Qt - Cannot use external library for cross compiling - c++

I follow this document Cross Compile Qt - Raspberry, and it works completly. I can cross compile simple application from qt creator. Now i want to use external libary (ID3lib). But it gets error when build project
/home/shymaxtic/Documents/FPT/Hihi/ID3tag/lib/libid3.so: error: error adding symbols: File format not recognized.
Can anyone help me?

Like Kuba Ober pointed, in order to include on you board a external library, you need to cross compile it, just like you do for your application.
Depending on the size of the library, you can either integrate it in your Qt project by creating a top level SUBDIR project, or simply cross-compile it manually, and provide the path to the cross-compiled library like you did here with LIBS += -L<path> -l<library>
When cross compiling, make sure to use the toolchain specific for your board (you already have it for Qt), and not the gcc/g++ of your desktop distribution


QArrayData error, linking Qt libraries with CMake

What I've been trying to do is to link Qt libraries to my project with CMake. I would use CMake GUI to generate MakeFile and then run MinGW32-make on it, which would give me '[File Name].exe' as intended. However, whenever I run the executable file, I get a message saying:
"The procedure entry point _ZN10QArrayData10deallocateEPS_jj could not be located in the dynamic link library etc."
I initially built this software using Qt Creator and QMake, so I can confirm that the program has been tested and does work, but as I have to include an API, it requires me to use CMake instead.
I have done a lot of research and experimenting mostly with the CMakeLists.txt, but unfortunately, I'm not that good at it and I kinda suspect that's where the problem lies.

Build static linked app with Qt5 on Windows [duplicate]

I am trying to deploy(release to public) a simple qt application I made recently, but got stuck at static linking qt libs.
I followed the guide on qt docs to re-build qt and my app statically. But the release build still require qtgui / qtcore dll for no apparent reasons, I wonder if anyone has seen this kind of problems before ? Or even better, has successfully resolved it ?
I wrote a guide to static linking
How to build Qt static with multiple compilers and keep it small
(because it can get pretty big, especially for simple programs).
You may also want to check out the BitRock installer, which is free for open source projects.
In short, it turns out to be a little more complex if you are using anything Qt thinks of as a plugin, such as support for most image types (JPEG, GIF) or databases.
For example, if you want to include support for Oracle DBMS and GIF images for your icons, you add the following to your .PRO file:
QTPLUGIN += qsqloci qgif
CONFIG += static
You will then need to:
#include <QtPlugin>
in your project, and import any plugins used. You need to change these settings back order to get it to compile with dynamic linking again (like when debugging or adding features), though this can be easily automated. There are also considerations when building the Qt libraries for use with static linking, though the Qt instructions will at least get you started.
With Qt 5.5, things are quite easy. There's the configure script you have to run before building Qt. There are following orthogonal settings that you pass to configure:
Do you want a static Qt library?
-static option should be passed to configure
Do you want the build of Qt, and of your application, to use a static C++ runtime?
-static-runtime option should be passed to configure
Do you want XP targeting?
-target xp option should be passed to configure
Additionally, follow the instructions from this blog post.
Qt Creator didn't support XP targeting automagically at least until v.3.5.0 since it doesn't set up the environment for the build tools properly. You have to modify the build environment manually per the blog post.
Also, be aware that your static build will still link to the visual studio runtimes dynamically!
See this faq (internet archive link, in case the link goes away) :
Why does a statically built Qt use the dynamic Visual Studio runtime libraries ? Do I need to deploy those with my application ?
Qt is built using the -MD(d) switch, which links against the dynamic C/C++ runtime libraries. This is necessary as we have experienced memory problems when using anything but the -MD(d) flag, and in general, it is recommended to use. You should not alter this flag yourself for your application, because it conflicts with how the Qt library is built if you change the flag to -MT. You should not change it for Qt either, since it is likely to cause problems.
Qt is still built statically when using the -static option though, meaning you do not need to distribute the Qt dlls when deploying your application. You will have to distribute the C runtimes though (if they don't already exist on the target machine), see our deployment documentation http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/windows-deployment.html#application-dependencies.
msys2 has a pre-built static Qt5 package
e.g. pacman -S mingw-w64-qt5-static
Currently, to also get all dependencies of Qt statically linked, with CMake, you need to add:
before calling find_package(Qt5…
CMAKE_AUTOSTATICPLUGINS was replaced by a new upstream implementation and is not needed anymore.
I just compiled an application statically (Debug)
with QT Plugins(5.9),
with VS (2015) (Win).
a) Add to your code.
#include <QtPlugin>
Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN (QWindowsIntegrationPlugin);
b) Add the following to the link paths
c) Add the list of QT static libraries and internal VS libraries to your link list.
Kevin Higgins
I recommend you to use linuxdeployqt this tool. It can help solve most of the dependency problems. And I use it to package my qt application successfully.
This answer applies to using MSYS2 with mingw-w64 as the compiler, in Windows, and qmake. The QT version is 5.15.0.
Installing the package qt5-static gives you a build of QT that produces executables who don't rely on any QT DLLs. (Example commandline - pacman -Ss mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-qt5-static).
However a new problem is introduced here: it does not pass the -static flag to gcc. Meaning that although the executable does not depend on QT DLLs, it does depend on libgcc-s, libwinpthread.dll etc.
Normally, this problem would be fixed by using CONFIG += static which causes qmake to pass -static to gcc. However, and as noted in the other answers, for a qt-static build that config option is ignored!
To solve this I had to manually specify the gcc flags for static linking in the qmake file, i.e. :
Which results in a (large) binary with no external dependencies other than Windows system DLLs.
(In case it matters: my use case was building a COM in-process server DLL that should have no external dependencies; I was also using TEMPLATE=lib and CONFIG += dll).

