std::byte on odd platforms - c++

Reading Herb Sutter's blog post about the most recent C++ standard meeting, it noticed that std::byte was added to C++17. As an initial reading, I have some concerns since it uses unsigned char so that it can avoid complications with strict aliasing rules.
My biggest concern is, how does it work on platforms where CHAR_BIT is not 8? I have worked on/with platforms where CHAR_BIT is 16 or 32 (generally DSPs). Given that std::byte is for dealing with "byte-oriented access to memory", and most people understand byte to indicate an octet (not the size of the underlying character type), how will this work for individuals who expect that this will address contiguous 8-bit chunks of memory?
I already see people who just assume that CHAR_BIT is 8 (not evening knowing that CHAR_BIT exists...). A type called std::byte is likely to introduce even more confusion to individuals.
I guess that what I expected was that they were introducing a type to permit consistent addressing/access to sequential octets for all cases. There are many octet-oriented protocols where it would be useful to have a library or type that is guaranteed to access memory one octet at a time on all platforms, no matter what CHAR_BIT is equal to on the given platform.
I can definitely understand wanting to have it well specified that something is being used as a sequence of bytes rather than a sequence of characters, but it doesn't seem like being as useful as many other things might be.

Given that std::byte is for dealing with "byte-oriented access to memory", and most people understand byte to indicate an octet (not the size of the underlying character type), how will this work for individuals who expect that this will address contiguous 8-bit chunks of memory?
You can't understand something wrong and then expect the world to rearrange itself to fit your expectations.
The reason why most people think a byte and an octet are the same thing is because in most cases it is true. The vast majority of your typical computer has CHAR_BIT == 8. That doesn't mean it is true all the time.
A byte is not an octet.
char, signed char and unsigned char have a size of one byte.
The good side though is that, people who don't know that, are actually people who don't need to know. If you're working on a machine where a byte is made of more than an octet you are the kind of developer who needs to know that more than any other one.
If we're talking theory here, then the answer is simple: just learn that a byte is different than an octet. If we're talking concrete stuff, then the answer is that you either know the difference already or you won't need to know it (hopefully :)). The worst case is you learning this painfully, but that's the third minority group of developers working on exotic platforms without exotic knowledge.
If you want an equivalent for octets, it already exists:
Note that they are "provided only if the implementation directly supports the type".


Understanding fixed width integer types

I understand the idea of fixed width types, but I am little confused by the explanation provided by the reference:
signed integer type with width of exactly 8, 16, 32 and 64 bits respectively
with no padding bits and using 2's complement for negative values
(provided only if the implementation directly supports the type)
So as far as I understand, if I was able to compile an application, everything should work on platforms which are able to run it. There are my questions:
What if some platform does not provide support for those types? Is some kind of alignment used or can the application not at all?
If we have a guarantee that sizeof(char) is exactly one byte on every platform, regardless of byte size which can be different among platforms, does it mean that int8_t and uint8_t are guaranteed to be available everywhere?
If the implementation does not provide the type you used, it will not exist and your code will not compile. Manual porting will be needed in this case.
Regarding your second question: while we know that sizeof(char) == 1, it is not guaranteed that char has exactly eight bits; it can have more than that. If that is the case int8_t and friends will not exist.
Note that there are other types that might provide sufficient guarantees for your use case if you don't need to know the exact width, such as int_least8_t or int_fast8_t. Those leave the implementation some more freedom, making them more portable.
However, if you are targeting a platform on which common integer types do not exist, you should know that in advance anyway; so it is not worth spending too much time working around those most likely irrelevant issues. Those platforms are relatively exotic.

Why isn't there an endianness modifier in C++ like there is for signedness?

(I guess this question could apply to many typed languages, but I chose to use C++ as an example.)
Why is there no way to just write:
struct foo {
little int x; // little-endian
big long int y; // big-endian
short z; // native endianness
to specify the endianness for specific members, variables and parameters?
Comparison to signedness
I understand that the type of a variable not only determines how many bytes are used to store a value but also how those bytes are interpreted when performing computations.
