Error: network 'Scenario' not found - veins

I have installed veins-4.5 and I can run the Erlangen example.
However, when I try to run the example in the subprojects/veins_inet folder it gives "Error: Network 'Scenario' not found, check .ini and .ned files"
However the Scenario.ned is in the same folder as omnetp.ini.
How do I solve this problem?
Many thanks.

If you are using the interface graphic, do it: click in subprojects/veins_inet and next in omnet ++ project -> build all.

Another cause for that error is that the .ini isn't correct.
In particular, if you wish to simulate using Gui (Tkenv), your .ini file should include something like:
[Config MyNetwork]
However, for a command-line simulation (Cmdenv), the .ini file should read instead:
cmdenv-config-name = MyNetwork
in the latter case, you should also add "-u Cmdenv" to your run command.
Confusing between the 2 options above raises the error ""Error: Network '...' not found, check .ini and .ned files".


QtCreator: How to make builderrors from cmake->ninja show in issues panel in "Makefile project"

I use qtcreator and have imported my project with New->Import Existing Project (this is the kind of project i need help with).
When compiling and having errors, the error messages shows up in the "Compile Output"-panel like so:
In file included from ../../src/tasklist.cpp:1:
../../src/tasklist.h:74:9: error: expected member name or ';' after declaration specifiers
But because file paths is specified relative to the build path and not to the root path, qtcreator fails to parse the messages and put annotations in code and in the "Issues"-panel. This slows work considerably compared to having the errors marked out by the editor.
How do I make qtcreator recognize the paths in the error message?
I'm running ubuntu, but the problem exists also when i compile with ninja in windows.
I have tried to write a custom error matcher, that picks up the pattern in the editor view, but it does not seem to run, when building. The build is also set to the directory where the compiler messages assumes that you originate from.
I've currently got it working with the following custom error message capture pattern:
(.*):(\d+):\d+: error: (.*)
My build folder is in a custom location, so I believe it's handling the file paths correctly.
If the parser doesn't seem to be running at all, then I don't think the file paths are the problem. For example, if I change my custom parser so the filename and line number are swapped, the parser still runs, but when I double-click the issue in the "Issues" panel, it says something like "File not found: 5". So, if the file paths are the only problem, it should still parse into issues.

Getting Bad configuration option: \377\376h

I am setting my systems for codecommit. but getting following error
I followed the below link :
/c/Users/Prasanna/.ssh/config: line 1: Bad configuration option: \377\376h
/c/Users/Prasanna/.ssh/config: terminating, 1 bad configuration options
here is the config file
Host git-codecommit.*
User ********
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/codecommit_rsa
Am I missing anything to configure ?
You probably have some illegal characters in the config file. I had this problem while creating a config file on Windows. Unfortunately, simply opening the file in a Windows text editor may not show the illegal characters.
I was able to find this problem by running cat filename from a Bash prompt in Windows (git bash) and was able to fix it by running dos2unix filename in git bash. The same may work for you as well.
Just had the same issue. Open the file with Notepad++. On the bottom right it tells you the encoding the file is in. It has to be UTF-8 without BOM. You can fix that via selecting a new encoding at the top and saving the file.
This happened to me today, and I just recreated the config file and put my configs there, it works.

Creation of the virtual directory failed with error: cannot write configuration file applicationhost.config

I'm just simply trying to open up a VS 2017 project. When I open the solution, I get the following error message:
Creation of the virtual directory http://localhost:58051/failed with the error: Filename: \?\C:\Users\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\Testing\Version 2.0.vs\config\applicationhost.config Error: Cannot write configuration file
I've checked the folders along the file path and they are not encrypted. All the folders along the file path have a black box for the Read Only attribute. When I go to the config folder and clear out the black box for the Read Only attribute and Apply the setting, I find if I exit and go back to the same folder, the black box reappears for the Read Only attribute. I've read that the black box doesn't really mean the Read Only attribute has been turned on. If the Read Only attribute was actually turned on, I should expect to see a check mark instead. However, this doesn't explain why I can't open the solution.
After I click the OK Button to the VS Error message, VS just says the solution is "(unavailable)" in the Solution Explorer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I too had this problem with my project files located on OneDrive. The way I resolved it was I renamed the applicationhost.config file located in the ".vs\config" directory of your root project directory then reloaded the web project. This will create a new applicationhost.config file.
I had the same error message sharing a project between 2 machines via OneDrive and fixed it as follows:
1 - Closed VS.Net
2 - Opened [myappnamefolder].vs\config\applicationhost.config in Notepad
3 - Searched the open file for the filename in my error message (In your case C:\Users\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\Testing\Version 2.0.vs\config\applicationhost.config ).
It was found under system.applicationHost, sites, site name, application path, virtualDirectory - physicalPath
4 - Amended the physicalPath value to point to the valid path of the project's config file as above.
5 - Saved the applicationhost.config file
My paths were different because I had different home user directories on each machine. (User A & User B)
I have resolved this error with this way mention as below:
Go to on that path
When you reach on this folder "config"
in this folder we can see "applicationhost" file
Close the Visual studio existing project and delete the applicationhost file(see on Step 2 path)
Then open the existing project again, it will be reloaded automatically and work properly.
Had same problem then looked into vs\config\applicationhost.config and it was encrypted. I unencrypted file and solution loaded with no problems.
I've had this problem several times using VS 2017 with Onedrive. Resolved it by renaming the application.config and having VS recreate it. Just as well could have edited line in the file. See the Diff below as an example.
The config file is located in something like C:\Code\MyProject\.vs\config\.
I just encountered this error. I followed the steps in this answer:
When I tried to save my changes I realised TFS had marked the file as read-only, preventing VS from updating the value. Removing the read-only attribute fixed the problem.
None of the above worked for me. I ended up deleting and recloning the repo that was giving me problems. It then opened up just fine.
Windows 10 Defender was causing this for me. When I disabled control folder access it worked again. Odd, because it had been working with that setting on for a while.
my drives were different - but the main codebase was shared between the two machines - so on one it was in the d drive - so i mapped the parent subdirectory on the second machine to be the d drive ... which resulted in the same paths then on both ... i just had to open the solution from the d drive on the second machine

