i want to extract the link from this input field for use them after in the code!.
I want to find a RegEx that allows me to find a specific text between HTML table tags.
I have: This is a test text <tr><td>text inside table</td></tr> and I want the RegEx to return me just the second 'text' because it is inside the table.
I have tried <tr>(text)<\/tr> but returns nothing.
It needs to be done with RegEx it cannot be done with a HTML parser
Your <tr>(text)<\/tr> matches only <tr>text</tr>, but you have other text around.
So you need <tr>.*?(text).*?<\/tr> for that
sample of a user entered text paragraph is below. Users can insert a video link under [vinsert]......[/vinsert] tags. I wanted to extract the id number from inner text and replace all text from start to end of the tag so a video will display. Users can insert one or more inserts.
Dim MyStr2 As String = "Sample text [vinsert]http://www.example.com/video/34760/mytestvideo.aspx[/vinsert] Sample text sample text "
[vinsert]http://www.example.com/video/66779/testing.aspx[/vinsert] -> vidid => 666779 or 34760 is a variable which I need to extract and make a database call to find the video filename.
Dim filename As string
Select filename from myvideotable where id = vidid
I wanted to replace the [vinsert]......[/vinsert] to become the text as below.
<div class="myClass"><iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.example.com/embed/<%= filename%>" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>
I tried to use this without success: Regex, everything between 2 html tags vb.net Any help would be appreciated!
You want to use lookahead and look behind. This regex pattern should work
I am trying to pull a value from my HTML Source code and use it as a Grep Extract.
Using Burp Suite's 'Grep - Extract', how do I extract the following text value (in this case the text is hello, but it changes every time and I want to be able to extract the value of text=)?
<div id="CaptchaImage">
<img src="Captcha.ashx?text=hello">
Define at start and end?
Or Extract from regex group?
I can't seem to get this to work.
Define at start and end, start after expression src="Captcha.ashx?text=, end at delimiter ".
Alternatively, define from regex group src="Captcha.ashx\?text=([^"]+)". And here's hoping I didn't forget any backslashes in there.
I want to grab the text between html tags using Dreamweaver's search and replace tool.
The link format is a standard a tag e.g.
Text and Text 2
I am using the following expression:
This works fine for example 1, but it picks up everything between the first opening tag <a href and the last closing tag </a> in the case of example 2.
What can I do to just targeting each individual link?
Also, what can I do in the case of example 3 where links also have a target="_blank" property?
if you just want the "Text" in the body of the tag
would work
if you also want the href
I would like to use YQL to extract textual Ids from particular paragraph divs on a webpage. The id is in the form "ApplicationRef:NNN". The basic query I use is along the lines of:
select content from html where url="..." and content matches "ApplicationRef*"
which returns the whole of the paragraph containing that text. However, I'd like to further process the result so that the query returns just the NNN part of each paragraph instead. Is this possible?
I realise that I can process the result from the YQL query further locally, but it would be neater if I can do all the processing in one go within the YQL query itself.