For example, these two declarations each allocate one byte, and for both bytes, every possible 8-bit sequence is a valid value:
signed char s;
unsigned char u;
but the same binary sequence might be interpreted differently, e.g. 11111111 would mean -1 when assigned to s but 255 when assigned to u. When signed and unsigned variables are involved in the same computation, the compiler (mostly) takes care of proper conversions.
In my understanding, endianness is just a variation of the same principle: a different interpretation of a binary pattern based on compile-time information about the memory in which it will be stored.
It seems obvious to have that feature in a typed language that allows low-level programming. However, this is not a part of C, C++ or any other language I know, and I did not find any discussion about this online.
I'll try to summarize some takeaways from the many comments that I got in the first hour after asking:
signedness is strictly binary (either signed or unsigned) and will always be, in contrast to endianness, which also has two well-known variants (big and little), but also lesser-known variants such as mixed/middle endian. New variants might be invented in the future.
endianness matters when accessing multiple-byte values byte-wise. There are many aspects beyond just endianness that affect the memory layout of multi-byte structures, so this kind of access is mostly discouraged.
C++ aims to target an abstract machine and minimize the number of assumptions about the implementation. This abstract machine does not have any endianness.
Also, now I realize that signedness and endianness are not a perfect analogy, because:
endianness only defines how something is represented as a binary sequence, but now what can be represented. Both big int and little int would have the exact same value range.
signedness defines how bits and actual values map to each other, but also affects what can be represented, e.g. -3 can't be represented by an unsigned char and (assuming that char has 8 bits) 130 can't be represented by a signed char.
So that changing the endianness of some variables would never change the behavior of the program (except for byte-wise access), whereas a change of signedness usually would.
What the standard says
The semantic descriptions in this document define a parameterized nondeterministic abstract machine.
This document places no requirement on the structure of conforming implementations.
In particular, they need not copy or emulate the structure of the abstract machine.
Rather, conforming implementations are required to emulate (only) the observable behavior of the abstract machine as explained below.
C++ could not define an endianness qualifier since it has no concept of endianness.
About the difference between signness and endianness, OP wrote
In my understanding, endianness is just a variation of the same principle [(signness)]: a different interpretation of a binary pattern based on compile-time information about the memory in which it will be stored.
I'd argue signness both have a semantic and a representative aspect1. What [intro.abstract]/1 implies is that C++ only care about semantic, and never addresses the way a signed number should be represented in memory2. Actually, "sign bit" only appears once in the C++ specs and refer to an implementation-defined value.
On the other hand, endianness only have a representative aspect: endianness conveys no meaning.
With C++20, std::endian appears. It is still implementation-defined, but let us test the endian of the host without depending on old tricks based on undefined behaviour.
1) Semantic aspect: an signed integer can represent values below zero; representative aspect: one need to, for example, reserve a bit to convey the positive/negative sign.
2) In the same vein, C++ never describe how a floating point number should be represented, IEEE-754 is often used, but this is a choice made by the implementation, in any case enforced by the standard: [basic.fundamental]/8 "The value representation of floating-point types is implementation-defined".
In addition to YSC's answer, let's take your sample code, and consider what it might aim to achieve
struct foo {
little int x; // little-endian
big long int y; // big-endian
short z; // native endianness
You might hope that this would exactly specify layout for architecture-independent data interchange (file, network, whatever)
But this can't possibly work, because several things are still unspecified:
data type size: you'd have to use little int32_t, big int64_t and int16_t respectively, if that's what you want
padding and alignment, which cannot be controlled strictly within the language: use #pragma or __attribute__((packed)) or some other compiler-specific extension
actual format (1s- or 2s-complement signedness, floating-point type layout, trap representations)
Alternatively, you might simply want to reflect the endianness of some specified hardware - but big and little don't cover all the possibilities here (just the two most common).
So, the proposal is incomplete (it doesn't distinguish all reasonable byte-ordering arrangements), ineffective (it doesn't achieve what it sets out to), and has additional drawbacks:
Changing the endianness of a variable from the native byte ordering should either disable arithmetic, comparisons etc (since the hardware cannot correctly perform them on this type), or must silently inject more code, creating natively-ordered temporaries to work on.