Running exe code from Matlab. The exact same instruction that works in cmd (dos) fails from Matlab

This is driving me crazy, I must admit. After finally being able to successfully compile two functions I need to process voice files, from C/C++ code that I downloaded from a trustworthy online repository (code that had been thoroughly tested in Linux), I am now struggling to launch those files from Matlab...
When I type the following command in cmd (dos)
Analysis b2.wav config_default
it works, no problem (see here Works).
Then, I build the exact same command into a string and feed it to the "system" Matlab function. Then the code crashes... (see here Fails) I've tried with full paths (c:\b2.wav, etc) but still does not work...
Any ideas as to why this might be happening?
Your image shows that the program Analysis stopped unexpectedly.
It might be a lot of reasons why, so let's go step by step:
1) Try executing Analysis from Terminal and passing wrong parameters (a file that doesn't exist, only one param (missing the config_defalut), no parameters at all, three parameters, etc...)
Can you make the program crash from terminal by passing wrong params?
2) Try creating the command first, checking that it's correct (\b is actually \b instead of a string modifier)
command_to_be_run = 'C:\Analysis C:\b2.wav C:\config_default'
disp(command_to_be_run) % is it showing exacly what you want?
system(command_to_be_run); % if so, run it.
3) Try creating a dummy executable dummy.exe in C that accepts two parameters and prints the received parameters (keep it super simple, just printing). Call it from Terminal. Does it work? Call it from Matlba. Does it Work?
With this 3 tests you can considerably narrow down where your error comes from.
By the way, is "config_default" a file or just a string that tells analysis how to behave? In some examples you treat it as a file, in others as a parameter without path.
Based on what's been tried so far and the outputs, here's my theory:
Premise: Analysis.exe came from code that's well tested in Linux. It works in Windows command line when run from the same directory where both it and the target file reside. But it stops working from Matlab console.
Assertion 1: Matlab console does not operate within the context of the directory where the binary is but rather within the Matlab directory. As such, Analysis.exe will try to find the target from the Matlab directory.
Validation for Assertion 1: Try putting the binary and the target wav in the Matlab directory. Then run system with the binary and target specified just by name (no path).
Assertion 2: If the file's full path is specified to address this issue, it still doesn't work. This may be because the code assumed a Linux file system where the delimiter is "/" rather than "\".
Validation for Assertion 2: Run with paths specified from the command line while in a diferent directory to see if it fails or not.
Possible Solution 1: Add the directory where both Analysis.exe and the target are into the Matlab path: (1) On the Home tab, in the Environment section, click Set Path. Add the path there. (2) addpath (folderName1,...,folderNameN) adds the specified folders to the top of the search path for the current MATLAB session. -> Then run the system command without the full paths.
Possible Solution 2: Add the directory where both Analysis.exe and the target are into the Windows environment path. Then run the system command without the full paths.
EDIT: Possible hackish solution - Create a batch file where: (1) you would cd to the directory where Analysis.exe and the target wav are; and (2) do a Matlab system call to the batch file.
EDIT 2: Possible experiment to validate assertion 2.

Not able to save file deployed on jetty server

I have deployed my webapplication on a jetty server, and I am trying to edit those deployed files using WebStorm 8.0.4. But I am unable to save the edited files and getting the following error:
Try turning the 'safe write' feature (Settings/General, 'Use safe writes') off - does it help? It creates a temporary copy of a file: creates a separate temp file, deletes the original and then renames. With this option the original file permissions may be lost, this causes problems, especially when working on remote drives.
Follow these steps.
Open C:\Users\YourUserName\.m2\repository (If you use maven)
Find org folder and Navigate org\eclipse\jetty\jetty-webapp\yourJettyVersion
There will be a .jar file.
Open it with winrar or some program like winrar.
Navigate org\eclipse\jetty\webapp
Find webdefault.xml and Open it with any text editor.
Search useFileMappedBuffer parameter in file
You will see a param value.
Change it to false.
Save and Exit.
I'm sorry for any English mistakes.