No configure file to make static version of qt - c++

I want to deploy my qt program using static linking following this documentation:
When I try the command "./configure -static -prefix /usr/bin", I get an error:
"bash: ./configure: No such file or directory"
I understand that happens because there is no configure file. In the documentation it says "/path/to/Qt". /usr/bin seems to be the path where qt is installed.
Why is it not working? Am I in the wrong directory?
I wrote the application in C++ using the Qt Creator on a Raspberry Pi 2 with Raspbian Jessie. I want to deploy it so I can use it on another Raspberry that has minimal functionality without desktop-gui or qtcreator installed. I am using Raspbian Jessie Lite on that one.

I had this same problem after installing qt creator 5.10.
The qt directory does not have a configure file. However, the source directory for qt does.
In my installation, that is:
If you cd into that directory, you can run the ./configure command. At least i am able to.


Build qt for raspberry pi3 arm64

I try to set up a cross compile build environment for raspberry-pi3 qt5.12 application. The target will run ubuntu 64bits (raspberry version) os and the host runs ubuntu 18.04 x86-64. I tried several tutorials found on the internet like this one :
I try to set up this environment to put CI/CD for raspi application so I'd like to set it up without the raspberry physically connected to the host, only a mounted image if possible or a qemu process.
Whatever I try to do, the qt configuration failed with the following error :
$RPI_TOOLS/..../ld: cannot find crt1.o : No such file or directory
$RPI_TOOLS/..../ld: cannot find crti.o : No such file or directory
$RPI_TOOLS/..../ld: cannot find -lm
I tried to export a $LIBRARY_PATH environment variable with the path to those files but nothing changes.
Does anyone have already compiled qt 5.12 for raspberry pi3 64bits and can give me some clues/tutorials/help on how to do it ?
Thx guys
I fix my issues with the option -xplatform linux-aarch64-gnu-arm when starting qt configure script. Before this I chroot into the raspi-rootfs with qemu-static and install the dependencies with apt.

Error deploying Qt application on OS X

I'm trying to deploy a Qt application on OS X using macdeployqt:
macdeployqt -dmg
The application uses the Qwt library, which is being included in the PRO file as follows:
macx: QWT_ROOT = /usr/local/qwt-6.1.0
include ( $${QWT_ROOT}/features/qwt.prf )
When I run the macdeployqt command I get the following error message:
ERROR: no file at "/Library/Frameworks/qwt.framework/Versions/6/qwt.framework/Versions/6/qwt"
I'm not sure but it seems the deployment step is looking for the Qwt library on the wrong path, for example:
When it should be:
How can I solve it?
I have uninstalled other qt versions using brew list, brew remove qt and brew remove qt5. I also noted that I had pyqt installed (and I was not using it), so I also remove it using brew remove pyqt.
Then, I have reinstalled Qt 5.3.2 and had other issues:
Project ERROR: Xcode not set up properly. You may need to confirm the license agreement by running /usr/bin/xcodebuild.
Which was solved changing the isEmpty($$list($$system("/usr/bin/xcrun -find xcrun 2>/dev/null"))) command from the Qt_install_folder/5.7/clang_64/mkspecs/features/mac/default_pre.prf file to isEmpty($$list($$system("/usr/bin/xcrun -find xcodebuild 2>/dev/null"))), as explained here: Qt Creator - Project ERROR: Xcode not set up properly. You may need to confirm the license agreement by running /usr/bin/xcodebuild
Could not resolve SDK path for 'macosx10.8'
That was solved by changing the QtPath/5.3/clang_64/mkspecs/qdevice.pri from !host_build:QMAKE_MAC_SDK = macosx10.8 to !host_build:QMAKE_MAC_SDK = macosx10.12, as explained here: Error: Could not resolve SDK path for 'macosx10.8'
So, I run the command from my Qt directory:
/Users/kuser/Qt5.3.2/5.3/clang_64/bin/macdeployqt -dmg
and it worked.
I found these solutions in comments from the following question:
Qt5 cannot find platform plugins Mac OS X
Note: this does not solve the macdeployqt error directly, but as it is part of the Qt installation, reinstalling it solved my problem.

Error when trying to deploy Qt application using shared libraries

I tried to deploy a qt application using the shared library approach described here: (5th headline)
When I go to my project folder and type "make clean" I get this error: "make: *** No rule ro make target 'clean'. Stop"
What is the problem here?
Also: The documentation states: "We assume that you already have installed Qt as a shared library, which is the default when installing Qt, in the /path/to/Qt directory."
How can I check if I installed Qt as a shared library?
I wrote the application in C++ using the Qt Creator on a Raspberry Pi 2 with Raspbian Jessie. I want to deploy it so I can use it on another Raspberry that has minimal functionality without desktop-gui or qtcreator installed. I am using Raspbian Jessie Lite on that one.
Before running make you should have Makefile there. If you don't, run qmake to generate one. If qmake fails, you've done something really wrong with .pro file.

Qt 5.1.1 compiler setup on Ubuntu

First of all, I should point out that I've never used linux before.
I have a clean install of 64bit ubuntu, I downloaded Qt 5.1.1 for linux 64 bit from, ran the .run file, installed it and gcc which is included in that download, opened Qt Creator, made a new project and tried to compile it. It wont compile and I keep getting this error message
:-1: error: Qt Creator needs a compiler set up to build. Configure a compiler in the kit options.
I added a gcc compiler, but what do I need to put for the compiler path, platform codegen flags, platform linker flags and ABI?
You don't have to input the path of your compiler because gcc and g++ paths are available in the $PATH enovironment variable. So just use "gcc" and "g++" and that should work. Just make sure you restart Qt Creator after the installation of g++.
One more thing. You need a compiled version of Qt installed on your computer. So also install Qt libraries with
sudo apt-get install qt4-dev-tools
If you want to use the new version of the library you have to add it to $PATH. You can do this in the terminal with
export PATH=/path/to/Qt/qtbase:$PATH
And then run Qt Creator from the same terminal, in which you did the last command.
Good luck!
You will have to install the dependencies as well. I got it working when I followed the steps in the following link.
Try this:

Qt on Linux - version conflict?

Trying to move a Qt 4.6.3 project from Windows to Debian Linux (Etch). I've installed Qt by downloading the latest version, then running configure, then make install as root. Yet when I run qmake_qt4 on my project's pri file, here's what I get:
uic: File generated with too old version of Qt Designer
Running uic -v returns 4.2.1. How come? Wasn't make install supposed to put the latest Qt on the system?
By default, Qt installs to /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.6.3 and doesn't add it's bin folder to your PATH variable. Also, it's just named qmake.
Either call /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.6.3/bin/qmake using the complete path or add the /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.6.3/bin/ path to your PATH variable and ensure that it is listed there before any other path that may have a qmake. Best thing to do is to uninstall the the debian qt version if you don't need it elsewhere.