The argument here isn't that manually converting to/from native byte order is faster, it's that controlling it explicitly makes it easier to minimise the number of unnecessary conversions, and much easier to reason about how code will behave, than if the conversions are implicit.
Everything overloaded or specialized for integer types now needs twice as many versions, to cope with the rare event that it gets passed a non-native-endianness value. Even if that's just a forwarding wrapper (with a couple of casts to translate to/from native ordering), it's still a lot of code for no discernible benefit.
The final argument against changing the language to support this is that you can easily do it in code. Changing the language syntax is a big deal, and doesn't offer any obvious benefit over something like a type wrapper:
// store T with reversed byte order
template <typename T>
class Reversed {
T val_;
static T reverse(T); // platform-specific implementation
explicit Reversed(T t) : val_(reverse(t)) {}
Reversed(Reversed const &other) : val_(other.val_) {}
// assignment, move, arithmetic, comparison etc. etc.
operator T () const { return reverse(val_); }
Integers (as a mathematical concept) have the concept of positive and negative numbers. This abstract concept of sign has a number of different implementations in hardware.
Endianness is not a mathematical concept. Little-endian is a hardware implementation trick to improve the performance of multi-byte twos-complement integer arithmetic on a microprocessor with 16 or 32 bit registers and an 8-bit memory bus. Its creation required using the term big-endian to describe everything else that had the same byte-order in registers and in memory.
The C abstract machine includes the concept of signed and unsigned integers, without details -- without requiring twos-complement arithmetic, 8-bit bytes or how to store a binary number in memory.
PS: I agree that binary data compatibility on the net or in memory/storage is a PIA.
That's a good question and I have often thought something like this would be useful. However you need to remember that C aims for platform independence and endianness is only important when a structure like this is converted into some underlying memory layout. This conversion can happen when you cast a uint8_t buffer into an int for example. While an endianness modifier looks neat the programmer still needs to consider other platform differences such as int sizes and structure alignment and packing.
For defensive programming when you want find grain control over how some variables or structures are represented in a memory buffer then it is best to code explicit conversion functions and then let the compiler optimiser generate the most efficient code for each supported platform.
Endianness is not inherently a part of a data type but rather of its storage layout.
As such, it would not be really akin to signed/unsigned but rather more like bit field widths in structs. Similar to those, they could be used for defining binary APIs.
So you'd have something like
int ip : big 32;
which would define both storage layout and integer size, leaving it to the compiler to do the best job of matching use of the field to its access. It's not obvious to me what the allowed declarations should be.
Short Answer: if it should not be possible to use objects in arithmetic expressions (with no overloaded operators) involving ints, then these objects should not be integer types. And there is no point in allowing addition and multiplication of big-endian and little-endian ints in the same expression.
Longer Answer:
As someone mentioned, endianness is processor-specific. Which really means that this is how numbers are represented when they are used as numbers in the machine language (as addresses and as operands/results of arithmetic operations).
The same is "sort of" true of signage. But not to the same degree. Conversion from language-semantic signage to processor-accepted signage is something that needs to be done to use numbers as numbers. Conversion from big-endian to little-endian and reverse is something that needs to be done to use numbers as data (send them over the network or represent metadata about data sent over the network such as payload lengths).
Having said that, this decision appears to be mostly driven by use cases. The flip side is that there is a good pragmatic reason to ignore certain use cases. The pragmatism arises out of the fact that endianness conversion is more expensive than most arithmetic operations.
If a language had semantics for keeping numbers as little-endian, it would allow developers to shoot themselves in the foot by forcing little-endianness of numbers in a program which does a lot of arithmetic. If developed on a little-endian machine, this enforcing of endianness would be a no-op. But when ported to a big-endian machine, there would a lot of unexpected slowdowns. And if the variables in question were used both for arithmetic and as network data, it would make the code completely non-portable.