How to compile a Qt program without installing sdk

Can someone tell me if it's possible to compile a project that works with Qt but without installing the entire sdk ? I mean, something like recompile Qt source code and link the libraries or something like this.
I know my problem is weird but I work in special conditions : I am on a linux machine and I have to work on a windows project therefore I use a distant server on windows to compile but I can't install anything on this serveur. I need an idea to have a fully portable folder with Qt who can compile without installing anything.
I hope I was clear in my explications.
Thank you for your help.
I has combined comments in answer.
You need to install compiler (e.g minGW) and Qt Library (as needed version).
You should add into environment variable 'PATH' your path to qmake and compiler.
Start terminal and move to directory with your source code of Qt project.
Run qmake and then exec make (e.g. It, for minGW, is mingw32-make).
For your case, you may choosen 2 way:
Build static Qt Library from source code and use static linking with your project.
Install Qt Library and copy libraries near your project with dynamic linking (recomended).

Static linking in Windows [duplicate]

I am trying to deploy(release to public) a simple qt application I made recently, but got stuck at static linking qt libs.
I followed the guide on qt docs to re-build qt and my app statically. But the release build still require qtgui / qtcore dll for no apparent reasons, I wonder if anyone has seen this kind of problems before ? Or even better, has successfully resolved it ?
I wrote a guide to static linking
How to build Qt static with multiple compilers and keep it small
(because it can get pretty big, especially for simple programs).
You may also want to check out the BitRock installer, which is free for open source projects.
In short, it turns out to be a little more complex if you are using anything Qt thinks of as a plugin, such as support for most image types (JPEG, GIF) or databases.
For example, if you want to include support for Oracle DBMS and GIF images for your icons, you add the following to your .PRO file:
QTPLUGIN += qsqloci qgif
CONFIG += static
You will then need to:
#include <QtPlugin>
in your project, and import any plugins used. You need to change these settings back order to get it to compile with dynamic linking again (like when debugging or adding features), though this can be easily automated. There are also considerations when building the Qt libraries for use with static linking, though the Qt instructions will at least get you started.
With Qt 5.5, things are quite easy. There's the configure script you have to run before building Qt. There are following orthogonal settings that you pass to configure:
Do you want a static Qt library?
-static option should be passed to configure
Do you want the build of Qt, and of your application, to use a static C++ runtime?
-static-runtime option should be passed to configure
Do you want XP targeting?
-target xp option should be passed to configure
Additionally, follow the instructions from this blog post.
Qt Creator didn't support XP targeting automagically at least until v.3.5.0 since it doesn't set up the environment for the build tools properly. You have to modify the build environment manually per the blog post.
Also, be aware that your static build will still link to the visual studio runtimes dynamically!
See this faq (internet archive link, in case the link goes away) :
Why does a statically built Qt use the dynamic Visual Studio runtime libraries ? Do I need to deploy those with my application ?
Qt is built using the -MD(d) switch, which links against the dynamic C/C++ runtime libraries. This is necessary as we have experienced memory problems when using anything but the -MD(d) flag, and in general, it is recommended to use. You should not alter this flag yourself for your application, because it conflicts with how the Qt library is built if you change the flag to -MT. You should not change it for Qt either, since it is likely to cause problems.
Qt is still built statically when using the -static option though, meaning you do not need to distribute the Qt dlls when deploying your application. You will have to distribute the C runtimes though (if they don't already exist on the target machine), see our deployment documentation http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/windows-deployment.html#application-dependencies.
msys2 has a pre-built static Qt5 package
e.g. pacman -S mingw-w64-qt5-static
Currently, to also get all dependencies of Qt statically linked, with CMake, you need to add:
before calling find_package(Qt5…
CMAKE_AUTOSTATICPLUGINS was replaced by a new upstream implementation and is not needed anymore.
I just compiled an application statically (Debug)
with QT Plugins(5.9),
with VS (2015) (Win).
a) Add to your code.
#include <QtPlugin>
Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN (QWindowsIntegrationPlugin);
b) Add the following to the link paths
c) Add the list of QT static libraries and internal VS libraries to your link list.
Kevin Higgins
I recommend you to use linuxdeployqt this tool. It can help solve most of the dependency problems. And I use it to package my qt application successfully.
This answer applies to using MSYS2 with mingw-w64 as the compiler, in Windows, and qmake. The QT version is 5.15.0.
Installing the package qt5-static gives you a build of QT that produces executables who don't rely on any QT DLLs. (Example commandline - pacman -Ss mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-qt5-static).
However a new problem is introduced here: it does not pass the -static flag to gcc. Meaning that although the executable does not depend on QT DLLs, it does depend on libgcc-s, libwinpthread.dll etc.
Normally, this problem would be fixed by using CONFIG += static which causes qmake to pass -static to gcc. However, and as noted in the other answers, for a qt-static build that config option is ignored!
To solve this I had to manually specify the gcc flags for static linking in the qmake file, i.e. :
Which results in a (large) binary with no external dependencies other than Windows system DLLs.
(In case it matters: my use case was building a COM in-process server DLL that should have no external dependencies; I was also using TEMPLATE=lib and CONFIG += dll).

