Is it possible to disable just one API from sending stats to BAM?
As a workaround, you can remove this line from relevant synapse file of the API which is in repository/deployment/server/synapse-configs/default/api/
<handler class="org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.publisher.APIMgtUsageHandler"/>
Please note that your change will be reverted if you update the API from publisher UI.
I am working on one scenario where I have add a sequence in the API using restAPI of APIM2.6.0 [!/operations#MediationPolicyCollection#apisApiIdPoliciesMediationPost]
Once the mediation policy is added to the respective API, do we have to publish the API once again. As when I am doing it from publisher once the sequence is added to direction IN, then I am saving it to get it reflected to synapse.
So, I believe if I am adding the same from restAPI, then also I have to republish it again to get it reflected to synapse.
Please let me know if the understanding is correct.
Yes, you need to republish the API again to reflect the changes applied. You can check the code when adding a mediation policy for the API in [1].
[1] -
Normally, the once the API is published, all the changes will be auto deployed.
So, adding the mediation policies should also reflect without re-publishing the API.
The answer above is for when using the UI. In REST API, we should republish the API.
I'm following below links for publishing WSO2 statistics. But i'm getting "405 method not allowed" when i login to https://localhost:9443/admin-dashboard. So i'm unable to enable the statistics.
I'm using ws02 API 2.0 and ws02API analytics 2.0.
Could anyone help me on this.
I assume you have configured apim_wso2metrics_db datasource as common database for wso2am and wso2am-analytics. Next,Follow documentation to configure wso2am-analytics with wso2am-api-manager. Configuring APIM Analytics. Most important Step 2: Edit <APIM_HOME>/repository/conf/api-manager.xml and enable analytics and check the DASServerURL and DASRestApiURL, make sure it is pointing to analytics server IP.
Once configuration is enabled. you will be able to see analytics on API Store and API Publisher under statistics sections. You can also go to dashboard by https://<wso2am-analytics>/portal
Sample API published with script description in publisher portal
and i open the api detail in store portal
setting carbon.xml is below
How can I solve it with setting?
You can download security patches for APIM 1.10.0 from here. This is already fixed in them.
To use some transports in WSO2 esb you have to edit the ESB_HOME/conf/axis2.xml
Like in this tutorial you have to uncomment the email transport.
Is there a way to configure a transport in Carbon application developed in WSO2 Developer Studio, without editting the axis2.xml?
When a request comes to ESB it first hits to axis2 level. Then the transport is selected from axis2 and then request goes to synapse level.So any way we need to edit the axis2.xml to enable any transport for that request.
I read the post at WSO2 API Manager and XACML Entitlement which says that a configuration file in API Manager can be modified to use an entitlement mediator in "the in sequence".
I know how to edit this configuration through the web interface. But which file contains this configuration?
This configuration doesn't have a element or element (except for the elements in elements). Exactly where should I put the element?
If I create my own entitlement mediator, how do I plug it in or make it available to the API Manager?
Go to APIM distribution,HOME\repository\deployment\server\synapse-configs\default\api folder,where you will see the api configurations, which you create from publisher. Add your mediator there, by editing the configuration and restart the server.