Not having these endian semantics or forcing them to be explicitly compiler-specific forces the developers to go through the mental step of thinking of the numbers as being "read" or "written" to/from the network format. This would make the code which converts back and forth between network and host byte order, in the middle of arithmetic operations, cumbersome and less likely to be the preferred way of writing by a lazy developer.
And since development is a human endeavor, making bad choices uncomfortable is a Good Thing(TM).
Edit: here's an example of how this can go badly:
Assume that little_endian_int32 and big_endian_int32 types are introduced. Then little_endian_int32(7) % big_endian_int32(5) is a constant expression. What is its result? Do the numbers get implicitly converted to the native format? If not, what is the type of the result? Worse yet, what is the value of the result (which in this case should probably be the same on every machine)?
Again, if multi-byte numbers are used as plain data, then char arrays are just as good. Even if they are "ports" (which are really lookup values into tables or their hashes), they are just sequences of bytes rather than integer types (on which one can do arithmetic).
Now if you limit the allowed arithmetic operations on explicitly-endian numbers to only those operations allowed for pointer types, then you might have a better case for predictability. Then myPort + 5 actually makes sense even if myPort is declared as something like little_endian_int16 on a big endian machine. Same for lastPortInRange - firstPortInRange + 1. If the arithmetic works as it does for pointer types, then this would do what you'd expect, but firstPort * 10000 would be illegal.
Then, of course, you get into the argument of whether the feature bloat is justified by any possible benefit.
From a pragmatic programmer perspective searching Stack Overflow, it's worth noting that the spirit of this question can be answered with a utility library. Boost has such a library:
The feature of the library most like the language feature under discussion is a set of arithmetic types such as big_int16_t.
Because nobody has proposed to add it to the standard, and/or because compiler implementer have never felt a need for it.
Maybe you could propose it to the committee. I do not think it is difficult to implement it in a compiler: compilers already propose fundamental types that are not fundamental types for the target machine.
The development of C++ is an affair of all C++ coders.
#Schimmel. Do not listen to people who justify the status quo! All the cited arguments to justify this absence are more than fragile. A student logician could find their inconsistence without knowing anything about computer science. Just propose it, and just don't care about pathological conservatives. (Advise: propose new types rather than a qualifier because the unsigned and signed keywords are considered mistakes).
Endianness is compiler specific as a result of being machine specific, not as a support mechanism for platform independence. The standard -- is an abstraction that has no regard for imposing rules that make things "easy" -- its task is to create similarity between compilers that allows the programmer to create "platform independence" for their code -- if they choose to do so.
Initially, there was a lot of competition between platforms for market share and also -- compilers were most often written as proprietary tools by microprocessor manufacturers and to support operating systems on specific hardware platforms. Intel was likely not very concerned about writing compilers that supported Motorola microprocessors.
C was -- after all -- invented by Bell Labs to rewrite Unix.

Uses and when to use int16_t,int32_t,int64_t and respectively short int,int,long int,long

Uses and when to use int16_t, int32_t, int64_t and respectively short, int, long.
There are too many damn types in C++. For integers when is it correct to use one over the other?
Use the well-defined types when the precision is important. Use the less-determinate ones when it is not. It's never wrong to use the more precise ones. It sometimes leads to bugs when you use the flexible ones.
Use the exact-width types when you actually need an exact width. For example, int32_t is guaranteed to be exactly 32 bits wide, with no padding bits, and with a two's-complement representation. If you need all those requirements (perhaps because they're imposed by an external data format), use int32_t. Likewise for the other [u]intN_t types.
If you merely need a signed integer type of at least 32 bits, use int_least32_t or int_fast32_t, depending on whether you want to optimize for size or speed. (They're likely to be the same type.)
Use the predefined types short, int, long, et al when they're good enough for your purposes and you don't want to use the longer names. short and int are both guaranteed to be at least 16 bits, long at least 32 bits, and long long at least 64 bits. int is normally the "natural" integer type suggested by the system's architecture; you can think of it as int_fast16_t, and long as int_fast32_t, though they're not guaranteed to be the same.
