,

Cloudfoundry Multi VM

I am pretty new to cloudfoundry. I am still trying to understand how exactly it works.
Say if I have three VMs. VM 1 is running on server A.
VM 2 and 3 are running on server B.
If I wanted to use a single CloudFoundry Instance on those three, would it work?
And if not, how could I use Cloudfoundry on multiple servers or at least multiple VMs? I know I can use BOSH to set them up, but do I still have to manage each instance seperately?
Thank you:
BOSH will deploy VMs for you, you typically don't deploy Cloud Foundry onto existing VMs. BOSH supports deploying to several infrastructures. The core supported infrastructures include AWS, vSphere, OpenStack, and vCloud Air/vCloud Director. There are also community-provided "Cloud Provider Interfaces" for IBM SoftLayer, Azure, Google Compute Engine, and more.
Cloud Foundry is meant to be run as a distributed service, i.e. on multiple VMs. Typically those VMs will be on multiple different hosts, hardware racks, servers, datacenters, what have you. And BOSH is designed to facilitate deploying and managing distributed services like Cloud Foundry. So no, you do not need to manage individual VMs separately.
You can read more about BOSH and Deploying Cloud Foundry.

Ideal Virtual Machine configuration for Micro Cloud Foundry

Could you please suggest an ideal VM configuration for using micro cloud foundry. I understand that the configuration could depend on a lot of parameters but I am looking for something that allows smooth operations without making the guest or host machine too slow in terms of performance.
When you download Micro Cloud, It already comes in a configured VM. You can review the VM configurations but there is no need for you to manually create a new VM.
The "micro.vmx" is the VM.
Here is the link to the docs about Micro Cloud for more information:

cloudfoundry on openstack iaas - understanding the stack

I am evaluating cloudfoundry (private cloud option) with Openstack as an IaaS candidate.
I have following setup in mind, but looks like I am missing some connections -
I will have OpenStack installed
On one VM on openstack (ubuntu 10.4 image), I will install cloudfoundry cloud_controller
On other multiple VMs on openstack, I will install cloudfoundry DEAs
And this I understand as called a multiple hosts installation of cloud foundry
Now when I push an application to cloudfoundry using VMC (with 5 instances request), One of the Cloudfoundry DEA will spawn 5 VMs on itself and deploy/run the app on all 5 cloudfoundry VMs
That means I have 5 instances of my app running
I can access the app through a single URL and cloudnfoundry controller/router will route the request to one of the running instances of my app
Now for scaling the infrastructure, I can reconfigure my openstack instances and restart them with new configuration (i.e. more volume, more RAM etc)
And for scaling the application, I can simply add more instances to the cloudfoundry vmc push command
Sorry for the writeup but pls suggest if this is a valid understanding (also if you guys have better options - basically we are looking at a scalable application and infrastructure for developers)
Thanks Much,
Vcap OSS questions are best directed to the vcap dev site and I would suggest you start there.

What is the CloudFoundry infrastructure?

Does anyone have any idea if CloudFoundry is based on IaaS and datacenters from VMware, or is it based on 3rd party IaaS providers such AWS EC2??
Cloud Foundry is a open source Platform as a Service. It's entirely written with Ruby and the components are very loose couple. You can download Cloud Foundry source code from Cloud Foundry is a PaaS which comes on top of the IaaS layer. Now your IaaS layer can be anything (i.e. vmware vSphere, Amazon EC2, Cloudstack and etc.) is a hosted Cloud Foundry PaaS environment by vmware. Since this service is being given by vmware, IaaS is vmware as well. It provides a free 2 Gig storage to any user who registers. After registration, users can deploy their apps which would then become a subdomain of (i.e. This service is currently in Beta right now.
You can find more information on the following websites: runs on VMware's own Vsphere infrastructure and servers:
CF, though, is open source, and other providers offer their own service.