How to Link Imagemagick library to Qt(windows)

I have developed an application with mac and for one month now, Im trying to link Qt with ImageMagick on windows.
I just cant find the files and the version of Imagemagick library that need to be linked to Qt in order to make my application work on windows.
I have tried most of the libraries from here
Thats the only thing I added to the .pro file while I was developing on a mac
INCLUDEPATH += . /opt/local/include/ImageMagick
LIBS += -L/opt/local/lib -lMagick++
When I add this to my .pro
INCLUDEPATH += C:/im6/include/ImageMagick
LIBS += C:/im6/lib/libMagickWand.a
LIBS += C:/im6/lib/libMagick++.a
LIBS += C:/im6/lib/libMagickCore.a
I get 10.000 + simmilar errors to that:
(Image.o):C:\msys\1.0\home\cristy\ImageMagick-6.6.6-0/Magick++/lib/Image.cpp:4157: undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_sj0'
C:/im6/lib/libMagick++.a(Image.o):C:\msys\1.0\home\cristy\ImageMagick-6.6.6-0/Magick++/lib/Image.cpp:4157: undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Register'
C:/im6/lib/libMagick++.a(Image.o):C:\msys\1.0\home\cristy\ImageMagick-6.6.6-0/Magick++/lib/Image.cpp:4178: undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Unregister'
For more errors check this
Has anyone tried to build and deploy an ImageMagick application using qt on windows ?
Which files do I need to link while building and which files while deploying ?
The error message tells me that you
use mingw (with qtcreator). Your
library might not work with this
compiler. You need a mingw version
of the library, probably named
LIBS += -L$$quote(c:/Program Files/ImageMagick-6.6.5-Q16/lib) -lmagick
(see the documentation about qmake Project Files
I have found that the minGW tool set is very much treated as a "stepchild" in the Windows world. I know it doesn't help your particular situation, but we had numerous problems with third-party libs while trying to use Qt with minGW. There were always extra steps, or non-existent build instructions that we had to figure out or tweak.
Once we switched to the MSVC version, all of those problems went away. Note that this doesn't mean you have to use Visual Studio (you can still use Qt creator), it just means that the Visual Studio compiler is being used. You can get the compiler for free using the Platform SDK. If this is an option, you might save yourself a lot of pain by switching now. It's unfortunate, but that is just the current status quo, at least as we discovered.
Please go get ImageMagick source package.
I can’t give direct instructions how to work with MinGW of Qt Creator, but basically following. I prefer to use qtvars.bat that comes with binary distributions of Qt to set environment.
Open Windows cmd
Set PATH to have /path/to/mingw/bin and /path/to/qt/bin before other paths
Go to directory where you have extracted ImageMagick source
read README, INSTALL and such to compile the ImageMagick (most likely just ./configure ; mingw32-make, but never be sure)
Edit your .pro file with something like LIBS += -L$$quote(/path/to/imagemagick/lib/dir) -lmagick . The lib may be in bin dir or in lib dir. See hmuelner’s answer for more information.
At this point, the configuration should be ready. Compilation at Qt Creator should work, but you can as well use this cmd windows to compile your program: go to program directory, run “qmake” and “mingw32-make”.
You cannot link against a ImageMagick++ library built with MSVC, as mingw and MSVC DLLs are incompatible for C++ libraries. You can't link a MSVC-built C++ library into a mingw project, nor vice versa. C-only libraries work fine. Also, according to this fortum thread, using builds against old mingw-versions with current mingw versions doesn't work as the exception handling changed (as you get more errors than that, I wouldn't expect that to be the only problem though). If there is no binary package for your mingw version (and I don't see any on the imagemagick website), your only option is to use a source package, as Smar suggests.
Another option of course is to install Visual Studio, download Qt for MSVC and build your project with MSVC.