I haven't given firm criteria for using the built-in vs. the [u]int_leastN_t and [u]int_fastN_t types because, frankly, there are no such criteria. If the choice isn't imposed by the API you're using or by your organization's coding standard, it's really a matter of personal taste. Just try to be consistent.
This is a good question, but hard to answer.
In one line: It depends to context:
My rule of thumb:
I'd prefer code performance (speed: less time, then less complexity)
When using existing library I'd follow the library coding style (context).
When coding in a team I'd follow the team coding style (context).
When coding new things I'd use int16_t,int32_t,int64_t,.. when ever possible.
using int (int is system word size) in some context give you performance, but in some other context not.
I'd use uint64_t over unsigned long long because it is concise, but when ever possible.
So It depends to context
A use that I have found for them is when I am bitpacking data for, say, an image compressor. Using these types that precisely specify the number of bytes can save a lot of headache, since the C++ standard does not explicitly define the number of bytes in its types, only the MIN and MAX ranges.
In MISRA-C 2004 and MISRA-C++ 2008 guidelines, the advisory is to prefer specific-length typedefs:
typedefs that indicate size and signedness should be used in place of
the basic numerical types. [...]
This rule helps to clarify the size
of the storage, but does not guarantee portability because of the
asymmetric behaviour of integral promotion. [...]
Exception is for char type :
The plain char type shall be used only for the storage and use of character values.
However, keep in mind that the MISRA guidelines are for critical systems.
Personally, I follow these guidelines for embedded systems, not for computer applications where I simply use an int when I want an integer, letting the compiler optimize as it wants.

Why is uint_8 etc. used in C/C++?

I've seen some code where they don't use primitive types int, float, double etc. directly.
They usually typedef it and use it or use things like
uint_8 etc.
Is it really necessary even these days? Or is C/C++ standardized enough that it is preferable to use int, float etc directly.
Because the types like char, short, int, long, and so forth, are ambiguous: they depend on the underlying hardware. Back in the days when C was basically considered an assembler language for people in a hurry, this was okay. Now, in order to write programs that are portable -- which means "programs that mean the same thing on any machine" -- people have built special libraries of typedefs and #defines that allow them to make machine-independent definitions.
The secret code is really quite straight-forward. Here, you have uint_8, which is interpreted
u for unsigned
int to say it's treated as a number
_8 for the size in bits.
In other words, this is an unsigned integer with 8 bits (minimum) or what we used to call, in the mists of C history, an "unsigned char".
uint8_t is rather useless, because due to other requirements in the standard, it exists if and only if unsigned char is 8-bit, in which case you could just use unsigned char. The others, however, are extremely useful. int is (and will probably always be) 32-bit on most modern platforms, but on some ancient stuff it's 16-bit, and on a few rare early 64-bit systems, int is 64-bit. It could also of course be various odd sizes on DSPs.
If you want a 32-bit type, use int32_t or uint32_t, and so on. It's a lot cleaner and easier than all the nasty legacy hacks of detecting the sizes of types and trying to use the right one yourself...
Most code I read, and write, uses the fixed-size typedefs only when the size is an important assumption in the code.
For example if you're parsing a binary protocol that has two 32-bit fields, you should use a typedef guaranteed to be 32-bit, if only as documentation.
I'd only use int16 or int64 when the size must be that, say for a binary protocol or to avoid overflow or keep a struct small. Otherwise just use int.
If you're just doing "int i" to use i in a for loop, then I would not write "int32" for that. I would never expect any "typical" (meaning "not weird embedded firmware") C/C++ code to see a 16-bit "int," and the vast majority of C/C++ code out there would implode if faced with 16-bit ints. So if you start to care about "int" being 16 bit, either you're writing code that cares about weird embedded firmware stuff, or you're sort of a language pedant. Just assume "int" is the best int for the platform at hand and don't type extra noise in your code.
The sizes of types in C are not particularly well standardized. 64-bit integers are one example: a 64-bit integer could be long long, __int64, or even int on some systems. To get better portability, C99 introduced the <stdint.h> header, which has types like int32_t to get a signed type that is exactly 32 bits; many programs had their own, similar sets of typedefs before that.
C and C++ purposefully don't define the exact size of an int. This is because of a number of reasons, but that's not important in considering this problem.
Since int isn't set to a standard size, those who want a standard size must do a bit of work to guarantee a certain number of bits. The code that defines uint_8 does that work, and without it (or a technique like it) you wouldn't have a means of defining an unsigned 8 bit number.
The width of primitive types often depends on the system, not just the C++ standard or compiler. If you want true consistency across platforms when you're doing scientific computing, for example, you should use the specific uint_8 or whatever so that the same errors (or precision errors for floats) appear on different machines, so that the memory overhead is the same, etc.
C and C++ don't restrict the exact size of the numeric types, the standards only specify a minimum range of values that has to be represented. This means that int can be larger than you expect.
The reason for this is that often a particular architecture will have a size for which arithmetic works faster than other sizes. Allowing the implementor to use this size for int and not forcing it to use a narrower type may make arithmetic with ints faster.
This isn't going to go away any time soon. Even once servers and desktops are all fully transitioned to 64-bit platforms, mobile and embedded platforms may well be operating with a different integer size. Apart from anything else, you don't know what architectures might be released in the future. If you want your code to be portable, you have to use a fixed-size typedef anywhere that the type size is important to you.

What platforms have something other than 8-bit char?

Every now and then, someone on SO points out that char (aka 'byte') isn't necessarily 8 bits.
It seems that 8-bit char is almost universal. I would have thought that for mainstream platforms, it is necessary to have an 8-bit char to ensure its viability in the marketplace.
Both now and historically, what platforms use a char that is not 8 bits, and why would they differ from the "normal" 8 bits?
When writing code, and thinking about cross-platform support (e.g. for general-use libraries), what sort of consideration is it worth giving to platforms with non-8-bit char?
In the past I've come across some Analog Devices DSPs for which char is 16 bits. DSPs are a bit of a niche architecture I suppose. (Then again, at the time hand-coded assembler easily beat what the available C compilers could do, so I didn't really get much experience with C on that platform.)
char is also 16 bit on the Texas Instruments C54x DSPs, which turned up for example in OMAP2. There are other DSPs out there with 16 and 32 bit char. I think I even heard about a 24-bit DSP, but I can't remember what, so maybe I imagined it.
Another consideration is that POSIX mandates CHAR_BIT == 8. So if you're using POSIX you can assume it. If someone later needs to port your code to a near-implementation of POSIX, that just so happens to have the functions you use but a different size char, that's their bad luck.
In general, though, I think it's almost always easier to work around the issue than to think about it. Just type CHAR_BIT. If you want an exact 8 bit type, use int8_t. Your code will noisily fail to compile on implementations which don't provide one, instead of silently using a size you didn't expect. At the very least, if I hit a case where I had a good reason to assume it, then I'd assert it.
When writing code, and thinking about cross-platform support (e.g. for general-use libraries), what sort of consideration is it worth giving to platforms with non-8-bit char?
It's not so much that it's "worth giving consideration" to something as it is playing by the rules. In C++, for example, the standard says all bytes will have "at least" 8 bits. If your code assumes that bytes have exactly 8 bits, you're violating the standard.
This may seem silly now -- "of course all bytes have 8 bits!", I hear you saying. But lots of very smart people have relied on assumptions that were not guarantees, and then everything broke. History is replete with such examples.
For instance, most early-90s developers assumed that a particular no-op CPU timing delay taking a fixed number of cycles would take a fixed amount of clock time, because most consumer CPUs were roughly equivalent in power. Unfortunately, computers got faster very quickly. This spawned the rise of boxes with "Turbo" buttons -- whose purpose, ironically, was to slow the computer down so that games using the time-delay technique could be played at a reasonable speed.
One commenter asked where in the standard it says that char must have at least 8 bits. It's in section This section defines CHAR_BIT, the number of bits in the smallest addressable entity, and has a default value of 8. It also says:
Their implementation-defined values shall be equal or greater in magnitude (absolute value) to those shown, with the same sign.
So any number equal to 8 or higher is suitable for substitution by an implementation into CHAR_BIT.
Machines with 36-bit architectures have 9-bit bytes. According to Wikipedia, machines with 36-bit architectures include:
Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-6/10
IBM 701/704/709/7090/7094
UNIVAC 1103/1103A/1105/1100/2200,
A few of which I'm aware:
DEC PDP-10: variable, but most often 7-bit chars packed 5 per 36-bit word, or else 9 bit chars, 4 per word
Control Data mainframes (CDC-6400, 6500, 6600, 7600, Cyber 170, Cyber 176 etc.) 6-bit chars, packed 10 per 60-bit word.
Unisys mainframes: 9 bits/byte
Windows CE: simply doesn't support the `char` type at all -- requires 16-bit wchar_t instead
There is no such thing as a completely portable code. :-)
Yes, there may be various byte/char sizes. Yes, there may be C/C++ implementations for platforms with highly unusual values of CHAR_BIT and UCHAR_MAX. Yes, sometimes it is possible to write code that does not depend on char size.
However, almost any real code is not standalone. E.g. you may be writing a code that sends binary messages to network (protocol is not important). You may define structures that contain necessary fields. Than you have to serialize it. Just binary copying a structure into an output buffer is not portable: generally you don't know neither the byte order for the platform, nor structure members alignment, so the structure just holds the data, but not describes the way the data should be serialized.
Ok. You may perform byte order transformations and move the structure members (e.g. uint32_t or similar) using memcpy into the buffer. Why memcpy? Because there is a lot of platforms where it is not possible to write 32-bit (16-bit, 64-bit -- no difference) when the target address is not aligned properly.
So, you have already done a lot to achieve portability.
And now the final question. We have a buffer. The data from it is sent to TCP/IP network. Such network assumes 8-bit bytes. The question is: of what type the buffer should be? If your chars are 9-bit? If they are 16-bit? 24? Maybe each char corresponds to one 8-bit byte sent to network, and only 8 bits are used? Or maybe multiple network bytes are packed into 24/16/9-bit chars? That's a question, and it is hard to believe there is a single answer that fits all cases. A lot of things depend on socket implementation for the target platform.
So, what I am speaking about. Usually code may be relatively easily made portable to certain extent. It's very important to do so if you expect using the code on different platforms. However, improving portability beyond that measure is a thing that requires a lot of effort and often gives little, as the real code almost always depends on other code (socket implementation in the example above). I am sure that for about 90% of code ability to work on platforms with bytes other than 8-bit is almost useless, for it uses environment that is bound to 8-bit. Just check the byte size and perform compilation time assertion. You almost surely will have to rewrite a lot for a highly unusual platform.
But if your code is highly "standalone" -- why not? You may write it in a way that allows different byte sizes.
It appears that you can still buy an IM6100 (i.e. a PDP-8 on a chip) out of a warehouse. That's a 12-bit architecture.
Many DSP chips have 16- or 32-bit char. TI routinely makes such chips for example.
The C and C++ programming languages, for example, define byte as "addressable unit of data large enough to hold any member of the basic character set of the execution environment" (clause 3.6 of the C standard). Since the C char integral data type must contain at least 8 bits (clause, a byte in C is at least capable of holding 256 different values. Various implementations of C and C++ define a byte as 8, 9, 16, 32, or 36 bits
Quoted from
Not sure about other languages though.
Defines a byte on that machine to be variable length
The DEC PDP-8 family had a 12 bit word although you usually used 8 bit ASCII for output (on a Teletype mostly). However, there was also a 6-BIT character code that allowed you to encode 2 chars in a single 12-bit word.
For one, Unicode characters are longer than 8-bit. As someone mentioned earlier, the C spec defines data types by their minimum sizes. Use sizeof and the values in limits.h if you want to interrogate your data types and discover exactly what size they are for your configuration and architecture.
For this reason, I try to stick to data types like uint16_t when I need a data type of a particular bit length.
Edit: Sorry, I initially misread your question.
The C spec says that a char object is "large enough to store any member of the execution character set". limits.h lists a minimum size of 8 bits, but the definition leaves the max size of a char open.
Thus, the a char is at least as long as the largest character from your architecture's execution set (typically rounded up to the nearest 8-bit boundary). If your architecture has longer opcodes, your char size may be longer.
Historically, the x86 platform's opcode was one byte long, so char was initially an 8-bit value. Current x86 platforms support opcodes longer than one byte, but the char is kept at 8 bits in length since that's what programmers (and the large volumes of existing x86 code) are conditioned to.
When thinking about multi-platform support, take advantage of the types defined in stdint.h. If you use (for instance) a uint16_t, then you can be sure that this value is an unsigned 16-bit value on whatever architecture, whether that 16-bit value corresponds to a char, short, int, or something else. Most of the hard work has already been done by the people who wrote your compiler/standard libraries.
If you need to know the exact size of a char because you are doing some low-level hardware manipulation that requires it, I typically use a data type that is large enough to hold a char on all supported platforms (usually 16 bits is enough) and run the value through a convert_to_machine_char routine when I need the exact machine representation. That way, the platform-specific code is confined to the interface function and most of the time I can use a normal uint16_t.
what sort of consideration is it worth giving to platforms with non-8-bit char?
magic numbers occur e.g. when shifting;
most of these can be handled quite simply
by using CHAR_BIT and e.g. UCHAR_MAX instead of 8 and 255 (or similar).
hopefully your implementation defines those :)
those are the "common" issues.....
another indirect issue is say you have:
struct xyz {
uchar baz;
uchar blah;
uchar buzz;
this might "only" take (best case) 24 bits on one platform,
but might take e.g. 72 bits elsewhere.....
if each uchar held "bit flags" and each uchar only had 2 "significant" bits or flags that
you were currently using, and you only organized them into 3 uchars for "clarity",
then it might be relatively "more wasteful" e.g. on a platform with 24-bit uchars.....
nothing bitfields can't solve, but they have other things to watch out
for ....
in this case, just a single enum might be a way to get the "smallest"
sized integer you actually need....
perhaps not a real example, but stuff like this "bit" me when porting / playing with some code.....
just the fact that if a uchar is thrice as big as what is "normally" expected,
100 such structures might waste a lot of memory on some platforms.....
where "normally" it is not a big deal.....
so things can still be "broken" or in this case "waste a lot of memory very quickly" due
to an assumption that a uchar is "not very wasteful" on one platform, relative to RAM available, than on another platform.....
the problem might be more prominent e.g. for ints as well, or other types,
e.g. you have some structure that needs 15 bits, so you stick it in an int,
but on some other platform an int is 48 bits or whatever.....
"normally" you might break it into 2 uchars, but e.g. with a 24-bit uchar
you'd only need one.....
so an enum might be a better "generic" solution ....
depends on how you are accessing those bits though :)
so, there might be "design flaws" that rear their head....
even if the code might still work/run fine regardless of the
size of a uchar or uint...
there are things like this to watch out for, even though there
are no "magic numbers" in your code ...
hope this makes sense :)
The weirdest one I saw was the CDC computers. 6 bit characters but with 65 encodings. [There were also more than one character set -- you choose the encoding when you install the OS.]
If a 60 word ended with 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 40, or 48 bits of zero, that was the end of line character (e.g. '\n').
Since the 00 (octal) character was : in some code sets, that meant BNF that used ::= was awkward if the :: fell in the wrong column. [This long preceded C++ and other common uses of ::.]
ints used to be 16 bits (pdp11, etc.). Going to 32 bit architectures was hard. People are getting better: Hardly anyone assumes a pointer will fit in a long any more (you don't right?). Or file offsets, or timestamps, or ...
8 bit characters are already somewhat of an anachronism. We already need 32 bits to hold all the world's character sets.
The Univac 1100 series had two operational modes: 6-bit FIELDATA and 9-bit 'ASCII' packed 6 or 4 characters respectively into 36-bit words. You chose the mode at program execution time (or compile time.) It's been a lot of years since I actually worked on them.